I Made The Worst Palworld Game Ever! PsychoWorld

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[Intense Coding Session] (Ignore) [More intense coding] These people.... (Ignore pt.2) [Intense Coding] ????? ;_; So because of your repeated requests, We are gonna make Palworld! Also known as Pokemon And to make this game I have another reason, We can put this game on the playstore! Because nobody will issue a copyright If Palworld sues us, it's gonna get sued too. Because it copied pokemon too. And if pokemon sues us, We'll bring Palworld into this ;) [Evil laughter] If you guys have seen Palworld, It's a very big Open-World Game. And it's most of the mechanisms are taken from Genshin Impact and Ark. Even if I make a small version of Palworld, It will take us a lot of time. So to increase the speed of the project, Two more people will work on it. Coding Sucks, and Faceless guy. Hmm.. We might face problems with him in future. So we made the game's entire structure, and if I had to give you a gist of the game's idea, It's gonna be a survival game, like Minecraft and Palworld. Where you have to survive and escape an island. We also added some unique things, which will destroy yo- Since 3 of us are working on this project, it should get finished fast. So guys, the entire structure is ready! and the structure looks pretty easy :) So let's complete the game in 2 weeks. Whaddya say? Coding Sucks: Yeah, it'll be done. Faceless Guy: .... Vab bro, why was the video so late!? Did you guys hear tha- ? Vab bro! Huh??? Say something! You deaf idiot! Vab: Huh?? Y- yeah.. What happened in "2 Weeks"? Ummmm... Nothing special, but I think my brain has gone insane Hm... Well, you were already insane but where did you get that brain??? It's a deep thought. [Ultra Smash] You'll know the reason why it took more than 2 Weeks. We divided the main tasks of the game, From my side, I have to make game's main loop, procedural generation, and AI. Oh my, procedural generation, Who the hell put procedural generation here?? I guess they gave me all the hard ones ;-; We first have to make Procedural Generation! You probably already know about this, Because Minecraft has procedural generated worlds. For those who don't have an idea, You'll know while watching the video. Before procedural Generation, an important message! WHY MAKE THINGS ALREADY MADE?!? (yoink) OhHhHh YeAahH So our procedejerly world, proposidal- prosejderly- pruh- Let's just call it PG ;) Our PG world is ready! Now you can roam around this PG world! Hours work, done in minutes. And prosejral generatio- PG. Special thing about PG, It gives you a new world every time, from a seed. Whenever you noobs can't complete a level, You can change seed and try again. No offense :3 Vab bro stop calling us noobs >:( We aren't that bad! Did you complete Skibidi Boom Baby? Remove the stupid toilet first, and then we'll clear it Get outta here! NOOB! [Evil Laughter] And this laugh is the reason you were single that day XD (Cute Moment) Creepy ahh smile ur done. Now we have to spawn vegetation in the game! To get resources for the game and improve the visuals! We already have some models for vegetation, So we'll just use them. And since it's procedurally generated, We have to pre-spawn all vegetation. And this video is sponsored by Charmed AI Charmed AI is a multi-purposed AI That can help you a lot in game development! Here, you can complete tasks that are That are really time-consuming For that, Charmed AI provides 4 different types of powerful generators, 3D Geometry Generator This can help you generate any mesh 3D Animator This will help you animate your characters, Texture generator, With this, You can generate texture for any model from AI And lastly, The Quest Builder It can help you generate as many quests you want for your game. So we can generate any mesh in the mesh generator, Almost anything you can imagine, Hi blender :) Bye blend- :) To generate geometry, You just have to enter a prompt. And if you already have some reference images, You can also use them here. And I already made some amazing models with this! Then, if you like your generated model, You can directly send it for texture generation And you can use any model here. Either one you generated, or any other model that you already have, (So Charmed AI supports it too!) But make sure it's in '.obj' format. Soon, .fbx support will be added here. And similarly, you can use prompts to generate textures. It also supports 2K textures, You can also animate them via the 3D Animator. Similarly, you can also put your own models here. So you can save your very precious time by using these generators. And even if you are a 3D modeler, It will speed up your workflow. So Charmed AI's link is in the description Please check it out once! In here, you will get Free 500 credits every week, Which can help you to explore a lot of things. Just remember to check out the licensing and attribution. And their more amazing updates are coming in the near future! So you can join their discord server for the updates. Thank you Charmed AI for sponsoring this video! It's an amazing tool. So we have made the vegetation script, We have separated the grass spawn, So that the editor doesn't crash. We now have to just feed some values here! First off, Trees! Stones! Useless Stuff! Pokemon Industry's most beautiful girl, Jessy! Grass! [Intense Coding] Br- Bro chill out! Dude your PC is gonna blow up before ours! And if your PC blows, who's gonna make GTA 6??? ....Vab bro where are we??!! I guess we're in trouble (again) Oh crap! Run Such a coward *STARTS CODING AGAIN* Hell nah dude... Our vegetation is ready! Now we're feeling somethings done. And right between all this, Coding Sucks and Faceless Guy Completed their tasks... Let me show you! Naman bro (Coding Sucks) completed our game's inventory, With all the necessary items! And also a separate inventory for monsters. So that you can track the pokemon you catch. Which I'll make soon.. And Faceless guy completed the game's farming system, So we can plant seeds and grow veggies, And eat them to get health. So our initial tasks are completed, Just don't ask the time taken. How much time did it take ;) This fool.... Fool?!? Who??! You fool! I just asked a simple question Why are you calling me a fool! I just told you to not ask the time taken, then why are you asking?!?!? And I have a reason to call you a fool ;) What? Brother are you stealing?? Yus :> THIEF THIEF! Running away with my laptop!! Shhh.. Shut up! Why are you screaming you donkey!? You literally just stole my laptop! Why should I not shout?? Hm... You look like a good thief, If you want, I can make you my partner! We'll earn lots of money ;)) Oh wow? For real?? Yes! Definitely! Look, I just stole this laptop, So whatever money I get from selling this, I'll give you 30%!! Full 30%! But as a partner, 30% is kinda less isn't it? Look, that's not how it is, I feel like you're a good man, Wait you're a man right? Yes! I can make 'O' with my pee :D Wanna see? (Yo what? O.o) No- no I'm good, I get it. Look, I think you're a good man, That's why I'm making you my partner. And also giving you 30%!! Even though I did everything myself! Now you tell me, If I robbed by myself, Shouldn't I get a bigger cut? Right? And it's very dangerous for your life too! If I wasn't able to get the laptop, I would have knocked you out with a stone! So it's pretty risk dude... Hm... Alright, if you don't want to be my partner, I'll find someone else Then I'm going, bye ;_; Woah woah! Wait You got upset! Ok, deal done from my side! But next time I want 50%! Dude you're my partner, of course :D By the way, what precious stuff do you have in your house? My mom has a big gold necklace! Oh! What's your mom's phone number?? Oh she's at aunt's house right now.. It's okay, I'll take your aunt's number too! You just sold that laptop to my dad! Now, we have to start our next task! Which is AI. Palworld and Pokemon doesen't have lots of animations, So even if we don't focus on their visuals a lot, It'll be fine. Before finalizing the monsters, We have to make their base! I mean just steal the base from Skibidi Boom Baby ;) So basic monster movement is done, But we have to add custom behavior as well, So that it feels like a pokemon. I have made some basic states for wild pokemon like idle, Patrol, Observe And Run-Away state for the coward pokemons. Here, Pokemon will just leave the w o r l d. And for now there are also some basic attack states, So that our player can take damage. Don't worry, there will be more attacks soon. I was repeatedly testing the AI because I wanted to convert it from basic to advanced. And while advancing them, a monster's data got THIS BIG! And game will have 50+ monsters, Heh. Heheheheh So guys I imported the monsters in the game, Monsters, I mean Because they'll sue me if I say pokemon. And I haven't made them Do you think I make stuff like this? I only believe in making girls- ;)) So I initialized the monsters with the AI, With animations and attacks And its working NOICE! But we still can't call it a Palworld-like game Because we can catch the monsters in Palworld And add them to our team too To implement it, First we have to add Monster Catching System This task was assigned to Faceless Guy He had already made the base of the system, So I just added some improvements and VFX, And added it to the game. So now you can capture the monster! After making monster capture I forgot this one thing, That I haven't made a single state for the captured monster :/ I do have Short Term Memory loss sometimes :3 I have also created the states for captured monsters Now you can catch monsters and also deploy them! Currently it only follows us, But if someone attacks us, Our monster starts attacking them too! There's 3 ways to make the monster attack, Throw your monster onto the other one, Secondly, just like I told you before, if some other monster attacks Our monster will attack it too. And third, our monster attacks anyone who we attack. So our friendly monster is ready! We also have to add the rest of the monsters, We have around 50 monsters And I have made the monster data object for them, To make sure every monster behaves differently. Now we just have to feed values into them. Dude, who the hell is gonna fill all this?!? Not even the data entry people enter this much data Wait... I'm not the only one working though ;) *Incoming call* *Silence* Uhh I have a small update, Faceless Guy had to leave the project for some reason, That's why we cannot talk to them right now. I'll show you the systems they made later on, If they exist o.o I just made the scriptable objects for monster data, So what I'm saying is let's switch our roles :D Whaddya say? Yes bro sure :D I was thinking about that too! I have made the scriptable objects for the game's items, Just have to feed data there. H- How many items? About 101 :) (hell nah dude) Alright jumpers, We should always do our own work :3 And never depend on someone else!! S- so I have fed all the data into the monsters >_> I hate thi- Now I have released the monsters on the map, Now we can explore the monsters in the game! And I can only show you guys a few monsters, So the game is fun to play and not spoiled. But before that, let's add some villagers, Who will protect this world from YOU >:( I don't trust ya'll, you guys poke your nose everywhere Both of us know you love destruction, That how much you want to destroy the environment and monsters, And in the game I want to destroy yo- So I have added some non-villager models, Like a gang ;) The moment you approach them, they will beat you black and blue And you can find them aywhere on the map randomly So carefully, whenever you pass them, then- And I have also made 4 types of monster balls, To catch the monsters. Where each ball has different levels, To catch a monster you have to take a ball of appropriate level. Like for example, here we have the highest level of ball. And with this ball we can catch any monster. So now let's catch these monsters But before that... Ugh I literally lost track of time while dancing And the monster ran away too >:C It's okay, this place doesn't lack monsters. We'll find another one. Here's the ball and.. Wait wait wait! Pehla Dav Devacha! Wait what??? Vab bro what is this???! How did you catch a living person?? Solve this bug, NOW! >:( What bug? The one that just happened! Oh, that's a feature :P When did THAT happen??? Right in just front of you! Huh?? So normal monsters and gang is complete, now time for, Monster Boss! For the bosses I made 4 different types of models in blender, And I definitely haven't taken mewto as a reference ;)) *coughs* We'll be back to this one soon... This is Abacis, Our game's main boss! This is Girus, Ok look, I don't know naming in English alright? ;_; So don't make fun of me >.< If I had to name it in Hindi, I'd name it Gulabi Pakshi (Pink Bird) And they are the game's second boss. This is Ledinja, Our game's third main boss And I accidently gave her a female physique, And she looks pretty fine though hehe ;) Vab Bro the clothes on this is one great! Thank you, brother, Glad you liked something... Yeah that's right... (Caught you lacking) But I didn't even say anything??! Do I look like a donkey to you? How do you know what I can see :3 ?? Let's not talk about this one. You'll just see it in the game. So I added all the bosses to the game, And they will have different attacks So stay aware of them. And they are needed to complete the game, So keep that in mind I also did this one thing for you guys, You can catch these bosses! Yus!! Give me a like and subscribe for this ;) And till this, Coding Sucks & Faceless completed their tasks too, So now we can craft and stuff in the game too! And also cook the vegetables! And if you are too lazy to do tasks, You can use your pokemon's to complete tasks. The game also has a building system, So you can make a house for yourself too! And it will protect you from night monsters. That will come to attack you at night. We also added different weapons in our game, So you guys can do different sorts of activities. Like resource collecting and attacks, Now, Sound Effects! I did add the game's inital SFX, So we won't work on it a lot, Just the SFX of one thing is left... Monsters! Unfortunately we do not have SFX for any of the monsters, Soo... I have to do it myself. Uhh don't worry we won't blunder this one like the rest! So I have created SFX for almost all monsters, Wanna hear? ["Monster"?? Noises] Wanna hear more?? [More "Monster" noises] [WHY REMAKE THINGS THAT ARE AL-] Alright you'll get to hear the rest in the game .>. I also added a thief pokemon in the game, That will steal anything that it thinks is expensive! (I'm just as confused as you) Uh I... I forgot to differentiate between pokemon and items .>. It's a featu- We also made the day and night cycle in the game, Where you can work in the day and hide in the night. From night monsters! At the night ghost pokemon will spawn, Which will kill you the moment they see you! And we took the reference from Pumpkin Panic Which is a really good game! And a few days ago on YT Community and Instagram I posted a photo of the model, Where you requested to add bloody night So I added that to the game as well. And I won't spoil you what happens there, Figure it out yourself ;) Vab add a rewind system to the game! Nah, how will I bully the players if I add that? I don't know all that, just add it Nope, I'm not adding that. If you don't add that Then I'll tell everyone that your phone wallpaper has TunTun Mou- So guys I added rewind system to the game, Which can revive you when you want to, So now the first version of game is READY! And we have put it up on playstore, So you can download it directly from there And even though I have already told you this game's name, But still, The game's name is PsychoWorld Which makes concrete sense. And it's the first alpha versions so you might find bugs, So if you find any bugs in the game, Please report it to my discord server. And PC version is also available for the game, Which you can only find on the discord server. So if you want, you can download it from there. Alright that's it for this video, Let's meet again soon, Until then, Bye! I swear- I swear this time the video will come out soon! (Leave me alone!!)
Channel: Games Of Vaibhav
Views: 584,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychoworld, psycho world, palworld, pokemon, palworld gameplay, palworld mobile, palworld mobile download, palworld free, pokemon game, pokemon mobile dowload, palworld 100 days, games of vaibhav, vaibhav, psychoworld mobile, survival game, adventure, new game, hindi game development, I Made The Worst Palworld Game Ever!, unity, minecraft
Id: nrUdo-jFclo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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