I made the most offensive Roblox avatar

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all right this might sound like a bad idea but just bear with me for a second I want to create the most offensive Roblox Avatar possible yippee um obviously I'm gonna have some limits and restraints to things I would obviously not do but the rule is it has to actually go through roblox's moderation system and not try to like weasel its way around it you know how like Roblox t-shirts just have someone with their eyes closed pressing approve We're not gonna be doing any of that let me what is this all right that's fine I'm not gonna be dressing up uh like a like a hate group or something nothing close to that I'm just gonna sometimes ugc has some weird things and I think I might be able to put together an outfit that nobody will like I'm gonna take it out on the town see what people think you know if I can't make friends maybe I'll get some attention and that's better than having friends all right something that's pretty polarizing and uh will you know make 50 of people probably not be a fan of me you know let's get political let's this is not representative of my political stance or anything like that but you know having a very controversial President right right right right on my side this will surely be a good way to divide the amount of people that I can uh associate with you know what I mean this is a good start but how do we go deeper down the pipeline I got something prepared we're gonna be a flat earther and we um you know this is just like uh like a little symbol like if you know you know it's a little dog whistle if you will I am a flat earther you know there's definitely some people who support both of these ideas so I have to now swing the other way remember I don't want anyone to like me I want everyone to hate me if I don't give them enough reasons as is um I found this pretty insane ugc 3D clothing a second ago while doing a little bit of research for this video this video took a little bit of research some of it I'll find as I go but where is it no not that kind of alien I'm looking for an alien shirt but not that kind of alien where are you all right this one this one is a little bit this one this definitely looks too much like a real body you know what I mean that's all right Count Me In all right so I don't look good with it but I do look disturbing How would how would this look like on a regular body you know I don't really like looking at this this feels a little bit odd it looks so great on here though it looks like this on that's kind of gross it's kind of it's pretty gross and YouTube if you had a problem with this this is a Roblox item demonetize all Roblox jeez this is a bit much I don't I don't know we might have to blur that all right this is this uh these makeup faces a lot of people don't like I'm not a huge fan of but it's pretty wow I mean it's well made I will say that it just looks a little bit uncandy on a Roblox Avatar especially with no head that that flat top skull usually skulls are rounded out is what I'm saying I like how they have one just straight up called ice spice I'll just throw that on that does not look like ice cream who is this this is horrifying that she looks much better than that all right I actually so try hard uh against role players the firer XD don't touch my Tail Fairy eyes glowing mad all right having the fursuit mixed with the ice spice I think it I think that's really good A lot of people don't like furries so this is this is for you all right wait we need both sides of the of politics where's Biden foreign we need head patch skyscraper head row but unfortunately it got deleted this would be definitely be the most offensive one I don't even know if I would include that in my video now that head patch has been uh let off scot-free and back in the system hey I could still put this on maybe head pets will upload another one maybe they'll bring it back headbutz got back into ugc and just started doing actually only AI generated things like they're so double you have to respect that they completely doubled down on um just not being a creative person like it's just a silhouette with a AI texture I love that glad to see you back head patch can't wait to see what your AI makes for you next hopefully another one of these so I could put in my video I'll throw a linky box on there I would I would hate I I hate whoever I see that if I see a three-year-old with this in game I Target them and I harass them no I I don't do that neither should you and don't look into me saying that okay don't watch this all right this is another political figure so that's controversial there there I found them you you'll know you'll know what this is when you see it all right wait I've made a revision I always get the best um well I always get the worst reactions when I show up 30 months pregnant when I show up to the server this pregnant people get mad at me people think they have a right to talk about what I have going on so let me go and add all the other guys this is probably very disrespectful to Ice by creating her like this all right now this is good this is really good I'm this is something I'm proud of and something my dad would be proud of me for making this what happens if I add this on top of all of it oh God that's horrifying all right well I guess this is just how we're gonna be alright and just for good measure have a couple babes with me check this out so if they don't hate anything about me they're gonna hate on My Success you know it really is insane how someone just uploaded a thing of trump right there and it got accepted but that's the point of this video there has never been a trump voting ice spice listener who is a furry who likes watching linky box who also believes in the Flat Earth theory who is pregnant with a horrible skin disease and also gets a lot of babes so all right here we are dude it deleted my pregnancy it's either I have the skin disease or I have a baby Brewing inside of me because it doesn't let you wear two of the same ugc items so I think I'm gonna settle for the skin disease for now hello friends do you believe in the Flat Earth theory no I don't yeah you're brainwashed you think the Earth's flat goofy I don't think it I know it you don't fall off at a certain point yes dude Lily all right put a picture of the Flat Earth you would totally fall off of that says who science you're an ugly ice spice I don't even know what to say I'm speechless you know what I'm gonna go watch lanky box you guys are stressing me out right now you just said Put it you just why you just tell me to die in like in a little code I don't like that all right well people attack me if they have the option to this is the real test because uh sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me so well people actually hurt me I don't want to say over what I believe in because there's some things I don't believe in here but over what they think I stand for hey what's wrong little buddy someone kill me he hit a woman Kobe man stop passing me around like that oh great don't play that song I don't like this I gotta get out of here stop okay I'll go back and I'll go back and I'll go back in whoa good to know I'm safe with these strong men foreign oh I need to put you out of your misery oops a flat Earth all right well I've kind of voided my experiment because now ah you wouldn't hurt a lady would you no get away from my ekit and oh my God I wish I wish I had hacks what do you think of my avatar take a good long look at it this is metaverse fashion furry Spider-Man all right that's a that's a new member of the spider-verse right you know I'm just gonna this is not an interaction that I wanted so I'm just gonna take this as a one all right see these aren't things that I want I'm being harassed in every type of way and it's based off how I look too oh my God all right blur out what that guy's shirt just said oh my God see there are plenty of things that get by on the system okay blur out what they're saying too all right I made myself look like this and I got harassed for it yeah ugc is evolving in many ways and I can't wait to see how it gets even better um UTC sucks ugc so bad
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 2,075,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cZ6Xg0SWWJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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