I Made Soft Fluffy Milk Bread Rolls From Scratch

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hey everyone this is inka welcome back to my channel i realized that a lot of you actually didn't know that this is my personal youtube channel but this is it this is where i'll be sharing a lot of my favorite recipes favorite experiences or even just you know a day in the life for vlogs stuff like that so if you're interested in that kind of content feel free to subscribe and stick around it is sunday today i have a little more time on my hands and i'm really craving some super soft and fluffy milk bread rolls so that's what i'm going to be making today like i always say usually my motivation to bake or cook is driven by my desire to eat things so also because i just love bread like if you told me to choose only one thing to eat for the rest of my life i would probably choose bread and milk bread is one of my favorite breads in the world after the baguette and so with that being said let's get started so first thing i'm going to do is combine my yeast with some warm milk in another bowl i'm going to combine my flour some sugar a little bit of salt and this is probably one of those like secret ingredients but i'm adding in some milk powder because it would help with the flavor and also the texture giving it a little toss add the milk and yeast just going to use my chopsticks to mix this together chopsticks are the best tools for everything it will take a little more time to form not the prettiest dough right now but it is coming together i'm going to put it on my countertop and start kneading i do have a stand mixer but i also know that a lot of us don't have a stand mixer at home so i want to do this in a way where all of us will be able to make it i am going to essentially knead this feels very wet but you just gotta keep kneading don't be tempted to put flour in there we don't need it keep doing this movement and it will be okay i feel like spider-man i can't even change the camera angle because my hands are so sticky this is what i have 10 minutes later still very very sticky but just remember again do not be tempted to add any more flour i'm going to let my dough rest protecting my little baby right here also letting my arms rest for 10 minutes i feel like i'm in like a workout video in 10 minutes so i'm going to check on my dough again it feels a little less sticky already and i just need it a little bit more it's a lot easier to work with now nice little ball of dough spread it out like so and we're gonna add our butter in this is what my butter looks like now it is super super soft smear all of this on here and i'm just going to fold it in just coat your hands and butter it is part of the process along the way i know it feels like you're not doing the right thing but i promise this is what it's supposed to be like this is why it's going to be soft and fluffy ooh but it's coming together now much smoother than before and if you stretch it now you can see that it doesn't break apart easily remember how we started with that super sticky dough now it is this glorious ball of smoothness this is how patience rewards us put it in a bowl and just let it rest and then we can split it into mini baby rolls i love the smell of bread yeast and butter and bread goodness all right it's been a little over an hour and this is what my dough looks like it's definitely doubled in size now i'm going to just poke it gently and it's not bouncing back so that means we are good to go it's super soft right now so i'm trying to be really really gentle it's so soft i'm just gonna weigh this to see how i should divide it up math math math 432 divided by 16 is roughly 27. i checked it on my phone it is correct oh man math divide this up into 16 pieces of 27 grams once i have each piece i'm just going to gently tuck it in roll it in my hands making sure that it is sealed at the bottom so then i get a little piece like this going to put that in my box so lots of measuring going on right now and portioning milkman is definitely another one of my comfort foods my mom makes this for me a lot do you have a favorite kind of bread i know like i kind of professed my ending love for baguettes earlier i'd love to try out like different kinds of bread around the world i know there's a lot of you from singapore and india i love roti you know what i also really want to try kaya toast i have not had the pleasure of trying that yet [Music] they look like little steam buns right now which is super cute should draw little faces on all of them so there's a lot of gaps in here right now but we're going to let it proof so then it's going to expand and then they will become these beautiful interlinked little rolls i guess now it's just a matter of waiting again [Music] my lunar rolls have now expanded i always get really excited about this part this is what they look like right now they look so much like the little steam buns i usually have this is pretty much ready to go into the oven i just need to give it a little sprinkling of flour on the very top [Music] you guys they are truly the cutest little things they're like little mounds of snowy pillows okay so i'm gonna go ahead and put this in the oven now it's done it's stuff look at it my breath i'm like so excited because it smells like a bakery in here right now which is literally my dream i truly think that if heaven had a smell it would smell like a bakery and i'm in heaven right now so soft and fluffy so right after they come out you do want to take this out look at that they really are just like little dinner rolls they're so soft oh my god this is the moment of truth i'm gonna pull a piece right now [Music] so these strands i just pull it out you see those strands oh it's hot it is soft and fluffy smells so good yeah this is addictive you guys this is dangerous it's truly so good just like this and when it's like literally just warm out of the oven oh my god i can't stop eating this this is the power of milk bread if you've never had milk bread i promise you you will love this i've already eaten like three this is embarrassing i actually also made a brown sugar version which really does smell like brown sugar so there's like so many things you can do with this recipe you can add matcha if you want you can add chocolate i have a lot of bread this is going to last me for quite a while but i hope you guys enjoyed watching this i hope you guys give this a try i'm not kidding i really really love this bread and i really think you guys will also like it let me know if you do and i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Inga Lam
Views: 452,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, buzzfeed inga, fluffy bread recipe, fluffy milk bread, fluffy milk bread rolls, how to make fluffy milk bread, how to make japanese milk bread, how to make milk bread, inga lam, inga recipe, japanese milk bread, japanese milk bread recipe, milk bread, milk bread roll recipe
Id: yvgc_wHFLo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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