I Made Pink BBQ Sauce

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- Pink barbecue sauce. Yes, that's a video, isn't it? Welcome to this video. A lot of you guys have been sending me these images on the screen right now of what I think is Heinz that come up with pink Barbiecue sauce. Now let me get something straight out of the way. This isn't a sponsored video. I don't even know if this is real. It could be AI generated and I don't really care. But a lot of you guys said after the clear ketchup, "Can you do another ketchup? Here's an example." I'm like, oh my gosh, let's do it and see if we can bring it to life. However, if I'm gonna do it, we're gonna do it all from scratch. So homemade mayonnaise, homemade barbecue sauce to ultimately create a neon pink monstrosity, which we might drench on pulled pork at the end. (laughs) Yep, a little bit like the clear ketchup, the cool thing with a clear ketchup bottle actually is that you never know when it's full or empty. I have got an empty canister which needs filling with pink barbecue sauce. Wow. We're about to start with the mayo. This is gonna be fun. There are so many hybrids out there already. This one caught my eye that I saw as well. This sort of ketchup and mayo hybrid, which to be fair is pretty much burger sauce, which actually if I use that instead of barbecue sauce, would be great. It'd be much paler so you could really get that colour in, but then it wouldn't be barbecue sauce would it? Ingredients for the homemade mayonnaise, the lemon, which is actually optional. Thinking about it, I could have used the pink grapefruit. Couldn't I? (chuckles) Pinch of salt. We've got some rape seed oil, aka canola oil. You can actually use any sort of oil, really. We've got some white wine vinegar. Again, fairly neutral which will help too. Dijon mustard for that kick, which we can adjust. And of course, the well known mayonnaise ingredient, high concentrate, baby-pink food colouring. However, there is one ingredient missing. Yesterday I made some crookies, that was the last video I did. And I used all my eggs up, so genuinely I need to go to the shop and an egg. I'll be right back. (light upbeat music) I only need one egg, so we're gonna have a lot of frittata this week. Dr. Barry will see you now. (blender whizzes) I've got myself a stick blender here. If you've got a food processor where the blades are quite close to the bottom, mine isn't that great so it won't really catch the egg. So having one of these is ideal. And what I've realised is, 'cause I went to the shop, I've actually got "an oeuf", enough eggs now, I could probably just double this recipe and make more mayo. So let's do that. Get all dressed up for nothing. You can really taste the difference, though, so I hope you try this, pink food colouring optional. (upbeat soulful music) Alrighty, in goes the salt, here is the vanilla. No, the vanilla?! That'd be amazing, the vinegar. The Dijon, which you can add as much as you want, really. Really customise it. You can even add it in later once it's all mixed together 'cause it's always fun. There is quite a serious step that we don't wanna avoid. Yeah, so this is basically the most important bit. We can add our more vinegar if we want or the lemon juice in just a bit. But if we get this wrong, the mayonnaise will actually break and you need to do this gradually. So I've got my blender on a medium speed (blender whirring) and what we need to do is slowly, I've got the jug just here. See that? (blender whirs) (light upbeat music) I've still got a teeny bit of my oil left, but I am really, really happy with that. Honestly, that is amazing. And now we can tweak it. I'm gonna add a little bit more salt and some lemon juice. (blender whirs) That looks awesome. That actually looks really good. Oh! That is outrageous! Honestly, everyone should have a go at making their homemade mayo. I'm not gonna dye that yet. We're gonna move on to the barbecue sauce, which we might try and make a little bit paler. Okay, Barbie? - This mayonnaise is lovely. - Yeah? - Mm. - See what you think when it's pink. - It tastes really mustardy. - Is that a good thing? - Yeah. - Oh she takes after me. (high-five slaps) This is where it could all go wrong. I have actually got some clear ketchup, a little bit left, maybe about that amount left. I just put some in the freezer. (chuckles) Like I don't know why. It's kinda like a memento, like I kept the bottle. But I'm hoping that the dilution with the mayo and by using a white sugar, so this is caster sugar rather than dark brown sugar, it might balance this out a little bit more. Still got the paprika, which is gonna tan it. Rather than putting onion in, which you could put in the mayo too, I'm using some just onion powder. Not that that would make a difference. Worcester sauce. And one of the last barbecue sauces I made, it actually uses a combination of two different vinegars and one was a red vinegar, but I've gone for white again. So all of this together in a pan. (hob igniter clicking) Actually this first stir might basically make or break it. Now hopefully that sugar, because remember there's sugar in... That is so dark. Oh no. That is so red. (sighs) Okay, so that's been about two minutes. The only thing I will say is it's getting slightly paler as I'm warming it. I don't know why. Of course if I leave it in there too long with the sugar in there, we'll make a caramel probably. A tomato caramel? Ugh. I'm gonna add some water in and then I'm gonna reduce it down. So like simmer it for probably about half an hour to thicken it back up. Hopefully. I mean that's made it slightly paler. Look, erm... (laughs) It's like calling... This is gonna take so... It like stinks a barbecue sauce in a good way. What I'm doing though is just at time to time just skimming this foam. (Barry laughs) I feel like this is definitely doing something so it's the least I can do. I've just found a recipe for white barbecue sauce, which is mayonnaise, pepper, salt, lemon juice, vinegar and white sugar. That is it. But how does that get barbecuey? I want that tang of the ketchup. So maybe I could have just done that instead. That has simmered right down. There is no getting away from it. That is pretty dark. So we've got about 300 mil of the mayo there. A slight yellowy hue to it and on goes the barbecue sauce. So actually it might naturally dye it. Imagine this, we stir it. We don't even need the food dyes. I want that barbecue flavour in there. So we're gonna go six tablespoons. Let's see what this does, Barbie. (suspenseful music) Ooh, okay. Ooh. Oh my gosh. I was really worried then. But now it's, it's, it's sort of taking. Oh wow. I think it's time to Barbie this. Or is it Barry this? So we have got some high concentrate food dyes. So not the ones you generally get from the supermarket. They're not too bad, they're more like the gels. These, these are concentrates, they're strong. So we've got like a baby pink, so slightly more paler, which I think is more the ketchup one and then a hot pink, okay. So I don't really know, like maybe... I really wanted to say stilettos then. (laughs) What?! The colour of stilettos. This might just pop it a little bit more. So I think we'll try and get it pale first. Here we go then. (scats anxiously) Come on. Come on. (mixture slopping thickly) Oh no, I can see the traces. Is it actually doing anything? Oh it sort of is. Oh my gosh. It's trying. It's, oh look. It's coming through. I'm gonna need more, I think. This stuff is strong. Come on then. Let's see if we can get this to break down and get in there. It does take a while. (suspenseful music) The strange thing is this is mayo and we're about to pull pork. Yeah, I like that a lot. So we'll just do the other one and you'll probably be able to see from that. Look at the difference in this here. I'm gonna do smaller amounts of this. Come on. Oh. Oh no, please don't go too much. Please don't go too much. (gasps) Yes. Did you see that? That suddenly looks a little bit more neon. Look at this. I think there's only one person I know that is a good judge of pink this vibrant. Oh my gosh. I can just see now what the camera can see. That looks really pink, right? - Yeah. - [Barry] Do you want to try pink pulled pork? - Yes please. - Alright, I've got a funnel to help me. It's like a weird piping bag. There we go. We have christened the bottle. Time to fill it up. (whimsical music) Optional to get some on the work surface, but that... (laughs) Right. See you in a minute. (whimsical music) (funnel tapping) (bottle banging) Right. We can't leave it like that. With the help of my friend Tim and also the prince of labels, Matt, we did this. So Matt has just said he's not the prince of labels, are you? - No, I can't take credit. It's someone else's work. - The prince of printing. - I just press print, yeah. (Barry laughing) Prince of printing. - [Barry] I think that'll do just fine, Matt. Thank you very much. - You're welcome. - We're not Barbiecue. It's Barrycue. That actually does look really, really cool. (chuckles) Anyone for pink pulled pork? I just don't know. It's just weird. It's so weird. Right, come on. I was gonna take it from the bowl, but let's do it from this. Oh! (laughs) Look, that really shows how pink it is. Wow! I don't even know if it tastes barbecuey. It smells like it. Is this a thing where I do coloured recipes? Obviously you guys like the clear, I've done some like black lemonade and things like that in the past, but the whole recipe. So even for this one, I would've made these brioche buns from scratch and made them like bright pink. To break it up, I've got some normal coleslaw here and I mixed in a little bit of our pink barbecue mayo to create this. (laughs) That is proper bonkers. Lid on top. Pink barbecue pulled pork with semi pink barbecue coleslaw in a brioche bun. (taps bottle) Thanks, mate. Although we haven't actually tasted it yet. Ah! Pink barbecue mayonnaise. Okay? - Oh! - That's very... - That's nice. - Yeah. That does not taste like candy floss. - No. - It's like the colour, isn't it? It throws you off. - Mm. - Right. Try some pink pulled pork and I'll try this. (snort of disbelief) It's absolutely ridiculous. The colour, you're just like, oh this is gonna be sweet and it just blows your mind. Is that good? - Mm. - Yeah? So if you like this theory, maybe I could do a green Big Mac. The whole thing green. That could, I would actually enjoy doing that. As long as it's made from scratch. I don't wanna just dye it. I wanna like, like this today, how we made it. So any ideas you've got, do let me know down below, and yeah, it's not Barbiecue, it's Barrycue. Thanks, mate. (high-five slaps) (upbeat house music) ♪ 'Cause cooking ♪ Sorry if there was a blob on the lens today, folks, on some of those scenes, but there we go. Joining some familiar friends there. I will have to empty this though and put it in a bowl. ♪ 'Cause cooking is nice ♪
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 44,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pink bbq sauce, pink barbie sauce, heinz pink barbie sauce, bbq sauce, ketchup, pink ketchup, barry lewis, pink barbecue sauce, barbie, heinz, mattel, barbecue mayo sauce, homemade mayonnaise recipe, how to make mayonnaise with blender, easy mayo, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, homemade barbecue sauce, viral recipes, hybrid recipes, make your own ketchup, barbiecue sauce, I Made The Rare Pink Barbie BBQ Sauce
Id: 274yol8_yVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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