I Made My Favorite 6-Flavor Cookie Box From Scratch

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[Music] hey guys i am back finally i know i took a bit of a longish break because of the injury it's kind of ugly still if you really look at it um because there's like double skin over there where it's kind of healed itself but i can move my hands and fingers freely now which is honestly a blessing and just in time for the holidays too because i've always really wanted to do like a cookie box situation i'm also just like very excited that i can finally work on these little projects again so i might go a little crazy in this video i'm planning on making a lot of cookies a lot of different flavors most of these will be inspired by the flavors that i personally love a lot so you'll see a lot of a lemon zest you'll see a lot of matcha a lot of dark chocolate there will also be a lot of buttery goodness alright so let me get started on the first cookie so the first cookie i'm making is actually the salted chocolate chunk shortbread so i didn't do anything too crazy i did use extra strong dark chocolate though because i wanted that like robust dark like almost bitter chocolate flavor [Music] i also just wanted to go with a shortbread because i wanted this gift box to be like really buttery in terms of cookies which is why i decided to go with this instead of your average chocolate chip cookie the second cookie i'm making is a matcha shortbread with caramelized white chocolate so the first thing i did was to caramelize my white chocolate it gives it this beautiful golden color i normally don't really like white chocolate but i think this method really made it taste a lot more like caramel almost like hints of toffee i would say is very very good and i thought that would just go so well with a matcha cookie which is normally not as sweet and can probably help complement that like tea flavor which i love i will say for this cookie especially it was pretty important for me to use a matcha powder that had like a more vibrant green color because i really wanted it to have that pop of color in you know an assorted cookie box and i have to say this one actually turned out looking fairly green which i'm very happy about i could also probably just bake this whole log and eat it like that but we're not doing that today i did also try to make this into a rectangular shape just to make it look a little bit different i hope it works now for my third cookie i like to call it a peppermint mocha sable sabling is really just a fancy french word to refer to a buttery cookie i also added some rye flour in here because i wanted that sort of like toastiness as well as some coffee of course coffee and chocolate perfect pairing i had so much of it growing up i would get like 90 chocolate and like one drop of coffee straight off the bat though i have to say this one smelled so good i think it's just because i love chocolate i just love how this looks it was just like a big chocolate log sushi accidentally hit sushi here so sorry but of course it would not be me if i did not make a cookie with a lot of lemon zest and so that's what this is my fourth cookie was a linzer cookie that i spiced up with some cardamom i had to use a rolling pin to do this probably super unorthodox and not recommended but i didn't have anything else i also put in a bunch of poppy seeds because i feel like lemon and poppy seeds and cardamon it's just like a perfect pairing this is another one of those cookie doughs where as i was making it i was just so tempted to eat it because it just smelled so good it smelled like lemon and lemon zest and cardamom and spices and all the good things in the world for my fifth cookie i wanted to do a spice cookie of some sort i thought about doing gingerbread but i also wanted to do something new so i ended up making this brown butter miso spice cookie [Music] there's the miso i know it sounds crazy but it actually works also for spices because i didn't have the individual ground spice i ended up using this pumpkin pie spice mix because it pretty much has all the stuff we need right there's like nutmeg and cinnamon and cloves and all that good stuff it worked out beautifully [Music] this one truly smells like christmas like out of all the one this is it this is the christmas cookie and for my last cookie i wanted to do a meringue cookie and i decided to go with a candy cane meringue because it just looks so festive with those bright red stripes [Music] i think i went a little heavy-handed on the peppermint extract in this one but i had so much fun piping these out it was great it's just so satisfying piping out meringue is one of the best feelings in the world that was my day one [Music] [Music] it is now day two i pulled out my cookie dough my cookie disc smells wonderful it's still quite hard so if it cracks just glue it back together [Music] so i have these cookie stamps super pretty geometric patterns that we're going to just like press out we're just going to go ahead and just press that down oh yeah you see that wow i love how this looks i feel like these are such an easy way to like make your cookies look fancy without needing to do anything too crazy now i'm using this to kind of stamp out the little shapes i want here is a beautiful cookie look at that all right so now we're just going to keep on doing this [Music] these look so pretty i love them we have a lot more cookies here more cookie dough left like i said there will be a lot of cookies i love how neat they look i think the combination of the cookie stamp and the cookie cutter just like makes for super uniform cookies and you get to have fun with the patterns and then once they chill we'll be ready to bake here is my matcha cookie log after a couple hours very it's very hard you get a little bit of those caramel notes remember how i tried really hard to shape it into like a rectangular shape i feel like i kind of got it i'm just going to cut it up now into little pieces such a beautiful green color i'm trying to be careful too because this knife is really sharp is the knife that cut me so [Music] while they're still cold i'm just going to put them on the baking sheet [Music] um [Music] day two of my lemon cookie i'm just going to roll this out work that arm strength man after this video i'm gonna jack this beautiful poppy seed almond lemon zest pattern though so much texture once it's thin enough i'm gonna use my square cookie cutter it smells so much like a lemon zest smells so good there's going to be a lot of squares [Music] for half of these i'm going to stamp out a little star shape [Music] and i went with stars because it feels festive christmas tree on top you have a star right so that's my logic [Music] now i'm just laying them out on the baking sheet this is going to be really great i feel like an elf right now a cookie elf into the oven we go now [Music] i really like how festive this looks also my cutting board just looks like there's stars in the snow look at how pretty that looks momentary lunch break this is just taking a long time i think the only reason i'm not sweating at this point is because it's really cold out after a couple hours it is now in a perfectly formed vlog so usually i'm a little too afraid of the cookies being too sweet but it's the holidays holiday spirit so i'm gonna go ahead and roll it in sugar brush this beaten egg all around it this side as well [Music] sprinkling on some flaky salt salt generous amount of salt because there's quite a bit of sweetness in here okay maybe i'm being a little too generous into the oven we go chocolate rye cookie is now chilled i feel like you could seriously hit somebody and hurt them with this slice it up now carefully with my very sharp knife just carefully slicing it it's okay there's gaps i think we'll be able to push it back together i also smell the coffee i put in there so very excited it's like chocolate coffee there's almost like a toastiness to it and cookies time to put this in the oven [Music] it is a another new day my kitchen is a mess i definitely felt like santa's health yesterday slaved away for so many hours straight but i have all my cookies now so over here i have sushi and sushi b they've just been keeping me company but if you just take a look at everything else so many cookies i would imagine this is what santa's workshop looks like so i did some counting and i think i have a total there are over 300 cookies here that is absolutely wild i think that explains why i am so exhausted but i am very proud that i was able to pull this off now i just need to divide them up into little boxes this is what the holiday spirit is about okay i just need to make sure i don't drop any [Music] why not [Music] and here it is the holiday cookie box six different types of cookie six cookie six cookie first ever six cookie holiday cookie gift box i just hope that people also enjoy it now i'm gonna package it up so i bought these cute little cards i just thought it would be nice to you know write messages on it but i also drew my cookies out i thought it'd be cute to pack it with something like this so then people know what is what i didn't have any fancy colored pencils literally use like the ones they give you in kindergarten [Music] and it is finally done look at it yay i hope people like this spreading the holiday spirit merry christmas happy holidays and i hope you are all enjoying yourselves this time of year see you guys next time bye
Channel: Inga Lam
Views: 400,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, buzzfeed inga, christmas cookie, christmas cookie box, cookie box, cookie gift box, holiday cookie box, holiday cookie gift box, holiday cookie recipe, holiday cookies, inga cookie, inga lam, inga recipe
Id: Z4c0dTJ7uAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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