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oh yeah and com number one you know that's right I'm number one not Knuckles just kidding Knuckles you're up here with me where the te you watch me [Music] dance here we go combo Crow it's Sonic Speed simulator time we're not doing Sonic today we're doing Knuckles cuz he's got a new show coming out so you know I thought it' be cool to P neckles look we're checking out the new uh fast friends going on here look I already got fast aing fast Tails fast Sonic look we can upgrade them too already got one at two stars let's get him to three stars these guys are so powerful and strong oh it didn't work let's try it again come on come [Music] on okay uh I don't think I can upgrade him like that easily unless I have more level twos upgrade Tails say bye to all the amies bye amies bye we got Tails level two should I go for another level three I'll level up another stey oh that worked look at these guys they literally are in the Millions on power 2.5 85 million power dude these guys are like stronger than like Goku mixed with one punch man uh mixed with big Gill that's how that's how tough they are W that must mean they're super tough like me oh there he's so powerful Knuckles is too strong he's making the game lag even the Sonic Speed can't keep up with how strong I am right now got a bunch more stuff going on y City you got these worlds that are like locked wait world seven isn't locked no place is this home cuz I've heard there's no place like home oh we're on a ship dudes like pirate Ryan we can get pirate Knuckles Knuckles the dread dude it's all like muffled now that we're underwater it's like if you heard the music playing above water the little toys like run with you they're running even though they're floating got to get our steps in even when we're not stepping wait what a rebirth I'm going to lose my speed though I kind of want to do it though I haven't rebirthed in a while let's do it oh now I'm so slow let's go back to Green Hill Zone said you can get D Bloons there so let's collect our deons here it's a lot faster to move around above water you know now unless you're big Gill that combo is super true cuz everybody knows big Gilly is way faster in the water boom boom boom and we already got our speed back look at the game it's just lagging it's like too fast combo stop he combo seriously will you let the game catch up for a second I mean nobody wants to play when we're lagging right like there's still Valentine's Hearts here let just go I'll give those instead of the blo Pirates love hearts right you're that's right me mes I love me hearts more than me treasure I cannot find a single Deon so we can get him somewhere else boss fight boss battle let's do this Emerald heill boss battle oh yeah Knuckles is so ready look at him he's like ready for the battle he's got a serious gamer face on too here's the Eggman let's crack this egg oh yeah wait going breit first I do like a million damage so am I just going to KO Dr Eggman in one hit freeze ray oh missed me up and he got me with the freeze R I didn't just kill him in one hit really double freeze all right so I did like all the damage I could do to him in one hit though so like I'm just going to have to hit him like four times and he'll be Ked you'll be Dr o man what I hit him like so many times that dudee should be down let's take out his robot o almost avoid almost got hit by the rocket no no froze me I'm out sorry Frozen not today just Frozen oh Frozen got me he said and freeze I'm just having a cup of water it's just a drink of water and let me freeze you up here oh up to Hell come on before you get Frozen again done for wait what what no done for I sent you're done for there we go big man [Music] defeated Sonic gets here like I'm ready to defeat you Dr oh wait Knuckles already did it wait a rank oh I need a need do it faster if I want oh well I don't need S rank here I need S rank on the hard boss fight they got hard mode see I know I saw hard mode yeah here it is boss battle hard it's like that first Dr Eggman was too easy he's a baby it was baby Eggman oh no now the egg is hatched he's Dr chicken man oh combo bam come on egman he's got oh one hit oh this is going to be too easy knuckles is too strong for you he's got 75 million health and I still I'm like yo I'll take you out in one oh and Knuckles Bunga yeah got him again no I didn't get wait what I got srank how did I even get srank I don't know it says that you're supposed to beat it in like a minute 30 to do that yo I'm taking oh maybe it's cuz it's not rainbow ass I don't mind I'm still I'm still counting it we can do a race I mean I I am like overpowered on on power I do like Millions but you know I'm steing not the fastest of characters so maybe a race is going to be more like uh more fair wait Challenger has appeared oh oh we got Metal Sonic oh and he's kind of his Design's upgraded did robocom got an upgrade so did Mel Sonic wait how did he get so far ahead of me no he's faster wait I'm getting speed yes I'm getting speed now there we go oh yeah blasted right past him I'm the fastest to kid at this side of the enchilada yo I just totally whooped his butt whooped his Robbo hiny yeah organic like form for the win oh yeah and com p in number one did you know that's right I'm number one not Knuckles Knuckles goes on number two just kidding Knuckles you're up here with me we the T you watch me dance now this is more fun on Sonic Speed simulator this game's always a bunch of fun if you guys want to see me play more be sure to drop a like on the video and I will don't forget to press your knuckles against that subscribe button to join the combo crew and I'll see you in another awesome next video bye here we go combo crew it is Sonic Speed simulator time on Roblox checking out the new Sonic game on Roblox Sonic Speed simulator looking got a little Knuckles cow right here you can unlock Knuckles cool we're totally here in Green Hill zomo look I can see Sonic Loop to Loops in the distance okay so this is definitely not Sonic Speed this is like Sonic the turtle speed got to go slow but it's giving me experience and I think that's going toow me to go faster but I'm also getting some rings just don't want to bump into Dr Eggman though then he'll make me lose them all speak of the Eggman and he shall appear can't tell if any of these are stronger like which ones are better the purple or the blue I didn't even know I got different moves look I got my little homing attack back and I can do my circle uh my my rolly wheel rolly poly I can't even make it up this hill Oh this is not Sonic Speed I claim false advertising uh objection this guy's just not fast enough if I leveled up I should should be able to get over the there we go okay good combo Danga wa wa was that Sonic I think I just saw the real Sonic he was running as fast as the real Sonic all right let's see what we can do here spend some Robux and we're going to get this triple exp boost I'm sure Sonic's need a little help in his days probably gotten some triple exp boosts when he was uh just a little hedgehog uh yeah that never happened oh yeah combo Bunga my level is going up now o can I make it over a not yet still can't make it through a loop to Loop I think I'm getting close though look at this o I'm building up speed I'm sprinting yeah now we're talking this is starting to be Sonic Speed maybe like tail speed not Sonic Speed yet ooh pink Chow maybe the pink Chow can help me out though yes it gives me an experience boost all right combo crew look at this yes combo Bunga my Chows are so amazing come on Sonic speed Sonic Speed Sonic Speed yes I barely did it right now let's check out the mystery tunnel where does this go it is a mystery force field tunnel that goes nowh come on down to the mystery forestfield tunnel enjoy the ride as you go absolutely nowhere okay combo crew is awesome as Green Hill Zone is I think I've just now gotten to the next level to where I can go to Lost Valley Obby we're going to level two of Sonic I think this one's like the desert one I want to say check it out am I right is Lost Valley the desert I got to do an Obby first W it's the springs and oh jumped over and I cleared it combo pan of the [Music] gymnast oh and I'm in the desert area Lost Valley how is it the Lost Valley if we all know where it is lost Valley's like shh dude it makes me sound cooler oh yeah dude come on I got to look cool in front of my friends Sky Loop jop yeah yeah cleared it wao what's that well Tails new character I got Tails I got miles taals proba okay as cool as my character is I got to play his taals looky his tail does the spinny thing like it does in the games okay whoever designed these Roblox avatars really put some care into them oh oh thank you oh you know I just try my best one downside is that Tails can't fly with his Tails he should be able to do that but I'll let it slide this time ooh combo crew look I I hit Level 50 and now I can rebirth now I'm back to level one wait does that mean I'm slow again yep tails is slow but we're getting faster again I still got my triple exp boost so I found Tails here I wonder if anyone else is hiding out here okay Knuckles a kidna or Knuckles a kidna Knuckles Knuckles Chow said that uh Knuckles was in the next area so I have to see if I can get there later but give me this ring and Bam into the Emerald Hill Obby there we go okay I guess these gems I'm collecting aren't emeralds then it's still different they're like just normal they're not emeralds they're everything but emeralds well well I almost ran back up oh I'm still a I fell man almost made it that was funny seems like I should just be able to long jump over here there we go and no tails why are you so slippery there we go combo Bunga Emerald Hill here we are called Emerald Hill I guess cuz the grass is really green like emeralds but I mean it kind of looks the same green like Green Hill Zone what distinguishes it from being green and emerald okay I'm going to need to get a color expert in here oh gosh combo you came to the right penguin I am your fellow color expert now first of all I want to say wao I need three rebirths just to get to the Snow Valley all right so if I want to unlock every character in every land I need three rebirths whoa okay I've already hit max level oh I can do another rebirth level up look I literally I'm leveling up by just walking a little bit combo Bunga or wait Tails o bunka since I'm Tails right Emerald Hill Zone where is Knuckles okay really how'd I miss that yes combo bun the knuckles card yes I found knuckles look at me with my big poiny fists right I can't build them enough speed to get this ramp okay there's no way I'm making this no no way I'm going to need some crazy speed to be able to make that jump but I mean I already got Knuckles so I don't even think I really need to get over there let's try doing a race maybe that'll give me a good experience boost never been this high of a level before we got a challenger okay I I don't even see her so I think I'm winning uh did I get first say I got first maybe I need to go back to like Green Hill Zone there more people racing in the first area maybe I'm going to race up over here let's try another race oh look I got a Knuckles clone and Sonic all right now we got a real race going W okay those guys are serious Racers wonder what level they are oh the other Knuckles beat me I'm the fake Knuckles can I run fast and wa waa I'm actually able to go up that one run so fast I can go up the biggest hill o a little grind rail didn't you know you could grind oh wait I guess I was doing it in Emerald grind the other way wo wow I actually found the Sonic card that's where it was come on one more level 100 Sonic T posing hold on go back I saw Sonic T posing come onoa I'm Sonic I've rebirthed three times which means I unlock snow Val zone so I've unlocked every character and every land available combo Bunga I'm going to try unlocking more of these Chows and seeing if I can get the rarest and most ultimate Chow so be sure to subscribe and leave a like for that video and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] bye here we go com we're back in Sonic Speed simulator as Amy Rose you la your last time Andy we're going to be checking out some of the uh new the new level some of the new level looking in the new level that just came out okay hold on apparently there's a new friend deex got like a Pokedex for the CHS Sonic is now teaming up with Pokemon Professor Oak and Dr Eggman who's that Pokemon it's Professor o and Dr Eggman all right so we're checking out the new world it's the world number six chemical plant sounds evil but fun W okay this is crazy the sky is red it's shocking Sonic okay so it's like a giant mechanical World futuristic and techno playing some techno beats here Eggman dropped some discs oh okay so that's how we free Sonic we're supposed to collect those discs of discs are they like PlayStation games you have to distract Dr Eggman with the PlayStation then he will let Sonic go let go of Sonic never I'll give you this PlayStation oh okay yeah maybe we can make a deal oh like underground oh this is cool why do these discs have to be like so out of the way every other time an event happens they usually make the discs like right there in the middle of the road where you just kind of run by them every disc disc I find has to be like way out of the way even when I go out of the way it's like I still don't find a disc discy discy discy all right uh Sonic I think you're either going to have to get shocked for a while or I'm going to have to use some Ro stuff for you that 500 499 okay it's not 500 I'm taking it stealth suit stealth suit Sonic [Music] should I steal his cat and say a robo combo buer it's like stealth suit combo Bunga Look at me now it's like Sonic it looks like Sonic in his super boss mode although I think my super boss Mode still [Music] cooler doesn't have like a full helmet so it's kind Dragon Ball Z scouter Sonic what does the scouter say about his power level it's over 9,000 what all right well the chemical plant was kind of a bust so I think I'm going to work on this friend deex thing that's over here looks like I need to try to collect all the Chows from the Green Hill Zone we're going for this Green Hill Master Chow let try this chow vending machine I don't need to open up three eggs I give you a patient Little Panda Bear open up one at a time and we got the yellow one yep I was expecting to see another one ham and another one of ham Navy Chow it's the Chow that goes into the Navy oh maybe opening up one egg is a little too slow let's try doing the triple egg and open three open thame double yellow and gray really now I'm just getting a bunch of yellows and Grays faster gray come on any of the bottom three a coral Chow oh Violet Chow yes combo Bunga get that orange one orange you're glad I got the orange CH yes orange combo Bunga Coral no not you m is a a oh I got it oh yes the jewel one yes comea finally oh took me long enough oh now we're just so close to the master Chow to the delicious meal introducing Master Chow the delicious meal bite now okay give me all the trails I don't want them come on chow chow chow chow chow dude okay 8% real it's taking me this long long oh yes combo there we go I just had to not think about it come on purple drum roll purple black who black baby Trail okay that look cool that's like the leg I got the legendary Trail before I got the purple CH yes combo funger all right combo crew only have like one more chel left to get it's at the okay uh it's at the only ch vending machine that's really hard to find got to hit this spring right here go all the way up here I see you red and green chat for Jewel Green going for the red and the Jewel Green Let's go last two before we get the master CH wa okay I'm seeing red lot of Red Square Trails a combo Bunger and a red Chow already oh w that was so fast third time's the charm we already got the green Jewel now how do I get the master chow what do I do look I got them all I've completed the Green Hill Zone frexs [Music] yes and it means uh how do I how do I get this cool guy he literally looks like a green hill oh he's already in my inventory W he is really strong oh I wish I I could upgrade him get more of him and evolve him he is going to be staying a part of my team though yes check him out combo Crill since the chemical plant was a bust least we got the awesome Green Hill Zone Chow now let's go earn some extra coinage and experience and leave a like on this video if you had fun earning the Green Hill Zone Master Channel subscribe if you want to keep up with all my supersonic speed content and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Combo Panda
Views: 63,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Combo Panda, Combo Crew, let's play, video games, gamer, game play, kids gameplay, game review, Ryan ToysReview, Ryan's Family Review, animated, animated character, vtubers, Ryan's world, sonic speed simulator, i made knuckles too strong
Id: JHhYyr1DGIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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