I Made Him an Offer for All of Them

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what you guys want for all of them about a hundred problems take a hundred bucks [Music] are you doing you got five a piece on your cookie jars what did you do like eight bucks for both actually I looked on online and that's I think a fair price okay you're on a sticker five yeah I'll buy them both I like them any of your like series little boombox for sale there's one on the back of VCRs that's two dollars I don't see one on stereos I think they both have a cassette one's got a CD and the other ones just a cassette five bucks I'll buy it all right now I'm gonna go find a bank to get a loan for all the money I've spent here there you go thank you ma'am anybody have a floor in your basement I have a bar none all right girls okay the rest of your stuff and I'll see you Oh u.s. can fight for the whole little bin would you sell any of the license plates separate sold what's the story on these the store on those here's the store on those give me $15 to take everything Electrolux like I pay the bag the attachments my mother's father bought these new no I couldn't eat you yeah and they've worked and they pay back then he sink for three or four hundred dollars that'd be like paying $1500 a day I know this bulbous manner there they were got the bag like I said buy them all all right it's hard to argue right there you go I appreciate it everything on these things were all apart when you bother no kid got the sweeper in life more two attachments good like this little doodad and these cord whiners those were all extra electric things like these attackers here but it's all original 1952 it's cool I'm on the prices back my car up and load them that's all right make it easier have a good day guys I just bought a couple of old Electrolux vacuums and as soon as I saw them I thought about the movie Sandlot and in the movie these kids are playing with this Babe Ruth baseball and they knock it over this fence and there was like a guard dog you know it's mean old man all this stuff if you haven't seen the movie and they're you know coming up with all these different ways they can get the ball back in one of the ways as they they take a vacuum with like this really long hose and they suck the ball up and the vacuum looks something exactly like this Electrolux the guy had $20 on one of them and $10 on another and I was just I just started looking at him I didn't even say anything about him yet he's like I want all this gone he's just give me 15 bucks take all this electrolyte stuff and I lift him up I only saw like one completed I think it sold for around $80 but shipping on these things gonna be crazy I don't really know how much of a market there is but like you had all the attachments the bags everything so like you know what I'll take a chance yeah they're all over the place guys can find the piece except for Davis and Sparky or 12 would you do five on it eight it it yes thank you for working with me lunch box I'll get four bucks for this wine okay would you do a buck on that one too okay ever my dad's and my mom got him in the divorce oh yeah you're in a home what would you want for it how'd you do five okay thank you for letting me dig through stuff right yeah you have a good day thank you you have any of their video games you selling any of those you don't take a look at them oh cool thanks for pulling them out you have the PlayStation also hold you want for them probably like at least five or so two bucks for five okay you're the cash person yes all right thank you guys have a nice day morning guys anyone what yeah it's like the whole community I'm like you know what that's right out oh yeah yeah for sure I've been following your Instagram dude you're killing it that GI Joe it's fine was amazing how much is your like kid toy stuff okay dollar each okay we're doing 127 actually yeah I can't wait we're gonna meet in Chattanooga and do it ya know I've gone as far as Louisville okay that's usually where I yeah yeah good luck man good seeing you man I just ran into my buddy Ben he's got a YouTube channel called Ready Set resell and he finds a ton of cool stuff he's got an Instagram to that I follow him on and I think it was like a couple weeks ago he found this huge collection GI Joe toys got him really cheap but he's already selling them for like huge money so if you guys haven't seen Vince channel go check it out it's good stuff anything inside yes No and everybody inside pretty much every single thing is good morning at a yard sale what are y'all doing hey what's up hi sweetie [Music] what's this patch do you know I'm gonna buy it regardless I just was curious okay what's this some let's machine is it really I see Wow oh cool thanks man I'm John justice Justice nice to meet you you guys find anything yeah yeah Oh I'm gonna buy all this here I was wondering if you would do 15 on that side yeah okay I'm gonna make a pile I'll keep shopping all right let me settle up with you I didn't see a price [Music] thank you does he work with me on price if I bought all the slider rules are there really no I didn't see those okay keep going more oh yeah yeah there's all these and then they're ones upstairs yeah okay where'd you guys want for all of them I think there's like a dozen upstairs - so about a hundred problems take a hundred bucks [Music] you mean the mill 125 yeah yeah throw in the compass and you got a deal okay I appreciate you working with me thank you sir all right yeah if you wanna be great let estate sales incredible the guy had been collecting all kinds of just crazy stuff and like he had a lot of everything yourself with one or two is something had like 40 or 50 of everything so it took me like a good half-hour to walk through the whole house and see everything about a number of things and I went ahead and bought up all the slider rules I'm not sure there's a lot of money to be made there they had like 30 or 40 of them and I end up buying them all for a hundred twenty-five and they threw something in on it but a couple of look like they had you know some okay value forty fifty bucks so I think that could be one of those things where I list them all and maybe in the next nine months to a year you know it's kind of paid off luckily they're really small so they're easy to like pack and store and then they're gonna be easy to ship to and that really won't be that difficult to list there's no like testing or anything like that so I try not to be an okay by heading back to my house now I'm gonna pull all this stuff out actually got a lot of really great stuff today and I'm gonna show you guys what I found trackball mouse for 50 Cent's it's worth about 20 bucks or so if you see and you had a trackball mice or like the Microsoft ones especially so long didn't go for a ton of money got this boss metronome doctor beat for eight bucks I'm sure what it's worth but this boss stuff you usually do pretty good with here's all these slider rules I bought so there's all these that were upstairs kind of like the better ones and then here's all kind of like the cheap ones that were downstairs and this is tompa saying that he threw me on the deal i don't know that a lot of these are really worth very much money I think these you know these are they had price around five bucks that's probably about what their Wars so some of these I might just have to lot up or just you know wait a while for him to sell these I think or where the money is gonna be you can see that kind of you know I had looked him up and they have like the model numbers and on there so I think they they were pretty aware of like what the value is of them were and they were pricing them accordingly but I feel pretty confident that there's some money to be made on these this is a picket in 500 I've never really sold high-end slider rolls so I'll definitely have to research these well I'll make sure I'm selling the right thing key jar isn't one sale she was asking five apiece so I've heard eight I bought both but she was sticking to her five so I went ahead and paid it I don't know what they're worth but they're pretty close is a Raggedy Ann and Andy and it's made out of ten 1973 then this is just like a generic cookie jar ten all enough Cleveland Ohio Scrabble game for a dollar I always pick these up when I find out because I partum out like I'll hoard up the tiles and then whenever I get like I don't know 1,000 or 1,500 I sell them for around 50 bucks something like that got the super Mario's lunchbox it's a little dirty but it has the thermos with it this little guy was in there but I think he goes with it and the camp its little Playmobil toy new in the box for a dollar any time I finally vintage Playmobil I always pick it up although this one is not as old as I thought it was it says 2006 but that's okay I still worth something got a fraternity paddle not too often I find these but when I do I always pick them up because they tend to sell it is from University of Cincinnati got some bud light spuds McKenzie glasses it was their mascot I think it was in the 80s yeah they say 1987 I paid a quarter each the kind of a set of four so I'll throw em on eBay maybe at fifteen twenty bucks Olympus camera I paid five bucks for it and I didn't figure out till later that it is new in the box everything still got the wrapping they never actually used to know could be 50 60 bucks and maybe something like that and some videogames one sale the kid went in and pulled him out for me I say kid he's probably my age and I told him I was looking for like maybe four or five and he said like two bucks for a little had a couple Pokemon D s games in there but the games weren't in the cases it's just 50 cases might still be able to sell the cases and then the ps1 games I got our Digimon crash 2 and a demo disc kind of Polaroid spear at six camera for two bucks I've got some film in there or at least a cartridge anyways it might actually be a couple pieces of film in there still these things double as the battery for the camera so if you find one with it see how it starts to crank like that it's definitely trying to do something a lot of times if you hold this down it'll kind of generate like charged up red lights come on I don't know what that means fortunately retrospect doesn't taken these anymore but I still think I can throw it on eBay for like 15 bucks green lights on so look at that it works got a Fitbit charge for two bucks she just wanted to be rid of it she wasn't sure that it worked so she just so much cheaper at this crystal biscuit box for three dollars I normally don't mess much with crystal but looked like this was selling for about 20 bucks or so I got some vacuum cleaner bags for $0.50 each pack has three bags at home I'll probably bought these up and just do one laudible mont popa they all fit the same vacuum I actually know that you're different crap well do one lot of these and then maybe one a lot of these and maybe five bucks a pack I've no idea that could be worthless but this sony boombox for five bucks they said it worked I didn't test it out or anything and if it does work fully functional I think it's worth around 40 or 50 here's that ankle haul sign a bond at those state sale and 25 on it I've heard 15 and they took it this is from Xavier University Cincinnati Hinkle balls are pretty old building I didn't know what it was I had to google it but I'll throw on Facebook marketplace and I'll put it on eBay - I have no idea what the price of that though maybe 7,500 bucks something like that I'm just hoping that Xavier alum season wants it for you know their collection just found like five or six more slider rules that I guess we're in a different bag there's a post a personal log 5:20 yeah I've got a lot of a lot of work ahead of me on these all look the same to me but I'm sure the model numbers are on there somewhere that this Kimura coffee mirror for two dollars actually nobody that looks like it says coffee liqueur so it's probably like a Bailey's or something it's kind of neat that these craftsmen and screwdrivers for three bucks and you in the packaging I think I'll get maybe 25 30 bucks for all right last but not least are these Electrolux vacuums nah but he had like 10 on one and 20 on another and all I did was look at him you know I was just kind of admiring them and he says you know give me 15 bucks and take all this stuff I'm like all right I'll do it they just really remind me of that same law movie they've got attachments hoses I got all kinds of pieces they even got like weird on bags like these are cool so I'm gonna test them out and maybe make a couple bundles of these things that look like I think I felt like one sold comp so I really don't know what the market is for these things I'll try to post a local two because if I don't have to ship them that'd be great that's it for this video guys thank you for watching I ran into bin earlier Ready Set resell I'll put a link to his channel in the description below so check them out I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 117,124
Rating: 4.8788462 out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, cincinnati picker, garage sale finds, garage sales, garage sale tips, garage sale haul, yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale tips, ebay seller, ebay selling, ebay sales, how to sell on ebay, side hustle, part time income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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