I Made Flexible & Stretchy Mommy Long Legs In REAL LIFE | Poppy Playtime 2 Mighty 8K 3D Printed

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I am toymaker Zedabyu and today we will attempt  to create a life size Mommy long leg Toy that   is both stretchable and flexible, together  with her very own toy box so that it looks   like an actual toy we bought from playtime co.  The toy in the game is supposed to be made of   a special plastic that can stretch AND pose,  but that is not possible in real life, so we   need to find alternatives for these features. For the stretching part, GiovyHobby had already   made one that is really stretchable with this  rubber thingy and that is exactly what we are   going to do as well. However, I also want it to  be poseable, so I am going to print her limbs   with this Phrozen Nylon resin that I used to make  my toy story alien squeaky because it’s flexible,   and of course, we are also using flexible  leather paints that we explored in that video,   so that they won’t crack when we flex the prints. For the rest of the parts, we have printed them   out with our trusty mighty 8k and aqua vanilla  resin, because not only is the printer capable   of printing all the parts at one go, it is  also able to reproduce the fine details that   is needed for this project, such that these  really thin eyebrows. Once the prints are   removed from the buildplate, we have to clean  them thoroughly by dipping them in alcohol   because it is hollow and we have to flush the  uncured resin out as much as possible. I know,   resin printing seems really intimidating and  dirty, but I assure you that once you get over   that fear and get used to the process, you will  be able to produce amazing art pieces, like look   at the details replicated by this printer! You can  see the lip markings that I made, and I am always   impressed by how these tiny supports could printed  out with no issues at all. Make sure to check the   links in the description if you are interested,  as it will help our channel grow even bigger.  Plus, you don’t even need to worry about making  your own models because there are so many models   available online, and these models are actually  from the game itself that I simply made printable   by modifying a few things, such as marking out  the details on her body, and her lips that we   saw earlier, adjusting her thumb to make her  palms open up, then thickening her eyebrows   so they don’t break after printing. As for her  eyes, I didn’t want to use the realistic one   that monster mommy has because we are making the  toy version, so I decided to make a simplistic   version with a few circles in photoshop, applied  it to the model to mark out the circles for decal   placements afterwards. Then it’s just about  separating them, adding keys, so that we can   print them individually, for easier painting. Speaking of printing, our flexible print has   failed and I think it’s because I made them hollow  in the middle so that I could put a wire through,   but they have unintentionally become suction  cups that were probably causing it to fail,   so I removed the hole in the middle and they  printed out perfectly. And it is flexible   wow! I then tried drilling a hole through the  middle for the wires, but, it started to crack   when I bend it, and I started to panic,  so I think I’m not going to do the wires,   and it will not be poseable unfortunately. Let’s take a break, and make the box. Poppy   playtime chapter 3 actually gave us some updated  boxes, like Bunzo bunny used to have an open   concept box just like Sir poops a lot, but now  it’s upgraded to a closed version in chapter 3.   Mommy’s box didn’t change too much, they just  added more details on the sides of the box,   and also added a blue background for the insides,  which looks more complete and professional,   so that is what we are going to print for  this project. The UV map is quite messy,   and compared to the chapter 2 box, the new one  seems really desaturated, so I’m increasing the   saturation to give it a little bit more color and  life. Luckily, the front portion of the box is   already well made, we just have to rearrange  the blue portion accordingly to make it into   a foldable box format. It’s easy, just flip the  pink portion, then we can start placing the blue   ones over it like a puzzle, and it is done. But, what size is Toy Mommy? Poppy playtime   has never been really specific with the sizes  of their characters, we know Huggy is 18ft,   but Monster mommy is just… Tall. I made  my sir poops a lot box to be 25cm tall,   and from game footage, it seems like mommy’s  box is slightly taller than poopsalot’s,   so I’m just gona guesstimate it to be 35cm tall,  and I think it’s good enough. I printed it out at   my local printing shop and it looks pretty darn  good. Just like sir poops a lot, I’m going to use   the same cardboard, and paste the entire sticker  over it slowly, pushing out air bubbles as we go,   and it looks great. Then it’s time to cut the  sides off, and don’t forget the middle. Do   the same for the insides, fold the sides with a  metal ruler, glue the sides on, and, that is all.  Since we wanna make Mommy stretch and flex, I  would like to make the limbs interchangeable,   by gluing magnets to her parts. We are pretty  lucky because the rubber arm we bought is almost   the same size as the one we printed, so it will  fit perfectly. We just have to glue in magnets to   all of the holes, and do some sanding. It’s funny  cause we have been doing flocking and fabric work   for the past few videos, so we didn’t really  have to sand to perfection, but this time we   are BACK to getting the surface smooth and  perfect, and we have to start filling up   these tiny potholes, and the drain holes we made  digitally, which is A LOT. It’s not the filling up   that is tedious, it’s that after filling up and  curing the holes further in the Cure Mega S, we   have to sand them smooth AGAIN…. This one killed  my spirit a little, so feel free to like, comment,   and click the links to help the channel out. The good thing is I got to destress a little   by bending these flexible prints and it’s really  quite satisfying. The magnets work really well,   and I don’t see the prints cracking  anywhere, so that is a very good sign.   They can really withstand quite a lot  of flex, and the magnets could also hold   the weight well without falling off the body,  and all that’s left is to paint the parts up.  I painted them with some white primer, and  sprayed the decals with some clear coat,   then for the flexible prints I prepped them with  white leather paints so that the green base will   not show through the paintings. The colors are  quite hard to achieve, especially when we only   have the wrong shade of pink leather paint,  but after some trial and error, I am happy to   confirm that we can actually mix regular acrylic  paints with leather paint as a base to get the   color we want, and the paint will NOT crack. That’s great because we can then mix the same   acrylic paint to get the same shade of pink  for the non flexible prints to keep things   consistent. As for the other parts like the hair,  it is of a hotter pink with a tint of orange,   and I masked the top of the body to paint  the bottom half. Now that everything is pink,   we will add some blue to the collar and  the hair band, and I chose to hand brush   it because we needed more control when painting  the socks since part of the shoe is blocking it.  Unmask the eyes and we are ready for eye decals.  It’s been awhile since our last decal session and   I thought I was an expert already, but then  our first attempt failed miserably! I think   it’s the fact that the eyes are too curved so  the decal couldn’t lay flat on the surface,   causing some overlaps that I have to try and  fix with some paints, and this is the best we   can do. We even had to fix the black border,  but while we are here, we can complete the   eyebrows , add some black to the mouth, and  do some make up for her to complete the look.  Lastly, we are going to apply some gloss to her  face, and the rest of her body, glue the parts   together like her face to her hair, her hair to  her hair, then her head to the body. Assemble   her arms together, her legs, and she is done. Finally, we have a flexible mommy long legs,   with her amazing box that makes it look like an  actual toy. Her limbs do stretch really well as   you can see, but because the color of the rubber  isn’t correct, it makes her look really weird,   and it doesn’t accept paints either, so I don’t  think I will be using the stretchy limbs anymore.   Her flexible limbs are sadly not poseable,  but the good thing is they do flex really   well and the paints don’t crack at all! I could  also technically pose them with some zipties   through the box, and because they are magnetic, I  could take them out and put them back whenever I   want. Thank you for watching this video, I hope  you enjoyed it, and I will see you next time!
Channel: Zedabyu Creations
Views: 17,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one sixth scale, custom, hot toys, sculpting, painting, timelapse, customize, formlabs, 3d printing, art, 1/6 scale, sideshow, 3d printer, custom figure, sculpt, sculpture, pixologic, zbrush, acrylic painting, figure painting, mommy long legs, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, making mommy long legs, daddy long legs, project playtime, stretchy mommy long legs, flexible mommy long legs, mommy long legs vhs, life size mommy long legs, playtime co in real life, playtime co toys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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