I Made Custom Hearts From Your Dumb Ideas

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these are Minecraft hearts and these are your ideas I turn your ideas into custom Hearts to try and beat my friend nari will your powers help me or will they cause my inevitable demise let's go I hope being funny doesn't invite any bad ideas to the video oh no oh SN Sho starts us off with an absolute Banger of a comment an egg sure I can do that an egg huh that should be possible but before we do anything we need to go into survival mode and then we actually need to enable the hearts so if I run this command our hearts should now be custom with your ideas starting with a egg heart I don't exactly know how this works but I know that I have an adorable little version of me inside of an egg look I even got a little Binky oh my God now what happens if I throw it oh hello who's that hey oh my God it's a little version of me what a Dapper little fellow oh my God okay let's spam it spam it everywhere we need a little minion version of me a little army of system z's are you kidding me nari doesn't stand a chance now we just need to find a minion to put this to the test let's see who will be our sacrifice how about you don't mind if I do boys get him sick him guys he can sense your fear oh that's that's unfortunate but I guess it all just depends on if I take any damage as long as I stay on this heart I think we might actually win this all right guys it's time to eat let's get some food oh the poor cow I'm so sorry and guys it looks like we're going to have to share the food that or we can fight over it go go go go go okay that's great and all but a cow doesn't fight back so we need to find something that does okay guys before we do anything I think we should punch a villager because nari might try and run instead of attack can you guys actually keep up with a running Target get him okay he is running and he is a little faster than our little minions but our minions can keep up oh I'm so sorry villager oh they backed him to a corner how ruthless and the Iron Golem has no idea speaking of the Iron Golem nari might actually try and fight back get him don't let him get me I'm sorry I'm sorry it's all about the test no stop chasing me please attack the minions that's what this test is all about right no guys guys get them yeah oh they're dying one after another but they don't stand a chance not against our minions let's go good job guys I am so proud of you with 64 Minions on my side as long as you don't die I don't think nari stands a chance hopefully the rest of the hearts actually stay on my side and don't make things more complicated Barry Benson wants our next Heart To Be An Enderman that throws blocks okay an Enderman heart huh I think I can make that work I've just got to see if I can actually take damage I got some ender pearls and I'm an Enderman let's go can I punch yo I can punch I look like I'm dancing let's go that's what I'm talking about boys okay but as an Enderman having ender pearls doesn't really help help me is there anything else I can actually do okay what happens if I pick up blocks literally nothing happens at all it's supposed okay well that's a bit bizarre am I able to throw blocks what just H oh what oh now I'm funy how does this actually work oh wait okay I got the block can I throw it okay I can throw explosive blocks let's go as an Enderman I have the ability to pick up blocks and throw them and the blocks are explo can I pick this up oh hello okay well this is good I've got explosive TNT blocks on my side I don't really know how that works as an Enderman but you know what I'm not complaining I don't think narie likes explosions I know I wouldn't I have no idea what is happening right now something is broken in the mod guys I actually don't know why this is happening I think oh no I think it has something to do with the Enderman oh it's going to crash the okay I got to get out of here oh my God what is going on okay note to self be very careful when messing with explosive blocks I don't want to lose this heart the moment I get it oh God that was spooky lightning outside spooky Thunder that popped and it looks like I got ender pearls as an Enderman but if I throw them I'm going to lose my heart so I guess this is a last itch effort I guess if I need to escape from nari that's what I'll use all right I'm sorry horse but I got to test it oh okay it does a lot of damage let's go literally Fundy asked for himself a big version of himself anything for you funy oh God now I'm funy yeah okay I guess now it makes sense as to why I'm funy but what do I do as big funy I really I really have no idea other than just be an absolute Terror to the world of Minecraft what good is it to be fun I mean I can I can break blocks I do have a bit of a far reach actually which is kind of nice I might be able to use this to my advantage so maybe I can use this to keep narfi at a distance or maybe I can stomp on narie that might be handy either way being a giant Fundy you know what I don't think I have room to complain this is kind of nice in the meantime I hope being funy doesn't invite any bad ideas to the video what's that you want constant popup ads okay popup ads huh oh no oh no I asked my community to design popup ads and this is what they oh god what is that nar's in your local area oh no okay wait if I press P okay there is a button that allows me to clear these and I can still play oh I can't press it fast enough I actually can't press it fast enough oh this is not good this is fundy's idea isn't it this is where you guys got this idea I knew being funy would invite chaos to this video oh no touch 100% grass it's free hot blocks near you oh God I just oh what is that is that a mini game virus oh no hacker found on your computer you have 60 seconds to click this link to arrest hackers on your moner oh no what is that oh my God it's Wednesday my dudes is that an Enderman game I can download it today try eating a horse why would I do that I kind of regret asking you to design popup hats oh my God you got mail you got mail one second I'm behind yep there I am hey sorry I'm just clearing the oh come on there's still popping up okay technically speaking if I lose the heart fast enough the popup ads won't be a problem right right this user asked for a monkey with drip but I think I misunderstood a monkey with drip huh I'm sorry to say but I think I misunderstood I am a monkey that just got out of water but the good thing is is I did just get a banana launcher which allows me to launch bananas that explode is that good enough for you I hope so because otherwise I really don't know what you meant by a monkey with drip I am a soak and wet monkey right now oh you meant like with a cool necklace or like cool sneakers didn't you I guess this isn't really what you had in mind is it I don't really know what to do as a monkey with drip I hope someone has a so I don't slip around you know what I'm not complaining being able to launch bananas is a pretty cool superpower so even though I might be a slippery monkey I think this will do do I not take damage the bananas don't affect me okay that's actually a really really important perk I can deal as much damage to nari as I want and not take any damage let's go oh never mind I I took damage fox in it wants us to add perfume to the game I think I can work with that okay let's take a walk through the perfume Department okay this is absolutely crazy I am carrying around a lingering cloud of about every single effect Minecraft has to offer I hope nari enjoys nausea blindness slowness speed strength poisoning literally everything he could possibly imagine and if I right click I can launch my own dragons breath which is pretty handy so if he gets too close you know it's actually kind of bad though cuz I can't see anything this perfume is too strong but the custom heart looks pretty at least okay let's see if I if I just launch dragon breath everywhere oh wait it actually leaves behind random effects so if he doesn't come close to me I have long range weapons that's a plus that's a plus this might actually give me a pretty strong Advantage if he gets levitation and just flies up and Falls that'll be the end of it and luckily the effects don't affect me so this is a win-win good job oh we're oh the cow's dying the cow oh my God okay this is actually good this is how we can test it the cow is dead unless maybe the cow's invisible oh that's actually a problem if if nari goes invisible I have no idea where he's going to be and that's that's just going to make this really complicated okay we've actually got a major problem because the villagers basically go invisible very quickly okay this is actually going to be a lot more complicated than I thought this both helps me and hurts me at the same time okay the dragon's breath will definitely help do they doal damage on impact though that's a better question because if it explodes I might be able to use that to my advantage our terrari suggested that we add heart attacks to Minecraft I have an idea for this hear me out okay the next heart is a heart attack which summons literal hearts that will attack and do damage for me you know what that that seems like it could come in handy or maybe not it's kind of like the minions all over again besides don't we want to keep my hearts losing them sounds kind of weird and unfortunately the way this work did my heart just die my heart died literally for nothing it just died and unfortunately the way this one works is as soon as my hearts die I actually lose that heart whether I take damage or not and they attack each other so that's not good yeah beat them up beat them up how's it going beat him up this isn't really that great oh and he's dead oh oh that's just great I mean with enough Hearts this could be better but as of right now they're way too weak to really help me in any way shape or form I may as well have an actual heart attack guys he's trying to kill me do you m please oh God Turtle cat 2258 just said Steamboat Willie so yeah um how is this going to help me I am now Steamboat Willie uh everything's black and white that is not an edited effect that is just what the world looks like brought to you by the wonderful powers of shaders and unfortunately literally nothing happens I am just Steamboat Willie so I guess I can punch him I don't I don't really know but I don't think it could really get much more useless than this I'll be honest um but maybe you guys will surprise me literally Dwight D Eisenhower said I need Dwight d i andhow what wow Dwight D Eisenhower huh did I stand corrected it got worse this is even more useless I'll be honest I really don't know what I was expecting um I should never have given you guys the freedom to control my life with custom Hearts you know what I it was my fault I apologize this whole video is my fault do I at least get super strength that would be nice I don't just normal human Dwight D Eisenhower everything's still black and white too so yeah Umbreon wants me to add a Pokeball to capture Nar you know since he's a polar bear that might actually work okay that brings us to our final heart I am now Ash Ketchum in Minecraft that's right we are Pokemon trainers and I got to say the hat fits me quite nicely I am eating sorry about that I have a poke ball this is my last Stitch effort if this doesn't do I don't think I stand a chance against narie okay I don't think I'll do it I don't think I'll be able to win if I'm being honest with but nari cannot escape a Pokeball you see nari is a PO bear meaning he is a Pokémon so if I just learn how to throw a Pokeball I got to learn not to miss oh uh I caught myself I I I literally caught myself this could go one of two ways either a I will capture myself or B I will somehow capture Nar this is this is not going to go well is it but at least I won't die I guess technically I'm safe in here right I'm not going to die if I'm in a Pokeball I'll just be here forever which doesn't sound that bad I guess thises how does that actually work oh I got to admit that's kind of fun being able to capture yourself this is so broken okay can I throw it up really high maybe if I just run and I hope that nar's standing by it maybe that'll do if it just stays there okay the key is not to get too close cuz if I'm close enough it'll start to bring me oh God it's so fast okay well I think I've seen everything I need to see now it's all up to beating NY will your Hearts actually save me or will this be my inevitable demise I think we know what's going to happen all right narie welcome to the sand castle you have exactly 5 minutes to select anything from your creative inventory to try and beat me in a fight okay all right sweet okay let me see what I can get here uh my only objective is to either a survive or B somehow beat you in a duel and to be honest I don't think oh netherite yeah yeah yeah instantly yeah you know me saw that coming so I've got 10 Hearts 10 superpowers to be able to take you down okay in the meantime I'm actually going to go try and hide while you do this because oh boy okay I'm not confident in the hearts that my viewers selected for me boy I think my best bet is to catch you off guard and the worst part is I got to be careful and not take any damage while I'm fighting you because every time I lose a heart I lose an ability this is going to be interesting how's it going down there narie you doing it's gone it's gone I'm just just enchanting all the things oh yeah enchanting your netherite armor oh that that's that's fantastic M oh I could I could set up a trap when he walks through it's like home alone when he walks through I'll unleash my first set of Parts on hey you know we're in a call right shut up yeah it's this is going to be um a chaotic oh I'm already taking oh oh um I already took damage all right narie you ready to fight oh God ready oh please okay go start with the minions we got to start with the oh are they Dying by the cactus oh no okay these guys will protect me at all cost if oh my gosh there's so many huh Nar you're not going to be able to get me down there you got oh the arrows are gigantic good thing I'm so big that I'm super fast hey buddy how it going oh no no no no okay at least you can't go in here guys I'm going to punch I'm going to punch is when they die look I'm just blending in he has no idea I'm here let's go ah H get him guys no oh okay wait wait I'm an inter I'm an inter there's so many minions I can use this to my advantage so many take it no stop I can throw explosive blocks at you I am an Enderman I'm an Enderman I will throw all the explosive blocks at you keep I Will Stand My Ground dead Bush oh jeez oh okay oh okay okay they do actually deal damage yeah what you going to do about that be able to actually beat you you didn't make an explosive deadly Enderman could do the damage and you the best part is you can't even get me the tunnel guys this was the best part ever no oh Jee get him get him Guys box minion oh gosh the foxes no it's in oh God please oh jeez you're getting no no I'm getting pop up BS please spare me I the foxes are attack why are the foxes attacking I of just 999,000 back here get back here got pop hey villager in your area you got okay NY this please look hear me out hear me out hear me out I am at a severe disadvantage he's distracted he's distracted the this is the perfect time to clear out this is the perfect time to clear the ads let's go okay before he notices I can make my run I'm going to go into the village oh wow the arrows are big jeez ah narie I can see yous I I can barely see you through the wa wait move move over hey how are you hey need new goggles by System Z cuz they're on my screen the worst part is it gets faster and faster hey Z touch grass uh-huh yeah apparently look free diamonds free diamonds where learn why learn why subscribe subscribe free apples get more inventory slots for the small price of hungry try eating a horse uh-oh that's my favorite I got to sneak in here with all the hey how's it going hey it's me the papa just do me a favor I can't take this anymore please punch me oh you're the monkey now R maybe I run he can't catch me if I'm if I'm clearing oh God there's so many Papa bads many oh I cleared you okay so what are what what is happened I am a monkey with DP I may have misunderstood but surprise narie surprise boy surprise boy I'm going to destroy you if my mission is to kill you I'm going to do it here how close am I how many hearts do you have ah no I still have most of my hearts oh the foxes they picked up stuff I'm so tiny I'm so tiny that you have no idea I'm so tiny he will never notice me I'm way too tiny I'm just a sweaty monkey you would never hurt it okay oh jeez what perfume effect I'll use this to my advantage come here what is it what do it I got jump boost and it just wo oh I just got a bunch of oh stay back you Fe stay back I can keep you at Arms you're invisible okay the armor actually did not work to your advantage because the one concern I had was that if you go invisible I wouldn't know where you were this I can good thing I can do this oh no a floating sword go go go go I'm going to get in the pool I'm going to infest the pool with my stay back you ghost oh no where he go where' he go are the foxes invisible ow get him heart attack get him heart ATT I don't have my armor on wait hold on it's my heart attack I'm having a heart attack heart attack the foxes no why are they already dying the heart attack sucks so bad I need my shield back the heart attack was supposed to be so much cooler but it's so bad it is so bad like it's almost embarrassing yeah but there were supposed to be so cool but they're literally so bad get get him get him get him get him Fox get still have Fun's ability I still have Fun's ability I got this i got this i got this get him gosh oh my gosh what do you have to say about this narie I got this to say okay narie I got to admit this custom heart is literally just everything's the same except it's Steamboat Willie oh you actually look like yourself dang I'm just uh you're um I'm going to get you assist Through the Windows get him Fox even the foxes are black and white even the foxes are Black and White Steam Willie I'm going to get you hey I'm going this way speedy speedy Steamboat Willie no you're not oh oh I am now Dwight the Eisenhower yeah uh my my audience may or may not be on my side I have no idea at this point jeez hey okay well okay NY I have but one more heart remain is that is that a golden yeah don't to boy there is really no chance I have at winning this is no yeah no it's kind of it's kind of overy creative mode was a mistake um well narie that's okay because I have one last weapon up my sleeve what I'm holding is an apple yeah yeah man it's definitely an apple who what's over there huh oh oh no wait oh it's a lot of foxes thanks for the Pokéball oh oh jeez oh wait he's going to get me too wait oh oh oh wait I I actually got narie let's go now you have the hearts uh run yeah no no not I like how you literally immediately beat me literally immediately beat me Pokéball Pokéball no it's too early no it's too early wait oh my God see you just run from here we have a narie running from a horde of angry system there it's p run away oh je oh now oh now you're an intimate oh God I'm not going to welcome funay to go code your dumb ideas oh I oh wait how do I get rid of them wait I don't know how to I don't know how to get rid of them don't know I have no idea where you went are I don't know how to get rid of I don't know how to get rid of them yeah sweaty monkey no no I will capture the sweaty monkey I will anyways to the center of the earth I go oh my God I just see lightning oh oh are you wait are you jumping with dragon's breath oh no oh hello hello not the heart attack ATT not the heart attack come here I'll get you I'm not going to let you oh please Dwight hello it is me Dwight D Eisenhower no stop it's oh no I'm coming for you I'm going back to the boat no please stop follow for the American people I don't like this anyways oh um got to catch them all uh-oh goodbye CR world oh subcribe I am eating
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 157,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, your ideas, knarfy and zee, systemzee, knarfy, funny, coded, i coded, minecraft mods, your ideas in minecraft, your dumb ideas, comments, breaking minecraft, breaking
Id: WAtsiCx8aOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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