I Made a Roblox Game, but in 24 hours

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can a game be made in 24 hours now that's the question I'm gonna try to find an answer to in today's video so in my Discord server which you should join by the way I asked everybody in the server to give me an idea for what game I should make in 24 hours and well we got a bunch of ideas and now some of these ideas are a little too hard like Mirror's Edge I have no idea how to do that so I'm gonna have to stick to something I've actually sort of tried before we also have simulators not gonna lie I hate simulator we have find the button but I think that game's a little too simple and one of my favorites is make Minecraft and Roblox and then that Minecraft is fortnite so I knew I'm gonna make a round based game I don't know why I just really enjoy round-based games okay and this idea stood out the most to me honestly to summarize this entire idea it's basically Minecraft build battle and yeah it's essentially Minecraft build battle if you don't know what that is basically you are given an x amount of time so let's say five minutes and a theme let's say it's a frog and in five minutes you're gonna have to build a frog using a bunch of blocks you're given and once the five minutes are up you're gonna have to judge everybody else's frog and whoever gets the highest score win now if you know my old games then you would know that's actually kind of similar to my furniture decorating game which was copied from sort of build battle but now I'm back to build battle so yeah that's that's what we're gonna do today and I already created the Google Doc for all the systems we're gonna have to make first of all the player should not Collide then we're gonna have to do a countdown timer which is pretty simple and then for the round system we're gonna have to create a build system where you have a UI that pops up and you can select a block and then you can place it somewhere but the important part here is I want the game to be playable for mobile players mobile players matter a lot and then we're gonna have to make a voting system and I also listed out the uis we're gonna need and I think that's what I'm gonna do first so the first thing I'm going to do is create a menu to select a block that you're going to place down so let's get the timer started okay we don't have much time guys I need a screen Guida frame within the frame we're gonna have a scrollable frame probably should not be narrating everything and it's important we also see how this looks in Mobile form I don't like how there's a line with like the canvas UI I don't know how to get rid of it alright so this UI may look absolutely terrible to you and honestly it is oh we gotta move on we have only 23 hours and 54 minutes so now we have the blocked select UI now we need the block placement UI and now what that means is we're gonna have to have a UI that pops up whenever you try to place a block prompting you to confirm or cancel the placement and really I'm just adding this for mobile players because I am nice to mobile players and instead of making the bowden's pictures I'm literally just gonna make them colors because we don't have time if I do have time later on like of course I will be changing that I would also replace this with a viewport frame of the block instead of having just the color but I mean it is functional like you do understand what it does so it's not bad anyways so this doesn't look bad so when you try try to place a block down let's say you tap like over here and these are gonna pop up to prompt you to confirm or cancel the place now the next thing we need to make is a voting UI so for the voting UI I'm gonna do something a bit simple so I'm just gonna have a bunch of circular button with the color going from like really red to like green all right so these are going to be the voting options I think it's pretty intuitive the red is pretty bad and green is good I hope people are gonna be able to tell now the next thing we need is a leaderboard GUI which essentially just displays like first place second place third place but I also wanted to like stick out and be different colors honestly I should not be thinking about that right now so I have the leaderboard done sort of so we'll just have a list of the players over here like first place second place and so on the last UI we need to make is the theme and countdown UI which basically just displays what the current theme is along with how much time is left in the round now we have all the uis done it's time to move on to actually coding this game so I'm going to start off by programming the countdown system which I have already done before so this should be pretty simple you just gotta create a function to start the countdown given the end of time okay so I have my countdown function I believe it works I have no idea I have not tested it but I'm just hoping it does so we have 23 hours and 20 minutes remaining time is going by faster than I thought now we're gonna have to create the building system which is gonna be scary I have never coded this fast in my life I've already ridden like nearly 100 lines of code there's just a lot going through my mind oh my God so a lot of work has been done but there's literally nothing I can show off it's like I have a bunch of little systems sort of working but you can't see it until every single one of these little systems is complete I also got the transparency script working which is so that when you're building everybody's transparent and when you're voting everybody's a little translucent and once it's intermission you can see everybody clearly so after quite a bit of work I've sort of got the basics of the block placement mechanics to work so now if you left click the base plate over here it's gonna display a block and the block is a little bit transparent and if you click off nothing happens and if you click too far away like below the map also nothing happens in fact it just cancels the block placement you know there's still some issues with it okay this should not be possible but anyways if you place the block down then well there's a block there then you can place another block another block another block another block another block another block and you can also cancel so yeah the basics are here next I gotta color these blocks the color of this thing and to do that I just have a module script within the script which I'm going to store all the blocks and then I'm gonna store every single button's name as a key and have the value set to the color value so instead of manually registering every single one because like I might have a whole bunch of colors I'm just gonna write a script that just converts a bunch of keys into a bunch of values okay so I just got an error that says module code did not return exactly one value and I genuinely have no idea what that even means okay I have no idea what I just changed but it just worked that just made me waste like 10 minutes we're down to only 21 hours and 48 minutes it's actually not bad and now we have a colored block there are a few features that I didn't even consider so first of all it's kind of annoying having to press the color back again every single time and plus there's no delete functionality so unfortunately I'm gonna have to add both of those so I'm gonna have to have like a cancel button to switch colors oh my God this is becoming worse and worse you know for now I'm gonna keep it the way it is just because it is functional and we have a timeline so finally after a bit more time I did get some stuff working so now you can select a color of course then you can select where the block is gonna go you can confirm her and then you can just tap again and you can keep doing this over and over again and to cancel all you have to do is click the same color that you have selected and it cancels it now when I'm left clicking I'm spamming by the way nothing happened and I can reselect but now I feel like we should add more colors instead of coming up with a bunch of color names and color values I'm just going to go on this website and steal a whole bunch of names and color values because it's a lot easier so this has a 140 colors and honestly I don't know how many I should take let's begin with the simple like black and white I don't know why white is called snow okay there's no and there's white what is the difference okay so I added quite a few colors so this should work and it does and if I switch colors it works this is going pretty well anyways I think I'm still gonna add a few more colors so we officially have 21 hours left and I just slightly updated the UI so I think it looks a bit cleaner now I gave the countdown a little gradient which I think just makes it pop out a lot more I also realized that I didn't even have a theme like where it displays what the theme is so I just converted the time left into a build and it's going to have the actual theme and to make the block menu a bit less claustrophobic because it was taking up too much screen space in my opinion I just added the gradient for the background now it just flows smoothly and now that everything is working pretty smoothly one of the last things we need for the build system I believe is just a deleting system and I think the way it should work is if you don't have a color selected any click a block then you should be able to click on it and there should be a button that's like delete and once that's done we're gonna have to move on to creating the actual game round system I don't know why but I'm working on the round system it's not a build system because there's just so much code for the build system now that is just a headache to modify so we're gonna need a function to get a theme but we need themes in the first place so I'm going to add a module script within this module script we're going to have a whole bunch of themes have a frog a tree you can even have a house you know out of the seven options I have four of them are animals I don't have any good ideas let's do car actually okay I have enough ideas now they're honestly not that good but it's okay all right so now the intermission works if there's not enough players in the server it's gonna stop and if there are enough players then it hasn't started the intermission yet then it's gonna set an end of time which is the current time plus 20 seconds and then if the current time has passed the end of time that is we're going to start the build time round I don't know what I'm saying but now we need to get the building working I already have the theme function working which basically just prevents any duplicates a theme so you don't want to have like a build a frog and then it's like build a frog and build a frog so it just adds it to a list of previous themes and it's not going to pick from there essentially I think my code should be working a little like I do have the intermission and the building still don't have the voting but I want to make sure that the countdown works so that it displays the appropriate theme like if it's voting time it should say voting or intermission or you know what I mean let's get that working I'm currently in the process of redoing all my code for the colors because I just realized well like the colors are not replicated to the server which means the server can't really store the colors and well I don't wanna send the entire color code to the server because that's too complicated there's just too much data okay definitely not lazy but basically what I'm doing now is instead of storing the colors using the UI I'm gonna have the colors pre-stored over here and then the UI is created it using these so the ui's like name is going to be set to this the key over here and the value gonna be this so then this information is also going to be on the server all right so I no longer have any blocks displayed over here as they're all on the script and I wrote the code to do it so it should work now all right this is good okay please work build the living room all right internet yes it is working according to my logic here why is it doing intermission started and built on we have 19 hours and 37 minutes left I'm dealing with a lot of bugs my throat's been pretty sore for like the past few hours so I did take a break there's quite a bit that I got done off camera and no it's not an insane amount believe me first of all the entire round Loop works with like the intermission and then the build and then the voting and then it shows the leaderboard and yeah I implemented the leaderboard which honestly was very simple my throat is killing me I mean I still don't have the deleting block functionality yeah so now it's judging time but since this is my plot being displayed it's not gonna show me the option and here's the leaderboard it shows you your rank the username and point and I made like the first place be a big golden place would be able to Silver and then bronze and then it just becomes black but honestly I don't like the way it looks like the black looks sleeker but at the same time like don't we want to have gold and stuff like I don't know but honestly we're getting pretty done to finishing this game even though we still have 17 hours left this means that my scope for this game wasn't large enough which is actually very surprising it's typically the exact opposite where people plan to make like the nice GTA but realistically that's just too much but I think I did the exact opposite since that's the case I'm gonna start working on like some marketing material for the game and first of all we need a game name for the game so it called the game speed build which you can see here in the bottom left corner very teeny tiny that's my Watermark so let's change the game's title to Speed Build and now let's try to make a nice description and instead of making the game five minutes I feel like be a bit more true to the name it should be lower but I don't want to make it two minutes because that's too little in four minutes sounds weird so I might stick with three minutes I mean obviously I can change this later I have no idea what's gonna make for the best gameplay so if people really want to make like nicer and nicer builds they don't really care about this speed like time limit portion I'm gonna increase the time like five minutes maybe 10 minutes I don't know but for now I'm Gonna Keep it three minutes you know hear me out I think this is a good description I don't know how to make descriptions but this sounds pretty good to me one thing three minutes and a whole bunch of Cubes who's gonna make the nicest creation let it be you build judge and win or lose having a good game Icon is like one of the most important things for a successful game just look at how a nice bed Wars this looks and door and this game like they're all just amazing and there's a lot of competition in this segment so I built a heart my idea is I'm just gonna take a picture like this and then try to have some like fancy text that's like Speed Build I don't know if it's gonna turn out good but there's only one way to find out you know I don't think it's going that bad but the heart is definitely out of place so I think I'm gonna try to replace it with a house and I try to make a little cute house this is the house that I made I don't know if it's that good but we're gonna find out in a sec I actually like how this looks by the way if you couldn't tell already I literally just copied the Classic Home of robloxia I don't know what it's called the happy homo robloxia and I made a little teeny tiny cute version to make sure this really sticks out I'm gonna do something that every game does which is have like a new Banner like a red banner over here that's gonna just say new now this is the complete game Icon like might change it in the future but for the time being I'm pretty satisfied with it so now that the game Icon is loaded and in my opinion it actually looks pretty good it's time to add some game thumbnails because now when you click on the game this is all you get for the thumbnail I'm literally just gonna upload this hard along with the house that we built and any like cool creations there are that I might make or somebody else sends me I'm just gonna make them thumbnail so this is gonna be the first thumbnail and this is gonna be the second thumbnail as you can tell it shows who it's made by so if you guys ever check out this game and he makes something cool please send it over to me and give me your username so I did a little bit of work off camera and no believe me it's not that major I essentially just created the function that changes the size of the map and the grid which I mean the reason I want to do this is like what if we want to add special game modes in the future where it's like maybe it's only a five by five but the real reason is is I really didn't want to rebuild it because I noticed that it's too tiny to build anything that's like creative like I don't want everybody to make teeny tiny builds I want them to be a bit more impressive and I also added a whole bunch more themes and it's honestly a bit difficult to come up with them so I did use chat GPT a bit I used Google a bit and if you guys have any theme suggestions just comment them please because I promise you after this video goes up I'm still going to be working on this game because I believe it has potential we just got to make sure each theme is an object which is why I want to with fruits this is the function that takes care of the grit size I know it looks like just a bunch of numbers but it's pretty easy because all you have to do is just look at the size value of one of the borders and then you can just calculate how do I determine the size using Messy Kids this is why math is important and considering the fact we have about 16 hours left and the game is essentially done I think I should add a store to the game so you know how when the round ends it counts up everybody's points and whoever has the most points is the winner well what if we still store those points as some sort of currency which you can spend later on maybe on different colored blocks maybe it could be assets maybe you will add more than blocks like you can add flowers and little eyes and stuff like that so that's the first thing I'm going to be doing and I'm not gonna lie I am not sure how to save data so that is not the first thing I'm going to be doing I'm going to add the delete functionality that I've been talking about for ages and I don't know if you can tell by my voice but I somehow got really sick while making this video that is not a good sign so I updated this UI a little bit so it's going to be no or yes because I just feel like yes an X just looked weird and instead when trying to delete a block it's just going to reveal an X and if you click it obviously it's gonna complete the block all right so let's see if this is gonna work we place a block down okay deselect uh it's not working all right so let's see if there's any bugs in my system so if you select a block there's an X below it you press the X if okay it works it works see I have to make a weird change in my code because honestly my building code is a bit weird but it may glitch when it becomes voting time so I just want to see what happens then I have no idea what I just built so it ended up working because I think the leading was really that simple that genuinely took me less than like 10 minutes you know I've been procrastinating it for like four or five hours okay so I'm not gonna lie I'm not exactly 100 sure how to program saving data because I've just like literally never done it before and it uses like roblox's API which you need to learn and I haven't learned therefore I am literally watching gnome codes video about how to do it so if this works there should be a little leaderboard that shows the points and wins in the top right and there we go it does work so I'm not gonna lie gnome code you just carried my code I don't know if this works but hopefully it does this should give me five points if it works it didn't work because I used the wrong variable didn't mess up now it should work it gave me a singular point just because I am very stupid so now if this works it should give me five points there we go it used to be one now I added five so now it's six it's worth now that we're able to add data to a player I need to go back to my round logic and I'm not gonna lie this is like the messiest code it's literally just a bunch of functions thrown in together so adding wins should work now but that's not what's really important so what's important is calculating how many points each player should get from the position that they got now what's also important about this is well like if you play a game with three people and you win you shouldn't get as many points as let's say you were playing against 20 people so we have the number of contestants in the rank and the votes now I need to somehow combine these values to create a fair way to determine how many points a player should get and now I have no idea how to do this I'm literally just gonna plug in random numbers and see what happens so now that we have data saving and players are actually able to get points and wins and stuff now is the time we actually create a store now what can you buy from the store genuinely no idea I got a bunch of buttons down and I even went ahead and added like cool effects for them like now when you press it like expand I think looks pretty cool I mean just look at it that's so satisfying I see like there's a bunch of little things when making a game like this like coming from just a programming perspective I wouldn't really think about because it's just visuals but like it adds so much to the game it makes it feel so much more polished it gives you like such nice feedback which is why animations are always important and as you can see here at the bottom there is something going on so basically what I want to happen is when you select a color I wanted to like say this color is selected then it shows up the color like over here because currently you don't really know if you have anything selected or not like if you're gonna delete something so we gotta display that information clearly to the player I think it looks not that bad I mean it is pretty bad but hey I mean it's functional it's gonna get the image across so let's just program it real quick let's see if it's gonna work so it starts off as nothing selected then I select the color and then okay I forgot to call the function as you can tell I am the best programmer I'm kidding okay all right now let's see I'm gonna select this color and it works all right I'm gonna deselect it and I work works it works that is really cool now the game really feels complete except for the fact that none of these three buttoners do anything before we can Implement any of the systems for these buttons we're gonna have to create a UI and I'm not gonna lie I've never been good at creating like many uis so I don't know how it's gonna end up looking but we'll see I think I'm just gonna steal the gradient from the leaderboard and apply it so The Block store is gonna look a little like this actually all the stores or like these buttons menus are gonna look a little like this and I'm just gonna have a bunch of stuff listed out within them so for the blocks there's gonna be a bunch of like colors and Below them is the price I don't know if I'm gonna do like buy with I mean yeah I guess you have to do buy with points so like yeah I don't know what I'm saying so below each color is gonna be like a number it's playing the how much costs and points so the default color every single player is going to get a pawn joining the game and you don't have to buy are these colors I thought I would go for like the basic stuff so I literally pulled up this picture to look up what colors they'll need and then if they want to make more unique builds they're gonna have to purchase them by the way I'm not gonna price this at a thousand because that's insane I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna have to to adjust this grip and believe it or not I just realized that like you don't have to write the key is this when you have a string you can just do this so yes I'm wasting time by changing all these actually you know what I was wrong if you have a string with two words never mind never mind I just wasted a whole bunch of time this is why I should not be concerned about this thanks okay basically for every single color I'm gonna have to store a table instead of just the color and within the table we're gonna store the color itself as well like the color value as well as the price of the color let's see if these locked colors are gonna work it is not gonna work all right let's see if it works this time it should display oh my I promise you it's gonna work this time it's just the spelling error there we go locked it looks very oh my why is everything locked I messed up guys plus I gotta fix the UI all right it's gonna work this time I promise there we go it was supposed to show the color though oh my God I am such a bad developer attempt number three okay now it works by the way we have 13 hours and 40 minutes left I never knew I'm able to get so much done in such little time and just to make it clear I have taken some breaks and pause the timer a few times so that did technically give me time to think about some stuff but I got sick okay one last test I need to do is so if you press a color oh my so if you press a locked color nothing happens if you press an unlocked color you can use it just pretty good now there's a little dark overlay on top of it so it's more visible what colors you own this is good we're adding monetization in the game we're gonna make money anyway so now we gotta complete The Block store all the blocks are now being displayed on the screen however it needs to be a scrollable frame and we gotta make it so that you can actually purchase them kind of find it funny how I'm using the American and like Canadian slash British spelling and color it's kind of confusing I don't know which one I'm supposed to use on coding for some reason the Block store is not displaying every block and I can't scroll even though it's a scrollable frame okay now it works that's good now I also have the menu opening up which is good we also have a close button this game is becoming pretty polished if I say so myself before I finish up the store for the blocks I added an eraser feature because I don't want it so like you have to click the same color you have selected to go into like the cancel deletion eraserable I don't know what to call it anyway so now let's say you're placing a block and then you want to start erasing just press it and now it's an X and you can start erasing stuff so yeah I just refactored this a little bit and before I do the blocks I kind of want to do the point it's kind of interesting to me like how many things there are when making a game that have like nothing to do with just scripting like just you I designed such a big factor and then you have the animations you have the visual effects you have the sound effects oh yeah we don't even have background music in this game I don't know I'm gonna go back to our music now I'm gonna have to figure out how much everything should cost so I think the first person should be a hundred points for 50 Robux I mean like that's another thing in game development that I don't know how to do like how do you price things appropriately whatever monetize the game then this one can be the 250 points but as we go up it should start getting cheaper per like Robux per point so instead of being like 125 Robux there should be like 115 you save 10 Robux and you know what I'm gonna be cheeky instead of making this 50 Robux and I don't know if it's a smart idea I'm making a 49 so let's get the code working for this first thing we're gonna need is something called Marketplace service we're also gonna have to create a bunch of developer products and get the right d I don't think I've ever created developer products so I'm not 100 sure how to do this why is it so confusing what's the difference between a place and an experience Associated items oh there we go now we got all the ideas so we're just gonna have to use them somehow one thing I'm not sure about is is prompting to purchase like client-side or server side recording on people on Discord you can do this on the client side so that's what I'm gonna do instead all right so now I got it to prompt the purchase and Discord was right you don't have to do it on the server side however we're gonna have to handle it on the server side all right let's see if this is gonna work never mind it's not gonna work okay so it's saying the purchases are succeeding but this points value thing is not updating but what if we check blocks oh no the blocks one works I just didn't go the other one okay so it's 15 387 okay what if we buy two thousand it should be 17 000 it is seventeen thousand okay so it is working all right this is attempt number 50 temp number fifty failed please work it didn't work you know what it's because I never even called the remote function never mind it still doesn't work I'm basically just trying to update this value but I think I figured that out I figured it out now let's try 5000 points and I'll check the Block store yup we did it guys we did it so I currently have 387 points and I want to see if I get first place how many points am I gonna gain because I did create a function for that so at 387 it's currently judging time I'm first place okay 387. it's still 387 bro oh it's because I never called the calculate points for player function so silly this is okay guys it's debugging season so we currently have 137 points let's see what happens if we actually recall the function this time 147 it worked okay I'm happy by the way quick update on time we have 11 hours and 28 minutes left so now that we have the point per shrinks so now that we have the point pressure oh my God now that we have the point purchasing system working we gotta get the block purchasing system working but before I do that I kind of want to like get the color prices set actually never mind this is too hard of a test but I don't want to have all the colors to be the same number of points I want there to be a few that are like insanely expensive just so you can Flex you have that color or something I don't know so one important part I gotta add before actually like coding in everything is we need some sort of confirmation UI so like what if you have let's say 10 000 points and you go ahead and try to buy a ten thousand dollar color or ten thousand dollar Point color sorry but you didn't intend to like you just accidentally clicked on or tap on it so like that's unfair this is gonna be my confirmed purchase button so if you press the green it's going to confirm it if you press the x or anywhere outside the region is going to deny one major thing my game is currently liking is some background music now honestly I don't really notice this because I never even play games with sound on yes I'm a psycho and with game music you also need sound effect so I'm gonna have to add both and honestly I'm not completely sure how I'm gonna get some background music but for sound effects I do have a few ideas so like when the countdown is sticking really close to zero gonna be like tick tick tick you know and when you place a block you should play a sound and so on first of all they updated the website I figured out how to do a few things there's the background music now I don't know if you can hear it I Honestly made the volume pretty low I actually I'm not even recording audio there you go you might be able to hear I don't know it's actually pretty low and now when you place a block the sound also plays and there's the countdown I love the countdown on that one's insane so yeah everything's working oh yeah we also have the leaderboard sound all right it's gonna happen it's gonna happen there we go yeah so that's pretty cool anyways so I also added some changes to the block UI over here so let's wait for the build thing to start we don't have this maroon unlock let's purchase it there we go just kind of locked also tab how press the X all works then you can use the color it'll work and you still can't use the locked ones so it is coming together and all this data by the way saves but I'm not gonna lie whenever I like shut down the server I've been having trouble with that I'm not saving but I copied we're not copied but I used gnome codes code so no code what are you doing why is this happening but also like when I'm researching it they all like here like the points didn't change and look like the same blocks were not purchased so I'm not sure what happens but it only happens when the server shuts down you might have to use a new solution for that overall it's coming together I think we're gonna add more sound effects so now we have the block system menu thingy Store working we also have the point system working the only thing I'm gonna have working is custom around that we have just under nine hours to do all of that which is more than enough in fact I'm probably not gonna need all of it I genuinely think I'm done with the game I created this new game Icon which in my opinion looks much better better if you like having an avatar in the game Icon just genuinely like just looks better and everything is now functional so we have the blocks of course we also have the custom route now working now if you purchase this theme the skeleton theme now they're not entirely custom you do have to pick from like one of the themes that I have stored and I have like 130 I think I might make this custom in the future but for the time being I'm just gonna do that because and see the theme skeleton can also by point now we have points and I tested out this game quickly on mobile and it genuinely was fun I played it all alone by the way which is kind of sad but still like it's not bad and one thing that I did do now this might be kind of stupid but look at all the leaderboard sounds I added half of these are copyrighted so I can't really play them but I'm gonna try to play some that are not copyrighted for you they said that was just beautiful I don't know if these are copyrighted so I'm not gonna play all but it makes the leaderboard like when it when it comes up so much more exciting so I'm gonna spend the last couple hours just fixing some bugs there already and just play testing with friends and by the time you're watching this this game is going to be out I might make a part two not a part two to this specific video but a part two to this game because there's a lot more we could do with this and this is a good starting point so let's quickly just test this game with two players so this is me and this is also me and I can just switch back and forth okay so now I was judging time since this is my plot I can't see it I switched to this account we have the score so I'm just gonna do all right I mean it could have been better I don't know what this is supposed to be LL whoever built this kind of sucks honestly it's okay now we have this one this is a master and piece made by me so on my other account I'm gonna give it amazing all right let's see the leaderboard oh my God I don't know why it says 22nd that's not good and that's why we debugged but the points are correct so that's good and I found the issue the game is officially complete I'm gonna make the game public once this video is published thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please subscribe and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: 2nix
Views: 141,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, scripting, 24 hours, i made a game, making a game, devlog, studio
Id: 80C5vKu1ZxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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