Fast & Easy! McKinsey Chart in Excel. Watch this...

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So your boss comes across this chart from  McKinsey, and they want it in your next   report. Do you believe me when I tell you that you  can use an Excel function to create it, and you   can do it in under 90 seconds? Don't believe me?  Let's time it. Wait, before we start the timer,   let me just quickly introduce you to the way our  data is set up in Excel. So we're dealing with the   same numbers as the ones we saw from the McKinsey  report, except the context is different. We need   to visualize the reasons our IT staff decides to  stick around. These are ranked starting from the   top reason, which isn't surprising, all the  way to the least voted-for reason. Over here,   I'm going to create our chart. Ready? Start the timer. First things first, let's just take a sip of coffee. Now I'm ready. First thing I'm going  to do is bring over the labels that I need for the chart. I'm just going to reference the cell, drag this down, autofit. Here for the bars, I'm going to use the REPT   function. This is the Repeat function in Excel. In  quotation, the text that I want to repeat is this   symbol. So I'm just bringing up the Windows Emoji  picker, going to symbol, select the symbol, I want   to repeat it this many times, close the bracket,  ampersand. We're going to connect it with another symbol, let's bring up the Windows Emoji picker again, go and select this circle, and before I add a quotation, I'm going to add a space, quotation and number, Enter Send this down. That's it, pretty   much done, right? But we want to make this look  even better, so let's press Ctrl + 1 to add a border   to this. I'm going to go with this light gray, down  here in the middle. Okay, we want to highlight the   first five in a light gray background color. I'll  go with this one. These ones are going to be bold,   Ctrl + B. Let's bring over the title as well and  Ctrl + B. Stop the timer. Pretty cool, right? You   don't need a super-duper expensive software, just  90 seconds in Excel, a good coffee, it's all you   need. Now, this obviously is dynamic, right? So if  our value here changes to 14, our chart is going   to respond automatically. Okay, so I'm going to  Ctrl + Z this. Now, before you go implementing this   in your files, there are some things that I want  you to be aware of and some neat variations of   this. So, first of all, the REPT function returns  a value. That value is text. Just like any text,   you can adjust the font color of the text, and  this way, you can get different colored bars,   right? So here, I have green bars, blue bars. You  can also adjust the size of the bars. So if you   don't have a lot of space in your report, you want  these bars to be shorter, just make the font size   smaller, right? So you can see my bars are getting  shorter. I'm just going to put them back to 10.   Another way you can tweak the style of your bars  is by adjusting the font type. So I'm using Arial,   but take a look at this. When I hover over these  other fonts, my bars change. So you can create   so many different variations just by changing the  font type. This means that because the font type   and the font size are going to change the bar, all  the cells which carry your bars need to have the   same font size and the same font type, so be aware  of that. Now, let me just show you some other   variations of this. So, I used the dash symbol  here. You can use any symbol of your choice. You   can get creative, you can use emojis, whatever you  want. It can be just as simple as using a dot. I'm   just going to remove this symbol here, I'll leave  the space, and when I press Enter, you get this   type of chart. You can also use cell references  for your symbol, right? So if you don't want to   type it in inside quotation, just put it somewhere  on your Excel sheet and then just reference it.   So, for example, here I have the star symbol. I'm  going to reference it. To be able to copy it down,   I would have to fix it, but just to show you  how it looks, you can get a star chart. Now,   this might not be so McKinsey-style, so let's use  another symbol. Here, I have this box. I'm going   to fix the formatting, use the F4 key, press Ctrl  + Enter, and let's just copy this down and fill   with that formatting. Okay, so now you're going to  get a bar chart but inside your cells. Now, we can   also change the color of these bars by changing  the font color. So let's say I want them in light   gray, and these are a bit too bulky, so let's  adjust the font size. You can also use conditional   formatting and change the color of the bars based  on a logic, right? Based on a condition. There   are so many ways you can get creative here. So,  for example, if you have large numbers, so here   we have sales values for these different days,  these are large, right? I don't want my symbol to   be repeated 6,600 times. I can scale these. I can  use a function, a formula to scale these. I can   also decide on the size of the largest bar. So,  for example, if I see, hmm, 40 is a bit too big for my   report, I don't have that much space. I'm going to  change the size of the largest bar to be 30, and   the whole chart is going to respond automatically.  I can adjust the symbol directly from here because   these are formulas that are connected to these.  Now, another cool way you can modify this is to   add comments inside your charts. So, for example,  let's say we want to add a comment here that there   was an announcement that went out. Now, keep an  eye on this bar here. When I press Enter, that   announcement is added automatically. So let's say  this is a VIP campaign. Keep an eye on the bar,   press Enter, and that's added in here. You can  also add conditional formatting to this as well.   Pretty cool. This technique works well if you have  integer values. If you're dealing with decimals,   the REPT function just ignores the decimal, so  what you want to do is to round your values. But   if you're dealing with small numbers and decimals  really matter, then you want to use an official   Excel chart instead of using the technique that  we covered before. You can find all of these   techniques and a lot more in our new course,  Business Charts in Excel. So, before I started   recording this video, we added the final touches  to our course, and I really want to show you how it looks   like from the inside. But before I do that, let  me give you a quick overview to see if it's of any   interest for you. When we talk to our customers,  we realized that one of their struggles is to make   high-quality, professional-looking Excel reports  and dashboards. This meant adding visuals to these   reports that really get noticed. So not like  the default chart layouts we get in Excel,   but ones that look like they just popped out of  The Economist magazine or the McKinsey website,   because these types of charts grab attention. Now,  that's one side of the struggle. The other side is   that they want to have the ability to create these  professional-looking reports really fast because   pace matters in the business world. But the  problem is that Excel keeps getting new updates,   it keeps changing, keeps getting new features,  and it's not clear what's the most efficient   method to use to create these dynamic charts.  I've been there myself. I've faced the same   Excel challenges that you're probably facing in  my corporate jobs when I was in finance, in IT,   and in project management. Now, at this point in  my life, I'm honored to be a Microsoft MVP six   times in a row. I'm also honored to have taught  over 400,000 individuals who've gone through our   courses. We understand the struggles. I believe  it should be easy to create professional-looking   charts. It shouldn't be time-consuming. You  shouldn't need to tweak your chart every single   month. The whole process should be dynamic. That's  what you're going to learn in the course. We want   you to be able to save a ton of time, and we want  you to stand out for your skills. Now, a lot of   these charts that we cover in the course aren't  just impressive, they fit well in any corporate   report, but they're also very rewarding to  make. It's fun to plug in your data and just see   everything update like magic. Okay, let me quickly  show you the inside. Aside from over 8 hours of   video lessons, you're going to get all the files  to follow along and all the ready-made templates.   You have lifetime access to the course, so you  don't have to rush your learning. And I have to   say though, that even though it's called Business  Charts in Excel, you're going to be learning a lot   of really cool Excel formula combinations that  you can use elsewhere in your reports as well.   We tried to cover all the scenarios that you  might be struggling with and give you solutions   for these. For example, let's say you need to  create a visual, but you're not exactly sure where   to start. You can go to "How to Pick the Right  Chart" lecture. So, aside from the video tutorial,   you'll have access to a quiz. This is actually  a guide that's going to help you pick the right   visual. You also get access to cheat sheets and  a quick guide eBook so you can recreate any of   these charts really fast. You'll get CPD credits,  a digital badge that you can post on LinkedIn,   and access to our super-friendly teaching  assistants to guide you if you get stuck. So,   if you work at a corporate job and you'd like  to create professional-looking Excel charts and   reports, join us in the course. We'd be honored  to have you. You're going to find the link in   the description of this video. Click the link,  get access, and join us. I hope you don't mind   this promotional bit in the video. I just had  to share the news because I know a lot of people   struggle creating visuals and charts in Excel,  but it can be easy. Thank you for stopping by   and watching all the way to the end. If you work  in IT or if you have a friend that works in IT,   let me know why you or they are sticking around.  Is it the gadget thing? Is it the comfort thing?   Which reasons from my dataset resonate?  Share that with us in the comments below.   Thank you for watching. Thank you for being  here, and I'll catch you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 223,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, mckinsey charts, mckinsey, excel charts, excel graphs, excel function for charts, excel chart function, excel pin bars, excel lollipop chart, mckinsey lollipop chart, pin chart, horizontal lines instead of bars, advanced excel charts, professional excel charts, consulting presentation
Id: -Pi68IkutaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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