I made a DIY tailfin | Bike Packing tail bag

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hey all right so I'm gonna make another bike packing bag uh the last video was super popular so thought I'd continue on another one um my big camera that I normally shoot these things on is getting service right now so I'm going to shoot this all on my iPhone going to try out the new Pro reses raw and see if I can edit with it so hopefully this go as well so last year I bought this orle quick rack it's pretty sweet it's got these little mounts that pop off and a strap that comes off the seat post really fast and I'm going to try to make a DIY like tail fin sit out because those bags are pretty popular right now and they are super expensive and I'm not about to spend like $700 on a pet rack set up so I went with this guy it's quite a bit cheaper and I'm going to try to make a bag that fits on the back here I still haven't decided how I am going to mount the bag to this yet but I'm definitely going to make the bottom of the bag like a hard plate probably just going to use a thin piece of plywood on this one yeah it's going to have a base plate and then I'll somehow mount it on there and then it'll have straps and it'll be a roll top just like the tailfin one basically just going to copy that bag so last night I was prototyping some stuff and some sizes on here and I made made a paper bag which is a rough template of the design I want so it's going to be a roll top and there'll be straps to hold this down I found a scrap piece of wood to make a base plate out of um the tail fin bags are like 435 millim or like 17 in long for me to fit that kind of size on that rack it would look a little weird so I'm going to make a little shorter and then potentially still be able to fit my seat pack underneath it we'll see um so I'm thinking about 5 and 1 12 inches wide um by like this piece is 13 and 1 12 inches so I'm just going to cut a five and a half inch piece out of it and that'll be the base of the bag I am going to uh round the corners on this as well so the bag will have rounded Corners which will make it easier for sewing later on too yeah so I got the uh base p cut I'm just going to go with the one I made we'll see how this goes maybe I'll regret it maybe I'll wish it was bigger I'm going to trace the base plate twice extend it by half an inch and then cut these out I've cut the bottom pieces out and I've cut the main section of the bag I'm going to try to make it just one big loop sew these together this will be the roll top just right now I still unsure of how tall I want this bag to be I'm trying to accommodate for how much this is getting rolled down and then how much is this going to squeeze um I've cut this right now at 20 in tall I think it's a little bit too tall my template was only 14 and that looks too small um I did draw a line here for 17 in so I think I'm going to cut it at 17 put a/ in hem on it I think that'll be pretty mint uh I'm going to work on the base piece now I drew outline of this I am going to sew pretty much on that line maybe tiny tiny bit outside of it and then leave the end open and then slide this piece in and SE it shut I think that's how this should be done Moment of Truth does this slide in here [Applause] yes just sewed that flipped it right side out I'm just going to check if uh I've got their circumference right here making a little bit more sense now this is going to be a roll top and be able to roll this down and close that down hopefully this thing's big enough but hey sorry for the interruption uh I'm editing this right now and I realized I'm missing a bunch of the files from the rest of this day so I don't have that footage anymore The Next Step I was going to go through was attaching just the main outside piece of the bag to the base I did end up removing the little piece of wood that I put in there I just cut a hole in the top like a slit and slid it out because it was just too hard to get around the corners uh with the piece of wood in there okay back to the video and the next day so next step is I'm going to put this webbing on here for the top the roll buckles so I'm just going to measure this out and then break the sewing machine out again and get the buckles on here and all that I just kind of got to decide how I want to do this but should be pretty straightforward [Music] it's honestly like the straightest and best stitching I've done so far I got it all done and if I pull on it this side is loose so I think I'm going to unstitch all these so I can pull on this and get it more in the center I didn't that would be the easiest way to fix that instead of unstitching a whole one of these sides next step I got to put the straps and buckles that this is going to click on to so got my roll off I just got a towel shoved in there right now at the moment to like simulate stuff got like two wraps on it so I'm roughly saying that's like Max load straps are down there it's probably like seven inches to the Buckle so yeah I'll go maybe make them nine should do got to sort how I'm going to strap this down here and stuff but Mak me really happy with that cool there's the roll top I'm going to do the straps on the side still but it's coming along so there's these things called Rock straps and they're pretty popular with like bike packing and motorcycles and just like attaching stuff to racks and they're like a nylon strap with buckles that you can clip together but part of it's got a bungee on it um they're really sweet cuz you can crank stuff down and the bunge takes like that little bit of play out of the system works really good so I was going to try to make my own so it matches the bag I found this like um suspender material and what I'm going to do going to test this out first but I think I'm going to triple it up so it's really strong and I'll put the buckle on here and then I'm just going to sew a few lines across it to hold them all together so it still has the stretch CU if I sew long length ways with this thread it won't stretch so I think if I just put a couple separate lines to hold it together it should be good with the Buckle in there and then I'll be able to sew this to the bag okay I'm going to go 5 in long and then the Buckle will sit in there if I stitch for an inch that still has plenty suspension with the 4 in left yeah so this is what I thought did a couple lines still has the strength nice and solid then this part will be sewn to the bag got those done they turned out pretty sweet I'm happy with those they're pretty strong once again another Interruption I not sure what happened but I'm missing a bunch of fils again the next part I was just uh putting the other straps on the other side so it wasn't that important but then afterwards I'm finished and then I'm out in the garage making the base plate but you'll get to see the finished product at the end after a lot of thinking and a lot of looking at bits and pieces I had lying around and materials I kind of just went with my original thought how I was going to do this but I found a way to make it work did buy some shitty cutting board from the dollar store CU you can't get cutting boards at thrift stores allegedly I just couldn't find them so I cut these out of some cutting boards I'm going to put these on here and then that's going to go on there like that and then I had cut some of these to fit here and then the bolt is going to run right through so I could just turn this Crossways to hold this on but this stuff's pretty brittle and when I drilled a hole through here I was able to actually I was actually able to break it so I didn't really like that but it was pretty strong when I was doing testing on the 2x4 I was ripping on it was fine but I was looking around and I found the tire levers that are in the seat pack that I have and I was like man Tire levers are really strong because you can like Reef on them the tire and they don't break and these are thinner and they look better and they have this little groove right here uh that fits perfectly in the Contour of the bar so when it turns it kind of locks itself in so I'm going to put these on I'm just going to cut this end off so it it's a nice flush look but these are way way better than the white thing and I put one of these in the Vise with a ho drilled in it and I Reed on it it was super easy to break put this in the Vise with a ho drill in it was re on I couldn't break it so I think this is the stronger way to go got all the pieces I think I'm just going to put this all together now I'm going to put a little bit of silicone under here don't know if it's going to stick obviously because this is Teflon which is supposed to be slippery and this is waterproof with like some probably dwr coating which is probably slippery um but I don't know see how it goes I was going to paint these black but I don't have any black paint and I don't really want to go get any just to paint these so they're going to stay white okay let's put it all together yeah we'll see what happens with that uh silicone whether it sets up and holds this all it's more of like attempting to waterproof but I think it's done let's put it on the bike see how she looks this is awesome super stoked with how this turned out there are a couple extra things I would like to do to this bag I kind of want little rings on here that attach this to here so they would slide on this so these don't flap because I feel like I'm always going to be tucking these in but yeah I think the mechanism works all good pretty stiff so hopefully it won't move time be bit annoying like put down on stuff but shouldn't be putting it down on too much well I did have some problems along the way and things aren't as perfect as I wanted them to be but pretty typical for something I buil pretty happy with this project and definitely going to make another one version two use all the things I learned build another one so once again thanks for watching hope to see you in the next thing I build or the adventures I go on [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Morgan Walter
Views: 23,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bike packing, bikepacking, diy, myog, bike touring, tailfin, pannier, ortlieb, quick rack, bags, bike packing bags, homemade, panniers
Id: 5nx7ZKM8S6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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