I Made a 1D Scratch Game

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today I'll be making a 1D game in scratch the question is what is 1D well if this is 3D this is 2D then 1D must be this that it's basically just a line like that that's all a 1D game is how am I going to make this a game good question I don't know we can't have a background because a background would be 2D we can only have one line going straight down it has to be one pixel by one that is very hard to see you know I'm going to stretch the rules a little bit I'm going to make the line a little bit thicker just so you could see it that is our game I'm done no actually I'm not I have to make a game we can make a player we're going to be changing colors there's going to be like obstacles coming down and you have to change colors to match the obstacle and if you don't then you die this is the thing that's going to be changing colors so this is going to be the player first we need a couple colors we need red I'm going to do four colors red green blue and can I think of another color red green blue black okay I'll do black I couldn't think of any other color red green oh that's not green that is red red green blue that is not blue either okay so we have four Colors oh black black is not a color I'll do purple or yellow I'll do yellow I really couldn't think of another color that looks like green wait I need yellow that's orange I need yellow so we're going to be changing the color based on whether we press space okay so I can I can change the color and now we need the enemies um obacle I'm getting pretty good here I'm making these these fast game challenges in scratch it's getting pretty easy for me so we oh wait no I need the same colors as the player so I'll just duplicate it I'll just duplicate the Sprite if you think about it in a game there's really only there's really only two things there's a player and the basically all there is to a game this is going to be green red green blue so these enemies are just going to be moving down the line it's going to be like a color match game that should be pretty easy right okay so these enemies these need to start off at the right side of the screen so set y to 200 x to 200 forever create CL myself and then wait like a couple seconds before making a clone so when I start as a clone yeah okay oh that's going to be pretty hard okay there we go Bo oh that's going to be fun no that's actually pretty hard that's too hard let me makeit one second we're done with the game actually no we're not we need to delete if we're touching the player then we need like a we need a whole bunch of ifs if touching player and we need to detect if we're touching wait how am I going to do this okay let me think this out let me think this if we if we're if we're yellow and we touch the player then we delete the Clone if touching player if costume if costume this is hard my brain hurts if costume if the costume wait that's not black that is yellow it's yellow and if we're touching the player and the player is yellow touching yellow then delete wait then points I'm going to make a new block there wait now we need a whole bunch of eles I thought this was going to be easy if costume name is yellow okay I'm confusing myself if we're touching yellow okay and we are yellow ourselves then point yeah else if we're not yellow then no then dead dead if we're touching yellow and we are no if we're touching yeah okay now let me do the next one if we're touching red this is going to be a huge block oh it's already big okay for green and blue okay else dead what is this oh jeez that is huge I need to condense that later I'll do that later can we do a gradient would that count as something other than 1 D yeah I'll make it a gradient wait does 1 D also appli to colors does that mean I can only have one color blue yes yes green I died okay I think it works let's add a score score okay I'm I'm going to add sound effects do that does sound effects count as 2D I don't know you know what I'm going to add and you know what I also want to make it I want to make the game smooth you know I want to make it juicy so broadcast um wait this goes in here broadcast player point I don't know if this counts as other than 2D other than one well we have the basic the basic stuff I can expand on the idea I can add effects I hope right to there's a hack to make the size really a smooth uh transition boom oh that's cool I like that effect no I died let's add a game over screen I'm going to wait game over screen have to be 1D also you know what the challenge is done I made the game the the game is 1D so I can make the game over screen game over game over can I not SP you know what I'll stick with it I'll stick with the game over screen my spelling is terrible whenever I make videos my spelling just just disappears game over and show and you know what let's add a sound effects let's add default scratch sound effects let's see got effects what is that no you know I'll do it over over it sounds like a baby crying where did scratch get their sound effects from no I'll use this as the points as the play point what was it called ba that does not sound like a sheep at all comment down below what what animal do you think this [Music] is maybe they just kidnapped some guy and they made him scream okay [Music] okay pretty easy oh that was so close and the game gets so annoying after a while but I made a 1D game that's the challenge um enemy wait die okay there we go stop all broadcast game over that's surprisingly little code for 1D game whatever save now should I share this wait one game you know what I'll share it press space to change colors Chang to Chang press space to ch um select the same color as the moving obstacles or you die thanks for watching everyone I'll see you in another [Music] challenge
Channel: Jackson Academy
Views: 63,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -iuhIey1mwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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