I made $7,000+ on Mercari | How to Sell in 2023

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yo what's up y'all in today's video I'm giving you five tips on how to resell on mercari in 2023 what I think of the platform as a whole going forward and how I've made over seven thousand dollars reselling on just Makari alone I started selling on my car in 2020 during the pandemic with no online reselling experience and since then I've made thousands of dollars just reselling on mercari alone with these five simple steps so not to waste any more of your time let's just get into it tip number one for how to sell on mercari in 2023 is to be constantly listing new products and re-listing old products if they don't sell within a week as a full-time reseller I cross us my items on various platforms such as Poshmark depop and eBay and in my opinion the biggest difference between mercari and all the other platforms is that mercari's algorithm favors items based on how recently they are posted so for example let's just say I posted this hat four days ago and one of my competitors posted the same exact hat one day ago with mercari's algorithm uh this basically means that all my presentable customers are going to be seeing my competitors have first which means they're probably more than likely going to buy my competitors hat over mines even though it's the same exact thing and I only posted it three days before he did in my opinion uh the way items show up in search is both the blessing and a curse because on one side for beginner resellers it allows your items to show up first and search making it easier for you to compete with more experienced resellers but on the flip side uh basically that means that you're gonna have to constantly keep relisting your products if they sit up for more than a couple days or a week which kind of gets annoying but it's just part of the game but uh yeah my advice on the whole listing and relisting thing is if your item has been sitting up for more than about a week or two that probably means that your item is going to take months to sell or it's just never going to sell at all and I know that sucks to hear but that's why I say just keep listing keep re-listing to keep your items fresh on mercari's algorithm and I hope the items sell quicker if you keep relisting and listing tip number two for how to sell a mercari in 2023 is to choose an in-demand product category with high profit margins that you actually enjoy selling back in 2020 during Q4 when I first started selling the mercari I first started off selling shoes jerseys electronics and other vintage clothing and all of those items sold very well for me I saw these items a lot quicker and for a lot more profit than any other item that I posted on mercari and coming from my athletic and gaming background I actually enjoy sourcing these products and selling them and listing them as well I say all that because basically even though the product categories that I chose are very broad I still delve deeper into those broad categories to sell very specific things inside of those niches that helped create demand and create a scarcity for the products that I was selling for example uh back when I first started selling them her car one of the first items that I sold was a Xbox series s which at the time was very hot and very in demand and there weren't that many people selling it I accidentally got uh two of them sent for me from stockx which is a total come up so I got lucky on that but basically I just went online and sold the second one and within the first like two minutes of me posting it it sold immediately and it sold for 80 about 80 dollars more than what it retailed at so basically I just got to come up on that which basically I'm saying all of this because it's all about supply and demand and being uh having a the product that's scarce in the in the algorithm in the product Market tip number three for how to sell a mercari in 2023 is to make sure that you're aware of all mercari's sellers fees and shipping fees as of right now in 2023 is free to list items on mercari's platform uh so that literally means you can list as many products as you want for free but mercari does take about a 10 uh seller's fee on all sold items on the platform as I stated earlier I do process my items on various platforms such as Poshmark depop and eBay and in my opinion the easiest one to navigate and to list on and just get paid on is by far mercari mercari's platform just basically streamlines everything for you they make the process super easy for you to list to take the pictures to post them and to get paid and to ship they send you all information and the labels uh so yeah in my opinion I think it's the easiest platform to sell on it's the first one that I I started selling on but um yeah another unique mercari feature is that you're not paid for the item and so the customer receives it or three days after they uh the item is delivered which is uh very unique to to mercari because each platform has different uh payment structures and how you get paid so I think that's very unique and I think it's uh I think it's pretty easy to concept into grasp and to understand so yeah tip number four for how to sell a mercari in 2023 is to make sure your listings are shot in a visually appealing or professional manner now I don't know about you guys but and me personally when I'm looking online and I'm trying to buy things I do not like ugly pictures for me uh being a creative and being like somebody that has enjoys using cameras and taking pictures and videos I feel like the picture side and taking the pictures wasn't the hardest thing for me I felt like I can make the pictures look somewhat appealing especially when I first started uh but now I just try to make it look better and better and try to get better as I go but yeah definitely try to make your pictures look as professional and as beautiful and as uh professional as possible basically when you're trying to list it because uh that makes a big difference when you're trying to sell and you're trying to make sales quickly again though I'm not saying my pictures are like the sexiest thing in the world and that I'm just a beast and I'm like Quentin Tarantino when I'm taking these listing photos but basically my basic rule that I follow is I just make the picture look like something that I if I was shopping what I want to buy this product and I think if you follow that simple rule then uh the listings will come out better and I think everything will be perfect also I shoot all my listings on my iPhone right now I currently have the iPhone 14 but uh I used to have the iPhone 11. so basically all my old my old previous listings were all shot on my iPhone 11 but um yeah I shoot them all on my iPhone I have a DSLR like I have a Sony camera but I still shoot all my listings on the iPhone you don't need to shoot it on like a crazy DSLR camera if you want an in-depth video on how I shoot my listings I can post that for you guys next but um yeah you don't need a crazy DSLR just shoot it on your iPhone edit it in Lightroom or whatever editing app you have and you'll be just fine and lastly tip number five for how to sell a mercari in 2023 is to make sure you're properly packaging your orders after selling them no customer wants to receive their items they just spent their hard arm running on and I'll bust it down broke down package with no coverings no tape no nothing it just looks raggedy and nobody wants to receive it like that nobody wants to receive it 10 days after you said you were going to send it either when you sell an item make sure you send it as fast as you possibly can and make sure that it's packaged in the most beautiful way that you can package it not properly packaging your items leaves a bad taste in a customer's mouth and It ultimately leads to them leaving a bad review for your store which means that you're going to get Less sales in the future and you're going to become a very untrustworthy seller which makes people just not want to buy from you at all so yeah man properly packaging your items in 2023 is super duper important that can make or break you in terms of making sales in the future and having a trustworthy store if you want me to post the in-depth video on how I properly package my items to be shipped out at USPS UPS and FedEx just let me know in the comments and I got you guys now at this point in the video you guys might be wondering like yo bruh thank you for giving me all this Baseline knowledge but how do I start applying any of this stuff that you just told me bro if you do currently feel like that let me know in the comments um that's also why your next step is to watch my full-time mercari video playlist coming soon which would be including all the tips and trips tricks and videos and all the guides on how to become a full-time reseller mercari and leave your dreaded nine to five job back in 2022 that's all for this video thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Wave Time Thrift
Views: 8,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is mercari legit, 2022 mercari seller update, likes vs dislikes, diversify listings, so on more than one platform, reselling from the goodwill, resale goodwill store, part-time reseller, mercari selling app, review of mercari, my experience selling on mercari, can you make money reselling on mercari, mercari is it a scam, reseller tips and tricks, mercari selling tips, ebay resellers, How to sell in 2023, How to sell on Mercari, I made 7000, depop, poshmark, full time reseller
Id: GCqq7W_AXg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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