I made $3,000 last month with UGC and here's how I did it

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Camila if you're new here I make videos all about social media content creation entrepreneurship and more today is a ugc video and I'm super excited to talk about some updates with my ugc journey I know it's been a little while since I last uploaded since the beginning of my channel I have been consistently posting once a week but it has been an entire month since I posted which is a long time to me so I'm happy to sit down and actually make another video the month of April that just passed was honestly such a busy month for me I have a ton of ugc updates if you have read the title of this video you know that I made over $3,000 in the month of April all from being a freelance ugc Creator and what I want to talk about more in this video is how I did that I have less than one year of experience doing ugc I do want to say I only really got ser serious about ugc in the last few months so being a ugc Creator whether you're doing it full-time or as a side hustle is something that you can start up quite fast and generate a really good new stream of income for yourself yes in the month of April I closed over $3,000 of ugc deals and here are a few ways of how I did that as a newer ugc Creator optimize the heck out of your personal brand so you're going to need to create a ugc portfolio I'll link my video that I have on my channel of showing you mine I did change mine a lot since that video so I may put out a new ugc portfolio video so you can so you guys can see an updated one I can also link my portfolio Down Below in the description of this video so in addition to your portfolio that you send to Brands you want to create different channels of showcasing your personal brand so this can be on freelancing platforms like Fiverr and upwork I'm currently on upwork I'm trying to get my fiber going but upw work has been really great so far I get a ton of inbounds and work sometimes they are there are low ball offers but I think as a new Creator you should pick them anyway and this work that you're doing for Upward clients you can showcase on your portfolio as well so if you are also struggling to get content for your portfolio I 100% recommend going even for gigs that don't pay out as much so maybe anywhere between honestly that $60 to $100 Mark I would accept anything in between there if you're just starting out and trying to get content for your portfolio take in mind a lot of ugc creators do videos for free when they first start so even accepting your lowball ugc gigs at least gets you a little something and it gets you stuff to showcase on your portfolio you also want to create either a Tik Tok or Instagram channel so one of the two of those social medias you don't have to be on both I recommend just being on at least one and showcasing your ugc work on one of those and now this last one it took me a while to get on because I didn't see the value at first but it has been a game Cher and has already gotten me hundreds of dollars of ugc brand deals from being on this platform and that is Twitter or X once again I don't know why it took me so long to actually get on Twitter but even if you're not finding brand deals in the beginning on Twitter you're going to learn so much just from the ugc community on there whenever I'm scrolling on Twitter I pick up tips or things I didn't know about ugc pretty much every single day I love communicating with other creators on there I love making my own tweets and asking questions to the community and receiving responses like it's it's honestly something that you have to be on if you're in ugc and it can be slow to get your Twitter kind of started like I'm not even at 100 followers yet actually I think I just hit 100 I'll post my ugc Twitter down below but it doesn't really matter if you have 20 50 or 100 followers you can still find gigs or you can still land gigs from from Twitter with a new account when you're on Twitter make sure to engage with Community follow other ugc creators and Brands and apply to jobs that they post in the feed so if you see somebody posting that they need ugc creators and you fit into that role definitely apply drop your portfolio in the comments and just kind of keep the ball rolling on Twitter as well another one I'm getting my feet wet in right now is actually LinkedIn and I see so much potential in LinkedIn as well because I've just started I can't speak too much on it but currently what I'm doing is I'm optimizing my account plugging in my keywords of what I am who I am what I do and I'm connecting with other ugc creators and Brands and just people in positions that I kind of want to connect with so that would be marketing professionals social media managers and or PR and influencer kind of contacts people in charge of finding and hiring creators that's who you want to Target also on LinkedIn so if I can just Briefly summarize all all those platforms that you want to be on you want to be on your freelancer platforms like Fiverr or upwork or ideally both because they both kind of take a while to get started I would 100% be on either Instagram or Tik Tok it's not you don't have to be on both at but at least be on one of them and then Twitter and Linkedin as well to find Opportunities and to connect with other ugc creators these have been the top platforms that I use to receive inbound leads from Brands and also to apply to ugc Opportunities these are the ways that I have earned $3,000 in the month of April as a creator with only a couple months of solid experience if I were to teach anybody how to start ugc these are the platforms that I would want 100% recommend begin and just start because they all do kind of take a little while to get rolling so just because there's slow progress on one in the beginning doesn't mean you should stop or quit using them because they don't work because so many other creators are using them and it does work I actually just booked my first monthly retainer client last week and I start with them tomorrow so if you're not sure what a monthly retainer client is it's consistent work for you basically a brand will hire you on a monthly basis contract is signed and you have consistent content to make for them and in this space you'll be chasing a lot of opportunities and gigs but when you have those monthly retainer clients it adds a little less pressure to you to always chase new gigs because you already have something that's consistent C imizing your your personal brand across all of these platforms that I just mentioned you are bound to receive inbound leads from Brands so these are Brands coming to you requesting you to make videos for them whether it's for paid ads or for organic purposes you're once you start optimizing your brand you could have as many as a couple inbounds come in per day I want to still say like 80 to 90% of the money money that I made in the month of April was all from inbound leads and they all found me from the platforms that I mentioned in this video of course doing your outbound reach when you're pitching to Brands is important but if you want to make your job or your life easier optimize your personal brand and get your name out there be consistent on these platforms so Brands can reach out to you instead it's going to it will truly change your you ugc game if you're following some of these steps I am currently working on a ugc course or at least a ugc cheat sheet of what to do as a new ugc beginner and how to get started if you guys are interested in that leave a comment down below and subscribe to this channel so that you can stay updated when I actually release that cheat sheet it'll be super affordable compared to a lot of other ugc courses that cost a ton of money but I I think it will be a super helpful course for those looking to just start in ugc this won't be in the near future but eventually I will open up one-on-one consultations with people who are interested in asking me any kinds of questions whether it's a portfolio audit or they really just want to sit down and go through the steps on how to get started with ugc I will also keep you guys updated on that once I do open up kind of that consultation spot for me okay guys I hope you enjoyed this video once again let me know in the comments if you have any questions don't forget to hit like on this video And subscribe to stay tuned to future ugc videos and content creation videos as well okay guys I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Camila B
Views: 793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ugc, ugc tips, ugc for beginners, how to start, ugc creator
Id: YjExZiAME64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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