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I think that's why they came. Oh, I see. Oh, really? Can you do it well? Huh? I said can you do it well. I'm just trying my best. Oh, I know this. It's a coffee that comes out often on TV. Do you know what it is? Sit up. Hello. Oh, looks like we have a couple. Hello. You look so nice. I think you two look good together. How nice. This is so embarrassing. Oh, look at your hair. You care about my blue hair, don't you? I think that's awesome. Oh, thank you. She also dyed my hair. What about your eyebrows? Oh yeah? What about your eyebrows? My eyebrows are just. I don't have a lot of eyebrows, a lot. That's because I dyed my eyebrows too. I guess young people these days dye their eyebrows too. You just look terrific. Thank you. You look like someone from another country. I mean, really. It's so pretty that you two are dating well. They've been dating for a long time. It feels like I'm watching TV. Yesterday, we thought you didn't know us. We know you. We all know you two. Of course we know you because we have a cell phone. HyunA, you're a great dancer and such a charming lady. I agree. She's so nice. I heard you dance better than her. Yes, I think I'm better at dancing. I knew you'd say that. I told my mom that I was going to appear on "My Little Old Boy" and she really liked it. And she worried a lot. About our hair color. Oh, your mother said that? Yes, my mom worried a lot. I think it's the program that parents really like the most. Thanks to the ladies. You're right, since we have the ladies. It's our first time to have a very cute couple, how do you feel? I like them a lot. It's an honor for us. They look like our son and our daughter. Thanks to this program, we were able to meet them. They look like our daughter-in-law and our son-in-law. You might have thought they were your grown grandchildren. That's what we think about them. They have been in beautiful love for 6 years now. It's so beautiful. It's great. That you two are dating for such a long time. You two are doing great. I guess you two have pretty hearts. Thank you. Both of you. It wasn't in the article, but did you two break up for a while? Or isn't it? That's just a rumor. Oh, is this how he asks questions? I think what he wanted to ask you was if there was a time when you didn't contact each other for about two days. There must have been a time for about two days. Haven't you been like that for about two days? There is, for only once. I mean, I mean. Wow, how did you know that? You got caught in his leading questioning. Two days. Oh, am I caught? I didn't know I got caught. I just asked. HyunA was like "Um...", but Dawn was just like "Oh, woah." Oh, because of me. So, we heard you released a new song. A song called I'm Not Cool. Ah, yes. I heard the lyrics are written by HyunA and Dawn. And, the CEO of their agency is Psy. So they wrote the lyrics together. Yes, that's right. We and Psy worked together. We started writing lyrics while chatting. I see, chatting about many things. So you also chatted with them and wrote the lyrics. At that time, we were simply chatting. We didn't meet because we wanted to write lyrics. While we were chatting, he said "How about this song?" That was the first time I heard that song, and I think I wrote it on the spot. Whose shares were the most in the lyrics? I think our CEO, Psy, has the largest share. I really like the part that reminds me of Dawn in your lyrics, "I love early mornings, DAWN DAWN DAWN." I was thinking about what's representative of me. And think about it, his name is Dawn. Dawn also mean the early morning. So I wrote the lyrics like "I love early mornings, DAWN DAWN DAWN." Your voice is overwhelming. The tone suddenly. Suddenly, the tone changes to the tone of a bad woman's voice. She's been naive all along. But suddenly she said like "I love the early mornings." Oh my gosh. Dawn, you said you are most nervous when HyunA calls you by your real name. When, I mean, how do she call you? What's your real name? Real name. My real name is Kim Hyo-jong. Whenever she calls me, she calls me by my nickname or says honey. Or Dawn. But whenever I did something wrong, I did it these days. Kim Hyo-jong. KIM HYO-JONG. It's already scary that she calls me full name, she even calls me quietly. Hyo-jong. She sometimes calls me that. Please call him for us. It doesn't seem real for me to reenact the situation. Hyo-jong. Hyo-jong. That was scary. That tone. Now I can be sure that you were obviously wrong. Usually I call him honey. But whenever he did something wrong, I mean, he did really wrong. I call him Hyo-jong. Then he know my feelings right away. Whenever she call me that, I think about tens of thousands of things. I see. Then, I was like, "What did I do this morning?" "Let's think about it one by one." Like this? This is kimbap that you can eat simply. Folded gimbap. He seems to be making the most popular one these days. Oh, he seems to be. It's called folded kimbap, and it is made by cutting the middle of gimbap and folding it like a sandwich. It is usually made into a square shape. Oh, is there such a thing? It's about the size of a palm. So you can carry it around and eat comfortably. I think he's making that. We have to prepare to be surprised to see it, but you've already spoiled it all. It's like talking about the ending of the movie in advance. I'm sorry. What should I do now? No, you did a good job. I mean, she didn't mean it. That's not even a big spoiler. See? Of course. She only guessed it. It's not like there's a big twist. I also like cooking, so I was going to make this gimbap. Oh, so you. Dawn, you must have eaten what she made. Uh, yes. I've eaten a lot. What was the most delicious? Actually, I can only think of that one. The dish that I remember most clearly is the undercooked pasta. The undercooked pasta. I didn't boil enough noodles. Oh, you mean something delicious. She cooked so many delicious things for me. I wonder what will happen to you two after the recording. Don't get scolded. Don't fight after the recording. But it's because I really like undercooked dishes. Isn't it too sudden? It tastes better when it's chewy. Really. Is it some kind of diss? I mean, whenever I order ramen at a snack bar. Ma'am, please boil the noodles less. That's what I say. I love the texture of the snack-like noodles. Yes, it's very chewy. KIM HYO-JONG. Hyo-jong. Actually, I don't have a lot of appetite for food. You seem like that. So I've eaten the same thing every day. Or. I've only eaten what I used to eat, but now HyunA. I went abroad a lot with her, so that was when I first ate avocado. Avocado or nattō. It was my first time eating foreign food. What did you say you only ate? Me? What you've always eaten. I used to eat only apple jujube. Only apple jujube. Yes, that. Apple jujube. Oh, you mean a big jujube? That's delicious. Big jujubes are good. I see, since you are an idol, you will be in trouble if you gain weight. It's not like that, he just doesn't have appetite. You seem like that. I mean, there were a lot of foods I've eaten for the first time thanks to HyunA. I mean, there were a lot of foods I've eaten for the first time thanks to HyunA. Stop making excuses. Stop it. Please stop. No, we're sorry. We shouldn't have asked. Let's just see. No, I didn’t mean that. No, just watch it. Let's just watch it. Dawn really likes things like that. Actually, I really like old items like vintages and antiques. I have about 150 pants, and 120 of them are vintage. So they're not new pants but vintages. So what about the props? I like props. I guess you two are getting along so well. Yes. That's why we love going to flea markets together. That's unexpected, isn't it? You two should go to Mr. Jeong-nam's house. I want to go there every time I see it. You know the term, everybody's welcome son-in-law. Which means someone who every father-in-law or mother-in-law likes. There are types like that. However, Dawn's nickname is everybody's unwelcome son-in-law. Which means someone who every father-in-law or mother-in-law avoids. HyunA, what do you think? About this story. I admit he's a little weird. I tried to make him look good somehow. Even though he's a little weird. Speaking of my parents. Now they know that he takes good care of me. That's right. For now. They all know. As they know, I think they're reading his mind. It took him a long time to open their heart. But speaking of him, I admit that he is everybody's unwelcome son-in-law. I'm also everybody's unwelcome daughter-in-law. We were meant to be together. But I think there are also some good things about it. Think about it. Because my first impression was really bad for them. So now I can make a better impression on them. Oh, that's right. And I think I made a better impression on them. You know. I think I succeeded. This time. They may have thought you were a better person than when they first saw you. That's right. Making a better impression, that's nice. We all know most fathers are fools of their daughters. So HyunA, let me ask you about your father. He may have been jealous of Dawn or upset that he was dating you. Didn't you get that feeling from him? He's never shown that he was disappointed in me, but I think he's changed a little bit. I didn't know that. I think now he drinks alone sometimes. But I've never seen it before. You say your father. I don't know. Then you must have met her father alone. I mean rather than meeting with him alone. There was a time when I, her, and her father were together and she was away for a while. There was a time like that. Actually, her father says so many good things to me. So whenever I have questions, now I ask her father first. I often ask him. You didn't do that at first, did you? I didn't do that at first. Was he jealous of you at first? At first, I. Suspicion. Like I just said, I'm everybody's unwelcome son-in-law, so he eyed me suspiciously. Oh, so when HyunA left for a while, her father handed you a blank check. You know, like dramas or movies. And he would have told you "Break up with my daughter." "I think you'll make a wise choice." Aren't you hungry? Let's eat after the recording. Dawn, do you think you don't have much stamina? My stamina? In your opinion. I don't think my stamina is too weak. It's not much different today, but I'm trying to make a good impression on people. Or whenever I meet my elders. I tend to open my eyes wide at that time. I've never seen he put so much energy into his eyes for a long time. So I see him often and he looks very uncomfortable. Usually, his eyelids are loosened like this, so this is the most comfortable condition for him. But today, he's just like... he keeps opening his eyes wide. Because I usually open my eyes like this. You've completely loosened your eyes. It's almost like this. I kept looking at it like this way. But when I meet my elders, I open my eyes like this. Oh, you look completely different. But it's been a while. It's been a while since I opened my eyes wide. I really want to put eye drops in my eyes. My eyes are so cold. I mean, really. I've never opened my eyes so wide in such a long time. Now that my eyes are bigger than usual, I feel cold. Thank you. No, no, put it in now. You know. It's been a while. It's been a while since I did that. Look at your hand, it's shaking hard. Are you feeling better? I think it's much better. Now we know your situation, so you can relax your eyes. That's okay. Yes, let's do it comfortably. Can I open my eyes comfortably? Oh, he’s so cute. Now I'm a little more comfortable. That's pretty funny. He's so adorable. Do you usually look at fortune telling? We do it once every few years for fun. Just for fun. What did the fortune teller say? Did he say you two look good together? He saw us and said we were lovers who broke up in our previous lives and met again in this life. That's what he said. In your previous lives. Oh, there was one more thing he said. It was funny. He said she was a general in my previous life. And I was the most famous geisha. I was a woman of very easy virtue. Oh, yes. He said that. I'm sure you've been bothered by someone else's interest in your lover. She's not easy anymore. I think he's leading me to the interrogation. No. That's not an interrogation. I'm just curious. Um, there was a time when I thought so. Yes, we both. We both thought about it once. Both? But he was definitely jealous more than I was. He was very popular. Actually, both of them did. You did a good job revealing that you two are dating. Still, I think it's not bad for people to know that we're in a relationship. You must feel at ease, you did a good job. Isn't it time to ask them official questions? Should I ask them questions? Yes, official questions. All right. Our official couple, HyunA and Dawn, please tell us what you think is the expiration date of love. Which day will it be? The expiration date of love you think. I prefer to say there's no such day, but I think it's just today. It's best to give each other the most love every day. So we just love each other as if today is the last day. There's no tomorrow. Actually. There is no expiration date. No one knows tomorrow. Love continues. I think so, but he might think differently. What do you think about it honestly? Oh, you're good at hosting. You're good at hosting. Be honest, you don't have to be conscious. I think it's not about love, but it's about excitement. It's the expiration date of the excitement. Because everyone can feel the excitement. Someone I met before. Or anyone I'll meet in the future can feel the excitement. Watch about your language. Now, the excitement. Watch about your language. I mean, I don't have a new person to meet. Oh, so those people. It's about them. If they have a new person to meet. I really expected him to get a punch from her. I was nervous when you said so. Now. By the way. I'm honest. You have to be. Well, everyone can feel excitement, but love has an expiration date. I think the expiration date of love is when you give up love. When you give up. When the excitement is gone, you may argue and hurt each other, but if you want to be with your lover, the expiration date will never come. You're right. Look at HyunA's face, her eyes are showing that she was satisfied. That's right. It's touching. I'm sure you were satisfied. She just looked unhappy when he talked about someone he met before or the excitement. I only felt the excitement from her. Is the recording studio normally this hot? The recording studio? Are you hot? We're not hot at all, are you hot? We're not. Besides, you are wearing the thinnest clothes. She heated up with embarrassment. Among your songs, there is a song called Still, and I heard that the lyrics are about what you want to say to HyunA. Oh, he wrote the song himself. And the lyric of the song was "You just want me to stay still like a fool." "But that's a huge mistake, I have quite a temper too." Oh my gosh. What was that? HyunA, how did you react to this song? I asked him how he felt at the time and why he wrote such sad lyrics. The lyrics are different after that. Oh yeah? Yes. We thought that. He sang it in a very, very sad way. He recorded the song and sent it to me. I was wondering why he was so sad. You know, the lyrics after that is. "If you keep torturing me like this, I'm gonna open my arms and hold you tight till your ribs break." That's the lyrics. I wanted to tell her. That I like her that much. You're carrying fire in one hand and water in the other.
Channel: 레알예능 스브스
Views: 1,026,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 현아, 던, 서장훈, 신동엽, 싸이, 미운우리새끼, 미우새
Id: u8QU2sVGdzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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