I Lived Off Of $2 A Day (and this is what happened)

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You know what I just found out, I just found out that nearly half of the entire world population all 7 billion people divide that in half and that half lives off of less than 2 dollars and 50 cents a day half of the world population That's a lot of people! I live in one of the most expensive cities on the entire planet everything costs money, so I wonder if there's any room for adaptation I want to see if I can survive an entire week on two dollars fifty cents a day this experiment isnt me performing some good deed I'm simply curious how far I can go It's a challenge for me But hopefully I get something out of it. The next time I swipe my credit card for that $10 acai bowl I better give my thanks So today is day number one of this experiment and {Luke realises he forgot his chair} And to be honest I'm already really hungry And I don't know where I'm going to get food. I'm so hungry. This is my budget for the day This is this is what I have to spend on Three meals and everything in between You know I honestly don't think this was gonna be very healthy for me I don't think I'm going to be able to buy enough food to sustain a Growing boy, I mean, I'm 21 years old, but I'm hoping for a couple more inches. I'm going to commit to it I'm going to do this So the nearest grocery store is about 1.1 miles away. I can I can work with that let's go see if I can find anything for breakfast lunch and dinner for $2 and 50 Cent's We're going to Ralph's. That's the name of the grocery store chain in Southern, California So I made it to the grocery store, and I got to thinking guys on my walk I don't think there's any chance of me finding anything any meal under $2.50 let alone three, but I'm gonna go check just in case So I've been looking throughout this whole entire store And there is nothing that I can eat For a meal that is under two dollars and fifty cents [in fact pretty much the only thing I could afford in the entire store] Is this jar of pickles in this bag of rice if I'm gonna survive this week, I'm gonna have to find another store The 99-cent store everything here is insanely cheap. I'm talking like $0.99 cheap I found the jackpot five packs of ramen noodles for $0.99 So for $1 I got five packs of ramen noodles although the nutritional value isn't great It's pretty good stuff alright, so here it is meal number one my spicy beef flavored ramen (muffled) Its very good! guys am I allowed to use sriracha I know technically sriracha isn't part of my to two dollar 50 cent budget, but I bought it in the past. It's mine I bought it oh yes, oh yes This is my second ramen of the day Not gonna lie. I'm not too thrilled about eating this again Now theoretically I could survive off of ramen noodles for a week, but I don't think that's gonna happen Guys I don't think I can do this anymore So I just got back from my second trip to the 99-cent store on the last 24 hours But get this I think I found the jackpot a small bag of rice, but definitely in a bag of pink beans I don't know, why What is generous stack of tortillas? But I don't know how to cook these pink beans how to cook dried beans step 1: fill pot with water Place the pan on the stove, pour in the beans turn on high heat let bean soak for an hour I've let them soak for an hour I have to wait an hour The beans and the rice were definitely the best purchase that could have made both having 10 servings each I just spent three bucks a meal that serves 10 And it's actually pretty good. I guess we can give my my beans and rice a try That is in every way shape and form very edible mm-hmm. You know the food aspect of this experiment is honestly exceptionally less Difficult than I imagined it I mean my parents always told me that eating out is so much more expensive than cooking at home But this, this puts it into perspective [Did you know you can make an entire spaghetti dinner with spinach for under three bucks?] [Like restaurants sell these exact same dishes for quadruple the price] Pasta is pasta right? guys, let me be real with you I'm excited for this meal all of my Preparation for this week all of my learning the last couple days has brought me to this moment here comes the taste test it's actually really not very great okay, it wasn't that amazing, but it's filling and actually relatively healthy, but what do I know about healthy? I think it's tomato sauce so it's day number four of this experiment And I'm about to do something that I've been dreading this whole entire week. It's time for my weigh-in It's time to see if this new form of life is taking a toll on my body (62 kgs ) Cool dude! [so I lost two pounds, I don't know whether this is good news or bad news, but I'll take it] So I don't know what to do about today because I have a dinner meeting all the way in Beverly hills And I have absolutely no way to get there the Train is too expensive obviously. I'm not gonna over I can't ask any friend to take me so I'm seriously Contemplating the idea of walking it wouldn't be a very quick walk. It's it's a trek. I think I'm gonna walk to Beverly Hills If you ever want to walk from North Hollywood all the way to Beverly Hills There are two small things that you must know, number one: It's a lot farther than you think trust me on this It's a lot farther than you think [this is a very long walk] number two: There's a very large portion of the walk that doesn't even have a sidewalk You're not supposed to walk on this I could have died that day Could have died So I made it guys I made it all the way to Beverly Hills almost five hours My legs are killing me, and I can tell you this. I'm not walking back so I took an uber back But I did it I survived the week
Channel: Luke Korns
Views: 3,018,369
Rating: 4.7310596 out of 5
Keywords: Documentary, Challenge, live off of, 2 dollars, vegan, facebook, luke korns, lukekorns, espanol
Id: 8RsDxpyUa_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
Reddit Comments

those 2.50 include rent, water and heat too, buddy

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/foll-trood 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

he's such a youtube fuckboy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/adriennemonster 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
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