"I LIKE YOUR MOVES" 💃🏼 (Omegle Singing Reactions)

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what is that i just woke up what's going on everybody my name is billy wilkins welcome to another episode of singing for strangers today i have a bucket hat [Music] but uh i had a lot of fun filming this week's video you guys i met some really cool people we had some great reactions it was a really good time a couple things to look forward to i think next week we're going to be doing a full band reaction video again so that'll be really fun and i'm also about to start live streaming again so make sure you subscribe to the channel and turn on those notifications so you can come catch the stream and come hang out i'd love to see you guys in there and just throw whatever song you want at me it'll be a good time also i'm still singing for my subscribers at 10k on instagram so make sure you hit that link in the description toss your boy follow it goes a long way hope you guys stay up to date see some behind the scenes type of stuff and uh yeah let's get into it baby thank you guys for being here and i'll see y'all at the next one all right i'll play your song jeez all right okay wait wait wait can you walk no i like the four people to ask me that tonight any song anything country country all right a [ __ ] guitar like that yeah i can do country i'm not really a country boy but i know if i can do this let's see it's gonna hurt [Music] [Music] thank you guys let's go yeah i'm really not a country boy like i don't know i'm i'm a city slicker but that was really good thank you that was really good what are you uh what you want to hear dude dude you play whatever you want what do i want to play all right um this one's just some straight [ __ ] shredding dude oh you want shredding okay not like hardcore straight but like impressed me impress me all right [Music] that was actually really good i was not expecting it thank you dude i thought you were just going to play the guitar i didn't think you were gonna sing anything but you whipped out my posty and i was like oh [ __ ] i can play guitar if you want but i don't know what to play i could uh let's see i'm just gonna play [Music] uh i think you just melted my face off a little bit i'm sorry bro i hope i hope it comes i hope it dries up it did a nice way what do you what are you snacking on there that's a no that's a rubber band that's not food you're not supposed to oh she ate it okay all right i don't think no that's not good you that's you're gonna poop it out you're gonna poop it out it's gonna be weird you don't want to do that we eat rubber bands what is that no stop that's not food yeah it's not you don't eat that bag of it no it's not it's not no oh god do you like post malone no oh okay this tastes like sugar i'm gonna eat another one [Music] but it's [Music] you know you're not supposed to eat that it's gonna come out of your butt because you're eating rubber bands i don't know why i don't know why you're eating rubber bats that's probably not good for you you shouldn't eat rubber bands if the world was ending i'd eat rubber bands too [Music] yeah that's wrote that i don't actually eat rubber bands but okay okay that's that's fun how about like panic at the disco yeah okay sick let's try that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys are awesome [Music] dude thank you thank you oh my god that's what the master chief's face looks like yes the [ __ ] i've always wanted to know now i know no way what bro there is absolutely no way this is happening what what's happening right now bro no bro you're not going to believe this [ __ ] but donald trump is behind you whoa what's your youtube name carson henderson i have seen your name i do remember your name yeah i comment on like everything what kind of music do you like my favorite band is the gorillas the gorillas oh my god i could try it the other day [Music] i could try [Music] let me see if i could play part of uh yeah that one part you know like the pretty part maybe like this like [Music] all okay on your string it is [Music] was it good you should be part of the gorillas yo that would be crazy oh my god that'd be so cool and then you could tell tell them i got you to do right now you did i've never played that song before that's entirely your fault give me something man yo what do you want to hear bro whatever whatever um what do you listen to some diminished skills diminished scales all right hang on they put distortion on diminished scales all right how does one diminish all right well first when we play the the diminished scale we uh we have a lot of distortion then we uh we turn on the cool lights you know and then we kind of just just play parallel diminished yeah i don't know oh you gotta sing he's gonna sing for us all right i guess yeah i could i could do that um what do you want to hear you'll help girl swimmer hot girl i know hot girl bomber i think it's like that yeah okay here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god that is so many words oh god that was really good thank you yo what up hi what's what's good nothing really oh that's not good um proof that demons were real on here i hope not um can i uh can i cleanse your room with demons right now yeah all right cool let's see and i love you baby and if it's quite all right i need you baby to want the lonely nights i need you baby trust in me when i'm saved oh pretty baby don't bring me down i pray oh pretty baby [Music] that was really good thank you guys are the demons gone now yeah i think so all right cool that's good i just wanted to make sure that i was like that was that would help you no no no what no you why i can know you no i freaking know you no it's impossible no way yes i freaking know you i freaking know you you dude i made fame i'm i love your videos what oh my god did you know that's crazy what i actually listen to your songs for real for real what that's so cool what so dude i gotta play you something then um what do you wanna do rockstar i could try that i've never done that in a video yeah do it let me see it oh dude do i know it i'm just gonna guess it let's see what happens this might crash and very bro i'm sorry let's see [Music] okay three chords totally got this bro [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] singing [Music] [ __ ] dude i don't know oh my god i just butchered the crap out of that one dude but i tried i was trying to find you i was like no hey i'm oh my god my friends wait can you sing another song yeah sure what what song this time um do you like uh shawn mendes yes yes yes let me try that let's see if i could do that one do you got plans tonight i'm a couple hundred miles from japan tonight i was thinking i could fly to your hotel tonight [Music] cause i i can't get you off my mind can't get you up my mind can't get you up my mind [Music] is [Music] two in a row it's lit oh god that was so [ __ ] up yo what's up what's up honestly not too much i'm just singing for random people it's been really weird but um can i sing something for you guys yeah sure okay uh what kind of music do you like um i don't know just sing a song and pop phone like whatever pops in your head sing okay see if you know this one you're so [ __ ] precious when you smile and hit it from the back and make you wow and get that gets a loss [Music] and i just had to let you know your mind's on your body i don't want to waste my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you you guys let's go that's like i literally just learned it i got to practice that one oh so good thank you so what's up what's up how are you pretty good that's that's good um what kind of music do you like oh music old music how old are you talking like 1980 to like 2000's and [ __ ] wow okay uh i could play a song i think it's from the 80s it might be from the 70s actually i don't know we can find out i don't know i'm just gonna play it let's see if you know it i don't know you made me feel like i am home again [Music] you made me feel like i am [Music] but i will always [Music] wow that was do you know that song i don't oh my god pretty good oh thank you well you didn't skip so it must have not been like horrible touch lit thank you thank you please a song sure uh what kind of song do you want to hear oh anything anything all right let's see i was doing just fine before i met you [Music] tell your friends it was nice to meet them but i hope i never see them again [Music] i can't stop [Music] [Music] older you're really good thank you you liked it yeah let's go i didn't [ __ ] up that's the first time i played that that messing up dude do you have like a spotify or something yeah i do well actually i'm a youtuber um i'm working on a video now actually where i sing to like random people on the internet i should jump i'll type it um but yeah right you're really good thank you i'm like half asleep right now i should probably just go to sleep what time is it where you are it's 12 23. what about you guys oh my god i'm from jersey it was awesome to meet you guys thank you for letting me sing for you yeah no problem all right y'all have a great night yeah you too bye bye what up what kind of the music do you like i don't know i like dodgy cat doji cat i don't know any doji cat songs but doji cat is lit i listen to her while i run um what else i guess do you what do you like like pop then you like pop music do you like uh you like hair styles yeah i guess i could try that in your rainbow paradise state of mind will i get so lost inside your eyes [Music] honey [Music] just let me adore you [Music] don't be shy continue oh okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me honey you for you you just hit me [Music] i like the dance booth they're kind of lit are you not a singer i well i mean a dabble um i'm a youtuber i post videos of me singing to random people on here if i ever put you in a clip is that cool if you you're awesome yo let's go okay like seriously yeah can i know you like youtube yeah yeah i'm typing it it's billy wilkins um billy oh my god are you related to willy wonka i wish i would be so cool i'd eat so much chocolate it's not even funny i would have diabetes by now for sure oh my god me too yeah [Music] you gotta play me something i suppose i could i could do that um yeah what do you uh what do you want to hear anything anything well give me a genre or something like who do you listen to yeah yes okay [Music] you
Channel: Billy Wilkins
Views: 100,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billy wilkins, willygwilks, singer, singing reactions, omegle, omegle singing reactions, suriel hess, the dooo, pewdiepie, guitar, guitarist, davie504, funny, reactions, funny reactions, cover, ome.tv
Id: 9fojCWO53AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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