I Let My Kids Plan My Newborn's First Big Day Out

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then rain you ready to party I decided to step out of my comfort zone a little bit and let the boys plan Henry's first big day out hi I'm Hannah I'm the world suitcase mom and for the past month we have not left the house this is because I have Oh sneezes and I had postpartum anxiety and it's hard for me to leave but we're gonna let my older brothers plan my big day out so hopefully it's not too crazy okay wish me luck I should start off by explaining how postpartum anxiety kind of manifests for me it's different than postpartum depression both are very serious and both should be discussed with a doctor because it is more common than you think so for me postpartum anxiety it's a lot of intrusive thoughts most of it is like germophobia it can snowball into something really crippling where I become afraid of interacting with people because they're just walking germs to me it's not logical and so I'm actually in therapy for it I'm not ashamed to say that I am seeking help I really need it what I've quickly realized this time around is my postpartum anxiety is not only affecting me it actually affects my entire family my older boys want to go do stuff on the weekends they want to take Henry places they want to get out of the house while the boys understand I can also tell that they're disappointed that I'm not participating in family stuff so I decided to step out of my comfort zone a little bit and let the boys plan Henry's first big day out it's hard to plan a day for a one-month-old because they don't really do much so the points pretty much picked activities that they wanted to do and decided that they would show Henry how to enjoy these activities the plan was pretty pretty standard for my kids start the morning off with Starbucks move on to mini-golf then the park then pizza and frozen yogurt it's all the things that my kids love in one day Henry pretty much he's got the same cycle eat sleep poop eat sleep poop cry cry cry eat sleep poop okay today is the day of the big outing and I'm gonna be honest we had pretty much the worst night sleep wives of all time last night I'm quiet cuz I'm trying to get into the nap one night of bad sleep can completely derail an entire weekend one noisy man can completely derail an entire getting shoes on more you ready to go Henry [Applause] we are on our way to our very first stop which is what so luxe Henry what will you have tall milk steamed milk noodle now again we are not sponsored by Starbucks I love Starbucks I used to work there I wish they would sponsor me hashtag Starbucks sponsor Hana I woke up these smell the food and you woke up Henry can you smell the food it was almost like Henry's rite of passage like once you've gone to Starbucks with our family you're in you're in for life our next job is mini-golf which I don't really know how well you're gonna play Henry but the boys really wanted to go it's very important that he do this on his first day out they said so mini-golf it is it had been a hot minute since I've been mini golfing I have never been very good at it but the boys love to go they've gone with Matt several times and so they were really excited to show me how skilled they are at all of it why in particular is very intense about it he I think could be a very good golfer at some point because he is so intense [Music] it's so funny to see tiny humans doing like grown-up human stuff please let me know if you've experienced this but whenever my kid is seated in the car seat and poops the poop ends up not in the diaper at all and just immediately goes all up the back so straight away at the mini-golf place we had a blowout in true 3rd kid fashion I just changed him right in his stroller I don't care like you got to do what you got to do when you're out with your baby and you have your older kids I'm not gonna take him back to the car and like lay out a bunch of stuff to change him now Matt had a very special job this day he was my official sanitizer so I don't with the mini-golf very well but I know myself and so we came armed with lots of hand sanitizer wipes and all of that and so before anybody touched anything Matt had to fully sanitize every piece of everything in order to keep me comfortable which that's marriage baby turned out mini-golf is actually the perfect activity for me with my postpartum anxiety because I could control pretty much the whole situation I could sanitize all the parts included it's outdoors so fresh air and people are taking turns at each hole so it's not super crowded you're not in close contact with other people however before we left the boys wanted to go to another part of this park that completely sent me over the edge now don't get me wrong this arcade was very nice I'm sure it was very clean this whole place was really amazing it's just me literally every button on every Sheen looked like 45 different people's germy hands coated all over everything I just we're gonna wait outside while they do that yeah okay we made a pit stop to change because it's getting cold um I mean cold for LA but it's a little chilly we weren't dressed warming up and now we're headed to the park you guys ready for the park oh yeah you know what a park is yes I do poor Henry can't talk so we have to talk for him and everyone pretty much has their own Henry voice Henry are you excited nobody said go to the park and play with Jackson oh yeah Jackson Henry said I think the appeal of a park with little kids I mean my kids always want to go to the park and it's it's the open space they can run as fast as they want there's so much room there's so much stuff to do like climbing and sliding and tumbling and all that stuff yeah totally watching you guys oh yes he's fascinated at the park Henry got very hungry there's a lot of debate around nursing in public and how you should nurse when your baby is hungry and you're out in a public space so what I ended up doing was kind of hiding in the corner behind some trees and I nursed Henry under my sweater I tried to be discreet but like it's a part of life this body part exists to feed humans it doesn't exist for people to obsess over it so if you can't differentiate then maybe you should cover your own face breastfeeding not sexual alright that was some good playtime um did not take Henry out of the stroller because there were so many kids on the playground and I am terrified of germs and I literally heard like 45 sneezes and the time we were there so he stayed in the stroller but the boys taught him everything he needs to know about playing and that's all that matters so the Sun is starting to set and it's getting chilly outside so we have a plan B for pizza and frozen yogurt we've been calling it the three P's or the three P's left of the day park Pizza pose and yogurt but now it's gonna be four p's Park pizza party pie scream and we're gonna have to do it at home because it's getting chilly Henry are you ready to party we just walked into the house we're gonna do collective bath time I'm gonna order the pizza got a bunch of ice cream sundae stuff the minute I walked in the door to my house I just felt overwhelmingly better it's always good to try new things and I think it was important for me to test my boundaries but at a certain point you know it becomes detrimental and a little too much for me to handle and so I was really glad that we decided to take the pizza party and ice cream party back to our house so the boys wanted to show him how to eat pizza and let him smell it so we'll see if he wakes up and he'll come party with us the boys got their pizza we developed a method for Henry to try it which is through wafting the scent over to him so we wafted some pizza smell over to Henry everyone just had a great time we got our ice cream sundaes I have dried strawberries chocolate sauce and schmooze for toppings three kinds of ice cream and for Henry some milk coming up and I let the kids serve themselves because I was holding Henry and so they took full advantage and scooped like 5000 scoops into their bowls but that's okay it was their day well don't mind if I do adding a baby to the family really changes the dynamic and in those early stages my time is super monopolized I am with the baby pretty much all the time because I am his food source and he needs constant care and so it's really important to involve the older kids in a way that it's fun for them and they feel like they're really a part of things why how did Henry do so so good whose team was he on me and so they don't feel like the baby's replacing them in any way they don't feel jealous about the baby taking up more of my time so my anxiety leading up to the day was really high just because I was nervous about leaving the house having that day out didn't cure my anxiety or anything but it was definitely a big step in figuring out something that I can do that I'm comfortable with and will help me you know how to Lee cope with the anxiety if you feel like you might have symptoms of postpartum anxiety or postpartum depression definitely check out this link below and talk to somebody about it what did you guys think of today is amazing he's mad oh yeah but of course the day wasn't over until Henry once again made his mark he's pooping a lot I can't tell if it's poop or fart hey did you hear that okay there's no way this doesn't leave me at the back right now oh yeah oh my god it's all over my hand so that's all I got for today I'm Hannah and what did you think of Henry's day out what would you have done with him instead let me know on Instagram and if you please excuse me I am nursing til next time [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 967,419
Rating: 4.9479675 out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, I Let My Kids Plan My Newborn's First Big Day Out, PL-MIP-S5, PL-MominProgress, buzzfeed, buzzfeed hannah, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed wine mom, buzzfeedvideo, family volg, hannah williams, i let my kids plan, millennial mom, millennial moms, mip, mom in progress, mommy vlog, motherhood, new baby, newborn, parenthood, parenting, parenting advice, parenting tips, pregnancy, tbBX, wine mom, world's okayest mom, young mom, young moms
Id: tMM04bZI_uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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