I Left 5 Things In Monster Energy For 30 Days...

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yep we're doing it again we're leaving five things inside of jars for 30 days now today's liquid that we will be leaving these five things in is something that has been very highly requested that is Monster Energy I know if you could see that Monster Energy I'm not I'm not entirely sure why personally I think it smells bad they taste bad it has like 15,000 grams of sugar so I don't personally drink monster but you guys wanted to see it so here we are these five items that we will be leaving inside of these jars filled with monster first one I'm not very very simple who knows what could happen the second item a pair of pliers that are already kind of rusty as you can see I should say a pair of pliers with rubber handles because the monster could eat the handles off who knows our third item something you've seen in the past two videos where I left things in jars I love a glove very interested to see what happens with the leather glove our fourth item welcome double-bubble welcome get this in here I'm really curious to see what this is gonna do I have a feeling this is probably just gonna turn into like a sludge probably and our fifth item which is something that a lot of you guys you have a lot of you guys requested these two things together specifically which I thought was very weird and it's one of my least favorite foods pickles actually it's probably is my least favorite food if you've been watching for a while you know I actually despise pickles pickles are so disgusting why would you take a food like a cucumber that's already gross and then pickle it and make it more gross I just don't understand that's enough for the pickles all right we've reached that point in the video yet again all the jars are filled up now I want you to go ahead and leave a comment down below what do you think is going to happen to each one of these items and I will see you in 30 days all right guys it's officially been 30 days since we left it all these things and these doors full of monster and so far just by looking at them you can see like the Bubblegum doesn't look like a whole lot happened to it this glove I don't know why but the monster it turned like pretty much I like a really dark red color what if you hold it to the light you can see a little bit of red and you can't really see what's going on inside there with the glove the battery to me on the outside it looks like it's a little bit swollen the pickles it doesn't look like any eggs happened with the pickles at all well what I'm really interested in is the one with the pliers in it whenever you hold it it's terms of the liquid light a really like black pretty much whenever you hold it up to the light even when you hold up directly up in front of the light you still can't see anything through it so I'm really interested to see what's going on inside this jar alright so let's start digging into these jars first let's just get the gross one out of the way the pickles we all know it pickles are disgusting and I guarantee leaving them in Monster Oh guarantee that didn't help anything I know I'm gonna regret this actually I mean don't be wrong it still smells disgusting but it's not nearly as bad as what I had expected let's see the condition of these pickles Wow I mean it doesn't look like anything happened to me which I mean you wouldn't really expect too much to happen just because they're normally in a jar with liquid obviously monsters liquid they just smell like monster so they're very good more disgusting than they were to begin with I really hate the clothes let's go ahead take a look at this battery Wow go ahead there's some reason that smells worse than the pickles and you can see yeah you can definitely see right here that it is swollen and you can see right here that it's swollen and you can see right here that the oh wow all both the terminals you can just pop them right off I don't know if they and it's kind of squishy right here I guess the terminal is just kind of like rusted off or maybe where the battery expanded enough that the terminals just kind of can come off I don't know I honestly don't really have an explanation for it but it's no longer a good 9-volt battery next up let's take a look at the Bubblegum looks like it is because it's all stuck together honestly oh oh it's all very soft just like it's like a just like a big piece of clay and it actually smells good where it's because the whole thing smells like bubblegum yeah this is just kinda like big ball play-doh that's play gonna be the best thing that happens during this experiment see how stretchy it is oh wow wow that jeez that is extremely stretchy well that's pretty cool although I would I'll have to do it to be sure but I would almost guarantee that you'd get this same effect if you just left it in water all right next up let's take a look at this glove see what the condition of this glove is oh this stuff is so full of sugar and so sticky you can see it it's so much everything so sticky look at that liquid that's completely like charcoal I can only assume that that's PI from the leather of the glove oh what's happened to it doesn't it feel weak there's no there's no holes or nothing in it doesn't just halt it's absorbed all that monster oh yeah there doesn't seem to be it that doesn't appear to be any damage on it unlike the the bleach and the drain out I believe I was it kind of like ate a hole in it and I was able to you know rip holes in it or whatever I don't think anything's happening to the glove yeah it's not it's not weak where you can put holes in it or nothing so I can only assume that the reason that the monster is this charcoal color is it absorbed whatever is in the leather and then went into the liquid that's the only assumption I can make I really thought that it would weaken this glove I like make it maybe eat a hole in it or something but guess not all right and last but not least the one I'm the most curious about is the pair of pliers now before I poured this out if I remember correctly there was there was a little bit of rust or maybe there was a lot of rust on these pliers so I'm thinking that the monster might have removed some of that rust or maybe it's rusted it even more and that's why it so that's why the liquid so dark but it still it looks it looks like it's that same charcoal color that the glove was all that definitely looks a little bit rusty all right oh wow I don't even know what that is oh it smells really bad I don't know what what it's done it's like I don't know I can't even explain what it's done it's like eight a code eight some of the like a coating off of the metal or something let me get some brake cleaner and spray this off see how it looks all right I've got some brake cleaner let's just spray some of this off and see see what's on here it seems like it's coming off a little bit I can only assume that it just ate off all the places where there was rust because it definitely or maybe it was starting to eat at the metal because I don't remember if there was all these little like dents and scratches and all this stuff on these pliers before but they definitely look really rough now I still know what all these flakes are off of so it has to be that has to be a coating on the metal I would assume because the the handles were in there but they don't look you know they don't look damaged at all I don't know that's very interesting though all right guys well that was it if there's any other things that you want to see me leave inside of the monster go ahead leave a comment down below or if there's anything else that you want to see me leave in anything else leave a comment down below thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: TylerTube
Views: 414,118
Rating: 4.8422856 out of 5
Keywords: tyler tube, tylertube, leaving things in jars, monster energy, leaving things in monster energy for 30 days, leaving plyers in monster for 30 days, leaving bubble gum in monster for 30 days, leaving things in jars for 30 days, tyler tube leaving things in jars
Id: n8sY4Z-cC5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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