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Good morning. More or less second attempt to leave Medellín, I hope this is the good one with a peculiarity and that is that I leave accompanied. If you saw the previous episode you will know that I had to return to Medellín to try to fix the main camera with which I record these episodes. I think the camera that goes here is a bad idea, I think it vibrates a lot, it has broken for the second time and I have left it to be fixed in Medellín. So, I don't expect anything to receive it on the way. Well, let's try to get out of Medellín quickly. But the fact of having to return to Medellín and wait a few days to find out the camera's diagnosis has made me meet who is going to be my companion today. And I have to go look for my companion who is, by the way, changing tires. They're going to go crazy with my companion. Bye! What cool people on the streets, from all over the world, right?, but in this case from Colombia. And nothing, I've been here for a few days, between going out, coming in, I don't know what, I've tried to go out, I've been there for a few days, I've been with people, eaten delicious food and the other day I met the person who is waiting for me right now who It's around here, I think. "Diagnostic center", where are you? Okay, this is there. Okay, well this is Africa Motorcycles and here there must be a Desert I think with lowered suspension, changing tires. Hi how are things? All good? The world on a motorcycle with Charly Sinewan Season 24 Biker paradise. Chapter 3 How are you? Good and you? Get on, get on, you'll see what a laugh. Should I get on? Come on, let's see how you see it. Meet Mariana Rave, motorcyclist, motocross rider and Ducati ambassador in Colombia. Well, meet Mariana. Say hello there. Hello! Ducati ambassador. There you are, co-worker. Owner, for a few months, of this brand new DesertX with slightly lowered suspensions. It's discounted, and do you know how much they discount you? No. Yes, five. Five cm. A lot, huh. A lot. In fact it has... For better and for worse, of course. It's beautiful, really. Well, Mariana is Colombian, a Ducati ambassador and I think she is a spectacular rider and she rides a Desert and she is shorter than me and weighs, I don't know, she weighs 20 kg less than me. We met the other day through Ducati and then I told him: "Well, take me out of Medellín by trail and I'll do it alone later," so he's going to accompany me for a while. So, for the second time I leave Medellín heading south towards the well-known Eje Cafetero and, as always, looking for the least traveled routes possible and accompanied in this case for a few kilometers through Mariana. I don't know where Mariana will turn or not, but from there I think it will be almost all offroad until Bogotá, I believe and hope. I really want to, ugh! The Sony camera was being repaired in Medellín because a piece of the jib sensor was missing or something like that, so when it is ready they will send it back to me; It's been there for a week now. Let's go those beautiful Ducatis! What a beautiful exit from Medellín, right? Too much. Too much. We have a track in the yard of our house, all of us motorcyclists go... It is probably one of the most biker cities in all of South America, with a spectacular climate and an ideal environment for practicing motorcycling in all its categories. It is very beautiful because it is between hills, because the climate is also very favorable, there is a lot of light and then it has a very special light. From the moment you arrive you realize it. And the police put a lot of effort into fining and such, don't they? Yes, sometimes yes. In these cases, what do you do? You have some police officers in front of you, so obviously everyone continually overtakes in Colombia and it's those two police officers too, in fact they have already done it, but until you move forward, or record it, because they don't I have recorded, it does not plan to advance. Come on, go ahead... There you go. If you overtake, dear policeman, then I'll overtake. In Colombia I don't know if it will be the same, but in Spain in order to make an irregularity the police have to wear the emergency siren. There we are advancing continuously and in curves. Very good. Welcome to La Ceja. How nice, right? I have a desire to "populate." That is, by "towning" I mean passing towns of this type and above all stopping and sleeping in towns and walking around the towns without a motorcycle and talking to the locals. What I like most about traveling, honestly. We ran out of asphalt it seems, or is it?...Ah, just a piece. I really want the asphalt to end. In fact, I'm looking at the map because this route was given to me, because I thought it was all land from La Ceja. I see that not. I'm seeing that it's pavement all the time... There is a path here on the right that goes to Salto Este del Buey that passes through a river, we arrive at the main road again. We give it, right? Yes, let's take advantage of the fact that it is... Do you know Salto del Buey? It's nice? Well, I'll follow you there and we'll stop, okay? Well, I try to follow you. Well, let's go, finally. Well Mariana where you see her is a motocross or enduro rider. Well, I think it's more about motocross, but with the Desert it hasn't been long from what he told me, but of course, it has a base, which is the most important thing in offroading. I ran two competitions in Scrambler. Have you heard "Gladiators"? There is an annual test in Colombia known as "Gladiadores", a race on a closed circuit full of mud, holes and all kinds of traps and that provides an incredible spectacle for offroad lovers. I ran "Gladiators" in Scrambler like three times. The first time I made the podium, then... And since then Mariana became an ambassador for Ducati in Colombia, especially when she started traveling with her current motorcycle. I wanted to change the motorcycle I wanted to travel with, he told me: "You have to have Ducati, that is, don't go looking for anything else." So, Ducati went and I'm happy. What a motorcycle! We are going to Salto del Buey, which is a waterfall and then we continue towards Abejorral and there Agus from Soy Tribu told me about a place that is a hanging house or something like that. They don't know what it's like to drift, a sensation! Drifting with those with so many kilos, you have a feeling of vulnerability, that is, as long as the bike makes a predictable movement fine, but if it hits you more than necessary, it's like... How nice the Dessert is, huh. I don't think he had traveled, well yes, he hadn't ridden with any other Desert is what I thought, but then he told me that he had with Jaime. I really rode with the two Jaimes, with "Goat on Wheels" for a few kilometers and with Jaume Von Aren for a few kilometers because unfortunately he fell down a ravine and had to retire, in addition to Martín Solana, who was with his 890; That was in 2023 and, by the way, you will be able to see it on the secondary channel this Wednesday, scriptwriter through, of course. Ah, well, well, it's getting ugly! Oops! He lost his footing...The typical reaction of those who do motocross. Look at her. Or enduro, wow. In fact, you stick out your leg, which in the Trail, normally... It's not done. We Trail people normally don't put our foot out. Wow, kids, what a beautiful stretch! Ox Jump. I'm excited, honestly... How fun! I just had a desire for offroad motorcycles. The other day I had a great time going to grandma's without suitcases. These days, while I was waiting in Medellín for the diagnosis of the camera, I went one day without suitcases to do a special mission commissioned by Agustín from Soy Tribu, an episode that you can also see on the secondary channel. And now I'm having a great time and this is very important, I'm having a great time with suitcases. How beautiful! How well the motorcycle is doing, eh, to all this! Because of course, I have pretty good off-road tires that I think will last very little from what I've seen. I've had suspension maintenance done in Medellín, which is normally every 30,000 and I've had less, but since this bike has been so abused, it didn't hurt. Well now, boys and girls, the trip begins, right? Now it is OK. Now I am going to go down what they call the Coffee Axis, I will pass through Bogotá, I will say goodbye to many people and from there towards Los Llanos. I mean, we are already on the path to having the face of a traveler and not the face of a video editor. Little by little the trip is going to take over the day to day and for that it is key to be away from the cities and as much in contact as possible with nature. How nice, right?! What a forest, what an amazing air... You drive incredibly well, huh. You have a style...It's nice to see you, yes. And this is a good example, we arrived at Salto del Buey. Where we are? In the Salto del Buey. Salto del Buey, which we have been told is reached, by doing what? An hour and a half walking. So, let's send "Claudron" to look at it for us. Well, asphalt again. We are going towards Abejorral, from there there is a detour to a place called The House in the Air or something like that, which I think is a spectacular place, I think. Our destination for today is to reach a town called El Pintado from where Mariana will return by asphalt to Medellín and I will continue towards the Coffee Region. Beautiful curves, right? But Agustín from Soy Tribu has recommended that we visit La Casa en el Aire, which is accessed by some path through these mountains. How beautiful Colombia is, really. Right now I am in love with Colombia. From a motoring point of view it is an incredible country... Because it has the best places to ride a motorcycle. In other words, there is no bad route. I am fascinated by my country. Obviously, I need to travel, that is like a constant in my life. The Bumblebee is on the right. I asked in two places, but no... I mean, they do know La Casa en el Aire, they tell me to communicate because without contact we won't get there. Well, we have been asking about the place called La Casa en el Aire and although they know where it is they say that if we don't have the contact we shouldn't go and we are calling the contact that Agus gave it to me and they don't answer. So, we are not going to waste time and we are going to get on the motorcycle. We continue on our way. There's a trail coming up that looks like a little care, a little care. Over there, let's see what we find. The road was broken. The donkey. Thank you! Come on! Well, until Tierra del Fuego, this is the idea, always try to follow these paths. Wow, kid, what a crazy place, right? How nice, right? Now suddenly a vegetal tunnel. We are going down a lot. Oops, oops, oops! Thank you. I'm having the bike on my hands. I have knocked it down so that it could pass and it is 300 kilos, you know?, held there. Well, how nice, isn't it? Look... But hey, the day is setting spectacularly, the light, the road here no one passes directly. How cute, how pretty, right?! Well, the truth is that we are going especially well at pace, right? In other words, like without suffering but enjoying the day, right? I think there is little left for the pavement. The path is getting spectacular between the sun and shade and the terrain that is getting better and better with fewer holes... Oh, shit! This is dangerous, huh. What it does is spectacularly hot, huh. 31 degrees, we have been going down for a long time. Look at the river. Brutal. But? The descent has been beautiful now with the light, sun and shadow there. It was incredible. Guys, what a path. How it skids! What a salvation that just happened. You've gotten a little excited, haven't you, with the recent skids, haven't you? What a save! Yes I like it. Apart from motorcycles, do you make a living from motorcycles? Well, at this moment my biggest income comes from creating content regarding motorcycles. Motorcycles and travel and adventures. "Fucking" river. What a good day! Thanks for the company. Thanks to you, Charlie. Brutal. See you soon. Thank you. Let me know you're safe, okay? Yes please, have a good trip. Bye. Yesterday I found this site practically the first time and decided to stay and, well, make a backup of everything, blah blah blah, the same as always. So, I was in the room there with the air conditioning, but I had been in the room for an hour or more and suddenly it sounds: PAA!, a sound, but what happened, has someone been killed, has someone been poisoned? because the whole booth reverberated. In short, I look out and see the motorcycle on the ground and the ground there is not very strong, so the motorcycle went sinking, sinking, sinking, sinking, sinking and at the given moment "bang", with bad luck that the screen was jammed against the wall and in addition to having broken the wall a little, I'm sorry, gentlemen of the hotel, I have broken the screen. Can I have another coffee, please? Same as before. So, this town is called La Pintada. This town is called La Pintada. And this is a mining area? They do produce things like that, but it is not a mining area. It is not a mining area. But there is gold. Very good. And you work here at the hotel? I work here in days. Ah, in days what does that mean? On days they call me how to make replacements or when there are a lot of people. You are 21 years old... And I have two daughters... And one who is four? One of four and the other of one and a half. And are you happy to be a young mother? Actually, yes. But? Let's say that it is a lot of responsibility and obligations because my mother raised the girls to work and study. Study. I am an administrative assistant technician, I am studying human resources. I mean, are you still studying? Yes. You have two daughters, do you work here from time to time? Aha, my mom takes care of them for me and I can work and study. Go out, go out with your daughters. And no, I feel very happy, let's say, being with them. And do you want to live here or do you want to go to Medellín or Bogotá or something? I would like to travel to other parts, but since right now they are still small it would make it very complicated for me, like saying I'm going to travel but if I work and, with God's help, I would like to continue studying, so, if I work, I study, who will help me with the girls? It becomes very complicated. Delighted and thanks for the coffee, for the coffees. The coffees. And it is a very important instruction, do not give me coffee again. I have three, I think. Three coffees. Three coffees. Last. This is very dangerous, isn't it? Do we think so? Oh look. Man, it's still dangerous, really. What are you saying? With this it would be...No, no. At least it has a little less peak. OK, let's go. Today's destiny, the truth does not exist; there is no destiny today. Towards the south, advance. Well, today's destination is to advance until nightfall, heading south and crossing a very popular and tourist area in Colombia known as the Coffee Axis. So, this is called La Pintada. Ah, it should change... Let's see, yes. No, I don't have money, I still have dollars from Venezuela and as I already told you, it is dollarized, but... How are you? Fine and you? Good. Would you exchange dollars for pesos? Right now the boy who changes is not there. Isn't the boy here? There's no bank in town, right? There is no bank. No, there is no bank here that will change anything. That's why I'm without anything. How many dollars do you have to change? Whatever you accept from me. Well, I already have some money, I have exchanged 50 euros that I had by chance and with that I can last today for sure, and tomorrow too. Taking into account that gasoline can be paid by card. Look, I'm going to get gas too. Will there be extra here? Well, I've got gas, I've got money, let's move south. Well, here you have it, the Cauca River, which is the second longest in Colombia after the Magdalena River, right? The other one is called. I'm starting to move away from Medellín definitively, the camera stayed there, I'll receive it along the way, I guess. It's definitely broken and it's having a hard time starting, Season 24 is having a hard time starting, honestly. But hey, it usually happens, huh. Until I'm starting a trip. Little by little I am getting into the journey and heading south and trying not to get too distracted because I have to get to Los Llanos with enough time to explore it in depth and be able to enjoy it. What is clear is that now I am heading towards the Llanos, I am going to go down the entire Coffee Axis, I will pass through Bogotá to fix what has been broken and from there towards Los Llanos, get closer to the Amazon and there to Ecuador, Peru. Once I arrive in Peru I will have to make an important decision, whether to detour to the Amazon, visit Brazil, the Guyanas, Suriname, Brazil again, Uruguay and from there change oceans again passing through Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and heading through the Atlantic to Tierra del Fuego with South America well traveled, or perhaps head directly to Tierra del Fuego through the Pacific and then cross the Atlantic and end up again in Colombia and the truth is, since the plan is that there is no plan, I have no idea what will be, but what will be, if you want, we will see it together. Well we'll see. For now, we are going to enjoy the only thing that exists today and the Coffee Axis. I'm going down from Medellín to Bogotá, what they call the Coffee Axis, which is an axis, that is, there are several states, Caldas and two or three other states, I think, that have all these mountains where a lot of coffee is grown and not just coffee. , otherwise it's already part of the culture, right?, of the area and here I go. I don't have anything scheduled to see, coffee plantations or anything, but I'm going to let myself go. If something interesting appears along the way, I'll show it to you and if we don't move forward because my goal is to get to Los Llanos as soon as possible, which is where I really want to show off and I want to get lost. But well, I have to stop in Bogotá no matter what for various reasons, the dome, the camera and say goodbye to all my friends, so, little by little, starting the trip. And to start a trip the best way is to sleep in the first place you find and the next day wake up, get on the motorcycle and continue and that is what I am going to do. Today I'm going to drive until it's time. Well, this is Aguadas. Hey, I like this town. "Soup, ranch lentils" I'm going to look for one that fits the bike better, right? Look at the square, the church. "Hat Store" I'm going to buy a hat, what do you think? I missed the lentils, which is a shame, really. But I look at the bike, which is the important thing. This is a 100% coffee zone now, right? Yes, zone. And below she is already a rancher. Oh, sure. Where I come from, La Pintada is a cattle ranch. Livestock. Are you going to Manizales? I'm going to Manizales yes, well I'm going to the south, I don't know if... Remember to enter Salamina which is also very cool. Yes towards Salamis, yes. Well, I'm very happy... I shake your hand with the glove, excuse me. Thank you. Well, have a good trip. Thanks man. Very kind. Well, we continue. Next town is Salamina. These are 4x4 taxis. This one is pretty low too, right? Wow, kid, look, this looks like San Francisco again. Your motherfucker, she leaves first. Pull up, down! Crazy, right? Well, asphalt road, but delicious, surrounded by coffee like all this, as you see, there is coffee everywhere. We fully enter the Coffee Axis, a Colombian geographical and cultural region located in several departments and whose landscape was declared a World Heritage Site in 2011. How nice, right? Colombia, if I'm not confused, is the third coffee producing country and I don't know if it is an exporter other than the third. From what I believe, 93% of Colombian coffee production is exported and there are two harvests a year, one between April and June and the other between September and December. It's nice to circulate here, huh. Everything is quite clean, well cared for. You can see that here the economy works fairly well thanks to coffee mainly, of course. And traveling these roads is a pleasure especially for tourists who come to see everything that surrounds them. coffee culture, but as you well know, this is not the case; This trip is nourished by places and paths far from the main route and, above all, by the reality of people who live outside of tourism. Conclusion, I'm bored. I've been quite bored on this road for a while, yes, yes, delicious and whatever you want... But I'm bored, then I saw that here is a path that goes around the mountain towards the same place I was going, Salamina, which will probably be a tremendous turnaround, but, well, at least we had fun for a while, right? The worst that can happen is that I have to turn around. Well, and let me fall, but let's give the bike a little, right?, offroad, life. What a pleasure to get away from the main one! What a pleasure to see the asphalt finish! How beautiful! Little by little we are moving towards our destination in Colombia: Los Llanos, as close as possible to the Amazon and where I believe, or at least I hope, that I will find what I am looking for. But there are still many days left until we get there and I have to always try to advance along these types of paths even if, like today, I don't really know what I'm getting into. Thank you. You have to be very careful on these roads because, of course, I haven't seen anyone for a long time and suddenly you start to forget that there are more people in the world and since they are very complicated roads, you tend to try to use everything for yourself, the left, right and so on. Suddenly, someone comes along your lane or in the middle, like most people do, and you get a scare. Well, this is starting to get a little fun. Thank goodness I'm off the main road, please. What a bummer! I imagined seeing more people working the cafe. They must have finished already. Look, here are oranges or tangerines. What fun! How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful! Oh oh oh! You never know the depth. What a nice path, right? When it gets like that, a little complicated. Wow, guys, the truth is that the bike has won with the... because I have lost a little weight and because in Venezuela I had too much fuel and I also tell you one thing, I think these tires are going to last a long time, but I like the sigh that will last. What a good path, really, how wonderful! I want to advance through the world like this, always. Oops. Go Go. The problem is that moving along these types of roads and with a motorcycle so loaded, I'm coming up, huh. Maybe too much. Sometimes it leads me to overcomplicate my life. But of course, if I didn't like complicating my life, I guess I would do something else. I remember that I carry 70 kilos, huh. See you next week. Let's see how this path ends. To be continue
Channel: Charly Sinewan
Views: 668,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Viajar en moto por el mundo, vuelta al mundo en moto, viajes en moto por el mundo, viajes por el mundo en moto, aventuras en moto, viajes largos en moto, videos en moto, Charly Sinewan, SINEWAN, RIDE, RIDE FREE, SER LIBRE, EL MUNDO EN MOTO, EL MUNDO EN MOTO CON CHARLY SINEWAN, OFFROAD, AVENTURA EN MOTO, PROBLEMAS, ruta complicada, riesgo, ducati, dessertx, sudamérica, problemas, complicado, peligro, peligroso, colombia, medellín, MOTERA, CHICA MOTORISTA, DESTAPADO, MOTOCROSS, ENDURO, FLIPAR
Id: W9XxI5-FIHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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