I Learnt This TRANSITION from PETE COWEN but I wish I learnt it 10 years ago!

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in today's video I'm going to be teaching you all about the transition with both the irons and the driver stay tuned cuz we'll be talking about how the upper body and the lower body work together to give you the perfect move from the top of the back swing whether you want to hit draw Fades or even just a straight shot we're going to be talking about weight distribution and that stigma behind lateral movement we're going to be working on how the shoulders keep that connectivity on the way down but also they keep the width for the IR you want to be compressing the golf ball for the driver you want to be hitting up on the golf ball want to be maximizing distance but also getting that consistency in ball striking there's a lot to cover in this video stay tuned as a full-time golf coach I am available for coaching online so please do drop me a message DM me on the skillest app is always the easiest way what we can do we can set up a zoom consultation we can chat a little bit more about your game how I can help you improve it and set a bit of a plan moving forward if you're coming into the offseason now is the perfect time let's embrace the offseason let's improve your game download the skillist app the link is in the description below drop me a DM and let's go we're going to start with the transition on the iion then we're going to move into the driver they are kind of the same I think the way we're trying to strike a golf ball with the I is different to the driver we try and compress down on the is we try and hit up on the driver the body shape's different I think the emphasis on how we're going to strike the golf ball makes a huge impact on the way the majority of golfers do try and hit the ball obviously with the driver I think one of the key things is power speed and obviously distance and we make those kind of mistakes kind of more magnified with the way we make that transition on the driver whereas an ion a lot of the times we're looking for a little bit more of a specific Target based shot so we're looking at trying to control a shot with an iron as opposed to a driveway we're trying to get that speed so one of the key things I want to try and talk about with the irons in particular is that transition in that lower body how the lower body works we want to create a nice compressed strike into the golf ball we want to move the lower body with a little bit of lateral into the lead side but we also want plenty of rotation now before the lower body can work correctly the upper body's also got to be working in sync so for the purpose of this video we're going to talk as if the top of the back swing is in a nice compact relatively neutral position whether you are laid off or slightly across the line we still need to make sure that very first movement in the transition is as good as we can possibly manage so once I get to the top of the back swing body weight position is generally around about 50/50 maybe slightly favoring the the Traer leg your lower body would have rotated approximately 45° your shoulders and your chest should have rotated approximately 90° so that means then on the way down your lower body has got a 45° differenti differentiate between upper and lower body so that means on the dead way down the lower body is going to be more advanced than the upper body and that's a real key thing within this video we want that that's a good thing that's something that can help you really uncoil for lots of power but take away power for a moment that's one thing that can really help you with con consistency and quality of ball striking so as I get to the top of the back swing I would want to feel that my trail elbow starts to work in towards my stomach now I don't want it to come in literally inwards I want it to work downwards into my stomach cuz when I stop the golf club in this position you notice the shaft of the club is pointing down the target line okay so if I can get the golf club working down into that position I feel like my trail shoulder is also helping it into that position now I can drive my lower body towards the target if I get to the top of the back SC this is one of the key things that I see a lot of Trail hip Trail shoulder move towards the golf ball and in doing so the golf club's going to get find its way to the outside of the Swing plane okay now often what happens from here is the club Works towards for rting the go off towards the left of Target the lower body can't drive it can't transition the weight properly it can't rotate it kind of has to extend up to get out of the way all right so if the transition starts correctly from the upper body and this is why this drill is amazing so everyone just grab your grab a golf club Put it across your shoulders or a stick or if you've got nothing to hand just put your arms across your shoulders you swing up get that nice shoulder rotation from here I've got the club head on my Trail shoulder I'm going to push it so it points just outside of my trail foot so now I'm rotating my shoulders around my spine angle okay so I'm pull pushing it down that right Trail shoulders pushing down towards the outside of my trail foot and in doing so with my arms there and as I do that this is where we want to try and make a twoin one movement now a lot of pig golfers asked me what starts the transition what goes first and it's a hard question isn't it really because at the end of the day the whole body's moving constantly within that one second of a golf swing every single muscle in your body is moving the better players the best players the highly skilled players can move things kind of in tandem the players that are less skilled the higher handicappers or the players that are learning or trying to dissect different movements before you've made it natural want to know exactly what moves first so that's why I always say upper body it always depends on the play depends on your fault I don't know what your fault is but nine out of 10 times it's the upper body that causes the fault because it moves in that direction if we can get the upper body transition correct then it's much easier for us to work the lower body if we get the lower body working first the upper body can still go in the wrong direction what I want you to feel this is going to help with path and compression and this is why the two go hand in hand I want you to feel from the top of the back swing this Trail shoulder Works down towards the trail foot the trail elbow Works into the right side or the trail side of your stomach okay so you get up and you pull it into there I've got my trail arm literally touching my stomach at this point all right and again this is for the drill there okay now then as I as you do this I want you to get this twoin one movement that I just mentioned I want that lead hip to go over the Lead Foot now big question a lot I get a lot in golf as well can you have lateral movement lateral movement has got this stigma around it that it's not a good thing if you think about where I where I am now I'm centered okay now when I finish my golf swing I'm going to be over my lead foot so I have to have moved laterally it's impossible to not move laterally a lot of lateral the the a lot of lateral issues come from upper body lateral very rarely do I see too much lower body lateral that I'm worried about okay so I get to the top of the back swing as my trail shoulder goes down towards my trail foot as my right Trail elbow goes into my stomach I'm going to push my lead hip over my lead foot right now I am in a power position I've not released my trail arm and my lower body is not not quite rotated yet to fire through the golf ball so this is the point where if we can get that that's the move I want you to feel like the upper body the trail shoulder goes down that pushes you either pull it down or you push it down whatever your feeling is down towards the outside of the trail foot and then your left hip your lead hip is going to drive to the Target you're going to get that two in one movement there and just stop once you get to about thigh height with the hands just stop if you can get that position on lock you're going to be bloody brilliant at golf right knee Trail knee as it comes down drives in see I've got that driving in I haven't got it going out here because again those should those movements that go over with the shoulder forward with the hip that right knee often goes in that direction as well I want this tray on me there so as I transfer my weight as I pull the club down into position this Trail knee goes towards the lead knee my ankle drives in my inside of my shoe goes in this direction then I'll extend up into a nice finished balanced finish position okay so we get up one two 3 turn I'm over the golf ball it's a great position it's a lovely strike it really was a lovely strike as well I am very very happy with that okay so we get on to the driver what happens with the driver same it's the same both positions move forward okay so my swing Arc the bottom of my golf swing is still going to be in the middle of my stance where my 79 was where I just crushed it but now the driver lands in the middle of my stance and by the time it gets to the golf ball it starts to work upwards the golf swing works on an arc it's on a semicircle around the golf ball so with a driver what I'm doing is I'm hitting it after the center so I'm hitting it as the golf club starting to Arc more left around my body now as I get to the top of the back swing from this perspective what am I going to do my trail shoulder is going to work down my lower body is going to work to the Target still my head relative to the golf ball is still in the middle of my stance so there there now as I hit my impact position you'll notice my lead hip is over my lead foot and my head is still in the middle of my stance that's what creates the Natural Spine tilt as you're as you're striking the golf ball and that's that's one of the key things and when we have that much spine tilt the body weight position differs so we're not over on this left side a lot more than we are with the with the ions we're a little bit more centered if anything I always feel like I'm still hitting it off my back foot I still feel like my my weight is really into my right side as I'm hitting this so one of the key things is just trying to make sure that the head position stays in the center of the stance your body still makes all the same moves now it looks different in comparison to the impact position on a Dr on an iron because the ball position is different if I was to shorten this golf club up to a seven iron and put it back in the middle of my stance it wouldn't look that different now does it it's just different because the length of the club and the ball position but I want you to try and still get the feeling that the driver movements are the same we're not trying to move the upper body to go and catch that golf ball we want to stay here and I often what a lot of good practices is when you actually nudge if you hit the ground before the golf ball don't be alarmed it's not the worst thing in the world because it means that you're Landing the golf club correctly you're a centimeter too low that's all it is so ball positions forward I'm going to get one 2 3 four right shoulders down left hips forward oh just a bit towy bit draw but still absolutely no danger whatsoever all right so the transition with the driver transition with the irons really is the same we're just going to create some different impact factors based on ball position it's amazing how that could sound so simple but yet be so difficult because it's golf golf is difficult guys thank you very much for watching I hope You' enjoyed the video hope you've learned learn a lot if You' got any comments please do drop them down in the comments section below and I look forward to reading them and answering them take care
Channel: Andy Carter Golf
Views: 135,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing, golf tips, me and my golf, golf course, rick shiels golf, rick shiels, titleist, peter finch, rick shiels pga, youtube golf, improve golf, driver, golf putter, golf chipping, golf advice, golf advice for beginners, golf highlights, pga tour, liv tour, Peter cowen golf, Pete cowen
Id: Ey0kTRWzM_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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