I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) KILL COUNT

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I had a coin flip before starting the video whether James would bring up FPJ's WWE history or his Star Wars voice acting work in Rebels, I lost.

Great video as always though!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJW3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fall Break!

James, you seriously just got me super excited about watching the 3rd movie. I don't know if I love you, or hate you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebrood138 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great Kill Count! I really enjoyed all of the little references to 90’s movies the cast was in!

My biggest question mark about the movie has always been why the killer never actively went after Ray. I get that he was a red herring, but logically he should have had a scare like Barry, Julie, and Hellen. Even in the sequel he is so fixated on Julie and Ray isn’t even on the radar.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/attackedmoose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't usually correct James but Buffy ended in 2003, not 2001. It had 7 seasons. I would have said something in the chat of the live stream but I didn't see the text on my small phone screen.

Oh and the final scene is mentioned in the sequel, as a dream Julie has.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShiftyBea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LiquidSwords89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great to see this franchise being covered! Hope to see UL next.

FYI There's an alternative ending to this movie where Julie is chatting on THE INTERNET (lol) to Ray when she gets an e-mail from the killer. It was also used as a teaser for the sequel. Here's some hard-to-find footage if you want to use it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3vbwgi (I remember this clip ending with the killer actually coming through the glass of her laptop, but can't seem to find it anywhere!). And there's also another teaser for the sequel, featuring a therapist, which I think was meant to be the opening scene of the sequel (or even the ending to this movie - not sure) before being replaced with the church one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDmFmPvz0kc

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I rewatched this movie about a week ago in preparation for the kill count and it honestly holds up really well!

Of all the knockoff teen horror movies that came out in the late 90’s/early 2000’s that were so desperately trying to capture the success of Scream, I know what you did last Summer is easily my favorite

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jayden695 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, I wonder when James will do Psycho?

[remembers Psycho is also a series]

It can wait.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlightlySychotic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So happy it is friday, always look forward for kill counts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cheesbugga579 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcount where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James agent YZ and today we're looking at I know what you did last summer released in 1997 last summer which I'll call it for short because come on is the best-known teen slasher released in the wake of scream the two films are often associated with each other not surprising given that Kevin Williamson wrote both movies though this screenplay was very loosely based on a 1973 novel by Lois Duncan screamin last summer share a few other similarities to for instance both have a bit of a whodunit element to them and they both feature casts of attractive teens some of whom would go on to be in the mystery gang but that's about where there's similarities end whereas scream is a self-aware borderline satire of slashers last summer plays it all straight delivering a more mysterious and traditional horror flick without all those winks to the camera sure the script still contains reference heavy dialogue that gets old pretty fast Jodie Foster tried the Skinner to serial killer answered the door but I'm willing to forgive folks like that because of the movies characters and the exploration of how their lives are upended by a single pivotal moment it's a great look at guilt and the way relationships can change how the friends who seem like your whole world in high school can drift away until they end up feeling like strangers in between us it used to be best friends and used to be a lot of things I know what you did last summer would be followed by a tropical sequel that I think is a fun hot mess and a third direct-to-video installment that is possibly my least favorite horror movie I've ever seen in my life seriously that thing fucking sucks but before we get to those summers of the future we need to go back to last summer and count up all its kills [Music] the movie begins with a wave skimming title car some gothic metal growls us up the coastline of Sonoma County California near bodega bay even though the movie takes place in North Carolina most of it was shot on location in Southport though so don't knock him too much who wouldn't want to share a coastline with the Hitchcock film this very awesome opening shot that soars around for more than two minutes eventually flies down to find a sad boy and overall sitting on some rocks he's got a little memory trinket and a whole last bottle of booze so probably not a good thing he's so precarious Lee perched it's the fourth of goddamn July in the seaside town of Southport North Carolina an actual city of less than 3,000 people that's filmed all the time including recently and under the dome South ports the kind of place that holds local beauty pageants with this year's contest dominated by Helen shivers played by Sarah Michelle Gellar the same year that Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiere big year for Miss Geller since 97 was also when she plays CC and screamed - who got thrown off her sororities balcony Helen Wolves the pants off this crowd of Southport Ian's and his announced fish Queen of the Year or something - grabs Helen your friends are so proud of you cowfish queen these brand new high school graduates all celebrate Helens ascent to fish queendom with a high-speed trip to Dawson's Beach probably named after Dawson's Creek which Kevin Williamson also created and which was filmed at the same location apparently using some of the smoothie sets there they share urban legends about killers with hooks and talk about their futures Helen plans to move to New York and star in a soap opera while her boyfriend Barry Cox played by Ryan Philippi becomes an NFL starting quarterback and then they can have widow babies but the future is not as clear for Julie James played by an 18 year old Jennifer Love Hewitt who would spoof this scream queen role in Boy Meets World a few months later Julie's future is on a different path than her boyfriend ray Bronson's played by Freddie Prinze jr. in his first starring role fun fact fpj is a big wrestling fan and even wrote for the WWE for a couple of years apparently he helped convince Vince McMahon to give Jeff Hardy the world title at Armageddon 2008 team Xtreme did Julian Ray's relationship suffers from some class-based problems with Julie and upper-class smartypants who's not to go off to Boston for college while ray is a less well-off fella who's about to go to New York for some reason I don't know what for exactly but I'm pretty sure it's not what Julie thinks you're gonna go up you're gonna fall for some head shaving black wearing tattoo covered body piercing philosophy student that sounds attractive that is some 1997 dialogue no worries though Julie and Ray can just slap an emotional bandaid on their problems with some sand up in them cracks beach sex berries to blasted to properly drive his car so ray takes the wheel now if only he could keep his eyes on the road hard to do that though when Barry's growing so hard he broke out the sunroof a drop bottle of bro booze escalates things and sets this movie's plot in motion it's a well shot accident sequence that ends with berries laid out on the car roof with blood on his face that isn't his love this crane shot by Scottish director Jim Gillespie whose career hasn't been that for Visnjic but who made a good impression on his cast and crew still to this day my favorite director I've ever worked with berry freaks out about the damage to his car while Joey freaks out about the blood on it then everyone freaks out when Joey finds a boot cuz boots don't tend to go walking around on their own they find the boots body with a patented Love Hewitt's cream and immediately realize they're in a certain amount of shit ray checks the body to see just how deep it is I think you stood that is some pretty deep Julie says that since it was an accident they need to go to the police but Barry's worried about getting in trouble since he owns the car and is very obviously inebriated look at me I'm drunk he quickly wins ray over to his side since ray was driving and is scared of Southport apparently extreme justice system look at the friend no matter who takes the fall about this took place in North Carolina not Texas the debate they have about what they should do is well written and perform with everyone behaving according to their characters perspectives just pretend we were never here says the actor for instance eventually Julie loses out against the others who would like to just get rid of the body and pretend this never happened the guy's already dead if we go to the police were dead too they hear a truck approaching which inspires some curbside theater to give them cover the driver is their classmate max played by Johnny Galecki who was just coming off Roseanne and still had a decade left to go before he'd start banging big theories they pretend Barry sick and Max eventually leaves them though honestly Barry pops back up a little too soon after he drives away commit to the bet bear bear the kids take the body to a doc and prepare to dump it in hoping the tide and or crabs will take care of it for them just one problem though he's alive alive and also maybe a terminator since the dude went down with Helens fish Queen crown berry jumps in to retrieve the evidence as he does the guy's eyes open scaring Barry back to the surface and leaving the dude behind looking like that Jason statue in that Minnesota Lake they all go to leave which always seemed weird to me since last they saw him dude was still alive but I guess they think he's as good as dead so they make a pact to never speak of this again though Julie has to be coerced into it you fucking shame one year later Julie is at college where she majors in dramatic turnaround she's got that down pat but her other grades are shit which worries her mother who now has a messy hair Dombey as a daughter are you on drugs but Julie's a rack having never recovered from their secret manslaughter and the only way things could get worse for her is if she found out she was in a horror movie oh my god later that night she's still staring at that note didn't think it'd take her that long to read it there aren't that many words there Julie just sounded out back in Southport for the first time since she left Julie goes to Helens family's department store run by her sister Elsa and you know not me personally but a guy I know him and her got it ah whoo Helen works there now having returned from New York after her acting career didn't work out hey protip Helen usually need to give stuff like that more than a few months Julie shows Helen the note she got and the two of them take it to Barry's rich-ass house since he and Helen broke up this acts as a reunion of sorts oh great I love reunions late to look like shit run over twice you know usually Julie says that the guy they hit and dumped was named David Egan she read about him in the newspaper his body was found in the ocean three weeks after their accident and please labeled it an accidental drowning as they ponder who could have sent Julie the note Barry remembers that max came across them on the road that night so they go to the dock where the gangster works as a fisherman buries interrogation skills start at about a 10 and go all the way up to 11 and even though max says he doesn't know anything about a note Barry assures the ladies that his rough handling has solved their problems on their way out they run into ray who they're surprised to find also works at the docks now New York having not worked out he tries to talk to Julie but she says she just can't know him right now and runs away in her overalls later on a pissed-off max unknowingly loses possession of his fishhook luckily there's a slicker clad stranger here to give it back to him there you go max now try not to misplace that thing anymore it's an expensive tool that you need to do your work oh and yeah I know that the kill graphic says number 2 up there just trust me okay this is my job Max's kill was added during reshoots after the rest of the movie had been completed since originally director Jim Gillespie made a pretty bloodless horror movie a special makeup I said I've gone through the least amount of blood I've ever done in anything I've done before after test screenings they felt like the audience needed to see the killer in action earlier on to establish a real danger it was definitely the right call after a long night of bag punching at the gym Barry showers off and finds a note waiting for Matt his locker they know the note was left by the same dude stealin Barry's car right now and the driver shows Barry he's got some cruel intentions when he floors the gas and heads straight for him Barry ends up getting hit by his own car and driven straight through a wall holy shit wow that is some serious structural damage there the driver gets out and walks over to Mary peering over him and brandishing his deadly hooks silently Barry begins to beg for his life and then wait one fade to black head his one lazy-ass way to end a scene man Barry's still alive recovering in the hospital because apparently the fisherman stalker is content to just mess with them for now to figure out who this guy could be Julie and Helen turned to the Internet they find a bunch of articles mentioning David Egan the guy Jules says they hit last summer and learned that two years ago David was the driver in a car accident on Dawson Beach that got his fiance Susie Willis kill David's family lives quote out in the sticks so the girls drive through a bunch of sticks to visit them even though they don't have a plan some sort of a plan Angela Lansbury always had a plan that's true that's why they called their Angela Lansbury they get to the Casa de Egan and around the side of the house run into an Hat one year before she was part of the fascinating experiment that is the psycho remake this is Missy Egan David Egan sister and she's happy to help Julianne Helen who say their car broke down Julie strikes up a clumsy conversation about David wherein Missy mentions that one of his friends a guy named Billy blue has visited her to pay condolences that's about all they learned before Julie is overcome by the guilt of what they've done to David's family and makes up an excuse to leave though Jules is torn up about it Helen's able to cope by saying hey man it was an accident it's fine Helen goes home that night and between her dad's apparent catatonia and her insatiable thirst for diet coke neither of them noticed when a slicker clad figure comes in through the front door and gets all the way upstairs into Helens room her closet door is cracked open but Helen never sees it so she goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning to find a bunch of chunks of hair all over her bed while scarily intimate and thematically relevant to Helens vanity I think this haircut harassment would be much more impactful that they had actually done a real hatchet job something tells me they weren't allowed to shave Sarah Michelle Gellar's head though better that they didn't look how mad she is seeing this haircut in the mirror it's not even that bad girl Julie gets a call from Helen and heads over to her house but a sound from her trunk causes her to pull over she opens her trunk to find a bunch of crabs oh and a dead body mass surrounded by crabs she gets Barry and Helen to come to her car interrupting Helens gig as a backup dancer in a Britney Spears video but when Barry opens the trunk there's nothing but a hook-shaped umbrella inside that was one quick crab cleanup man must have used that special shampoo with the tiny comb and everything Julie's pissed that this guy keeps messing with them and goes into a predator stance to yell about it throw a little spin on it Jules nice sigh that's maybe the most infamous scene from this movie and turns out it was directed by a kid who won a contest he was like I won her stand in the street and turnaround is just you know scream like what are you waiting for ha and I was literally like are you this is what this is what I'm gonna okay this is a great idea and then we were doing it and it was amazing and it looked cool and then do they get and not everybody loves that they go to see ray and Barry shows a total lack of conversational skills again as well as a total inability to connect with a pot credit to Ryan Philip II though for bringing all that angry energy to a character originally envisioned as a much bigger guy Ryan isn't a joke he's physically not that Ryan had to almost overcompensate in terms of his aggressiveness to be a dominating force against a bigger guy a piece is made when the group agrees to stop accusing each other and Julie decides that she'll go see misee Egon again because maybe the killers that Billy blue guy who visited her will get you blue boy while Julie's doing that Helen goes to this year's fourth of July fish queen parade with a whole bunch of fish themed decorations made by production designer Gary Wisner I think this movie setting is another one of its strengths I absolutely love the small East Coast fishing town vibe it reminds me of the mutilator it's also the perfect setting for a slicker clad killer since he can easily disappear among these crowds maybe keep that in mind before you go around tackling old dudes to the ground grizzly bear no seriously dude you might want to get off that guy I think he's having an episode of something Julie goes back to Missy Egan's house and finds it looking a tad more Texas Chainsaw keep an eye out for sliding doors Jules so she ain't wearing a human skin mask Missy still approaches Julie like a serial killer because this movie really wants there to be a bunch of suspects to point fingers as she chops up fish heads as Julie brings up David again and when she says his death wasn't an accident Missy says she knows play kill himself she says David went up to the cliff last year to kill himself over the accident that killed his fiance and she knows this they left a note this isn't a suicide this is a death threat Julie realizes in record time that the person they hit wasn't David Egan it was whomever left these notes first one for David and then one for her she races back home as the Southport beauty pageant begins with Helen the outgoing fish queen required to be onstage the whole time for some reason it's kind of weird Barry watches over her from the rafters for her safety but that also means she's a captive audience for the talent portion of this show [Music] lucky for Barry he doesn't have to listen to this much longer cuz the fisherman is here Helen screams out as he gets attacked but for some reason the crowd feels the need to grab and physically restrain her as she screams that someone needs help Tam southport Ian's y'all are wack Barry is killed while Helens tangled up from a bunch of hook stabs to his torso when Helen finally gets a cop named Kappa Rizzo up there the body is gone with some unseen dripping blood all that's left behind officer Kappa Rizzo drives Helen home while casting doubt on her claim of murder did this fisherman guy used the same hook that cut all your hair off what the fuck are you even talking about dude she has a normal shoulder length haircut what's stupid plot point a road barrier forces them into an alleyway where the cop comes across a guy apparently in need of some roadside service it ends up being the killer earning Kappa reso a hook stabbed to the stomach and giving us a fair amount of scream queening and mouth bleeding ah at least he laid him down real gently though that's that Helen finds herself briefly trapped in the backseat of the police car which Kevin Williamson would repeat in his script for scream two released the same year eventually she kicks her way out of custody and escapes the slow walking killer by you know not walking slowly she runs to her family's store and because of her massive head start on the slow ass motherfucking fishermen she's let inside by Elsa before he can get to her even though like how did Elsa not see the guy approaching them when he was this close a storefront is all window Elsa locks the front door but up and get to the back door in time the fisherman's already made it inside so he kills Helens older sister with a hook slash across the chest love the shot of him carrying the body away but again this kill was originally done without any blood producers like Eric Feig had Gillespie go back and reshoot it with that blood spray which you know makes that medically it's impossible for there not to be blood if someone took a hook and slice across someone's neck helen hears the commotion and comes downstairs where she's attacked by the killer who who apparently decided it was worth his time to hide under a tarp and pretend to be a mannequin after seeing her sister's dead body Helen pulleys herself up to temporary safety with the store's freight elevator this whole sequence is one of my favorite parts of the movie I often get bored with chase scenes but this one stays interesting and makes good use of all the back-alley spaces in the small town of South Park it only falters at the end in me widely maligned moment when Helen senselessly stops running to look behind her the fisherman appears out of absolutely nowhere and kills her behind a stack of tires while it's real stupid that she stopped like that I do love the overhead shot showing just how close she was to save me throughout all this Julie and her carefully friend cleavage has finally figured out who the killer is thanks once again to the power of beer and donut turns out he might just be the father of David's dead fiance Susie a local fisherman named Benjamin Willis Julie runs into town to share this newfound information with all her friends but sorry Julie they're all dead womp-womp all except for a that is who wait a minute runs a fishing boat called the Billy blue oh no it wasn't Ben Willis sending them notes and attacking them it's Ben ray hola or so Julie thinks since Billy blue was the guy who visited Missy and I don't know man to be honest the whole Billy blue thing was a bunch of straight-up bullshit anyway Julie runs away from Ray and he gets clothesline by a dude in a baseball cap the guy tells Julie he's got a boat phone she can use but when she climbs aboard all she finds instead are a bunch of articles about her and her friends plastered all over the walls the fisherman undocks the and confronts Julie to reveal that prey wasn't the killer yet dingus it was him Benjamin Willis Ben Willis chases her around his boat in a scene that they actually shot on the Cape Fear River which proved to be a hassle for production never never never shoot on water this elemental force is uncontrollable it was terrible the whole boat sequence was was awful back of the docks ray finally recovers and steals a little motorboat to catch up to the sweet Susie a boat been named after his daughter of course three climbs on deck to confront the swipey fishermen and the two of them fight until Ray's distracted by a jewels and the Fox which gets him knocked overboard and tied up in a fishing net Julie runs around the boat hall and a rarely seen nautical version of the final girls circuit but don't worry this variation still includes staples like the dead body discovery ray works his way back aboard and shows up just in time to swing a hook into the face of Ben Willis knocking him down but not for long he pops back off to hit ray and wish Julie a happy fourth and even give her some Independence Day advice when you leave a man for dead make sure he's really dead but his final swing gets his hand caught in the ship's ropes and thinking fast ray sends the guy up into the rigging where his hand is cut off the handless Ben Willis falls into the sea and Ray and Julie leave him behind as they sail back to Southfork I'm the docks they share some relief over never having actually killed anyone the worst thing they did was cut Ben Willis's hand off and that guy was a total dick I know some people are gonna need this whole thing explained and don't feel bad it's a little muddled so here's a full recap of what happened David Egan was the dude we saw in the beginning sitting on the cliff on the fourth of July 1996 a year prior he had been drunk driving and caused an accident that killed his fiance Susie Willis David ended up finding a note from Susie's dad Ben Willis why they're asked to meet him at the clip or found him there reminiscing in either case he killed David Egan and though it's not on screen we did see David as a character when he was alive so that's why I'm adding him to the kill count and saying he was the first kill I know it's mess but not sure what I was supposed to do here after he was done killing David Ben Willis was hit by the kids but not killed and he still wasn't dead after they dumped his body in the water and left him all Jason 5:00 a year later in 1997 Ben Willis started writing notes to the kids and killing them as revenge for I mean you know hitting him with a car got it cool oh and the Billy blue thing Ray captain's a boat named the Billy bloom after hearing in the news about David's body washing ashore and assuming that David was the person they hit Rafael guilty and visited David's sister Missy to offer condolences using the alias Billy blue that's all that was it was stupid the movie ends with a day new mall taking place another one year later in 1998 Julie's back at college and by the sounds of this phone call she and Ray are still together and being all sexy to each other but what's this Jules a note in the same handwriting as Ben Willis's threats no worries it's just an invite to a sorority party nothing to worry about here except the Greek system well that and this carefully written thread on the shower door play us out with a jump-scare last summer but I'm not counting that as a kill because that scene is entirely ignored in the sequel just chalk it up to a traumatic hallucination or something let's find out how many kills really happened here and get to the numbers huh get to the numbers six people died and I know what you did last summer oh one of them was very off-screen and I'm still not sure if it was right for me to count him the victims were four men and two women eight to the one ratio of dudes or the wrong time of 101 minutes that left us with a kill on average ever 16.8 three minutes how give the golden chainsaw four coolest kill - max I love that hook through the chin and pulling his body across the stovetop to leave a blood trail behind it's great doleful shuddhi for lamest kill we'll go to David Egan am I allowed to do that I mean of course I am it's my fucking show and that's it I know you did last summer came out in 1997 and he was parodied extensively in scary movie took a lot of self-control to not just constantly referenced that movies jokes in this script I look at the sequel next week which features Jack Black and Jeffrey Combs but until then I'm James Agee nice there's been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count I want to thank some patrons like Daniel K Mia Madeleine how cock ax cock Atkins Final Four AJ Martin hazel fiatter Dionne Leonard and she'll ride really excited for this kill cow franchise hey I know things are crazy out there so I just hope everyone watching is safe and alright thanks everyone be good people
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,843,404
Rating: 4.9665895 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, ikwydls, jim gillespie, kevin williamson, jennifer love hewitt, sarah michelle gellar, ryan rhillippe, freddie prinze jr, scream, fisherman, hook, mystery, hit and run, lois duncan, the hook, accident, erik feig, bridgette wilson, johnny galecki, dawson's creek, anne heche, DMKC, i know what you did last summer, i know what you did last summer review, best horror
Id: kw9Bd96c1ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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