I Just Bought This 720,000 Mile Volvo For £400!

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today you join me from the driver's seat of my brand new purchase this is my super high mileage Volvo S80 D5 and when I say super high mileage I mean 721 000 and 32 miles to put this 721 000 mile figure into perspective join my new Volvo S80 has driven the equivalent of 29 times around the world which is also the same figure as driving to the Moon then back to Earth and then back to the Moon again for even more context the s80's current mileage also represents the distance traveled by seven humans over an entire lifetime that's a lot of walking I paid 400 pounds for this car here's cool John and I absolutely adore this car and boy isn't it luxurious wonderful and great to drive however John doesn't currently have an mot so if it's all right with you we'll go back to the unit and do a walk around okay cheers but before we do that here's a brief overview of this car's Amazing Life incredibly the two and a half liter five-cylinder diesel Volvo covered over half of its driving distance in its first three years carrying VIPs around in luxury and when I say that this Volvo is one of the best maintained cars in the country I'm not exaggerating in fact with mega mileage being clocked on a daily basis this furry car went in for its 10 000 mile annual service every six weeks for that reason you can bet that there are a lot of invoices that have been collected over the years and when I say a lot of invoices I mean a lot of invoices in fact all of these invoices total around 36 000 pounds so this car John has been very looked after indeed however John like I mentioned is not mot there are a few things wrong with John so we're gonna call on Taylor so coming hello Taylor hello and you actually used to be which I learned today an mot tester I did yeah I was an mot tester for about two years until you got struck off for gross misconduct no I lost my mot license because I didn't do an mot for a certain period of time because I moved on to a classic car specialist and we didn't do mots I didn't do anything dodgy anyway here we are back at Taylor's unit so we're going to put John on the ramp and then we're going to give John you know a faux mot to find out what John needs um also we can have a look at the rust gonna have a look underneath because there is some sort of play in the suspension and then we'll just generally get a good health check and then find out how much money I need to spend on John to get him back up to road legal standards because we want John to be OEM right Tip Top Tip Top original yeah and then we've got a very cunning plan that we'll probably reveal to you later in the year but shall we back John up yeah okay yeah oh these were all in order [Applause] go forward you're nearly at the cabinets wait have you seen this no yeah this is min this is really meant isn't it oh also um Gentile the previous owner of this Gentiles Garage on YouTube yeah he has documented everything that he's done to this car one episode was detailing the engine bay which is why the engine bay looks mint question Yes actually I don't think it needs to be a question this is a Volkswagen engine isn't it yes it is yeah yeah I thought this was a late evolve only when it's not looking at it is it no it's not which is why it's going forever this is on its second engine the first engine nuked itself because I think a rock came through a grill and then just smashed up loads of bits and Bobs and then nuked the engine so Volvo or the previous owner paid Volvo I think five grand to change the engine wow so this is the second engine this engine is on 380 000 miles I've just found your oil leak oh yeah would you like to see it yeah rocker cover gasket oh yeah oh wow there's actually it's yeah it's really that's as known in the trade gushing all the tires are new because previous owner genteel put new tires on he also did loads of work new cambel the rear brakes need doing but we'll look with the handbrake's a bit rubbish yeah about 400 quid for a car without much history was this only 400 yeah he sold it to me as a scrap really yeah because it still needs I mean it still needs welding and stuff that cost quite a lot no but it's not tight yeah that's actually true yeah if you have a car like with this rot here if you cover it with duct tape they're not allowed to take duct tape off they're not allowed to remove anything on an mot but they are allowed to poke it and give it a little tap so it needs a lot of duct tape well if you put a bit of silicone in it and then a bit of duct tape we're not going to do that obviously and don't do that either but legally they're not allowed to take anything off they're not motion it is an mot pole if you had a massive hole in your floor pan and you just got a bit of aluminum or something and riveted over it you can pile it because you're not allowed to remove it so just to remind everyone this is the first time that we've seen this car this has got 721 000 miles on the clock which is a lot yes which is an awful lot and it there are no holes that I can see straight away oh well don't get it on myself you might we might get lucky we might haven't looked yet I mean it's not a Range Rover is it so it's quite an oil leak here yeah see what it's done to all the rubber hoses you see how they've all expanded and become really soft yeah all the oils it's been absorbed by the rubber hoses so you'll find that they will split in a very short period of time excellent so it needs coolant hoses and turbo hoses and the oil leak sorting out yeah because that is quite bad it looks like it's been leaking for a very long time because there's a lot of dirt stuck to the oil but in terms of an mot that's just an advisory right oil leak oil leak but not excessive it can be a failure but again if it were to fail you could take this away clean it down and if it wasn't dripping on the mot ramp then it would probably pass or loads of duct tape just around there yeah or to do that with shock absorbers as well can't you we can clean them now I haven't done that why are you nodding Rory why are you nodding why are you winking at me why are you winking at me worry why are you winking away telling me not say anything I'm sorry so it's got brand new engine mounts on it by the looks of it yep so they were done by Gentile as well yeah and it looks like it's got no drive shafts but at least one this side this drive shaft looks quite new um tires look as you say brand new they're great they're really good oh looks quite nice it's pension wise there's a little bit of surface rust on the anti-roll bar but the subframe is not Rusty or anything like that that doesn't seem to be any gearbox leaks the gearbox looks really dry actually yeah no power steering leaks or anything so yeah I think it's just the oil leak at the front it looks as well like the actual metal brake pipes have been replaced at some point oh do they look coppery yeah it also looks like it might have had a new crank pulley and auxiliary belt tensioner yes I think that's another thing that Gentile did he spent a lot of money on this I can tell yeah the subframe Bush there does look a bit perished yeah just there that does look a bit manky you might do this side doesn't look as bad also it looks like this oil leak might be getting onto the auxiliary belt as well we might want to take the side skirts off at some point yeah and inspect themselves yeah oh it starts to go a little bit Brown and manky here doesn't it there's a little bit of corrosion there again though it doesn't really look that bad it looks like it's been really really well cared for and remember in the first three years of this car's life it had done 400 000 miles we've got an original Volvo exhaust as well oh yeah has this been replaced you know I don't know I really don't know okay but it's nice to see that everything is original right yeah and it's in it's actually in really good condition I really like how this is all being put together everything is tidy and just looks like it's been really well thought out yeah it looks like a solid solid car which it is because this is this was Volvo's luxury car of the day wasn't it the S80 was the big saloon car which used to Usher you know celebs and VIPs from point A to point B but you know we'll get it started up and then uh and then Gentile will show you we'll show you John again and the reason I haven't mentioned this the reason why the Volvo is called John is because uh Gentiles brother-in-law used to watch car throttle and he very sadly died um a few years ago so in memory of John Volvo is called John that's nice I like Gentile was really happy about that so yeah we're gonna look after John for you I've just noticed something what I'm just sort of looking in this area yeah and I can see my unit wall through that structure of the car out there can you see my fingers that's not good is it no that's the inner seal in there so we do have a little bit of rust a bit I don't think we should be able to see through that and can I remind you again 721 000 miles yeah it doesn't look like that from here definitely underneath what would you estimate this in miles 170 000 miles 160 something like that the main thing is is when you've got a high mileage car keep it clean if you drive it a lot keep it clean always clean the Arches out clean you know all sort of around the Sills and the lip in the Arches and things like that and you'll keep the rest away a lot of the time so you do that what yeah on an mot you usually get a little mot Hammer oh is that an actual mot Hammer no this isn't an mot Hammer it's usually a little bit smaller than this and you're allowed to just give it a little tap do you want to give the little rough patches a little tap see if they're solid oh oh that's with a hammer oh yeah oh yeah please thanks cheers I'll do it from the outside there we go there we go did you want to hammer that yeah yeah cheers oh look at that that's good that's time any movement in that all the subframe bushes look fairly newish can you pass me the lever bar again please hang on let me just yeah cheers thanks so just checked my time no you just need to push it through Taylor you just need to hit it oh good lord oh there's a little bit of play in that Wishbone but yeah can you see it yeah yeah I think that might be where the oil leak is getting onto that bush as well though because it does look a bit a bit puddly Yeah Alex if you open that door does that Rush look worse nope it's fine no open that door go on crying out loud yeah it's quite bad oh sorry Taylor we're um Rory's making a mess I've just swept up wait it's nothing it's not that bad it's it's really not that bad we're gonna have to expand and find this aren't we oh oh god oh oh oh that's big that is big mine that you might get tetanus if you had your tetanus Jabs not recently not within our last four years I think that's been repaired before I think there's a little bit of filler there yeah there is uh I didn't do a very good job oh no they put filler on it what we're gonna do isn't it no no we're not actually gonna do that the front Springs are a bit Rusty but they're not broken yeah and the bump stops are really worn as well look at that bump stop yeah no one cares about that bump stops supposed to probably be about that tall yeah so the plan for John then is to get the Bodywork tied up to get the rust sorted the bushes the hoses the oil leak needs to be sorted as well and then mot'd and then road legal and then we're going to take John on probably a mighty big adventure that will reveal to you probably when we have time to organize it right because this is going to be a big thing that you guys are definitely want to be involved with oh yes and you're invited as well not yet you will be invited but only if you have a car with a certain amount of miles am I invited I don't think any of your cars are high mileage enough so you will actually have to buy a car with enough miles we will reveal all at another time but you know like you got the gumballs and all that kind of stuff where you've got to have supercars we're going to do something similar with where all the cars have to be really high mileage because then we'll have loads of breakdowns so yeah make sure that you keep an eye out subscribe to the channel and we will reveal all because what we have planned is going to be we're really excited it's going to be epic there's a lot of planning to go into it but um yeah all shall be revealed um from us for now is there any more to say Rory another car in the works there we go and then there will be two more cars coming to the fleet very soon but for now we're going to concentrate on tighten these things up um I hope you've enjoyed watching this episode and getting to know John um and you know getting to know the latest member of the not so box Fleet right but this isn't the latest car in your Fleet is it no no John is not the latest car in the fleet because I have two more members and I will reveal to you very soon still smells of rust anyway thank you very much watching please make sure you subscribe and share the love because the channel is doing very well we hit 400 000 subscribers recently which is really awesome so keep on watching and keep on being awesome thank you very much and we'll see you soon goodbye bye I'm done transition for one transition [Music] [Music]
Channel: Autoalex Cars
Views: 974,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xCv0yy45w_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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