I Joined Harkirat Singh 0 - 100 Cohort

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I had to leave harat's cohort and the project that I started during the start of the cohort in the middle due to some situation that arised in my life and I wasn't able to give time to the cohort and also the process of building the project it's been a very long time since the cohort started now 0 to1 cohort is almost about to end and the many many people who started with me in the start of the cour and they all went ahead and I do feel left behind where compared to all those people but we can't do anything about it some things are just not in our control but what we can do is do something about those things that are in our control let's leave that stuff and let's focus on what we are going to do next what I'm planning to do is I'm going to start the cohort from scratch I went through the whole cohort syllabus I went through each week and what I found out was I know 50% of the stuff already as I'm already working in Industry I have been working in react and next sh from the start of my career and there are a lot of things that are really new which I really want to learn in depth so what I'm going to do is from 20th April 1 to 100 cohort is starting so the goal is to finish the 0 to1 cohort before 20th April I'm going to skip a lot of stuff that I already know and focus on the stuff that is completely new to me and there are many people who asked me whether they should join this cohort and since the 1 200 cohort is starting many people are confused whether they should buy this cohort or not so in order to help you guys what I'm going to do is I'm going to document all my learnings what are the takeaways from each week of the cohort I'm going to make a video about it and it will help you guys to make a decision whether the 0 to1 recordings are worth it worth buying or not so it will be completely on you whether you want to buy it or not I'm going to share my experience share the progress shed the learning so that it will help you to make a informed decision whether to buy this C right now or not so I will post all the updates and everything on this YouTube channel and also on Twitter so make sure you follow me on Twitter and also subscribe to this channel to not miss any of my future videos we are of course a lot behind but it's never too late to start again and bounce back so let's try to regain the Rhythm and let's get back on track and let's bounce back so if you have not subscribed to my channel so make sure you subscribe to this Channel and yeah see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Finson Coutinho
Views: 1,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8ya3o09bVTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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