I Hosted a BLOX FRUITS Tournament and This is What Happened...

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I hosted my first ever blocks through tournament and I called it the Fiji versus one today you will see children I mean the Hooligans aka the cloud Show battle to the death as your favorite characters come together and compete in a 16 player 1v1 turn the winner gets a double fruit because I don't want it to be good match number one we have winter first big cow I'm gonna die no please how you two feel it y'all good I'm gonna be a cheeseburger who wants it with her said he's nervous bruh did you regarding this game all day every day there are strong people here well if Winter's worried I wonder who we bought the face that's the first match of Fiji verse one begin in three two one go winter is coming early pause what the cow is throwing rocks winter is bobbing a weaving curse Dua Katana and dough this is about as filthy as it could get um cow is done pack them up winter clouds is our winner I was with her moving forward our next match is gonna be between holy cow and rip guy two cows not not you cow the man who has defeated all never lost the game in his life can he continue his Triumph his title is equal to the heavens what does that even mean and this fight will begin in three two one go the battle is out of these guys are off to a very quick start no time is wasted they are boxing like never before rip guy already hidden cobbles got a holy men down to half Health rip guy is a menace but holy bet he is fighting back but this man is throwing Spirit bombs I got knocked out my flight this is dangerous it's dangerous for even me rip got caught down okay look look I'm still going we still going here [Music] rip guy kill him [Music] oh oh damn holy man I thank you for coming through but damn that was tough how you feeling honestly that was actually a fun fight you're dirty we'll continue another day thank you brother where the hell is that bad going we're on to our next battle cross versus coolant these are some good fights so far that boy rip guy did his thing hop off his meat and go off the floor of you next I know the commentator ain't talking I'm in here fighting you ain't here standing did I mention I'm in the tournament box says watch me cook and we have our next two contested box versus Kool-Aid imma lose from Land why everyone got excuses already play the game first round fight number three three two one go okay okay okay I guess people do not start on go although Phil though and leopard filth I do not expect nothing else from this filthy combo dial [Music] I could only imagine leopard health is getting very low boxes fighting like his life depends on it I just saw dead particles flag everywhere Kool-Aid moves forward oh yeah he says I won oh goofy as hell you did not win nothing he said what that's got to be some sort of race okay come on at the next fight peanut versus agent now you've been asking where the Hooligans been for a while where you been peed on track season okay Peanut's a track star but will he be running for his life can y'all back up yeah yeah y'all kiss already damn he's so close my son what agent anything before the fight starts um get ready to get clapped bro I'm saying a lot of sus things that are clapping and hitting from the back oh yes I did you know what you did I'm sorry it all happened against her and this fight begins on go three two one go starting off with a gun this is not something we've seen before it's p not using string this is a very interesting battle already I'm seeing electric law is blasting him oh my gosh half health is gone agent is trying to fight back peanut is giving everything he got shark B4 I even got hit this is a danger once again bodies are flying is that it is it still going these guys are fighting like their life depends on it [Music] come on here oh Blossom again with the string moves that's half Health God can he follow up agent dips out with portal running the portal Tech versus string this may be the only time we see this matchup today our longest fight yet peanuts starting to take some damage agent started to take some damage this fight is very close I don't know who's gonna take it he went before the First Transformation of the day the First Transformation they are fighting peanut blossom [Music] this is a battle of the v4s can't even see through all the commotion agent is half Health but he can heal he does have angel I'm hearing the shark is not a body me he says butter say good night he said owie any last words death and down goes subpoena our winner Atomic agent I can't go over there because if I do I'm gonna get hurt only four fights remain until round number two me versus there he is the man himself oh wow this is a stared out of death hey baby girl what all right bro now y'all been asking where me he's been me where you been bro they say penguins are cold animals but you kind of hot me he get over there bro back the hell up all right well that's where me he's been flirting with penguins new new Eddie words Smash Bros okay the fight begins on go three two one go and they're on wow she is filth of the ball wow okay yeah yeah the one Cobble yep is he gonna drop that's the question will he drop would he just pounded him into the dirt he didn't even have a chance the filthiest man of them all it's me I like potato poor Newton it'll be okay in my penguin friend why he look at me all sad see he is better Dad PVP well I swear to with that being said for our first contestant we have Cav Camp get out of my back out of my back I'm trying to get these shots man so um here we have gamble anything to say Nazi Ally three two one gabo versus cab cap two of The Hooligans that could get out oh my goodness blizzard this is the first blizzard we see today I can't even see see I'm legally blind I can't even see there's so much going on is Gaba already weak gabo's health is already gone but he does have shark V3 I see him trying to survive I see him with cabbage just blizzard like everything away cab Camp is taking no damage this is gabo has left the Coliseum he has left the Coliseum well this bat is running for life like never before gamble our winner cam yeah Sasuke go back to your village bro raise a kid that's why you listen to Young and now it is my turn me versus me feet you about to fight yo schizophrenia you versus you hell nah okay let's go this is the cloud show look at the Go Raul beat him oh damn he got his father in his ear wait if me he is beefy's Dad what does that make me senior Keem can you count us down three I am ready one I have trained hard for this go and it begins dragon drag these I see him there's too many flying things around what who is who what that's okay got him got him I still got these I got these combos I'm a different man now I know the commentator ain't talking I'm in here fighting you ain't here standing I'm not who I used to be me he is better Dad PVP I have him he's a flying dragon he took flight what what what [Music] oh my gosh oh he just awakened this looks like it could be it for me I probably like my life depends on it why why do you take flight this is an air battle like never before come on right back how did that not connect no get away get away whoa no not the Dragon [Music] yeah I swear y'all so lucky these guys are flying around bro I even know who was who get your damn flying little Flamingo booty out of here bro you're lucky bro I'm telling you you would have been done if you got us fat I couldn't even see who was who what you talking about lucky this is a trial tournament next time I come back I'm winning and we are on to our final match of the bracket little Timmy what is that makeup ill versus Drizzy anything to say Drizzy uh y'all got a coffin prepared Drizzy is convinced he's gonna win this tournament is this true yes let the games begin three two one go the fight is on between little Timmy and dragon user oh he got Drizzy oh wow oh wow oh hold on hold on Timmy fighting back I thought this may have been a wash but Timmy's Tibby I don't even see that fight in and we're on to our second round winter Kool-Aid leafy beefy frizzy cab agent Kool-Aid I gotta fight Kool-Aid yes sir oh my God I wanna see bodies any words with her yes uh best of luck to you Kool-Aid you're so quiet I just want to fold you like an omelette get on my face bro get on my face Kool-Aid do you have anything to say to winter clouds good luck man a few words the sun is coming down this fight begins on go three two one goal and the fight is on double doe double door fill we could expect a lot of this but who will get the first barrage winter starts off with the brush cyborg shock oh this could be it this could be it already cyborg is busted oh my gosh is that it Kool-Aid Kool-Aid got a body with their clouds moves forward damn bro he said he clapped my cheeks what get out my face hey what can I say rip guy is the perfect teacher you know I'm saying so winter just did that but it wasn't even by himself he was coached by rip guy who just so happens to be fighting next agent do you have any words for rip guys bro what is Rip guy you have anything to say to your Challenger keep that same energy oh my gosh three two one go the fight is on the fight is on oh my goodness I can't even see I gotta turn on my hockey there he is this is a body bag already is that agent Omar he sniped him he sniped him again he got into his portal he got into his portal have they left the arena I don't even know I don't even know I can't even see him they came back oh this fight is still going this fight is still going agent is running for a deal fight back he's in his portal where is he gonna reappear Ed body bag dot zip our winner by unanimous decision TBH I just clicked and hit him humble words by a man who's never lost what do you have to say for yourself to be honest you just got lucky man I'm the biggest bird get the hell out of here me he and me can I get y'all two down here the man the myth the legend the Menace my Discord won't even open it's me he with this bad connection ah this goofy ping got me like why the hell he got a cat on his shoulder it's like 2D we have beefy I'm gonna become your bodyguard cap Goku transport yourself up there I'm lagging way too hard love even spell LOL right that's how bad you like it bro this match begins on go three two one go the Early Head Start by lagging me down dial this battle is a cheater he will always be a man if she's like it though he can't even do that look at him look at him look at him Goofy he said that is why I don't join Fiji on night time if you want to know where me he's been he needs to fix his connection one more match remains New Jersey first cam Sasuke anything to say to your village is actually left uh yeah um I don't think I'm gonna win this because drizzy's Mom still tells him to take showers so uh you know it's gonna be very difficult but if I do pull this out uh you guys all have to like And subscribe to Fiji dizzy any words going with kanken sadly nobody will like because he's not winning I don't know what the hell he just said but this is the least I've ever heard Drizzy talk he's serious he's nervous bro damn busy be personally that's how you feel bro in your dreams stop the gun you want to talk this fight begins on go three two one go instantly blossom no waiting for nobody cam has the blizzard fruit he may have a chance he's using the blizzard as toxic as possible but I cannot see look what is going on why do that why do that Drizzy still blast the dragons no cam the body bag the body bag no cab still living he has a chance he's not done yet my goodness he is and he wears Jersey can can get good question mark me personally I wouldn't take this level of disrespect cap rebuttal about to break a hole in my wall but that's okay and other than that uh Drizzy I hope you get uh folded by rip guy again so yeah damn oh wait as a matter of fact oh my gosh that's Drizzy versus rip guy but before that could happen we have one more match can I get winter clouds to the bottom please uh who am I fighting winter versus my son MiFi Nazi I need to tell a secret I know where me he has been he got his Mishi okay ah don't gotta drop another diss track who would have thought winter to your corner I'm ready any last words winter if you win this match you will be granted into the grand finals match are you ready for that bro I'm ready I'm ready all right bro I know you've been trading your whole life you sweaty as hell your pops are sweaty these weak arms are heavy this vibing artists Last Words winter is stronger than you cool I want to go back up there yeah I gotta fight off hey back up let this match begin winner will do by fighting three two our first semi-final match one go oh this ride just teleported its delete this man teleported it's delete with the sketch of the body oh my goodness bro was that even about to even see him listen listen winter gotta come back he gotta come back he's one Cobble away though he's what he blasted a little bit to Infinity hold on hold on oh oh no oh no this ain't looking good for a boy with her clouds they're strong people here this ain't looking good he missed it he missed it Dragon Blast winner will do by fighting with his low health get hero bottle [Music] he says easy come back come back now you did good bro you made it all the way to your semi-finals you started playing blocks fruits like a week ago I'm proud of you bro appreciate you bro and there you have it and for the last semi-final match we have the two Heavy Hitters that everyone knows and loves now if you saw the Odin video this match has happened before rip guy came out Victorious Drizzy do you have anything to say May the best man win last words rip guy he said good luck battle begins three two one this will be a fight to remember go rip God versus Drizzy they already took flight they're already in the air and rip guy with the strong star these guys have left the stadium the stadium cannot contain them this is a box patch right here blast him down that's gonna hurt but rip guy seems fine it's like he never takes damage but Drizzy hits him again from above drizziest in the air oh my gosh oh my gosh drizzy's half health I feel like he's been destroyed rip guy but rip guy is still hanging in there like it's nothing okay the fight is still on drizzy's getting low rip guys getting low this is a battle for the ages I can't even keep track of these players but they are right here Drizzy rip guy they have left the arena the house they're getting low drizzy's doing the combo rip got shocking him he awakens early rip guy is forced to use his Awakening Drizzy is in Dragon mode and he is flag away they have left the Coliseum [Music] this is the Epic match Drizzy has transformed as well between Drizzy and rip guy I've lost track of the fighters I now see them rip guy cursedada he's flying through the air Drizzy is getting his house back slowly but surely what will rip guy do they are not fighting they are running rip guy should be getting his health back at this current moment too if I could even keep track of these players where are they I don't even know they're above me they are above me all right here we go here we go somebody's getting weak somebody's getting weak I don't know but these guys have taken flight it's rip guy rip glass to play with everything he has Drizzy is about the same Health this is a boxing match never mind Drizzy has gotten this Hawk back rip guys fighting he needs to do a combo he needs to stun him hits him with the dragon Drizzy it's a with a bro this is this should have been the finals eh this should have been the Drizzy is getting low Health he is full Dragon form he is taking flight all the way as far as he could into the air is this air camping I Don't Know But Here Comes rip guy with the soul guitar from the ground he is taking flight he has low Health as well they are both the same health they are both on their last leg rip guy is blasting Drizzy in the air he does not care bars that's a hard hit that's a hard hit this could end it this could end it that's rip guy oh that's good the particles that surpass your limits our winner is Drizzy wow you know what that is the first time I've ever seen rip guy lose the score between them is now 1-1 I guess we need one more fight to decide this tournament number two like the video and subscribe if you want to see it because we are moving in to the Grand finals of the fijiiverse tournament number one rip guy do you have anything to say well you get your revenge in part three of this battle yes ah to the Grand Final beefy this is Drizzy does he any last words I think he's dead beefy say something I'm nothing compared to the god let's start our grand finals this fight begins on go Drizzy you gotta pack up MiFi for me bro do it oh I'll do it beefy did defeat me he also defeated winter now all that stands in this path from this title this is Drizzy and he stopped beefy if you win this I will give you any perm for you okay well those are the stakes three two one go the fight is on it is actually Dragon vs Dragon did y'all expect this oh and meet these boxing 50 is boxing he's here in a plane hold on hold on now let me calm down beefy is in the air Double Dragon they they I did not expect to see two dragons fighting it off in the finals I thought it was gonna be dodo but it looks like there is an answer and the answer is the dragon fruit [Music] that's why they're still going this fight is still going [Music] to blasted Drizzy the ball Drizzy words to be expected and there it is the fight is over Fiji verse one goes to Drizzy you already have though right yeah you can give it to me I will not give it to the filthy man I will give it to the winner of the next Fiji verse 2. like the video subscribe we are doing this again and come prepared until next time do you think you could be the strongest let's find that later day all right if you come here
Channel: imFiji
Views: 348,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, one piece game, anime roblox, update 18, blox fruits codes, 24 hours, noob
Id: Oh4sCmMo0e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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