I Haven't Filed Taxes In 5 Years!

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thank you for joining us America this is the Dave Ramsey show William is with us in Hartford Connecticut hi William how are you good Dave it's a real privilege to talk to you I'm a new listener I'm honored to have you sir how can I help have a problem that's embarrassing I have a gambling addiction I haven't filed taxes in five years about five years ago I had two hundred thousand and gambling winnings and after that I haven't filed anything and I know course it's weighted - I mean I have to do something you know you know I was wondering what your any I see on obviously the advertisements on TV I know I need representation optimum and companies like that and what did you just wonder you you still have a career I'm retired okay and do you have any money um II mean my pension you have any money anything I've got about almost ten thousand my savings account okay but you don't have a nest egg other than your pension no okay and the year I do you own a home yes about thirteen thousand remaining on the mortgage what is it worth thirty about three hundred thousand and how much is your pension income ninety five thousand here it's good okay are you married no okay have you done something about the gambling addiction itself have you quit gambling I have not so whatever we do is going to be a temporary fix because that's going to further cause problems agreed yes okay all right so what would I do if I woke up in your shoes and that's how I answer questions on this show and you're a new listener so you probably have even heard me say that because I say it all the time and so here's what I do know I've done financial coaching for thirty years and so we have worked with a lot of people that have a lot of different kinds of addictions what kind of gambling are you doing slots slots really yeah yeah I'm just gonna talk machines I got you all right you lonely I yeah I've been single for quite a while yeah I'll dar you 61 okay all right okay what I do know from having work with people that are addicted to anything gambling is the second fastest growing addiction of America today the fastest growing is pornography and what I do know is is that 100 percent of addicts as you have discovered eventually have financial problems because it just it the addiction consumes every compartment Dept of your life including your financials and that's fairly logical would you agree yes absolutely and you've experienced that obviously yeah so um I I can help you with the money parts of it but it is as I told you it's a temporary fix until you are until you deal with this because it's not really bringing you joy and you mentioned you know being embarrassed and I'm sorry and I don't I hope you don't hear me talking down to you I'm not I'm just walking with you in this brother okay so I fully expected to be reprimanded I should not I'm not reprimands during with me actually and I hate that you're embarrassed already and you're you know you took a pretty courageous thing to get on the phone with me here so I'm not going to take advantage of that I want to help you is what I want to do so what I would tell you to do is let's take some steps to deal with the addiction side of it and so like you know we're about the same age I'm 56 and so if you were my buddy and we were sitting down over a cup of coffee talking about this this is what I would tell him to do okay I get in touch with a gamblers anonymous folks in your area and I would find a good church in the area and start developing a personal relationship with a pastor of a church they can walk with you and guide you and you probably need to find a one-on-one counselor as well too help dig into this and see what's really going on so that you can get the other side of this because it's not it's not your life is not better because of it and that's why you called me right yes absolutely and there's not even anything sexy about the slots I mean other kinds of gambling at least there's some kind of a thrill but slots are just boring as crud you know there's not even it's not even got the edge to it that some of the other stuff has so you know that tells me where you are in your emotions with this and again I'm not a coach I'm not a counselor in this area I've just worked with a whole lot of people that are right where you are over the last three decades and I see the pain in their eyes and slots usually tells me that it's a different thing you're probably being stimulated by the the noise and the crowd around you as much as the gambling that's why I asked if you were lonely yeah I agree with that and yes I I certainly am lonely I asked I'm not going out to eat not because you want to go to a restaurant but just because you don't eat by yourself right and and I should clarify the slots that I play or the high dollar yeah then that does activate that does activate the adrenaline rush then of the fear of loss which is what you do get a drink addicted to so okay yes so anyway let's take the normal steps that someone would take that was facing an addiction and you know get some spiritual people around you in your life get some people that have got some success dealing with this kind of thing and that's gamblers anonymous GA and you can find them immediately now here's the problem you've got if you don't go deal with the other part of it you're going to have real problems scary problems because failure to pay your income taxes is not a crime failure to file is a criminal act and so you've got a real problem you need to go to them leave meaning the IRS with some professional representation before they come to you and these if you're getting a big payout at a major casino they're reporting on you so the IRS knows you're there and they know your weddings because it's reported as you know you're having to go out the paperwork if you're not nickel dime slots but they're not but the big stuff they're there they're making you fill out paperwork and so the IRS got a paper trail on you and you don't want them to come find you in this situation so jump on Dave Ramsey comm and click on ELP for endorsed local provider for taxes and see who's doing our tax prep work in your area and if they don't do tax work of this type they will have a reference for you that you can trust it's not just some goob on cable TV okay okay alright and and so what they can do is you can you can take some shots at this and fill out the paperwork even if you don't have the money you can go back a certain number of years and get the filings done and you'll avoid the criminal prosecution you'll have the financial issue whatever it is but you'll avoid the criminal prosecution if you go ahead and take action on this so you've got to take action on that and it's going to come up again you can have a problem if you don't take action on the other stuff we talked about agreed yes agreed so William I want you to get healing okay brother thank you so much Dave I I know I need it yeah and I you call me back if I can help you I'll be happy to walk with you we'll be praying for you so thanks for calling in get in touch with some tax pro get them to walk you in out of the cold is what they call them in that world and get back on the grid with the IRS and that'll keep the criminal part away if you come to them and do it right there won't be a criminal issue but don't wait on them to come find you dude do not do that that would be a big mistake you'll regret this is the Dave Ramsey shadow hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 330,896
Rating: 4.8338122 out of 5
Keywords: I Haven't Filed Taxes In 5 Years!, dave ramsey taxes 5 yeara, dave ramsey havent paid taxes, dave ramsey taxes, filed, dave ramsey, the dave ramsey show, taxes, unfiled tax returns, back taxes, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey show, debt free scream, dave ramsey debt free scream, dave ramsey live, irs, income tax
Id: s1EvavyAOmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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