I have created a visual shader add-on for Godot 4!

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel today's video is more like a Dev Vlog rather than a tutorial okay so after the unity Fiasco I have tried a lot of different engines and Frameworks then eventually I decided to go with gdo and I thought about making tutorials for gdau as well because of it being a hot favorite I have also been asked to remake the tutorials for gdau now I have given it a thought and decided not to because it might be good for Channel's perspective in terms of more videos more views but I truly believed that by remaking the tutorials I won't be adding anything useful at all I mean at the core the logic for the effects I have created will remain the same regardless of the platform hence I decided to make introduction Shar video for gdau to get you guys up to the speed also at this time I have noticed that there are a lot of nodes missing in visual Shader editor foro that was available in unity that time I also created meme po that I will do it myself and I genuinely believe that if I pull this off it will be truly a quality of life Improvement for the community so I have gone to the GD get Triple grab the source Cod and started messing around and in no time I was able to compile and build the engine with the help of super nice documentation after that I started to look at the code and quickly found out the files necessary to add new nodes for visual Shader editor after some head scratching and a revisit to C++ syntax I was up to the speed well I know C++ but still I had to revisit some of my old works and documentation a lot but in my defense I would say that I haven't touched C++ in a long long time probably 78 years then I started adding various nodes and in my mind I thought that once I'm done I would just open up a poll request and then my changes will be in the core then I remember a podcast of t rendal with Andrew price in which he said I wanted a software that if I click on it it should instantly open open up rather than waiting some time at this point I investigated a bit I wanted to know that whether the Crusade that I have started is even the right one I have joined G contributors chat to confirm my suspicions and I have r one right basically GD needs to be as lightweight as possible only include that things which are absolutely required remaining things should be addons which kind of makes sense as well because thousands of people would come up with millions of ideas and if we add every single one of them in the core engine it won't be lightweight and to be honest I really like how lightweight Gau is I really don't want it to be like [Music] Unity or even worse unreal so what about my G repo does my effort go on to waste no not really because I have gained knowledge of how the engine works and I've gained the knowledge to build the custom GTO engine myself it is like I have gained access to Pandora box if I want to make something which is not possible currently I could write my own logic and make my game with custom engine so my efforts have not gone to waste I have gained something however my crued for adding various nodes did but I wanted to provide the quality of life improvements to the community and hence I have decided to make an add-on so I quickly created a new repository was able to create custom nodes easily again with the help of super nice documentation however I have lost the option of C+ Plus+ and written the add-on in GD script so I was a bit restricted the most obvious difference can be seen in rotate [Music] node in my custom engine build I have created a UV node that rotates the UV based on the rotation amount and I'll put the control drop down to specify the rotation units degrees and radians however I was not able to replicate that in my add-on only option I had was to make two separate rotate nodes or have only one node that works with Radiance user need to use conversation nodes to make it work with degrees and I really don't like either of the solutions so I end up with extra input to specify the rotation units [Music] and I have added some 19 nodes that I thought was missing in visual Shader then finally I have made a nice documentation now I have to admit that documenting thing was really not my strong point but I tried my best I have also put the release package which you can download from the Grio my submission has also been accepted for asset Library so you can browse from the GTO engine itself as well and with that I have provided the tools to replicate my old Unity tutorials in Gau as well I have some 17 tutorials for Shader graph and I think it will be easier with this add-on to replicate them in gdau a quick heads up that the Skybox series will be difficult because in gdau there is extra Sky processor so you need some tinkering it won't be one to one replica with the logic finally the add-on has MIT license so you can do whatever you want to do with it even commercially and if you find yourself stuck just let me know in the comments and just because I am also targeting a do doesn't mean that I won't help with unity topics so don't hesitate to ask that being said I will say all the best that's it from me and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] a
Channel: Digvijaysinh Gohil
Views: 3,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Shaders, How to, Visual shader, Shading language, Asset library, devlog
Id: T8gJsR4F6ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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