I Hated Netflix's Live Action Avatar, but I Tried to Give it Another Chance

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there is no liveaction in bossing say what are you talking about where do you think all the refugees come from you can't hide it there is no live action within the walls here we are safe here we are free hello folks I watch a new live action avatar The Last Airbender on Netflix and as you may have guessed from the title of this video I did not like it of course though as a childhood Avatar fan I wasn't expecting much I mean honestly I couldn't quite place my finger on it but something in the back of my mind was telling me not to have high expectations yeah don't know why but even with my expectations to the floor I still did not enjoy the series by the time my partner and I finished the first season he turned to me and asked can we please watch something good now and honestly he's valid because this series filled me with rage the original series man managed to make a kids show that seemed plain Goofy and fun at first but then offered such complex writing and character arcs that could be enjoyed by all ages the liveaction series on the other hand was marketed as a more mature retelling of the same story yet somehow this more mature retelling feels like a sixth graders book report on the OG series with all the fun and goof sa out of it and what irritates me even more is when I try to figure out why people like this live action ser series there aren't many who actually argue their case in great detail most of the rebuttals for why they like the life action kind of just amount to let people like whatever they like or you can't expect a onetoone adaptation or be happy that we have more content or you have to approach it like an au or a fanfiction first off I was not expecting a onetoone adaptation I don't think anyone really was but if you're going to make changes at least make it good and make it make sense also I don't want to approach this as a fanfiction or an au because this is a big studio production with a 120 million budget hi again so what you just watched was the first half of the original introduction I filmed for this video hold on she's distracting me let's talk somewhere else so as I was saying this video was originally going to be your typical live adaptation Avatar review video fueled with the initial rage that I felt when I first watched the liveaction adaptation and when I say rage I mean rage I think the original video I filmed was over an hour's worth of footage I was that mad I was going to talk about maybe like 5 minutes worth of things I liked and then a whole like 50 minutes worth of nitpicks and then major issues with the new liveaction series however as I continue to edit and do research for this video I noticed something more interesting and that was that the Avatar Phantom could not agree on the perception of the show at all it's good if you compare it to the movie no no no no you can't just watch the show and compare it to the original otherwise you're just not going to like it the bending looked awesome the bending looked terrible this live adaptation added some new interesting character pieces the writing and dialogue are so cringe I love the casting I hate the casting they change the characters but the change is valid and good they butchered the characters okay guys which is it which one is it and after reading probably hundreds of different takes on this new live adaptation I think I still came to the conclusion that it was still bad but then I noticed that some people were claiming well all of you guys are really just misremembering the OG show you are remembering the OG show with some Nostalgia Rose tinted glasses the original animated show was just not that good and this live action is showing you what the original show really was a mid as mess and I thought is that true are my warm feelings towards the original show just a misremembering of how great it actually was so I took it upon myself to rewatch the entire animated series and you know what as an adult with annoyingly nitpicky taste in media this show still holds up during my rewatch though I did come to the conclusion that the animated series finale is in fact weaker than I remember with the whole energy bending nonsense that is shoehorned so suddenly in the end but other than that I feel like the animated version is still a near-perfect masterpiece every character's development is so perfectly paced and so entertaining to watch on screen and you have such a diverse cast of characters everyone has such strong character foundations that make them distinct and interesting in their own right so no I don't think the adaptation is mid as a result of the original series being mid but I still couldn't figure out why some people in the fandom were saying that this live action was actually good so I decided to rewatch most of the live action again and I have some new thoughts yes pertaining to what I think about the live action but more so where I think think the discourse is stemming from in the first place but for now I'm going to step back and let my past self do the talking because I think it'd be interesting to compare my past opinion with my current one I'll be back later once she's done with her angry ranting but I will Fast Forward at least a minute of my old angry rant you're welcome I'll see you later but anyway interaction with the fandom aside today I'd like to talk about what personally pissed me off about the liveaction series and I'm going to do my best to not spend so much time on things that other review videos have probably already talked about in great detail for example there are already plenty of review videos out there criticizing the writing and the pacing so I'm going to skip over most of my thoughts on that just to limit the redundancy and I'm also going to do my best to be fair and give credit to the liveaction show where credit is due but then after that I am entering full-blown hater mode okay so before I get into what I think is the biggest crime of the show let me talk about what I actually liked about the show first just to get out of the way I actually liked the opening of the first episode with the Earth Bender running away from San's forces I thought this was a great way to generate Intrigue and introduce the start of the Fire Nation attack that is so famously referenced in the OG Avatar opening I also thought that earthbending here looked awesome and had some creativity and heft to it something that I may not be complimenting again later on I know this is a bit controversial but I actually liked the CGI I think the establishing shots they made for the locations especially omashu looked really good and enhanced the original settings with these beautiful modern day effects I know some people had issue with Momo and opa but I thought they looked fine yeah you could tell they were CGI but they looked like decent adaptations in my opinion and I personally think they did a great job with making the spirit world Spirits look accurate to their actual counterparts and Co is especially terrifying in terms of his appearance just the way I like him I liked the soundtrack I liked how the soundtrack in the show were all Orchestra versions of the original soundtrack I think it could have had more Eastern instrumentation involved rather than the Western Orchestra feel to match the dedicated Asian representation uh but other than that they did a pretty good job with the soundtrack and speaking of representation I appreciate that the show Runners really did their best with the Asian and Indigenous representation in terms of the casting they even featured grand grand writing to qara and what looks like in nuk writing so that's cool though I will say I have to question authenticity and accuracy of this writing considering someone else has pointed out that the Chinese calligraphy in the show has been uh inacurate and subpar I liked that Saka was lamely funny in some parts of the series which I feel like is very on brand for Saka I didn't like that zuka was a whiny art kid at first he ran but you know what I've grown to come to terms with it I rewatched the original series and realized that Zuko is way more whiny than I remembered guess that was just the old remnants of my Zuko fan girl talking and oh my God you know who really knocked it out the park James CER as he reprised his role playing the Cabbage guy apologies if I pronounce that last name wrong but he was great I love the gag on how they kept cutting him off before he could say his iconic phrase until the end of the episode I thought that was pretty funny and that about concludes the things that I liked about this series I'm still shooting this video so how is the progress bar looking is that at least a quarter of the video okay now let's get into some nitpicking it's blind they don't navigate by sight but by feeling they sense feelings and react to them so Badger moles are empaths now listen I know they were trying to go for Anna Elsa sibling love Dynamic with the cave of Two Lovers portion of amasu but it's called the cave of two lovers and so my mind instantly thought girl they put more attention to boom's armpit hair than Zuko scar take away that boy's eyebrow and add more raised skin we have advanced too far in special effects Cosmetics for him to have raccoon ey Shadow have you ever seen a burn victim it usually looks way more serious than that give him a more apparent scar you cowards we have also Advanced way too far in lace front wig technology for UA's wig to look like this I hate to say it but ights UA had a slightly better wig even if it wasn't canonically accurate if they could just use the same wig that edite had for UA but then give her the braids and volume of the Netflix UA it could have been perfect there's also so many little details that seem silly or lazy to me for for example when qara is shown to be practicing water bending she accidentally hits herself in the face with the water and pretends to wipe off her completely dry face they do something similar to Suki where she wipes off her makeup perfectly for her to reveal another perfectly makeup face underneath her war paint also why did Suki have to wipe off her makeup just to kiss Saka I hate that she's not wearing her war paint when an actual battle happens apparently omashu is having trouble identifying Fire Nation spies when they are out in the city wearing red and fire bending out in the open why again are we having trouble finding them also during the scene with aula infiltrating the Fire Nation Rebellion group she takes off her disguise to reveal that she is Princess aula but her disguise really only just consists of like a hat and a headband that hide her widow's peak do the citizens of the Fire Nation not know what their princess looks like is she only recognizable by her [ __ ] Widows Peak which also doesn't make sense because during the flashback to Zuko's agnik Kai she has bangs there seriously though that thought is just so [ __ ] funny to me where is the princess I don't see her Widows Peak anywhere okay now this is going to be an extremely controversial take but another scene that completely had me rolling my eyes was actually one that everyone always Praises it's the scene where General iro tells the story of how Zuko saved the 41st division now don't get me wrong I did enjoy this little narrative change and I thought it really fit with the whole Zuko Arc however it's mostly this line right after iro finishes telling the story that just completely ruins the moment for me the 40 we are the 41st Jesus yeah no [ __ ] listen I know that we as the audience did not know that Zuko's crew was the 41st division but hot damn bro did this Soldier forget that he was part of the 41st division or what would have been better is to allude to the fact that the crew was the 41st division before this flashback and then trust the audience to remember that detail instead of throwing away the impact of that very serious and touching story with this dumbass line also what is with so many Elder characters yelling at Ang to not have friends it's like such a weird piece of advice for the Avatar I mean like I get it I understand that having such a heavy role of being the Avatar The Keeper of Peace for like the entire world is tough and hard and can put people who are close to you in danger I get that but my question is why is that like the main piece of advice they have for the Avatar that he has to do this alone surely there are more I don't know helpful outlooks or philosophies to share with the latest Avatar Incarnation the show also puts a strange emphasis on friendship for an iteration that shows less bonding between the gang seriously like aqara and Saka spend a good amount of time apart from each other in this Netflix adaptation so I honestly don't understand the whole friendship as magic [ __ ] half the time also for a character who is is supposedly more focused on growing into his role as the Avatar why does a like never learn water bending there's even a point where Katara offers to practice water bending with Ang and his only response is like nah I don't feel like it and the other thing is I've been told by some Pro liveaction Avatar fans that the reason that Ang doesn't waterbend is because he is still coping with the death of his old Master gatso as evidenced by this line here which is fine and dandy of an explanation at first but I personally don't really buy that explanation because Ang receives closure from gatso in episode 5 when Ang meets with gatso in the spirit world or the fog of lost souls or whatever the hell that mashup was he tells a that he knows more than he realizes that there was nothing he could have done to prevent the air Nomad genocide and to rid himself of guilt if we are going along with the gatso guilt narrative I feel like this should have been at least some sort of Turning Point now don't get me wrong I understand that change takes time and a is allowed to not just immediately rid himself of guilt but I feel like after episode 5 Ang should have at least attempted to learn water bending if not at least teach it to himself as he's been teaching qara with the Friendship is Magic theme that I feel like the show is trying to push on us along with a not learning any water bending at all it almost makes me feel like this adaptation is going to have Ang not learn any other bending and together with him qara Zuko and Toff the four of them will collectively become the Avatar the a Avatar is no longer one person it is a it is a polycule cuz you can rely on your friends right actually hm how do I feel about that I don't know I'm sure that's probably not what they're going for but if they did that' sure be incredibly underwhelming but speaking of that let's go ahead now and talk about my serious issues with the show now the biggest problem I had with this adaptation is the one crime into inter detainment industry that you should never commit and that is they made avatar the Last air bender [ __ ] boring and I'm not just talking about the overexposure script in my opinion they straight up butchered the Fantastical World building that the Universe of Avatar had to offer and I don't think that is a result of adapting a cartoon into live action because I have seen plenty of Amazing Fantasy World building in liveaction settings no no I'd like to dive deeper into this starting with the bending now I'm sure this will probably be extremely controversial because I have seen a good amount of people talk about how they actually like the bending if anything in this series but in my opinion they took out so much zest from the lore and the unique stylings that came with the original bending you see in the OG series the four bending styles were actually based on different martial arts water bending was predominantly based on taiichi air bending was based on bwa fire bending was based on Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Earth bending was based on hungar those were the main four martial arts styles that were featured along with some variations with other martial artart Styles Blended in depending on the unique character shout out to my fellow OG Avatar fans who remember watching those mini specials on Nickelodeon that explain this worldbuilding aspect and the OG Avatar series Enlisted the help of seu kisu a martial arts master with over 40 years of martial arts experience who was responsible for choreography ing all of the bending and fight scenes we saw in both Avatar and the legend of Kora now the liveaction team in a behindth scenes special claimed to understand these Concepts the actors for the gang all participated in a two-month boot camp for these martial arts Styles so that way they could better portray their bending Styles and again no hate to the actors at all I think they did well with the training that they received however I just think that the way bending was utilized both in the fight scenes and in general was a bit disappointing for example take the fight scene between Ang and boie hey I'm back okay so this is a part in a video where I would have talked us through both the original Ang and boomy fight and then the live adaptation Ang and boomy fight making a point to Showcase how the original Ang and boomy fight featured way more creativity and a better understanding of bending Dynamics then I would have taken us through another example with the fight between qara and paku and gone over the same thing essentially how there's better camera angles in the cartoon how the live adaptation camera angle suck how their stances just don't really look Dynamic enough the Ridiculousness of liveaction katara's hair getting undone by some cold blizzard wind Etc I would also like to note that seuk kisu had thrown a Teensy bit of shade at the live action bending and fight choreography on tumblr.com which I thought was funny and very telling he has since retracted this post saying that he'd like to give the live action a proper watch before confirming his opinion but this did make me feel a little less crazy about my initial reaction into the choreography in this Netflix adaptation upon rewatching a second time I still stand by this by the way I do think that most of the fights into the live action are more boring than their cartoon counterparts with the exception of the fight scene between Ang and Zuko and omashu which isn't even part of the original anyway and the blue Spirit a collab at the Fire Nation prison for wherever a was being held at however I'm not going to take us through those scenes now because you know anyone can just watch these videos themselves just do a side by-side comparison and you'll see how less Dynamic and impactful the liveaction fighting scenes are in comparison to the cartoon and I was just initially really mad about how less creative the fights were because those scenes were so cool to me as a kid and I was mad about the fact that it did not give me the same reaction when I was watching the live action I was also going to talk about more issues I had with the bending but before I get to that let me talk about the divisive reaction to the liveaction adaptation we saw them drag him away why would I be arrested I've been living peacefully in the city this doesn't make any sense they're both telling the truth that's impossible no it's not tough can't tell who's lying because they both think they're telling the truth if you're watching this video you've probably already seen that a majority of the videos out there are absolutely trashing the liveaction version of Avatar and for kind of a good reason the writing objectively is just not as strong as the original version and there were many poor directing choices made but despite the amount of YouTube videos talking about how bad the series is you do find spaces filled with people elsewhere talking Praises about the show saying how it's still good as long as you accept that it's something separate from the old show and saying how yes the characters have changed but character itself is still there but just different because here's the thing it's not a resounding the live action is bad all across the board there is a very loud half of the fandom that is urging the rest of the fandom to approach this liveaction series with an open mind and despite my own opinion of the show it would be insulting to just assume that everyone who likes the live action is just an idiot oh I think I just snorted out a booger and I like being fair and trying to figure out both sides of an argument so I re-watch live action really forcing myself to approach it with this lens and upon rewatching I think I understand how and why the show was so polarizing and it's because the show can be really in consistent all across the board so let's examine this by going back to the bending at first I very much disliked the bending in the liveaction series because I felt like they didn't really respect the foundations of the original bending I very much disliked how Ang was teaching qara how to bend because in my mind and through what I saw in the original series bending to different elements requires different fundamentals that is the reason why Ang struggled so much with earthbending in the original show and why Masters were required for the Avatar to learn other bending because he can't figure out how to bend other elements just based on his own training and air bending and on top of that I didn't like how sometimes the Earth bending in life action looked really weak Earth bending is all about strong stances and purposeful headstrong movements and there were some scenes where earthbenders look like they were impersonating a spooky Boogeyman in order to earthbend and then also qatar's waterbending also kind of just looked like she was playing with slime half the time and I think where bending fell short the most was mostly in these scenes where the characters are kind of more so passively bending and not as much fighting however you also get scenes like this where it seems like they really understand the bending fundamentals Gordon who plays a does a particularly great job with implementing his bwa training his movements in certain fights really emphasize that circular movement that is the heart of bwa as well as the heart of air bending and Dallas Lou Who plays Zuko does a great job as a Firebender especially since he already has a background in martial arts I also think that the firebending in general looked good because Kung Fu which is what firebending is based on in general is a more common fighting style that we see in Hollywood it is listed as one of the top five most common fighting styles in media which leads me to conclude that firebending just looks better because the industry in general already has a steady stream of experts that make compelling Shaolin Style kung fu choreography so viewers who pay more attention to these flashier scenes will probably say that the bending was good whereas people like me who noticed little details and lack of consistency overall with bending fundamentals would probably say that the bending looked bad and again it's not like the team didn't do their homework it's just that they strangely did not put enough care to make sure that those fundamentals stuck across the board and this sort of lack of care was given to the writing as well there are some great additions to the show but they are always followed up with or associated with something negative I've already talked about the 41st division how it's a great addition and just ruined in my opinion because of the dumb writing of dialogue that happens afterwards what a doofus and this is going to be a controversial opinion but I find the same thing to happen with the lieuten scene again I have no qualms with the scene itself but I find the scene's placement in the episode to be so roll your eyes on the nose because the L 10 funeral scene occurs right after an earthbender tells iro you know nothing about loss oh that guy knows nothing about loss we better cut to a flashback where he does know something about loss and while for some the touching moment between iro and Zuko in combination with the leaves from the vine song is enough to excuse that egregious placement though I think the use of leaves from the vine is also egregious but that is my own controversial opinion for others like me its placement in the episode as a whole takes away from the impact and feels like cheap emotion bait so again we have this war of what is important to you as a viewer are you more happy that we received an emotional scene between these beloved iconic characters or are you upset with the placement of the scene and how it messes with the overall pacing of the series because for people like me it kind of just feels like this scene comes way too soon let's let's build up before we get there kind of like when you're first dating someone and you really do like them but then they like tell you I love you like after after 5 days it's like wo I really liked you but like hold slow down I also think that because of this half-baked Direction and script the show can be perceived one way or the other depending on what you find interesting as well as your ability to forgive certain flaws and to fill in the gaps for the lackluster Direction it's kind of hard to explain but let's start by analyzing how the liveaction handles one of our more controversial characters starting with Saka let's assume in good faith that the writer meant to do something with their characters I've seen many liveaction supporters claim that yes they took out Sak's blatant sexism but in turn gave him more subtle more modern realistic sexism and this can be seen when Saka tries to flirt with Suki he immediately assumes that they're on the same plane field in terms of their skill and that he can teach her something about fighting without considering that she may have some wisdom and knowledge to offer him in a away his subtle sexism is still challenged because he starts with these beliefs and is still shown up by her so in the end he still ends up learning to respect that women can be skilled Fighters albeit in a much subtler way again up to you if you want to interpret this subtlety as a different but deliberate Choice from the team or as overlooked sexist writing on the team's part his character Arc in the live action is also a bit different whereas season one of the cartoon focused mostly on him overcoming his sexist beliefs season 1 liveaction Saka goes on a journey about learning his place in the universe as a non-bender this is evidence with his conversation with Suki and how she tells him that as non-benders they have to be stronger and more disciplined Fighters This is further developed with the mechanist praising Saka for his creativity in design and engineering and encouraging him to explore that route as well as when we see his flashback with his dad hakoda expressing disappointment in his son's performance in the ice dodging trial to me this implies that the live action is going to take Saka on a journey where yes he does develop himself as a warrior but also learns to incorporate his natural engineering talent to help the gang which isn't a far-fetched interpretation of the original character since we do see OG Saka use his practical engineering knowledge to save and help the gang several times let's look at qara as well another character that many claim was done complete Injustice rewatching a second time I tried to interpret this qara as her own character without thinking of beautiful OG qara and I came to the conclusion that this qara is depressed as [ __ ] when we first meet her which isn't unreasonable I mean she thinks all the time about how her mom got flambay so that's traumatizing she's allowed to be depressed and in general I came to the conclusion that she's depressed since her face is like this most of the time but keeping that perspective in mind it then makes a little more sense as to why she was willing to travel with ANG right off the bat and sing praises of him immediately because he provided her with inspiration and helped her work out her inner turmoil while she had just been stewing in her own PTSD and depression all this time in the South Pole and I think her bending Journey kind of supports this interpretation this liveaction qara is a natural waterbending Master as stated several times especially in the seventh and eighth episodes who is only held back by her struggles with PTSD and this is shown whenever she has a conversation with jet or Ang about coming to terms with her barbecued mother each time she's able to process more of those feelings her bending becomes stronger and by the end of the series because she has gained so much more confidence in herself and has had more opportunity to receive guidance on processing that traumatic event her bending skills are now on par with Master now whether you believe that is what the show was actually trying to convey or if that is an equally compelling guara Arc is up to you but I'm just trying to offer insight into how live adaptation supporters might interpret this character I won't go into too much detail on this one but the oai aula and Zuko Dynamic is also different instead of aula being the clear favorite now the family dynamic is written so that oai is pitting his two children against each other probably in order to see which of his offspring will provide him with a bigger military Advantage as the two trip over their own feet trying to impress their dad aula is still shown to be skilled but no longer that highly disciplined nor seemingly perfect daughter that we saw in the original series just as Zuko is trying to prove himself aula is too and she's highly insecure about her standing with oai which seems to be what oai wants and again if that is an interesting dyam DC to you then you will find Value in these changes okay but here's the thing I got to put my hater cap back on even when I'm trying to view this live adaptation with this new lens um that's just really boring in my opinion there's no variation between characters now everyone has issues stemming from their parents Co included what was the mother of fa's totem deal about does the malicious Spirit Co feel attachment to his mommy I don't know I just think you don't have to humanize everything I also noticed that the message across the board of this show show all seems to be the same during my second rewatch I noticed that the Friendship is Magic theme is just really hammered in across the board and that seems to be the only message and perspective that this show has to offer not the idea of approaching difficult problems with out of the box thinking not providing hope to an oppressed and beaten down people not learning to work together to accomplish a goal despite having different perspectives and cultural differences nope just uh warm feelings and hope and friendship the thing is the original show was so amazing in that it wo so many interesting worldbuilding elements and beautiful fight choreography and Universal themes and unique perspectives and character arcs into one cartoon and so the live adaptation has that expectation to deliver a similar experience even if it does not follow a onetoone script but at the same time people who are being critical of the live action have to remember that this is only the first season let me be clear I am a hater of the live action action but thinking optimistically they do have time to develop these characters and arcs further than these pretty basic characters that are presented in the live action and I feel like that was my error in my thinking when I first approached this show I was being critical of people who like the show because they didn't explain in great detail why they liked it or what was so good about it but I was thinking about the journey the characters went through throughout the original Three Seasons the reason why life action Avatar criticism sound so much more indepth and well explained is because yes not only are there a lot of cheap Jabs you can make at the liveaction dialogue but also because we have a full three seasons of character development to compare to this one season of liveaction character establishment one of my favorite shows ever Bojack Horsemen spent a rough first season just establishing their characters but it paid off in future Seasons as we got to see the writing and character arcs develop and while I am not in any way saying that this live action is on car with Bojack what I am saying is who knows maybe this live action could pleasantly surprise us down the line again I am speaking very optimistically here but turning back to realistically the writing does have to drastically improve if it doesn't want to be completely written off by fans so here are my final conclusions about the Avatar live action if you have merely been waiting for some decent Avatar content and enjoy callbacks to popular Avatar events SL lore you will like this live action series if exploring parental disappointments is one of your favorite themes to explore in media you might like this live action series if the minimum threshold for you is that they at least hit all the main plot points of the original series then you might like this live action if you like fantasy in general and don't mind heavy Exposition you might like this liveaction if you like pretty visuals and think of Avatar as predominantly a kids show you might like this live action and if you like Disney films I have a good feeling you might like this live action however if you are a person who likes to pick apart media and get really serious about it and pay attention to little details you probably will not like this live action if you are a person who gets distracted by awkward dialogue you will not like this live action if you are a person who enjoys more character-driven stories you will not like this live action if you were the type of person who loved how everything in the original series tied together holistically you will not like this live action and lastly if you're a person like me who in general is just a angry at the industry for abusing beloved IPS for Nostalgia bait cash grabs you probably will not like this live action anyway guys that's my analysis on the liveaction Avatar discourse it's been a super interesting two weeks for me I was busy with job interviews and even attended a wedding yet despite all of that I could not peel my eyes away from the many takes that were unfolding before my very eyes I honestly haven't felt so passionate about fandom discourse since I I was like in my teens I also could have left my gripes in this video and seriously Gone full hater mode but I feel like it's all been talked about at this point and I just feel like your reaction to the show will be different based on the type of viewer you are hello editing sugar meet here um I just also wanted to say one last thing even though I am super critical of the liveaction series I do not condone maim no majima and I do not condone any bullying of the actors they are just kids you weirdo also I've seen a lot of fat phobia against aula May and Tye for whatever reason yeah okay tell me you've never met an Asian before without telling me you've never met an Asian before stop watching K-pop some Asians just have round faces they're not even fat and even if they were why the are you bullying them grow the up anyway that's all bye but that aside if you don't mind critical live action Avatar reviews I'd recommend these videos they in general summarize my feelings about the liveaction and everything I had issu with and they would probably do a much better job at explaining it than I ever could so but yeah let me know what you think in the comments below do you think I was more fair during my second rewatch analysis or do you think I was being too critical or not critical enough do you have high hopes for the series what was your favorite change or what do you think was the weirdest change that this liveaction series implemented I am curious to hear your thoughts and if you found this video interesting please consider giving it a like and subscribing but anyway that's all from me lame o hot [Applause] [Music] man I'm through playing games here I just to be your stre you
Channel: SirSugarMeat
Views: 5,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natla, atla, avatar the last airbender, avatar, avitar, netflix, netflix avatar
Id: e4Gw0vvsa7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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