I HATE Disney Worlds Newest Ride

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well it finally happen Splash Mountain is no more it took over 4 years from concept to the final product but Tiana's Bou Adventure is finally complete and we just got the first POV from Disney I might add and I have to say I am kind of disappointed after going through the entire ride I have to say this does not look like it's on par or even at the same level as Splash Mountain when you go through this iteration of the ride there are certain sections that feel kind of half-ass and if you've seen the POV you know what I'm referring to about a good portion of the ride I would say a third doesn't look like there was a lot of time and care that went into it almost as if the imagineers who were working on the project they had to do certain things based on budgetary constraints or there simply wasn't enough time to execute something to its fullest potential and to be clear I am pretty biased I was a big fan of the original Splash Mountain it was one of my favorite attractions at w Disney World I've written Splash since I was five and as I get older I've only gotten a greater appreciation for the ride I enjoy the story of the BR rabit and the Brer characters so when Disney announced they were going to redo Splash Mountain I was confused even more so for why they were redoing Splash Mountain for those of you who don't know this ride is not an original Ip to the Magic Kingdom as in it's not in the same regards as Space Mountain Pirates or Jungle Cruise where it's an original idea that imagineering had that wasn't based on an intellectual property that Disney already owned no Splash Mountain is of course based on the BR rabbit which was a 19th century folklore that was adapted into a movie in the 1940s by Walt Disney the movie in question was called Song of the South and if you've never heard of this film I do not blame you Disney they have worked for decades to make sure that no one has seen this film it has been locked in the deepest part of the Disney Vault because they claim it's their most culturally insensitive movie which I am surprised because I've actually seen this film and it's pretty tame when you actually sit down and watch it most of the movie it's kind of boring it's like who frame Roger Rabbit you got liveaction characters of Uncle Ramos and then you got the BR rabbit BR Fox BR bear just doing their kind of Tom and Jerry stick it's by all definition just an average film and despite any moment that can be deemed controversial it's nothing nothing compared to something like a Peter Pan or Dumbo moments that have not stand the test of time yet Song of the South is deemed worse I don't get it so once again when Disney announced they were going to get rid of Splash Mountain did anyone actually applaud this announcement no people love this ride no one has ever said anything bad about Splash Mountain so it just infuriates me that this ride is gone but I I digress I just need to accept the fact that Splash Mountain will never come back and I will have to live with Tiana because trust me this will be here for many years so let's actually go over the rat experience minute by minute first off when the Reus Splash Mountain vehicle Crest over the first LIF Hill it enters a small little Bou patch which I mean it's fine the view of Frontier land kind of takes you out of the immersion but it's not the biggest deal in the world it's just an introduction of what's to come later but a big improve movement that I see is when you go up your second LIF Hill you see your first a1000 rather bt1000 animatronic and I'm happy with this addition adds a lot of kinetic energy to a portion of the ride that would be pretty boring and uneventful after you go over the second LIF Hill you travel through a small vegetable garden nothing much but still the original Splash Mountain didn't have a lot at this portion of the ride so no complaints here once this part is completed you go down your first major drop and here is where I start to have issues when when entering the dark portion of the ride you will notice something very substantial the lack of animatronics now I know Disney they're trying to do quality over quantity for their animatronics but here's the problem with Tiana because this is a reskin of Splash Mountain they have to reuse the same amount of square footage so if the amount of animatronics isn't at or near the amount there was before there's going to be a lot of dead space and guess what that's exactly what happened think about about the old setting it had a cartoony Vibe very saturated and it didn't look like something you can just find in nature it had its own flare if you compare it to how it currently is it's just Bland remember Princess and the Frog it's a cartoon I want them to try to experiment and make the volume a little more Whimsical than just nature itself it makes the animatronics kind of stick out like a sore thumb since they're very fluid and bright looking now the background setting of the bou wouldn't be that big of a deal to me me if again there were more animatronics but since each animatronic is so far and few between there are decent portions of the ride where you just look at the Bayou for itself no a 1000s just the Hobby Lobby Forest now I wish this is where my complaints end but oh no it gets worse up to now I've just been kind of nitpicky of not liking the background of the set but the next half they just kind of ruined what used to be there now in the original Splash Mountain they had the Laughing place a nice underground tunnel where you see like the animatronic of the Brer bear with a beehive on his nose and all the hives swarming around your head it was a tonal shift from light to dark into a black light room now they do maintain this to an extent so The Story Goes that Mama ODI she shrinks you to the size of a frog and you're surrounded by mushrooms and roots and Bottles but they just kind of remov too much they put one animatronic frog playing the Bongos after the second drop then at the Third third drop there's just nothing there are no animatronics and they put these screens up and they look terrible you have a video of a Tiana animatronic not the real one a video and she's just bobbing your head back and forth it's very lifeless and unsettling the screen placement doesn't look good and same with the screen of MAA ODI before you go up the final chain lift everything here looks cheap I get the animatronics are expensive I mean each one could be an additional million on top of the price tag but I don't care this is Disney we're talking about they are known for their high level of immersion and being the best of the best or at least they used to they can spend a crapload of money on a mediocre show on Disney plus but when it comes to their theme parks and especially their new rides they're more than willing to make some cuts and that's just sad there's no other way to put it but after the chain lift it's the same drop as before I don't understand how this thing fits in story-wise before it was the BR Fox throwing you into the Brer patch you were supposed to feel fear and tension as you should because it's a drop here story-wise the drop just kind of exists because it was there before I think it would have been better at this part of the ride they include a villain or a conflict like Dr failer from the movie have the Laughing place be like uh some Voodoo cave or something I don't know anything that would add suspense and actual fear but whatever the drop should still will be fun like it was before and then after the climax you reach the finale which I'll give it to Tiana the party at the end it looks good I like the New Orleans building facade I love the band I love Tiana I love all the characters singing a song as they end the ride and here I can actually appreciate the use of screens because they're in the background they're not the main focus like the animatronics in the foreground the only gripe I have with this finale is it's not Zippity dudah the song's not memorable it's not that tune you're going to sing when you walk out which is a bit of a shame but Zippity dudah That Tune was so iconic it's pretty hard to replicate but that's where Tiana's Bayou Adventure ends all in all again I would not say it's a bad ride I just don't think it lives up to what came before in a perfect world I would have liked them to just keep Splash Mountain the way it was maybe shut it down for 2 years to update the animatronics so they wouldn't break down as often and if they really wanted to do a Tiana ride I would have preferred they just put it somewhere else in the Magic Kingdom make something new that wasn't a reskin or something that already existed but that's not what happened I wish this ride could have gotten a little more funding added a few more animatronics hell even put that Shipwreck Boat they were supposed to put on the top of the mountain you know make it look complete but I guess I'm just daydreaming oh well
Channel: Great American Coasters
Views: 55,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic kingdom, disney, disney world, splash mountain, tianas bayou adventure, epcot, animatronic, roller coaster, coaster, how to, space mountain, guides, big thunder mountain, disneyland, walt disney world, ride, thrill ride, dark ride, universal, universals epic universe, universal studios orlando, woke disney
Id: nJUk5L74INY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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