I Had To Avenge My Teammate

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I recently pitched against pbla and I had to avenge one of my teammates you see their catcher hit a homer off Ronnie stared at it until it landed and then bat flipped him right in front of our Dugout so I had to get him back for that there's a lot riding on this series and the emotions were very high so their team was coming for me too and that made it a lot of fun let's break it down so coming into this game we are 4- one against qu on the year but three Extra Inning games two brawls emotions were running high so I was feeling pretty good and there's a little extra riding on this game the fans came out and packed the stadium it was a great atmosphere one of them even had this look at this towel in the stands I don't know who you are but shout out to you that's awesome thank you this is the third game of the series and we're one inone so a win means we win the series but in the first game of the series we thought that their guys on second base were tipping location or pitches or both to the hitter at the plate and we thought that because as soon as our pitcher switched to using pitchcombe what location or what pitch is coming if they know it here we go hey a second I want to move really late because they P location okay they passing location all right the first guy is going to come out swinging yeah what do you think what do you think about first pitch cutter yeah I love it okay yeah this team is like a little different than yukatan yeah so it's slider is more effect to this team than yukatan so we can use a little more today sounds good a lot of open yeah righty and Lefty yeah just go out and attack him just like usual let's get them boys come on here we go let's get them here we [Music] go here we go here we go you want to test okay good we ready to go you my brother on me all right let's do it [Applause] all right this guy's going to be hacking so go first pitch cutter timing disruptions on the table knew it as you can see he has a lot of movement in the box when he's getting ready so he's kind of a rhythmic hitter which is why I felt the timing disruptions could be effective here my thought there is that the more I vary my timings the more it'll mess with his rhythm and take him out of his game plan hey [ __ ] now we go fastball down away ah you see what I mean about his swing he's got this big leg kick and he's kind of hanging in the air so if I can mix in some timing disruptions that's really going to mess with his leg kick I got to throw a strike here though I don't want to go behind 3-1 so this ball needs to be in the zone get there now I needed a strike on that pitch and I missed by a couple inches and this is why I always say that you should set the glove in the middle of the Zone behind in the count or before two strikes anyway if the glove is set in the middle of the zone right there and I miss by as much as I did it's clearly a strike and it count as 22 but because the glove is set up right on the corner when I miss by a little bit it's a ball and now we're behind 3-1 and we're in trouble to lead off hitter [Applause] okay so we're 3-2 here and I know he's probably looking for a fast ball and he's seen a couple fast balls in a row but this is the leadoff hitter of the game the important part here is to throw the ball in the zone and force the action you do not want to walk the leadoff guy to get to the middle of the order and give them momentum right off the bat so I'm not throwing any off speed stuff here I'm just throwing the ball right in the middle of the zone and forcing him to take a swing at it good [Applause] there now we go cutter you out and this 3-2 cutter is a perfect example of what I was just talking about look where the catcher sets the glove he sets it right in the middle I missed this by a little bit I missed down and to the left but because the glove was set in the middle it's still a strike and it forces the action and I get an out this is the power of setting the glove up in the middle of the Zone you're not always going to hit your target perfectly so when you miss you usually end up with the pitches on the edges of the Zone which is where you want them anyway okay you're patient there's strike got a split tunnel set up the reason we have a split tunnel set up is we thrown a fast ball at the bottom of the zon so if I throw a split below the Zone it's going to start slightly above that fast ball The Hitter is going to read it as a more hitable fast ball and then it's going to break below the zone so I'm cataloging that in my head for the rest of the [Music] bat okay oh one here I decided to mix in a quick pitch just to throw it on the table show them that I have it I missed the Zone by a little bit and we're 1-1 so we need to get a strike here to get to one two okay that cutter might look like a very hitable pitch and it's more hitable than some Cutters I could have thrown but the important part was to get to one two so I was fine throwing that in the middle of the zone and forcing the action if he hits a homer here it's one run it's fine that's the worst that's going to happen I don't want to get behind in the count and start wasting pitches early in the game and getting guys on base with free passes didn't like it up there we got a bounce curveball here now that cutter started off above the zone and broke down a little bit into the top of the Zone which is why I decided to go with a curveball here to start it on the same plane but break it below the zone so it looks like a strike and maybe we get the swing on the white thing one and two got the curve ball down which is where we need [Applause] [Music] it come on Trevor that fast ball is nowhere close to where I wanted it the thought was after the curveball in the dirt that he took just stick a fast ball right up in the top of the zone and he'll either take it or take an emergency hack on it two two here I want to to throw the ball in the zone to force the action but unfortunately I missed by a ton get it there set up for a split we'll go with it aggressive let's go okay commit to it let's go so here I start my delivery with the split I couldn't really get the grip I was questioning the grip in my glove and I was in the pitch and I just made the decision instead of throwing the pitch and missing and walking the guy to just stop my delivery and reset and throw a better pitch or throw it more convicted anyway earlier in my career I would have just thrown that pitch and I would have been fumbling with the grip in the middle of my delivery and that takes me out of the mindset of looking at my Target and trying to hit it I've made that mistake plenty of times I've learned my lesson which is why here I just stopped and reset the most important thing of this evat is to not walk him throw the ball in the zone I don't need to be getting tricky early in the game trying to throw off speed stuff for Chase or taking a chance that I missed the Zone completely and WKA guy so I second guessed myself and decided to go with the fast ball and made sure I threw it in the zone there we go now we're set up for cutter in or split what do I trust more I think cutter in yes that's where where did it Miss up that's that's right here that's unbelievable man that's a strike as strike can be all right refocus strike one let me know what you guys think of that Pitch live I readed a strike watching the game right now I read it as a strike was it a strike or did I miss either way I walked the second guy of the game and now we got the middle of the order and this is not the way I wanted to start off so Peter O'Brien's at the plate and he's one of their better hitters he's an All-Star and I decided to start him off with the cutter because he struggles with [Applause] sliders so after the cutter was right in the middle I had a perfect tunnel setup for a fast ball up and in and we hadn't gone in on him too much in this series so I decided to throw some fast balls in there to see where he's at speed wise doors I hit my location perfectly there and he was nowhere close to it I probably should have gone back to a fast ball here but knowing that he struggles with sliders I decided to go with the slider slider or you go back to it sword Ah that's for you hitting coach so fun Story the D before this game I was sitting at breakfast in the hotel and their hitting coach came up to my table and said hey I'm a big fan and watch all your content I can't wait to see you pitch tomorrow I want to see the sword so I had to get one sword at least this game and dedicate it to their hitting coach that was one of my objectives I got you also get your sword merch at Trevor bower.com so you can treat hitters disrespectfully like that good morning good afternoon good night and speaking of Trevor bower.com you guys have probably seen me wear this white performance hat in a lot of my videos you can get this at Trevor bow.com so make sure you go there and check it out and buy performance have today next up is the Four Hole hitter and again I decide to go with the cutter throw it right in the middle don't get a swing and we get strike one perfect outcome I was trying to throw that slider for a strike but I missed the zone I'm reading his body language though and he was definitely buying into it he started his swing and had to check up he's leaning over the plate a little bit both good indications that he's looking for something slow and away from him so because of that I decided to throw a fast ball up and in here to make him stand up a little bit with the idea of getting him out with the slider on the next pitch I obviously missed with that pitch but I was okay with that Miss cuz it definitely made him move and it definitely made him be conscious of the fast ball up and in also the night before our four hitter Amador had gotten two fast balls up by the chin so the fact that their for hitter got some fast Balls by the chin I wasn't too upset about it but now I do need to throw a strike can't go 3-1 here right on it now they perfectly play slider all I need to do 2 two is just repeat that pitch I don't need to try to get nasty with it or throw a better one just repeat the exact thing that I just threw slider strike [Music] [Applause] [Music] again and this is one of the funniest interactions of the game he swings at this pitch and Strikes Out and looks at me like hey are you going to give me the sword was that a sword I thought he took a full swing so not worthy of a sword he kind of looked at me gives me the sword like am I going to get this I was like nah no sword you took too good of a swing pretty funny interaction right on it dude right on it did you see him give me the sword he's like are you that was a good enough swing yeah yeah that was a good enough swing it wasn't a sword he's like am I going to get this I'm like no no no not yet next to bat we'll get you just throw theing Homer pitch now the bottom of the first inning took like half an hour their guy was throwing a lot of balls taking forever and I'm clearly very annoyed by it like just get the ball in the zone and take your Beating just throw strikes I know pace of play is terrible I shouldn't have to be warming up in the bottom of the first inning ball two I'm like tired so I don't want to throw but I want to be warmed up and it's cold cuz this guy's throwing ball after ball after ball or get someone who can let's get this show on the road they're going to have to get the pen going in the first inning again okay I'm here to play baseball not watch baseball boys ended up putting up one run in the bottom of the first so time for the second all right we got to be in the zone [Applause] aggressive in the zone [Applause] Trevor and we're behind 20 again I'm behind a lot of the hitters and it's driving my pitch count up I need to make that [Music] adjustment 20 count to a lefty in the middle of their order f fast ball down and in definitely a pitch you should have hit that was a very dangerous pitch and I got lucky there but I did get a strike out of it so I got to throw another one here to get to 22 I just need to be in the zone and work ahead [Applause] for so after the fast ball Up and Away that he was laid on and swung through I thought if I just move this fast ball up and in Keep It In the Zone he'll be laid on it again and I'll get it by him for the strikeout or at worst a pop up on the infield unfortunately I missed too far up and towards his face for him to get a swing or to really even buy into that pitch so it didn't do anything for me and now we're 3-2 again and I have to throw a strike I cannot walk this [Applause] guy even though he's seen a lot of fast balls in a row I decided to try to throw a fast ball middle and just challenge him I missed a little bit over the inside part and he got a good swing at it and I got Lu again that he didn't hit this ball a [Applause] mile so after the foul ball I decided to try to throw the same pitch but just move it up a little bit I missed my spot but fortunately I got the same result he was still a little bit late on the fast ball and fouled it back time for a new location doors with no outs in the second and up by one I was not going to throw him any other pitch besides fast ball I was just going to challenge him I tried to throw this fast ball down and away for a free since I hadn't gone there in a while I missed my spot by a little bit and fortunately got the swing so we get the first out but that was not a good at bat for me I wasted a lot of pitches and I was working from behind I need to get ahead in the count this next at bat now get ahead and the count throw strike one and we're behind 10 yet again to one of their best hitters another one of their Allstars change [Applause] up Spring balls everywhere okay I'm all over the place right now and I don't know what's going on in the game My Command is just trash it's not been this bad all season come on another 3-1 count and I'm trying to throw the ball right in the middle I'm just missing by ton this is bad they have five hitters in their lineup today hitting over 300 they can swing it and if my command is going to be this bad all game I'm going to run into some serious problems do it again make him hit [Applause] it Thors it's rare for me to get two fast Balls by lefties like that and in the game I'm starting to wonder if they're looking for off speed stuff so I'm putting that in the back of my mind but the main goal here is to get ahead I I need to work ahead in the count before I can get any really solid reads okay now have that same level of focus on the first pitch there we go touch off guard with [Applause] [Music] that so first pitch Fastball Out of the Quick Pitch we get a strike second Pitch I decided to go with the slide step and throw a cutter and even though I missed by a lot he still doesn't seen my normal delivery or normal timing so we're in an okay spot this pitch has to be a strike though that staying in hey there we go nice play so I throw a middle middle cutter and get a pop out to first I'm not sure if the timing disruptions helped there or not but if they protected that pitch even a little bit it's definitely worth it cuz that pitch could have gone a mile either way we're out of the second inning and through the middle of the order for the first time with no runs so I'll take it I got to get ahead man behind everybody that inning 10 2 31 that's perfect yeah I don't want down yeah so lead off the third is Kirk their All-Star catcher also the guy who bat flipped Ronnie time to get some payback step one check I threw a first pitch [Music] strike when I missed the Zone with the 01 pitch I consider that a waste in my head said forget that pitch let's just go right back to it executed this time what are you looking for dude you guessing slider so here's the reason I thought he might be looking for slider remember the second inning when I threw two 3-2 fast Balls by the lefties I thought in the back of my head that they might be sitting on slow stuff so that's my read going into this inning is that their team is looking for off speed against me but now that I've executed the fast ball down and the away I can go right back to my original plan which was fastball down and Away followed by Chase [Applause] slider and when I got him to chase the slider I adopted his celebration stare stair stair stair stare stair stare all the way to the top step of the Dugout and when he entered the dugout I bat flipped him avenging Ronny number one complete next up is the nine-hole hitter germon and I need to get this guy out before I flip the lineup over I don't want to let this guy get on and then face the top of the order with a guy on and only one out in this inning so that all starts with getting ahead in the count good swing unfortunately for you set Str is a bat up and you're out okay so why does that pitch set up the rest of the bat and why do I think he's out well I threw a cutter up and away and he fouled it off one he swung at that pitch which means he bought into this tunnel two I can throw a better cutter next pitch and get to O2 pretty easily because that wasn't a very good pitch and three I have a tunnel setup where I can go fast ball above the Zone off of that cutter and get a swing I can go curve ball below and I can also go sweeper off the plate away and I don't have to be super fine with it it can be at like mid thigh elevation because of that cutter setting the top of the Zone tunnel early in the atat so I have a lot of options here to get this guy out a good swing so I decided to go with the slide step fast ball down and away unfortunately it leaked back middle and he gets a hit this was probably the worst of the options I could have gone with I could have gone fast ball up and in I could have gone fast ball Up and Away I could have gone with an off speed pitch another cutter this is the most hitable pitch because it doesn't share a tunnel that I set up in that atat so that's a mistake on my part in where I was trying to throw the ball now when he got to first base I hear he did the sword a couple of my teammates saw it and then like hey that's kind of weird that he's doing the sword after a single I didn't mind it but I cataloged that in my brain for the next bat so I could get him back so back to the top of the lineup with Guzman another one of their Allstars and there's a guy on base and I'm in a little bit of trouble now I need to make sure and throw quality pitches now in a way that was a good pitch because I am ahead in the count but that was not a very well executed pitch my command is still terrible but at least I'm in the zone now and getting ahead which is helping me step fast High inside aggressive to the glove late on 96 okay now we got curveball for the strikeout or slider I think curveball beater swing more than slider so we'll go with that so in looking at his swing the day before it was a very flat swing which is good for getting hits which is probably why he's hitting 330 or so but curveball beats that swing more than slider slider SL off the plate you can kind of reach out there with the bat and get your Barrel to it but on a curveball if you have a flat swing it's very hard to match the depth of the curveball with the flat swing and that's probably a better option here two ball two ah so let's break that pitch down I missed in the middle of the zone so this would be a very hitable pitch especially in an o02 count however because I read his swing and I chose the right shape of breaking ball it had a little extra protection added to it if this was a slider in the middle of the Zone he probably gets a hit but because the ball had more depth and that didn't match his swing I get a ground ball and ultimately end up getting a double play even though it was a little bit unconventional let's say that's for you my brother you like that long stair B flip that's good for him he should I'll get him next to bat he was scared this yeah yeah yeah that's how it should be like you get me you can celebrate that's fine we're not mad about that now other pitchers that might not be as okay with it as I am like I'll I'll get you back for them you know I'll avenge my guy like that stare and then the bat flip so after joking with my teammates a little bit about staring the guy down and doing the bat flip to avenge Ronnie it was back out for the fourth Innings still a one- nothing ball game okay you're patient you got fast ball down middle first time so at this point in the game I'm getting really frustrated with myself because I'm not throwing first pitch strikes it feels like I'm behind every single hitter the only inning that was decent was the third two nothing good [Applause] guys get in the zone now that 1 oh Pitch looked like a strike on TV but when you're spraying the ball around you're not going to get borderline calls like that so now we're behind 20 this is terrible [Applause] another mislocation and really bad spot fast balls down and into lefties in two- counts are not good pitches to throw I was trying to go away with that and yanked it nowhere close to my spot very fortunate that wasn't a hit or a homer all right we got to go there again and then cut our dead zone for the strikeout but we got to get this in the zone get behind and you get in trouble so 21 I decided to try to throw the same pitch just actually hit hit my location this time I get the ground ball but unfortunately got through the infield now we got the second hole hitter on so I'm facing 345 with no one out and a runner on base not a great start next up is O'Brien we started him off with a first pitch cutter first to bat so I decided to go back to [Applause] that should have hit that one and I miss in a very hitable location fortunately for me I got a foul ball but here's the thing first pitches in the strike zone only go for hits like 4% of the time between foul balls outs and takes it's definitely beneficial to throw a strike anywhere in the zone so it might look like I got fortunate there but I'm just playing the percentages okay you triggered on that it was a terrible pitch but you triggered no slider was nowhere close to where I wanted it but I did see a little bit of a trigger out of him which means to me that he's trying to be aggressive here he's looking to swing the bat and he liked that tunnel away from him okay so I decided to go back to the slider just throw it in the zone but this is the wrong sequence usually you want to throw sliders starting for strikes and move them off the plate if you're ever throwing a slider that was off the plate and moving it back towards the Zone you're likely to give up a hit or more likely anyway and that's exactly what happens here so now it's first and second with nobody out and I'm in trouble get to the pitch and execute it now we got Reed the first at bat with a slider off the plate remember that's the one where he took the full swing and asked if he was going to get sorted so I decided to go right back to the slider I figured he was going to be aggressive here so I wanted to throw something with movement something a little bit slower something that was unlikely to produce a hit to read where he was at for this at [Applause] bat two ball give me two there we go how about rby that slider was really well executed and we get a great outcome there two outs Man On Third I know I can get out of this I just need a strike out so let's talk about the mindset of getting out of a jam real quick here it's a one nothing game so if I let this run score it's tie game and I give up the lead so I can't let that happen if this was a five nothing game I could look at this and say okay even if I give up this one run I want to save some pitch count here and make sure I get more innings in because one Run's not going to beat me but in this case it would beat me or at least tie the game so I need to get an out and not let this run score so I'm looking at the lineup and saying okay who's coming up in the next three hitters remember I have two open bases here so if I need to pitch around someone in the lineup to get to a more favorable matchup I can do that I decided that this is the guy I was going to go after because he struggles with fast balls up and in and I can get him out through that tunnel with a curveball in the dirt and those are my two best weapons to lefties during this game so that's why I chose to go after him but let's say that this was not a favorable match up to me I could have easily pitched around him issued a walk or let him get himself out on breaking balls out of the zone and gone to the next guy time to get competitive here he can't handle fast balls up and in so this is our guy oh wind wind up wind up wind [Applause] up so I decided to go with the first pitch fast ball up and in and step on the gas a little bit first pitch 997 now that ball was middle middle and he didn't swing at it which to me tells me he's not looking to be super aggressive he's looking to put together a good at bat and he doesn't really like to trigger on the fast ball in tunnel something starting on the inner part of the plate he's not looking for that he's looking for something out over the plate 97 [Music] curveball so here I decided to try to throw a curveball below this Zone figuring that I would use the fastball middle tunnel and see if I got a swing on a ball that is nowhere close something that he couldn't hit unfortunately I missed by a lot so this is a waste pitch can't really use it so one one I decided to go back to the curve ball but instead of trying to throw it below the zone I'm trying to hit the bottom row of the Zone I can't really afford to go 21 here I need to throw a strike but I don't want to leave a curveball hanging in the middle and let him roll it over for a hit to score this run so I'm okay okay with this ball being at the bottom edge of the strike zone or slightly below it but this cannot be hanging in the middle of the Zone this one has to be on the plate one two he just swung at that one hand aggressive out in front below the [Applause] Zone [ __ ] go that was the best curve I've thrown all night and we got exactly what we needed which was a strikeout to get out of the jam one- nothing lead preserved I think fast ball up and in there is the right call too I think either one yeah now I'd shaken off a fast ball up and in to throw that curveball in the dirt and the reason I'm telling my catcher that it's a good pitch there is because I think both would have worked fast ball up and in I think would have gotten by him curveball in the dirt obviously we got the swing my only hesitation on throwing the fast ball up and in there is if he gets to it and bloops it over the third baseman's head now I'm giving up a run so in a onew count I'm looking to throw something that he can't get a hit on and if we go O2 then I have the fast ball up and in to get weak contact so I wanted to reverse the order a little bit there even though my catcher was thinking to go straight to the fast ball up and in both of the right pitch just the order to me was better with the curveball first now my teammate Pella had been out for a couple weeks with a hamstring injury this was his first game back and he had an absolute massive bomb God damn welcome back welcome back time for the fifth inning and now that we have a two nothing lead it's even more important to throw first pitch strikes the worst thing you can do here is walk someone because and that brings a tying run to the plate I got to make sure that they earn their base runners here by getting hits now even though that pitch was a strike it was 18 in away from where I was trying to throw the ball so we don't get the call so I decided to try to go right back to the fast ball down and the way to get to 1-1 unfortunately I threw the exact same pitch and give up a hit to right field so here's something to think about it's pretty hard for an offense to string together three hits in a row to score a run but if you walk the first guy then they only have to string together two hits so that's a lot easier percentage wise now you might think well a walk or a single same difference it's a guy on first nobody out but the thing is you haven't given up a hit yet if you walk the guy so percentage wise you're much more likely to give up that run than if they' already gotten a hit to get the guy in first base kind of weird to think about but it plays out so man on first nobody out I decided to go with a cutter in the zone get ahead of this next guy get it in get it in get it in now that was not a well-located cutter by any means but at least it was a strike I've thrown a lot of poorly located Cutters first pitch tonight and have yet to give up a hit on it I finally do give up a hit here but I'll play those percentages all the time unfortunately it's now second and third with nobody out and I don't have the double play option to get out of this Jam like I had last time I know I can't let both of these runs score so my way of getting out of this Jam is to try to strike out the side so we have Kirk up again the guy that I got with the bat flip in his first bat and I'm trying to get him again here swinging first [Applause] pitch another first pitch ball and didn't even set up a tunnel that I can use for the rest of the bat a complete waist [Applause] pitch I was trying to go fast ball down and Away here to throw a strike and get back in the bat also to set up a tunnel for a slider later in the atat I missed down and in but he was still late on it and that tells me something about what he's looking for this atat late on 98 figures so because he was late on the 10 fast ball I decided to go back to the fast ball and see if he was still late on it and even though this ball is Middle the velocity just plain beat him so now we got him set up for a fast ball above the zone or another breaking pitch now you're getting slider [Applause] ah that slider was nowhere closed but it did start right out of the same tunnel as the fast ball that he had seen the previous pitch and we get the swing and the bat slam I think he was a little bit upset about my pimp job on the first strikeout and he wanted to get me back but I got him for a second time and stared him back to the Dugout and bat flipped him again avenging Ronnie for a second time so one out down but I'm still not out of this Jam I need to get this guy and he's the one that got the single on the fast ball away and sorted me at first base B in the first at bat be in the same got right field last fast down away yeah you want to throw something in slider and then we yeah we'll see how he reacts and we can go fast ball up and in yeah so here I figured he'd be swinging first pitch and with guys on second and third I can be a little bit finer here I can't afford to throw a lazy pitch in the zone and give up a hit cuz it's two runs I also have an open base at first so if I pitch carefully to this guy and I end up walking him I now have a basis loaded situation but I can get a double play to get out of that so the way I'm looking at this is I have the next three hitters I have to strike two of them out and walk one of them so I'm okay being a little bit finer on the first pitch here which is why I throw the slider more of like a Chase slider than a get me over slider and even though that ball missed his own by a good amount he definitely triggered on it which means he's buying into that fast ball away tunnel which is the last pitch he saw in the first bat that he got the single on so this is all making sense to me so 10 I figured if I went back to the slider I would get the swing because he'd be a little bit more aggressive in a 1 count than he was in an O count trying to drive in these two runs unfortunately I think I chose the wrong pitch to throw here the right pitch would have been a fast ball in on the plate which my catcher properly identified I just chose the wrong sequence and that wrong sequence gave him a chance to hit this [Applause] pitch and that sucks he's now two for two again against me with a single and a double two swords his entire Dugout sworded me and even worse the game is now tied got me twice got me twice now I'm not sure if you understood what I was saying here but I was just trying to congratulate him on getting me twice I don't take it personally if the other team does my celebration against me if they beat me they beat me let them celebrate it but now I'm still in a jam we're back to the top of the order the third at bat against Guzman who's one of their better hitters and I got to get two outs before this guy on second scores on the prior bat I'd gotten Guzman out on a curveball so he hasn't seen the slider yet which is why I decided to go with the first pitch [Applause] slider and that's about the best possible result I could have hoped for perfectly played slider gets a ground ball to third the runner cannot advance and I get an out so now we have adamus at the plate with two outs we got O'Brien on Deck now I know I can get obrien with hard fast balls and Sliders and I'm not so sure about adamus I think Go's a little confused here I know he can't really get to fast balls up in but we started him there last time so I didn't want to go back there so I was being a little bit careful in thisat knowing that the guy in deck I could get out doas can't hit fast balls up and in so but we did start you there last time yeah we can start curveball this [Applause] time so I decided to go first pitch curveball here and the plan was to throw first pitch curveball for a strike figuring he would take then go with high fast balls until I got the two strikes followed by a curveball in the dirt to get the strike out even though I missed with the first pitch curveball I decided to go straight to the fast ball up and in knowing that that was a hole in swing that sucks after missing with two fast balls up and in we're behind 3 0 and I decided just to pass on this atat and get on to the righty on Deck who I knew I was a better matchup against ah it's going to be just a little break okay I don't want you to get to let that motherucker onire you up okay he don't give you any type of pictures not even in this in okay so just little breath okay to get this mother okay you feel good feel good let's do it yep go uh okay all right we got two hitters to get one strike out so first up is Peter O'Brien and I remember that he was late on a fast ball up and in and one of his prior bats so I tried to go there first pitch I did miss my location a little bit Up and Away at 97 but we are aheading the count and that sets a perfect tunnel for a slider late in the abat sitting slow so I read that he was sitting on offed pitches which is why I decided to go with the slider out of the Zone here figuring that if he saw it starting to move he might swing plus I have that tunnel set up from the first pitch and I was throwing this pitch mostly to read his swing and see where he was at once I got the swing on the slider that far out of the Zone I made the decision that I was just going to throw sliders the rest of the abat and see if he could lay off four in a row can you lay off four in a row so why did I say can you lay off four in a row well here's my thought I'm O2 I know that I have an open base and I know I have another righty on Deck who I'm also a good matchup with so thinking about getting out of this Jam I know I can be careful to this hitter I don't have to get him out I have some wiggle room after swinging at that slider that far out of the Zone I thought okay if I throw four more out of the Zone but close he's going to swing at one of them he's going to be too aggressive trying to drive this run in and he's going to chase the slider out of the zone and I'll get my K that slider missed by a good two feet but you did get a little bit of a trigger out of the hitter see his front hip open up a little bit right here so I know that he still bought into it even though it was nowhere close back to the slider two that pitch was also nowhere close to the Zone but we still got a trigger with the hip and the hands this time so he's clearly looking to swing freeze down ways open so in this 2 two count I decided to go with the fast ball down and Away figuring that it would come right out of the same tunnel as the prior two sliders and he would take it for strike three do now I missed my spot a little bit and I was wrong he didn't take it he swung at it but because he'd seen three Sliders in a row he was slowed down enough that the fastball V beat beat him and I get my strikeout to get out of the jam now walking off the mound he was staring at me and walking directly towards me with his helmet and his Bat and I wasn't going to let him stare me down and beat me so I stared right back at him so we held eye contact until we got very close to each other and I wasn't really sure what was going to happen he said something to me I didn't really know what it was and I kind of gave him a shrug like all right and nothing happened but you never know with peblo that might have been a brawl as you can see as I'm walking off the field here it is raining and it's raining pretty darn hard I know you don't need to have anyone go all right I won't have anybody go on okay I know you're going to do it anyway no I won't but I was I was obliged to say that it'll be up to you I get anybody going all right all right that's fair know yeah all right give him some runs let's go now now you now you on the clock now you on the clock all right that's fair I'm starting my watch right now what's your what's your clock 30 30 Okay so what just happened right there originally low was talking to me to make sure I was good to go back out for the six which I said I was then it started raining and they pulled the tarp so he said I'm on the clock now what does that mean well Managers generally have a clock in a rain delay where they'll send their pitcher back out if it's short enough time some managers it's 45 minutes that's how it was in Cleveland some managers like low it's 30 minutes L for the 30 minutes is that 30 till they pull a tarp or is it 30 till resume play 30 when I I started my watch right on you so if we're not playing by yeah 30 you're done be done that's fair I just want I just want to make sure that I know so I can kind of stay loose or whatever yeah you going to be done yeah this is this is not going anywhere anytime soon meaning that if the game isn't going to start within 30 minutes of when the tarp was pulled that pitcher is done but the team still needed to get a win unfortunately we gave up a run in the six three in the 7th and one in the eth to go behind 7 to2 we made it 7 to3 going to the bottom of the 9th and ended up scoring four to tie it including this really controversial play where their manager got super [Applause] pissed no no no he's so safe he's safe he's safe you can't block the plate and there's no tag yeah he was here but I don't know if they're going to call it or not well let's see [Applause] yeah so my final line on the day was five innings pitched two runs allow on that blue pit and nine strikeouts no win for me and in the bottom of the 10th we hit a walk-off to Win It 8 to7 another good day [Applause] let's [Applause] get's get [Applause]
Channel: Trevor Bauer
Views: 460,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ReRcTh0_10s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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