I Got The Most Protective Dog In The World!

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pea pads treats toys poop bags we're good go get the [Music] puppy all right we're here I haven't had a puppy in eight years so I'm excited and nervous all at the same time and anxious to see the pups what did you to meet Dad real quick yeah Marino and that's his roommate Gucci Marino's our big guy that chest right here just yeah my boy so if y'all weren't here with me he'd just stay turned on and but he's able to turn on and all so that's what's great about him sorry that's one of the things again that's why I really like him and that's why we're really putting him heavy into our program right now yeah um his his size is kind of secondary to you know yeah yeah the temperament is is gold come come here Bo we see he got the same wi chest in that face yeah so I'm anticipating more of a a Marino color body style okay and he's going to have some some not as light of a of a color he's going have more of a tint to it this guy's going to have more of her clothes I like the way he feel like a Rin and so one thing that people mix up with this breed with some of the other ones they think that they're being happy cuz their tails doing this right it's up and just doing this that's the sign when it's doing like that it's almost like a warning you know that's happy here it's it's alert it's alert don't get closer it's so early to tell really anything especially for a non-working dog you know none of these contributing factors of like we're not doing prey pole stuff we're not doing anything that would suggest the dog would have more prey than the other because that's not the breed inherently the dog is going to be protective which is why I'm getting this breed so it's a tough decision when you have two dogs I'm glad that there's only two cuz the more of the dogs be harder to decide so it's it makes it a lot easier to decide but there's nothing other than maybe coloration that sets them apart as of right now so what I'm doing here is I'm just doing a little bit of food work just to see what their interest is gauging their interest other than the coloration and maybe the confirmation of their body like you said like he's probably going to be more like Dad you think he'll be more protective and kind of on a scale of 10 I would say maybe like 7 to eight on that first like yeah you uh this one will probably be like a five we're going to do black face reason is is because the two males available the white-nosed male is going to be bigger like his dad Marino he's going to be wider he's going to be thicker likely we just don't need that much dog so we're going to go with the smaller dog and so that's the dog we're going to pick so you ready to go home get your sister ex said eight that so 8 it's okay you're probably just hungry you miss lunch yep so it begins he's not a baby taer right he is a baby right now he is a baby but he's a baby verbal he's a baby [Music] verbal he being so good he doesn't really have a choice see okay got him so we just picked up Burley we we're naming him Burley because when Taylor and I were in Australia on tour dog training seminars we played at a we stayed at a place called Burly heads and we fell in love with it it was really pretty uh and the proper spelling is right here and so yeah so we just like Burley and it fits him so this is burley uh we're flying tomorrow uh luckily We're In First Class we have tons of room for him um but we're going to fly with him tomorrow it's going to be my first time flying with a puppy and we'll see how it goes but today gave him a little bath we're going to bring him outside a little bit so he can soak up the sun and kind of get to know him a little bit and uh we'll see how the first night goes but yeah all right we just had our first pee accident and we're not starting potty training until tomorrow evening uh just because we're traveling and he just left and he's overwhelmed and he's getting acclimated to us but this is going to be the beauty of this you guys are going to see every single moment me raising this puppy and how we're going to train him to be the best boy he possibly can so I'm excited for this series this is the first time he's actually been on leash so he's going to fight it let's just get to the elevator all right so as far as equipment goes I have a marting gale marting Gale is basically like a hybrid of a flat collar and a collar that has action like a slip so it has the flat collar but then it has this little option to get a little bit of pressure to the dog so it's a safer collar to use especially when a dog is being introduced to leash pressure so that way it's not stagnant pressure so it's just like a flat like this has a little bit of action which is perfect sizing I just picked it up at PetSmart I have the no bad dog 4ft training collar and I'm using the no bad dog treat pouch with uh his cable in it so he's obviously terrified right now so you don't want to overwhelm your puppy but you also want to be realistic the the sooner that you're realistic with your puppy the sooner they're going to mature uh I shouldn't say that the sooner that they're going to gain confidence so right now he's never been away from his family he never been off his property all of this all of me all of you is a huge deal for the puppy so I'm using his kibble right now which we got from the breeder to just use this positive reinforcement to expose him as positively as we can he's taking food so right now he's a little shaky he's a little nervous I mean just imagine what it's like for him but he's going to start opening up and he's he's accepting food which is good so it's just a process and you got to kind of have to rip the bandaid off because of course you feel bad he's a cute little puley you don't want to overdo it of course you don't want to like there's times where you you saw like I'm just GNA pick him up and Escape him from the situation because it's too much but anytime that you can just help him build his confidence uh it's going to be better for him we're going to keep going we're going to walk together let's go come on brly come on brly come on really so it leash pressures on a little bit come on bubba come on walk with me reallyy come on come on reallyy come on so watch this guys yes good boy good boy barley yay jackpot good boy so that's what I was hoping he would do that's why I CED it up with you guys I am uh taking this really slow with him now if that took 5 to 10 minutes that's fine you just don't want to overdo it so you're watching the puppy to make sure it's not too much where they're flattening out they're peeing on themselves um they're starting to run away way he's just nervous about making a commitment towards somebody and the sooner you guys do this again the faster this dog is going to be able to to to get more confident so we're going to do this a couple more times in rep it but again this is live I've had this dog for less than an hour you're going to watch him grow up on this channel which I'm excited about so we're just going to keep doing this just to see if he progresses come on Taylor yes good boy Bley so he he hesitates come on come on Bly let's go so we're going to do that again right now we want want to uh back away from the leash pressure come on ble yes good boy good boy good boy Burley good boy the goal right now guys is for him to consistently walk with me on the leash good boy Bly yes good boy so introducing him to the leash pressure first day really come come on BR yeah it's a good boy good job sweet feels that little bit of leash pressure and the goal is again is for him to walk with me without any uh pressure on the leash so he understands how to yield to that leash pressure he's doing great he's like nope I can't do this I can't do this this is too scary ble come on come on I'm going to help him make the decision yes good boy well done Burley come on ba yes good boy nice work good boy come on so I'm not pulling him here come on that's important yes good boy good boy good boy B good boy every second he's walking with me is a point for us come on ble yes good boy so my goal is for him to get comfortable on the leash good boy Bly and also I don't want any resistance on the leash after he's introduced to this so look at how well he's doing just after this 5 minutes of work here on the leash where he's not pumping the brakes anymore boy nice job be hold yes good boy Burley so teaching him again just to walk with us this humans is really really important for a step and he's peeing is he peeing yes good potty so good boy good potty pot good potty good potty ble so this is going to be potty I'm going to start queuing this go potty go potty go potty when we go outside good potty good boy I would like ah there's so much going on in my head right now I'm so excited you guys get to see this process good job brothery so like a kid uh you know tons of POS look at look at this guys look at this this is 5 minutes I've had this dog for less than an hour and look at yes good boy look how well he's doing the confidence that he's already built now this is really important because often times people get puppies and they treat them like Cabbage Patch dolls and I can assure you this is not one of those dogs and your dog at home is probably not one of those dogs either so making sure that you don't enable them to be uh un unable to think by themselves and not gain confidence just look at the difference guys literally in the real time that you guys are seeing this in less than 5 minutes he put on the brakes every single time he felt that leash now he's walking with Taylor and I confidently happily and doing it at a really good pace so we're going to continue this up let's go good boy yeah good boy ble good boy Bley the other important thing to note is what we're doing right now is giving him breaks literally working him and developing with him for 5 minutes and then giving him a 20 minute 30 minute break that's cool that's really important because his he's a p he's a baby so he can't really function like a an adult dog would as long as they can in the duration so just making sure you're not overdoing it and over pushing it and making training too stressful for the dog where they just can't keep up mentally and physically so now we're just going to hang out until dinner and then maybe do a little bit more later but that's really important to not overdo it all right so I said we weren't potty training tonight but I am going to feed him and then the most important thing when you're doing potty training is management if they drink and eat they're going to have to pee and poop usually within 30 minutes so I'm basically going to feed him his food tonight and then in about 20 minutes I'm going to set the timer we're going to go back outside to see if he's got to go and he's excited to eat here you go big guy here you go hey there you go all right it's been 20 minutes make sure you don't put your puppy down if you live in a long hallway because your puppy will make a mistake on the way down pick him up bring him outside good boy boy burle good boy good boy burle good boy now let's see if we can get number two all right guys like clockwork 20 minutes later we have a poo he ate and drank set the timer for 20 minutes and he came out and he peed and pooped it's honestly it's really that easy eat and drink e po Jen Y they got perfect schedule right [Music] now I've always liked big dogs but when I was younger I wasn't necessarily allowed to have one we had like Shih Tzus and kinas and smaller dogs and after my St Bernard Thompson passed away I knew eventually I would want another big dog because I just I just really like so after becoming a dad I wanted a big protective dog and so after doing my research and thinking back to some of the breeds that I've worked with uh I've worked with a couple BBL before and I absolutely fell in the fell in love with the breed at that point you guys remember Cooper some of the other dogs that I've worked with I really enjoy them I like their personality I like their stoicness I like their confidence now if you guys are just looking for a puppy or any dog and you just want a dog go to the shelter there's millions of dogs out there that that would love to be in your home or be in your life I looked up this breed and the breeder I interviewed the breeder I've been talking to the breeder almost every day since this guy was born and even until this day and so I got this specific breed this specific dog for a very specific reason and sometimes you can't do that when you go to a shelter now the best dog I'll probably ever have in my life hold your ears Burly is Lola which I adopted from a shelter PetSmart floor type thing so I would just encourage you guys if you're looking for a new dog or you're looking new puppy go to the shelter and get one this breed in the wrong hands could be an absolute disaster so just make sure as we're going through this process uh you guys understand that I'm very very very excited for the first time in eight years I have a brand new puppy to work with to share this experience with you every step of the way with my buddy Burley so stick tuned cuz we're going to be updating you guys each [Music] week good boy Bly good boy [Music] all right so we just got home so this is going to be the introduction of my dog Lakota to Mr Burley so we're going to first separate them by a fence uh and then we're going to integrate them into the house I think she's going to do okay she usually does good with puppies but we'll seea this is your brother good girl good girl you're little party o oh he growled at her kot's body language is good she's very excited Burley just kind of stepped up to her barking at her good girl good girl kot no the puppy girl say hi to the puppy hi do you like your puppy hey hey hey it's okay that's your sister puyy puppy puppy job thanks so uh Burley obviously what you saw there 8 weeks old uh Boral coming out he's charging the fence he's immediately like hey I'm here I'm big and uh this is a new dog new collar uh everything is new for him this guy has had a really long day this is the first 24 hours with this but tomorrow is going to be the first 24 hours at my house and now we can start the crate training then we can start the potty training with the integration with my other dog Lakota so it's going to be a fun series um and I think I think they're going to do fine but that's just that Boral coming out I mean i' I personally uh don't see too many puppies stepping up to the plate to tell my Dutch Shepherd off and he did immediately so I think honestly it's because he's cold he's in from Texas he's tired uh and he's completely disoriented so um we'll see how it goes but stay tuned and we'll see how things go all right that's good [Music]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 428,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog Training, Dog Trainer, Dog behavior, dog training tips, Dog Training Advice, Best dog trainer, puppy training, how to train a dog, dog videos, aggressive dog, dog training videos, obedience, tom davis, dog training basics, reactive dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, Tom Davis Puppy, tom davis puppy training, Boerboel, boerboel puppies, mastiff puppy, how to train a puppy, how to potty train a puppy, how to teach a puppy, puppy trainer, guard dogs, guard dog
Id: mid8SNGb7no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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