I Got Scammed Buying This Modded Out Race Quad

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all right we're heading to pick up a fairly decent actually Yamaha YFZ450 um I guess we're picking it up from a guy that knows me from watching the channel so that should be interesting but he said that uh the battery is junk on it so electric start doesn't work but uh he said he's never tried to kick start it so apparently it runs great drives great it was up for I think 28 and he said I could have it for 26. so that's a really good deal for YFZ typically they go for four thousand so I'm thinking something's got to be wrong with it you know so we're gonna go there check it out I will see if we can film when we get there so when did you get it I got it just past summer and pull your rebuilt it and I've had it all summer and just haven't wrote it lately and okay it's out here you did uh bother man the whole thing huh how'd that go pretty good all right oh you did okay okay what kind of Cam you put in it [Music] here's what he actually did oh okay what's the time foreign I don't know if you remember me but you bought that uh Suzuki 50 for me Suzuki 50. how long ago yeah I think my dad he was in Manitowoc you would have picked it up my dad would have sold it to you what was it like a four-wheeler no it's a dirt bike and small oh I don't remember were you there no just my dad oh okay I'm fishing that day okay yeah I don't remember I've had so many I can't even keep track any leaking on it though no I'm gonna grab my phone light hold on a sec uh you haven't ridden it in a while I'm guessing because the battery is dead yeah two months okay we had it started up yeah yeah probably time to sell one never hide it he's topped off the oil before he got here you want to use it up okay you have the bin on there at all should be right on the side there you see anything down there oh it doesn't look like it was grinded off or anything I know where'd you get this thing I asked you no I two years ago oh I've had it for a while it just after the summer I was fully rebuilt it wasn't it was just sat here before then because it was cool enough so I had a full year result and then I actually started riding it to Summer I don't know why the big one either [Music] the guy before me ice raced it so okay that sounds like the front end is really wide I wonder your name I feel like the only other way we'd get the VIN number would be the registration get anything off that old sticker yeah it looks like it was registered yeah the stickers there from before what the heck so if you go on and type in the number on the bottom it might pull it up pull up the bin number that's right yeah that would be nice I broke that back plate off that's just missing the bolts this one right here oh God [Applause] I'm not paying 2500 to get it done again I mean it's it's nice I mean there's nice Parts on the Alka shocks you've got the uh HMF pipe silencer I don't know if that's a full pipe yeah it looks like it might be a full pipe yeah read over here throw a price of it what do you need to get for it I guess I'm losing money either way yeah what wouldn't hurt so bad for you how much did you want 26. I had it listed for a really expensive because I have right around six into it but I have it listed for 28 right now so 1200 bucks and rebuild you know what 1600 bucks 1500 bucks you make the call yeah it's your call I don't know you're gonna have to scrape up 1200 bucks to rebuild it nope and then uh the labor and then the uh you know and sometimes you find more stuff wrong with it once you dig into it which is always fun I just hope it ain't nothing too major after he's 2600 bucks into it you know and 12 before that let me just check quick before I even make an offer if the cases are cracked then I do don't want it no it's just weird though we had to start up like a month ago yeah foreign [Music] I think each case goes for a thousand dollars I think the first time I had my neighbor do it he put new cases on it oh really wow yeah it's like brand new like Factory new ones so I don't even know if you can buy used ones I think yeah it was 1700 to take it to him man yeah the yfcs always have problems because of the uh the oil system on it yeah it has the oil oh it does have it oh oh well then what the heck I wonder why it blew up then that's weird and just fine about a month ago shut it off and didn't touch it since then so that's really weird that's what I don't understand yeah why is there zero compression I mean like my other one like stops right there and then it's like it'll kick back on you I'll chase her down and do it take 1600 16. I would do 15. that's what I feel comfortable at would you do 15. okay sounds good that way I have the what is that 27 then into it yeah that's not too bad then I'm sure when it's done you could probably get quite a bit more yeah so why is these so yeah yeah quite a body that used to have a bunch of yfcs but you always have problems with them yep yeah you you spend more time rebuilding them then I always bought like 400. LTZ Suzuki all right so I don't know if you guys heard the conversation I had uh put the camera down and check over the whole engine but um I guess the quad feels like it has zero compression so I'm thinking it's blowing up um unless there's like a decompression mechanism I don't know about but I'm pretty sure it's uh it's blown up um so he came down on price which was really really nice well most people will will hold firm and wait for soccer to come and buy it for the full price but he came down in price to 1500 bucks so I was really happy that he did because I drove about an hour and a half so um they were really nice they've been watching the channel since like 13 000 subscribers so that was awesome we'll get home start working on it hopefully it's a simple fix it could be like a bent belt or something and uh we'll get her fixed up all right it's next morning got the quiet out in the truck let's go check it out oh pretty chilly this morning let's check this thing out uh Vinny's barking in the background he's excited for the new Quad too things like really really nice HMF pipe on it got the Alka Shacks in the front um Tusk off-road nerf bars Tusk racing cap for the oil filter um gytr kicker lever I think it's really nice um what does that have for uh A-Arms here thrash this is a arms I think those were extended two inches yeah she's she's pretty pretty modded out here new caps right there got an oil temp for the coolant line thing is really nice and I guess it was rebuilt full engine rebuild cost him 2 300 bucks I think that was a year ago maybe yeah she's pretty nice a couple people were uh wondering how I get the tailgate halfway up what you do is you take these cables and you wrap them around the loop right there on both ends and it keeps the tailgate halfway up and it keeps the quad in the truck a couple people were asking about that so that's how you do that I learned that trick from a guy I picked up a quad from foreign Douglas Wheels as well on there leave all the way around yeah Pro Elite front bumper dang pretty nice same with the grab bar back here yeah really really nice we got her in the garage here taking a closer look super clean those nice Alka shocks um not sure what stage they are a arms or a arms are nice yeah this thing's pretty sweet cool temp gauge Marshall it says in it we've got the arrow tapered bars up here it's got grips we've got the bar raisers as well it's got a lot of stuff on here looks really really nice I believe this is aftermarket as well not sure why there'd be two holes right there in the frame both brakes do work I guess the guy said that off is on for the key switch and on is off just not really sure why that would be the case it looks like an aftermarket ignition switch maybe on there chain and sprockets look really good perfect uh chain slop there even has a case saver on it wow that's amazing that's pretty crazy it was last registered in 2022 tires are not too bad still had still have some tread left I suppose don't look horrible um the bar in the back he said it's missing a bolt you can see right there that's why it's wobbly take a look underneath the seat so it looks like the air filter it's like halfway off of it oh yeah there's a bunch of seeds in there what the heck look at all these why are these oh that's not good that was going directly in the carb what are those things mice must have gotten in here foreign foreign Lodge in there pretty good [Music] thing we're cleaning that out all right that's all cleaned out you can see going to the carburetor no more of those Pebble things in there so I'm guessing a mouse got in there and uh brought all that stuff in there so that could be why it has low compression but um I'm not 100 sure so the guys to the bathroom was junk so he said the electric start did not work so let's hook up a battery to it and see if it cranks over I guess that's the next step and then we'll check for spark and all that fun stuff see all the battery's not even hooked up maybe that's why I didn't start what the heck okay not even hooked up at all foreign oh the wires are cut too except for the back light yeah I guess it back lights off a bit but you can see the wires were cut for the backlight um so we're gonna hook up one to here and one to negative here we've got one to positive one lead to negative here foreign I don't think she's gonna fire up here neutral light came on though let's see so our off is on and I was off let's see if electric start works here it's on electric start seems like it's working turning over at least foreign foreign she doesn't want to go even with the electric start so let's see if it's getting gas here all right let's see if this thing's getting gas so so far I see this plug is disconnected so that's probably not great I believe that's the so the throttle control sensor let's see let's go up into here I don't know which one that is but that's not connected so we may not have spark looks like there's gas coming out of it already [Music] foreign SO gas is definitely flowing that pumped out pretty quick it's no question about the fuel situation it's getting gas and that we've got a full tank of gas as well so that's not the problem hmm all right let's go into the spark plug so I believe gas tank has to come out to get to that let's see maybe we can reach it from the other side it doesn't look like it let's see if we can get this out foreign not seeing anything in there bad sign oh yeah she's low she's really low on coolant I wonder if it's a head gasket that's blown see that nothing in there huh so I wonder if the oil was milky and they topped it off to make it look like it wasn't milky all right gas ain't coming out I forget get these Plastics off it's super smooth so I don't think it's going to be a rod bearing well at least I hope [Applause] all right spark plug is right in here way down in there I'm sure those wires aren't cut the coil Let's see we had the one wire right here from the carburetor missing I don't know where that plugs into [Music] foreign looks like see it wasn't too bad a little black but not horrible what are we running NGK cr8e believe that's the correct plug as well hmm if we have spark here go great spark wow he's not expecting that all right we've got Spark that's awesome so we have spark we have fuel as we'll do a quick compression test and see what compression's at all right here's our fitting hopefully it fits down here oh yeah compression tester going on bring your throttle open see we get here zero compression so yeah we don't have any compression there that's not good well that would be why it's not firing hmm it's holding a little bit though so it's almost like the piston rings are stuck so watch this so if the valves were bent it would go right back down to zero but we do have a little bit see that let's try it one more time because if the valves were bent it would be holding zero compression and right now it's holding a little bit let's see if it goes back down see it doesn't go back down I was kind of hoping it would because a bent valve is easy to fix I hope I hope it's not scored piston cylinder that'd probably be the worst case scenario but worst case would definitely be the the uh the rod bearing going and doing a full engine rebuild but yeah I think we found out why we don't uh have a running quad here all right we got the lines off of the valve cover here we're gonna take the valve cover off and just check those valve clearances sometimes if you've got tight valves it can cause low compressions so this is just held on by the two islands right there I don't think there's gonna be any oil up here I wouldn't think [Applause] this hasn't been started in a while there's a little oil up there oh it looks like coolant okay milky oil that's why they fill up the canister so I think it's head gasket maybe all that milky oil hmm yeah so that might be good head gasket is pretty easy to fix we might walk out here you can see all the green pepper though look at all the green coming it's all milky oil I'll get all the way down there it's all milky I zoomed really far in there you can see it really well there's some milky in there and then the coolant was pretty much gone on it when we checked the coolant so that would leave me to believe head gasket and it's got low compression so it's I think it's leaking from the head gasket pretty sure and these yps are pretty notorious for head gasket failure so I'm thinking that's the that's the problem we are going to still check the valves make sure let's open up these caps get this thing a top dead center and we'll we'll check timing and then check the valve clearances so these are aftermarket Tusk you can see somebody tried to get in here and couldn't let's see if we can groove right here there we go it's all stripped out in here these get really really tight oh there's just a bunch of cooling in there too look at that all white oil in there you can see the green right there should be like right there foreign is so there's two two lines and then there's a single line after the two lines and that's where you want to be friends and there's a single line and we're on the single line all right coming up to the cams over here let's check timing so I can get this thing out of the way all right so timing marks one right there that looks good one right there that looks good so this one's parallel to the surface of the head then you've got this one right there that one looks good and then you've got the one that's angled it probably like a 60 degree angle coming off and that looks perfect then lobe should be pointing away yep lobes are pointing away see they're pointing in this direction these are the lobes right here pointing that way so we are at top to Center if you look down the spark plug hole there's a piston tap of a cylinder so let's find out the specs and measure these gaps all right valve clearance specs for the intake or .004 to 0.006 inches for the exhaust I believe it's point zero zero eight to point zero one inches so let's see our filler video see what we can find here we'll go to .005 right away for the intake and we'll see if these are within spec here [Music] I'll just go in and that one's a little tight that one's a bit tight right there see what that's at .007 fits it I think it's gonna be point zero zero six in that one so yeah so this one's .008 this one's point zero zero six that's a little bit tight but that wouldn't affect compression it's still open those are all good they're all open they're all pretty much within spec except for this one it's a little bit out of spec um like it says point zero zero six inside point zero zero eight so two thousandths of the spec which is not a ton but um now I could get the point zero zero seven in there if I jammed it in so it's not like it's that much I expect to where it would run bad um so yeah I'm thinking I'm heavily leaning towards that that head gasket being the problem all right oil drain on this is the bolt right there underneath the shift lever and then there's another bolt on the bottom of the oil canister we have to drain so let's get this one out first underneath the shifter we'll see how milky that oil is looks like it might be a 12 millimeter foreign [Applause] maybe they even did an oil change if it didn't oil change they for sure knew about it [Applause] [Music] who thinks they did an oil change it's pretty loose that Bolt oh man yeah straight up milkiness coming out of air oh that's not good we're hoping the bottom end is still good yeah that's pretty milky too coming out of there milky milky oil all right you can see some of the fresh oil starting to come out now all right coming over to the filter side let's get this oil filter out of here so far it doesn't look like we have any chunks in the oil so we'll see when we get this filter off but that was stripped out at first this sucked yeah look look at that filter oh my gosh that's crazy just straight up like green milkiness see if there's any chunks in there I really hope not doesn't look like it looks pretty smooth foreign ly this thing has the oil mod done to it so hopefully the vitamins still fine it looks like it's going to be all right so I think we're gonna be taking the head off so to get the head off we need to take the cams out get the cam chain out of there or loosened up I should say the header pipe needs to come off this coolant line needs to come off and the bolts underneath the the uh cams and they come out so let's do that and try to get this head off of here we'll see what went wrong here all right we got the car boat right there get the cam chain tensioner out just gonna take the whole thing out right away none of these bowls were really torqued down too much foreign feels good coming up here cam chain should be loose now yep [Music] those are all the same length so it doesn't matter how you put those back in be careful you're going to lose these clips right here make sure they don't fall down into the engine Clips like that you want to lose those cam coming out first here 's that clip let's check out the intake foreign so you can see these look brand new bearings are super smooth the brand new cam see what kind of cams there foreign just new stock ones they look brand new though don't they not seeing any markings on it looked really nice though [Music] so there's one Allen and one normal stud in there see Alan foreign [Music] all right let's get this head bolts off these are torque really tight so I'm gonna be using a breaker bar those are pretty tight in there let me go in the crisscross pattern foreign foreign fix where we can just replace the head gasket or it's going to be a 500 fix or up if we have to replace the head the cylinder and piston which actually would be probably closer to like 900 so we will see here we go heads coming off now see what's wrong with this thing foreign looks like the Piston has seen better days look at all that crud on the top of it I'll wipe all that off or vacuum that off before it gets into a cylinder which I'm sure it's already in there but yeah that's all uh I think those Pebbles the uh the squirrel brought in are all ground up and then it's like mixed with water and oil and crap in there but uh there's not a ton of coolant on the top of the head on the bottom over here see just a bunch of that crap we'll have to inspect it for cracks because that's what I'm assuming happened either in the cylinder or the head or maybe the head gasket just went all right piston looks pretty new in there I'm not sure what kind of piston that is what the get the cylinder off and check that out but yeah it looks pretty new so that's good at least I think it was rebuilt no gouges in the cylinder at all so the gasket should have been laying flat we'll check out the head all right checking out the head I checked over the whole thing for cracks can't see any cracks anywhere valves look really good they look like they're new valves in there they all push down none of them were bent everything looks really tight up here no cracking anywhere everything's super smooth yeah no cracking anywhere hmm this is definitely a mystery what the heck happened maybe the piston rings are just really worn and then the uh the water pump Seal's gone I don't know why would I have such low compression hmm what the heck not seeing any cracking here's the head gasket so maybe the head gasket just failed but it looks good looks pretty good doesn't look horrible you know hmm is it the wrong head gasket for it see if all the holes line up that's definitely the right head gasket all the holes line up perfectly hmm that's really strange head gasket actually looks fine that's like I said the torquing sequence wasn't correct and maybe that caused a problem but I guess we'll keep going get the cylinder off and see what's going on that's just really really weird all right so maybe Rings were stuck from sitting because gasket head gasket looks fine very very strange all right let's get the cylinder off see what's going on Something's Got Me Wrong where it would cause zero compression foreign [Music] let's take a look at the Piston here oh yeah piston rings are stuck oh yeah it's pretty rough in there wow all right so piston rings are completely gunked up and stuck in there well that would be the low compression problem and check this out this is what I was afraid of cylinders cracked right there got a big crack in there you see it from the top too so that's why coolant was just pouring into a cylinder so that's fun cylinder is just really really cracked bad not good yeah you can see it goes all the way through there right there that is a big bummer a bit better right there look at that oh man you can see [Music] here so that's cylinder's toast bummer that uh really sucks but at least the head's still good that wasn't cracked I think the cylinders are cheaper than the head but they're still not cheap yeah it's uh that's a cracked cylinder and the Pistons pretty much tell us too there's no way this guy had it running two months ago I don't think so at least all right so rod in here looks really good barely any side to side no up and down whatsoever so this was definitely a new crank or a new Rod installed because there's like a zero side to side just a little bit so that's barely even worn in there's the oil mod right there coming through a little oil squirter so that can Lube up the uh the crank there but yeah uh rad bearing feels good here's the Piston it's actually a really nice piston there's a CP piston MX 98 but you can see the Rings were all stuck they're just really sticky in there they're not completely stuck but they weren't expanding or anything and uh yeah piston doesn't look too bad besides the Rings but uh yeah that's a big bummer that we cracked the cylinder hmm that really sucks so it looks like this thing needs a tap and rebuild I'm gonna go check out some prices on new cylinders and pistons hopefully it won't be too much I got this thing for 1500 bucks so I mean even if I put 500 bucks into it I still get a two thousand dollar rebuilt with a bunch of aftermarket parts on it uh YFC 450 which typically these go for like four thousand forty five hundred especially with the aftermarket parts so it's definitely worth rebuilding and getting this thing running all right so it turns out this one is 98 millimeters quick measure it as you guys can see yeah you can see 97.87 so it is a big bore this is the standard bore cylinder right here from my other one and this is 95. you can see so standard bore is 95 and I think it cracked because looking at these you can see the coolant ports right here check out how thin these are compared to the stock ones so that is 4.67 check out the stack ones here thank you 5.59 so you get a lot more thickness between the ports the cooling ports right here so when you have a big bore that Pistons really really close to those ports right there way more than stock I think you have more of a chance of cracking around here and if you just run the stock cylinder so I think we're probably going to run the stock cylinder so we prevent the cracking from happening again you have so much compression I think this is like a 13 to 1. um piston you have so much compression that it forces those sides out on the cylinder and I think it just cracks but with the stock when you have a little bit more strength there so what we might do is just order up a kit with a stock one with a high compression piston and call the day I think the kits are around 400 bucks for a decent one cheap ones are like 100 bucks so I mean it's not that expensive I think it's worth putting a good one in there so the top and gasket kit a cylinder and the Piston all come in the kit for like 400 dollars so we'll have about 1900 into it which isn't bad for a uh a really nice YFZ450 but yeah I guess that's what was wrong with it a cracked cylinder but uh yeah anyway guys thanks for watching thanks for subscribing we'll get this one up and running again and I don't think it'll take that much work so still a decent Buy in my book stay tuned for next video and until next time foreign
Channel: 2vintage
Views: 181,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yamaha YFZ450, Yamaha quad, 450cc, 2vintage, 2 vintage, scammed, Yamaha YFZ450 modded out, modded out race quad, Yamaha race quad, Yamaha YFZ450cc, yamaha YFZ, 2005 Yamaha YFZ
Id: Gk2RUIncVfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 6sec (3246 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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