I Got Paid $9,300 for creating this WORDPRESS WEBSITE

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do you want to charge your client nearly 10 000 for your next wordpress project if so then watch this tutorial from the very beginning to the end i promise this video would be a gold mine for your whole carrier i will show you everything from the very first email that i got from the client our very first video call to the very last nine thousand and three hundred dollar transaction that i have received from my client so first let me introduce myself my name is jim fahad i'm a professional freelance wordpress web developer and i've been doing it for last 10 years and in this youtube channel i usually create step by step wordpress website creation tutorial but this video is not a step-by-step website creation tutorial because you may see on the title or thumbnail that it's all about the process of making a 10 000 wordpress website actually last week i just finished a wordpress project and my client paid me 9300 for that wordpress project and in this video i will show you how i have done that what tools i have used everything and by the end of this video i will also show you how you can do it too so i'm requesting you all to watch this full video it would be a great investment for your whole carrier i have split this video into 5 different parts also you can see that in the time stamp so you can jump any specific part that you feel is most valuable for you so first i will show you what was the first email from the client and our video call and how i have negotiated the pricing with the client then i will show you what was the project about and how i have done that then i will show you what tools i have used to complete this project and what skills do you need to do this type of projects then i will show you my specific negotiation formula and lastly i will show you how to find better clients i can guarantee you no professional web developer will reveal this kind of insight with you and if you watch all these tips of this video and if you apply all the tips and tricks that i will show you on this video you can literally make ten to twenty thousand dollar per month only by doing three to four wordpress projects if you are excited please please like this video subscribe this youtube channel and press on the bell icon so you get notified before anyone whenever i will upload any valuable video like this on this youtube channel okay so let's now go to the first portion of this video let's see what was the first email from the client and our very first video call and how i have negotiated the pricing with the client i know so many of you are really interested to see what a real client project proposal looks like right so here's the first email of my client he said hey fahad you know my last name is fahad so he said we work out together a few months ago you helped me created this site i will of course blur out the site name also throughout this whole video i will blur out some things that's confidential you know okay so he said i would have a new similar mandate for you in elementor this time are you interested let me know thanks then i replied him to this hey then his name how are you doing yeah i remember that website also we did couple more websites fixing together and i personally love elementor i'm super interested let's discuss in details khan rigger's jim fahad then he replied awesome i'm glad to work with you again let me just summarize this whole email so he says it's kind of similar projects that we have done in past and he will provide all the design in xd so if you don't know xd is a design tool like photoshop but it's more easy when it comes to web design so he wanted me to convert all his xd designs to integrate them into elementor and then also he want me to create some reusable section or templates so they can use that all that sections or modules throughout their whole website and also he said they have 800 plus articles so they want me to help on importing those articles on their new website as well and they he said he will install new wordpress then he said i can get back to you to set up a quick hangout talk so we can get aligned and lastly here you can see he said finally if you're comfortable going direct uh then it's a marketplace name i will talk about this later and then he says and as this is a bigger project can we come up with powerhour feed deal let me know your thoughts thanks then i replied him no problem i will make each sections or modules as template and also i will help you to import all articles to the brand new install then also i said here by the way if you use skype you can add me there for faster communication then i provided him my skype handle and then lastly i also said him i have no problem with direct projects actually nowadays i do most of projects directly so after our thorough discussion we can make a guesstimate price for that or maybe we can split that into couple mile stones or harley we will sort that out for good no worries okay so then he replied hey for her sure no worries how about tomorrow 11 am est i will send you an invite and we can use the google hangout link to chat and then i replied him thanks that would be great i will be there on time see you tomorrow riggers jim fahad and later that he sent me an invitation to google talk on google hangout and that was about a 30 minute talk i have recorded our whole conversation only for you guys so that will help you to understand the client approach and how i replied him on each of his queries also on the other tab here you can see i have created a project notes open so i can take some notes from our conversation on google hangout it's always a good practice to take notes when you talk with your client because of course you don't always record your all conversation or video calls so you can take the notes on pen on paper or you can take the notes on google sheets or any other place it's always a good practice okay so let's now first have a look on our real conversation and we will take some notes from that here all right i may pause this conversation few times only to make you understand what was happening and i will explain everything to you okay let's now play the pre-recorded real conversation my mandate is to redo this vlog they have about 100 800 articles yeah that we're looking to uh you know export and re-import uh in a way that would fits the the new design well so so there's that to do first all right um and then we have the designs that are not 100 complete it's about 80 there um it's only adobe xd so very you know very simple for you and and then the whole thing uh needs to be on uh you know the slightest tech stack available so like an elevator uh elementor with not as you know as less plug-in as possible obviously um and that's you know that's that's like the the the main idea for so i want to make them i want to make it very easy for them to uh to continually publish articles with a structure that it fits well into design so i would like to create like a like a library template of of modules they can yeah you know you know yeah this would be a module you know it would would be another one so there will be like maybe five ten modules you know it's it's all the same way of displaying sorry to interrupt so basically we need to make all the modules editable for them right yeah so yeah exactly so no matter if it's a blog or page they can insert all these modules inside that right yeah yeah yeah because it they're still developers you know so it's easy easy for them to to implement i just want to make them you know as easy as possible so if they want to display the information in that fashion they have the module and this information is the same as this just displayed differently so we have two different modules you see where i'm going with this uh by the way do we need to create e-commerce functionality as well with that or they already have that they well okay so so the goal of altitude blood is to send traffic to their other website or shop yeah which is on shopify exactly so the yes so this is this is a play where we rank an seo and then people land here and they go shopping okay let's now pause this video at this moment and let's now take some notes what he have said so far so the first thing he said we need to import 800 plus blog post import then like he mentioned they already have created designs on xd and we need to convert them into elementor so i'm taking notes xd designs to ali mentor pages and then he mentioned the site should be as light as possible that means less plugins use and then he mentioned we need to create different elementor modules so i'm noting it here create different product modules and of course that would be using elementor i will explain all these in more decorated way very shortly at this moment i'm just taking notes from the conversation with the client so let's now go back to our conversation again let's now play the conversation i would pass an id and that the id itself you know we would just add that so they just need to put all the ids into shortcuts and that will pull all the data from shopify api yeah exactly and the the dynamics of capturing this information from shopify is already created and and ideal world well i don't know if that's possible but to create a a custom field so every time we create a new post we have a simple custom field where we pass when we put the id and then we yeah yeah that's definitely possible cool and then we just we basically create the page using mostly short codes you know so that's that's the project in in itself um okay let's pause it again and let's now again put some note what we have get from the conversation so then the next point he asked for is to pull product data through shopify api and you already have listened he asked for using shortcodes to pull all the information or api data through shopify so i'm just taking note here using short chords but you know what as we are using elementor so i have some cool or better ideas in my mind so here i'm just taking a note for myself so i'm writing here but i have better oops better plan in mind at this point don't just get confused with all these keynotes because i was just trying to show you how i take notes whenever i make any conversation with clients so these are just my personal notes i'd say but i will show you in more specific what this project all about what they actually want everything i will describe all those on the second portion of this video for now let's just finish the recorded conversation with my client so let's now play the video again you know that's that's pretty much it and then ensure the site is lightning fast and yeah all right i got you and yeah it's uh it's completely impossible cool cool so so yeah so you know if you're uh if you want this this gig is is yours i can i'll send you all the information and then uh you know what what i wouldn't need from you at this point um it's just an idea of the if well first do you have time in the coming weeks to work on this um what would be your horry rate and like a big ball i know like it's gonna vary so i don't need you to come in on a specific price but just give me like a you know range of what you think uh yeah true actually at this point it's really hard to tell any fixed price but i will get back to you very soon uh with a timeline and a guesstimated price with a ballpark you know yeah that sounds sounds great so uh so yeah i'll send you an email with as much info as i can by the end of the day i'll get you an um an access to the actual uh uh wordpress so uh yeah so uh some give you all that access i'm gonna like give you a a resume of all that we've talked about yeah all right please go ahead cool all right so i'll say you touch that and i'll wait for your feedback for the next steps yeah sure cool man well thank you for taking the time to talk with me and uh we'll talk soon all right thanks man that's good take care okay so right after that call he sent me all the logins and access and a few more details how they want that and after listening to all that i sent him this email actually it's a pretty long email actually i have made analysis on their all requirements and on everything so it was a pretty long descriptive email and personally when i make any analysis on any website before starting that project i also write down that analysis on a google doc so i have attached that google doc link on the email as well so i'm opening that google doc link that would be more easier for you to understand so this is the exact thing what i have written on that email this is just the copy of that email so first here is the inquiries i have had like here you can see some of them are questions some of them are notes so questions are basically on some point i was not exactly very clear so i made these questions for them and here you can see some notes these are my ideas on which way i want to do it and what they think about that so if you scroll down you will find more points like some of these are not some of these are questions and then here is the ultimate goal actually i wrote it down on ultimate goal because i wanted to keep us all on the same page so here i said making their life easier and faster in the future when they want to publish an article using all reusable modules or sections they can easily insert shopify products into articles using custom fields and i have also said i have more cool ideas for that like i said above and then here is the timeline part so basically i have splitted it into two parts like the first part was creating the main system that was their adobe xd designs two web pages also the module and template system i mean building the system and i said this would take roughly 60 to 70 working hours and the next part was importing 800 plus blog posts actually it's not just usual exporting or importing wordpress blog posts from one wordpress website to another wordpress website because we need to create a new system for that that's why it will take some time also here i have included shopify product api implementation creating short course or front-end real-time article writing system and for this person i said this would take roughly 70 to 80 working hours so you see here the first person i said it would take 60 to 70 working hours and the next person would take 70 to 80 working hours so i haven't told them any fixed price but the client would get an idea what would be the ballpark or the price range because if we do an average with these two working hours that would become 150 working hours and later i said here is the deadline guesstimate like it would take two weeks like that and then i wanna show you this person because it's kind of related to the negotiation so let me just zoom in this a bit more so you can read it properly so here i said and i want to give you some comfort on this project you already know about my work quality and previously we have done all projects for 85 dollar per hour and i have been doing all my projects with this rate for so long and then i said considering it's a bigger project i want to keep the hourly price to 60 per hour only for you and then i appreciated his personality and all that okay so let's here do some quick math like here you see i have saved him i will take 60 dollar per hour only for this project and i have given him the timeline guesstimate 150 working hours so 150 times 60 dollar that's thousand dollar like i said it's not a fixed price that was the estimated price or the ballpark in case if you don't know what is a ball perk like here i say to my client indirectly it would take nine thousand dollar but it might landed up to eight thousand dollar or it might landed up to ten to eleven thousand dollar but nine thousand dollar was the ballpark i hope you get the idea okay so later my client replied this email let me zoom in a bit more so you can see it properly so he said hey fahad thanks for the lindy analysis please see below my answers to your questions so he actually have answered all the questions i have had and then he said so we are comfortable with your timeline and ballpark budget and rate so basically they were agreed to the price and ballpark price that i have said to them on the earlier email and then on the next email my client said me to start the project okay let's now move on to the next portion of this video that's all about this project and how i have done that though i believe you already understand the context of this project but let me just recap it one more time and then i will show you how i have done that so first of all they already have a complete e-commerce website that's on shopify so that's a shopify store they have thousands of products there on their shopify shop and my job is to create their blog website so just imagine this is the blog website that i'm going to create for them and this blog website will have 800 plus blog post and inside each blog post they will have multiple product link so whenever anyone click on that product link that will take them to their main shopify website now i know you may have one question in your mind like why don't they manually put all the product link inside their blog website right that's a legit question but here the fact is their shopify store has thousands of products and each product has different variations so if they wanna put all informations inside this blog website manually that will take them thousands of hours to do that in manual that's why they are willing to use the shopify api and they want me to create a way to connect that shopify api with elementor widget so whenever they will create a blog post they will have some sort of custom widget or shortcode so they can just put the shortcode of that shopify product and that will pull all the data of that product like the product image product price product description everything within this blog website and then whenever any user or customer will click on that product link that will take them to the main shopify product page so that's the main concept let's now have a look on their real shopify store so this is their main shopify store and they have thousands of products inside this shopify website like if we go to the top and hover over on their menu you see all these are just categories and within a category they have thousands of products and each product has thousands of different variations like if we now go to a single product page so this is just a single product and this single product has so many different variations like they has different sizes different colors and the price is different for all variations and you see all the images are also different and let's now have a look on the final blog website that i have made for them so this is the final blog website that i have made for them let's now go inside a single block so i'm going inside this blog let's now scroll down here you can see all the products here you can see the product images product description and here is the shop link also if you scroll down you can see the different design or layout also here you can see the product title product images you can navigate through this slider also here you can see the product price and here is also the shop button and all these images all these product links are coming through shopify api so for now let's just click on this shop for men button so it takes us to their main shopify store single page okay let's now have a look on the blog website that i have made for them so this is the blog website that i have made for them and you see they have right now 900 plus blog posts let's now go inside a blog so you can understand properly what functionalities i have made for them so this is a blog post let's now click here on edit with elementor okay so right now we are inside elementor page builder so they can now edit any of their blog posts using elementor page builder i have created that on this way let's now have a look what option i really have made for them to make their life more easier so if you're familiar with elementor page builder you know all these things on the left you can see these all are elementor widgets like here you can see a heading widget this is a button widget this is a divider widget this is the icon widget all these are free widgets also if you scroll down here you can see some pro widgets like gallery form price list pricing table all these but here at the top if you have a look you can see here some widgets like here you can see altitude posts altitude note altitude shopify altitude block code altitude faq actually these are not elementor's default widgets these are custom widgets that i have made for them let me show you an example how this made their life so easier like here if we use this altitude shopify widget let's now drag this to the right side of the website here so now you can see a blank template so this is the first layout i have made for them but also from the left they can select different type like here instead of default if we select one column multiple image layout they will have this type of layout then if we select these two columns single image structure they will have this kind of layout if they select the two column multiple images structure they will have this type of layout and then if they wanna pull any product from their shopify store they don't need to manually upload all the images here all the product titles here they don't need to set all the prices here manually because on the left you see i have created two field for them one is product id and another is product link so they can use the product id the shopify product id even they can use the product link so let's now just go to their shopify store this is a product single page if they just copy the url of this page and from inside elementor page builder in this field product link if they just paste that product link here then boom through shopify api it pulls all the information from their real shopify store like here you can see the product title product price and here you can see all the product images the slider and if now they click on this shop button that will take them to the single shopify store page so this is just one of the options that i have made for them let's now have a look what other things i have done for them so basically i had to create all their pages their home page they are all single blog post page all their category pages i mean i had to create their whole website but i had to start that from their provided adobe xd design let's now have a look on their provided adobe xd design so they have provided this home page adobe xd design then they have provided this article page design like here you can see everything is nice and clean also they have then provided their other header design and then they have provided the category page design and next they have also provided the home page mobile layout then also they have provided the other article page mobile layout and then if we go to the next they have provided the category page mobile layout and next also they have provided the menu bar mobile view the sub mini mobile view also their sub menus mobile view everything and then they also provided their main typography all the colors all the icons and ui elements then they have provided this mega menus design and then the mega menu sub menus design and also they have provided all the base typography like what would be the font family for heading 1 heading 2 heading 3 what would the font size everything actually they provided the design in a very good manner but that was also challenging for me because whenever your client will pay everything in pixel perfect format you also have to implement that into pixel perfect format okay so first of all according to their adobe xd design i have to create all the pages and also i have created all these options to pull all the product information using shopify api and i have created the custom elementor widgets for that so this was the first phase of that project and whenever i do a project i also create different milestones for the different part of the project like here you can see another dock it's a copy of the invoice so this was the first milestone and the true task was completing their all pages from their provided adobe xd design so their desktop and mobile view everything and then separating all the reusable modules and completing the shopify product integration system into articles so these tasks took 70 working hours as i have charged them 60 per hour so the first milestone was 4 000 and 200 dollars so after doing this portion of the work i sent them an invoice of four thousand and two hundred dollar and they paid me that within 24 hours and then i started the second portion of that project you can see here all the tasks list i do on that second portion so actually if we now go to their blog website we cannot see all the tasks in the front end of the website because those are mostly internal things like if we have a look on the task list so here on the second milestone i have done all this work like setting up their google tag manager creating all the different taxonomies all of the different categories and making everything semantic and as their main goal of this blog website was to making it ranked on google search engine that's why i had to make everything on google standard like all the semantic markups let's go to the tasks list like here you can see the faq schema optimizing the images and all other things and i had to implement all their tracking tools like one of them is google tag manager because they wanted to track all their customers behavior like how many visitors they are getting every day where's the behavior of that visitor from which blog page which links they are clicking they wanted to track everything so i have created all those options for them also they wanted some more options that i had to do using css and javascript so i did all those things in this second person so that's inside this second milestone and this second milestone to 73 working hours so after completing this second milestone i have sent them another invoice as this second round took 73 hours so this time i sent them an invoice of 4380 and like before after sending that invoice they paid me within 24 hours and i forgot to tell you one important thing whenever you will do any client project you need to become so much patient because it's not like you will just do it one time and then deliver to them and they will pay instantly it's not like that you need to submit them once then they will give you some feedback you need to fix those then you need to submit that again they will give you another round of fixes you will have to do that again and you need to submit that again so actually it's a process you need to do a lot of back and forth work so this is the rule this is the process so after completing this second milestone we had to do a last round that's the third and last milestone just some quick fixing so that third round took only 12 working hours and after completing this round i sent them another invoice as it took only 12 hours so i sent them an invoice of 720 and like before they paid me within 24 hours and after completing any project i always provide documentation to my clients that could be a written documentation or that could be a video documentation like after completing this project i have provided them a video documentation like this so if you want you can create a video documentation for your client and you can host that on google drive for free and you can share that with your client okay to only show you i'm playing a portion of the video documentation so you would get an idea how i make documentation for my clients let's play it and from there let's click on apps and then underneath you can see here working with a developer on your shop let's now click here manage private apps i've made some dummy app here okay so to create a new app just click here create new private app you can name it anything okay i'm putting here a dummy name altitude shopify app then here i need to put the email address one of the owners of that shopify store and here is the maximum all right so i'm pausing the video so basically i just wanted to show you how i made video documentation for my clients you can do it too because clients like this kind of approach very much all right okay let's now move on to the next portion of this video that's what tools i have used to complete this project and what skills do you need to do these type of projects okay first let's talk about the tools so the first tool you need as a freelance web developer he's your own web hosting i personally use bluehost and i always recommend bluehost to host your own website or client's wave sites i will also put the bluehost link in the description so if you purchase bluehost through my link you will get a discount around 60 percent from there if you click on get started then there you can see four different plans if you just wanna create one website then you can take this basic plan but if you are a freelancer and if you want to host multiple websites then i suggest to take that plus or choice plus plan i personally use this plan because you see on plus or choice plus plan you will get unlimited websites unlimited ssd storage unmetered bandwidth unlimited domains park domains and subdomains so whenever you will do any clients project you can host all the websites on your own web hosting and then finally when you are done you can transfer to that on your client's web hosting or you can keep that website hosted on your own and you can charge your client for that actually having your own web hosting is crucial whenever you want to do any clients project like when you do any project on your computer you usually use localhost so that's only for practice purpose but when you wanna do any project for a client you want to do projects on live then you must have your own web hosting okay let's now have a look on the next tool i have used on this project that's elementor pro you already see that inside that website so basically using elementor pro you can create any kind of website and elementor has a free version and also they have their pro version free version has some kind of limitation but if you take their pro plan you will get all these features you can take any of these plans like they have three pro plan one is personal another is plus and another is expert so if you want to use it only for one website then you can take this one the personal one if you wanna use it on three websites then you can take the plus plan i personally this one the expert plan so i have the right to use it on 1000 websites i basically use elementor pro on all my clients websites because you see you will get all these features with elementor pro like 50 plus pro widgets 300 plus pro templates 10 plus full website template kits theme builder woocommerce builder pop-up builder and support and updates for one year and like i said i personally use expert plan that's 199 dollar and you see from only one project i can create nearly ten thousand dollar so that's a great investment all right let's now have a look on the next tool this is the jet menu plugin so it's by croco block i'll also put this link on the description so you can literally create any kind of mega menu using this jet menu plugin let's now have a look on the next tool i have used that's the polylang plugin so if you want to create any multilingual website you can use this plugin it has a free version and also it has a pro version and you know always pro version has some great features but depending on your need you can use their free version or pro version i will also put its link on the description and let's now have a look on the other tools i have used for this project so that's google drive you know it's free but i use their 100 gb plan though it's almost full so i need to upgrade it to their next plan so if you use google drive you can create your google doc you can create video documentation and you can host everything inside google drive and you can share that with your client and the next tool is the time management tool so by using this software i can track all the hours i work actually not only for clients work i use it on daily basis for keeping track on my own productivity this software called time doctor no matter if you use a pc or mac or mobile device you can use this software to track your working hours i will also put this software download link in the description by the way it's a paid software but it's really worth it it's only 10 a month i guess all right let's now talk about the skills you need to make this kind of project okay before that i wanna tell you another thing like if you know only wordpress and elementor i will put a playlist link in the description i have already created 10 plus step by step wordpress website creation tutorial using elementor from there you will find all these step by step videos each one is one two four hour long videos so if you only follow those videos you can create any clients website and you can charge them minimum 500 to 3 000 just follow those tutorials just follow my freelancing and negotiation guideline then you can manage any wordpress project that's in between minimum five hundred dollar to three thousand dollar but to create a bit advanced website like this one i have just shown you need some more additional skills i mean if you wanna get any project i mean any project that's budget is around ten thousand dollar then firstly you should have some basic skill on html and css then you should have some good understanding of javascript php and object oriented programming because you see i have created some custom elementor widgets so if you wanna create that kind of elementor widgets then you need some good understanding of javascript php and object oriented programming i'm also planning to create a course on elementor widget development but it's actually depending on all of you so please comment down below if you want me to create a course on elementor widgets so that will help you to get big budget wordpress projects alright let's now move on to the next portion of this video that's about negotiation formula actually in this video i will not talk about negotiation a lot because this is a huge chapter to learn and i've been doing freelancing jobs for the last 10 years so if i now start talking about negotiation it would become a 10 hour long video but let's just talk about two pricing formulas now so number one is fixed price and number two is hourly these two are the most common pricing patterns in the freelancing world like for a project you can charge them a fixed price or hardly and when you will do any fixed price job i always suggest to take 50 percent upfront from your client and then you can take the rest 50 percent after completing the project and actually there are lots of tricks to convince your client for that i will discuss those in another video also if you are just starting and if you are not sure about then you can charge your client for working hours i will also create another video how you can charge really higher and how to convince your client with that high hourly rate but you already see i have my own formula that's in between hourly and fixed price so i actually send a quote in fixed price but to sound it sweet i asked for the working hours okay let's now move on to the fifth and last portion of this video that's how to get better clients here first i wanna clear some misconception you might have like you may have heard that freelancing is hard marketplaces like fiverr upwork freelancer are so competitive saturated and clients will only pay you 10 or 20 for your job listen i've been doing freelancing for the last 10 years i'm saying it with 100 percent confident it's never hard to get freelancing jobs on marketplaces also it's never hard to get high paying clients from those marketplaces i personally do five to ten thousand dollar projects on those marketplaces you may now think it's possible only for me because i'm doing it for so long that's not true if now anyone challenges me to create a brand new freelance account and get a job within the very first week without mentioning my real name i can do that as well because to me freelancing is not an art it's a formula i'm saying it again freelancing is not an art it's a formula you just need to figure out that formula and i have got tons of emails from you every day to make a course or write an ebook on freelancing formula so lastly i decided to write an e-book on that i already have started writing it probably within the next few weeks that would be available so for now you can just go to jim fahad digital.com forward slash freelancing formula i will put that pages link in the description as well so you can just go to that page and then you can just put your name and email and send that to me so as soon as the ebook is published i will send you an email about that i'm trying to write almost everything on that ebook about freelancing negotiation skills how to charge your clients higher prices and how to convince them how to get jobs through marketplaces or even outside of the marketplaces i believe that would help thousands of people who want to start their career as a full-time freelancer by the way in the meantime you can also watch one of my videos if you want to start your career as an elementor expert elementor has its own marketplace as well that's elementor experts network i have a step-by-step video on how to create an elementor expert account and how to set up that i will also put that video link in the description also i will be uploading more freelancing tips and tricks videos on this channel more clients projects study case videos and of course step by step website making tutorials so please make sure you have subscribed this youtube channel and press on that bell icon so you will get notified before anyone whenever i will upload a new video and please don't forget to like this video share this video and feel free to comment down below if you have any question in your mind for now bye bye
Channel: Jim Fahad Digital
Views: 16,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $10000 wordpress project, $9000 wordpress project, how to do wordpress project, how to deliver wordpress project, how to get wordpress project, elementor projects, wordpress freelancer, make money online, make money freelancing, wordpress elementor project, web design, freelancing, jim fahad digital, create a pro website, website learners, tyler moore, nayyar shaikh, ferdy korpershoek, wordpress, elementor, wordpress elementor, how to make a website, wordpress advanced tutorial
Id: tF3ZaQ8thhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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