I got a Viegar LVL 1.. and STACKED him ALL GAME (930 STACKS) - BunnyFuFuu | Teamfight Tactics

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hello how is everybody doing there are a few champs i want to play but they were choir or chosen so the chances of getting them are slim as all heck and they do extremely well with mana so we'll see if we get lucky and actually wukong can be a very good carry for us believe it or not oh my goodness early vigar double blue buff dude is it making me do this again are we getting forced to run elderwood right now with the elder wood freaking bonus bob dude what i i feel like we have to this is insane we already have the elder wood buff oh my goodness oh my goodness level one with blue buff is the scariest it gets for vigar actually let's do that and those and now we'll pass on that we'll pass on that one brawler bonus count me in and we want the mage so oh my goodness it actually gave us our team comp that we should probably run so early on now it's a matter of how fast we can make this champion happen how fast can we put it together and do our thing let's see we can put in mage now if we really wanted but i don't think we do you know what maybe we full send it full freaking send it sell you level up mage bonus mage bonus looking good i like this let's do a little scouting see if any assassin can get to our we're good we're good we're good let's dodge that thing just in case okay wasn't him mage bonus versus vanguards i'm loving this so we want vygard to get all the last hits imaginable go baby go oh my goodness he's got 45 mana with the blue buff that's nutty absolutely nutty elder wood supplies is so much tankiness so it's beautiful for us let's see i like the mage elder wood let's give this to honestly tf does more damage but i kind of like the extra tankiness because these guys aren't going to do any damage it's going to let vygard get every single kill imaginable all righty this guy's in some trouble i think oh yeah yeah no he's going to be chucking her spears at bodyguard it's fine it's fine it's fine that's fine remember my stacks last for the entire game so any spell power we get now gets added on to it let's do that bye bye yasuo all right looking good looking good um um more elder wood can't go wrong with that maybe we play around econ actually i don't really want to sell a tf but we could i suppose honestly if we win i think we drop all of this let's make sure back right is safe from any weird shenanigans we should be good let's do this setup this will keep vygard the safest his range isn't the best so let's scoot him up just a tad i love this i love it i love it and i hit the lulu that sucks oh my god these guys went so far around good luck friend okay bye guy got a stack not too shabby we need the three star by guard as fast as possible that's how he's going to get the most ap the fastest mom did we lose that round i'm pretty sure we did annoy maokai won it i think we're picking last let's not be greedy i'm thinking about snagging one of these mr's so we have the elder wood bonus or the possible you know what let's just get a rod if we want vaiyar to carry we're going to need like a dcap or heztech asap this guy you know what here i'm sorry i feel bad for taking it go ahead you can have it you can have it we probably just slammed the rod on now to be honest let's see is it worth it yeah yep we get econ 2. i love that perfect and we actually won so part of me wants to put in let's do this i think keeping the win streak alive very importante right now hopefully lulu doesn't die if we want to continue the win streak this would probably be a bit better this sounds safer to me and vygard is extremely safe where he's at yeah the double assassin diana would have looped around killed lulu then destroyed my viagra so perfect setup we have here extra tankiness i love it the 420 damage oh so nice this guy's stacking up big time stacking up big time rest in pepper at econ unless oh my goodness we sold the jinx for econ i think it's gonna be worth it although i do want to put in fortune once we lose that's for sure that's for sure holy laloo i like that i like that a lot something i've really been loving recently is switching over to a fortune and forcing a lost streak with it getting the payout and then going back to a win streak it snowballs so hard if you have the hp to do it with nice nice nice what's my spell power at oh yeah yeah we need to get him to three cost now huh more brawlers sounds pretty good to me yeah let's just buy this and hold it this looks good items are gonna matter a lot let's see what we get nidalee with assassin bonus would be pretty cute especially with this blue buff but if we get lucky with veigar items right now we'll be so freaking set it's not even funny do we want to sell this we could we could we could we could sell i freaking miscalculated i'm an idiot we'll keep the loo we'll keep the lulu and my goodness do i want to buy this capturina so badly i think it's worth it once we lose we're swapping over to fortune let's do it oh yeah baby you can run vanguard all day long vigar will do its thing we seriously need to get six mage in so the uh these mage blasts actually kill them come on dude spell power's still going up i love it i love it i love it i love it let's see here there's a jinx and i think we just chill until we lose we got a good thing going let's see here it only looks like this right now because of the mage buff so we're at 80 but we're actually at plus a whole lot more keep on going buddy keep on going it's time to lose oh boy oh boy i do want to level up to a point where we can have a higher chance of getting tier threes but it is fortune time fortune plus lose time oh this is perfect keeping the mage bonus and level up for the fortune bonus beautiful beautiful here we go i like this combo we have econ's looking beautiful we're dodging the shroud and away we go go my dude go go my dude go spell power's going up viajar is getting literally all of our kills i love it bing got that one too beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful oh my goodness there's a vi guard do we want that i don't know if you want to put ludens on our dude i'm not sure no this monster took our vigar i wanted that shin honestly jeweled gauntlet could be good it's probably the best yeah let's do it let's do it i was thinking about snagging this but we'll pass the real question is do we want to commit to it now we don't necessarily have to uh we got the win so our fortune bonus wasn't much but let's buy this and shoot up in levels we'll probably reroll around level seven for the vigars we'll see we can sell you and my goodness a qss sounds so nice do we want to go qss or demaj we might have to re-roll now too just get this fire out of the way now that i think about it i think it's too important not to i think it's too important not to re-roll for vigar now sync sync i'm gonna wait see if we get a bf off of this round if we don't then we'll make the moves all right there's the vanguard we gotta do it we gotta do it we gotta go for it where you at buddy where are you at beautiful that's what i'm talking about okay that's extremely good and so is that huh if we have to keep in fortune we gotta chill where we're at for a tiny bit longer we'll see we could buy the maokai we probably won't three star him though so he might just fill up our bench too much we gotta start filling up on mage now now now now now we get even more spell power per kill it is going up up and up my dude six mage might be a sick turning point for us hey there vadar oh my god please kill somebody with your freaking thing sing sync oh we got two of them before he died we'll take that we'll take that got a loss for econ as well not too shabby let's see no heckerman sights that's fine honestly going dusk sounds insane as well that actually sounds crazy like a dusk mage elder wood who the heck knows okay okay that's a lot of items i like that i like that a lot let's see here i really want to get this his taco seriously i do i do i do so maybe we have to do something like this i like the chalice the chalice of power we can jouled gauntlet crit mode but is it worth it i'm not sure let's level up and slow roll for this dude we need let's see here more mage whatever protects veigar i'm in i'm down to keep the brawler tom actually so said your money i'm sorry yeah gotta go you've gots to go you've got to go do we want to keep the dusk or not that's the real question honestly we got a pretty sick comp right now win or lose i don't care that much with the fortune i just want to rush get level 3 vigar then it's go time then it's go time hello hello that's a lot of gold let's see here i just passed over a nami i'm a little sad about it i might say goodbye to these guys yeah as fun as it sounds we need to collect all of our mages we possibly can all right let's let's chill here this looks good and if you want the best comp impossible oh boy oh boy oh boy nunu would definitely do it but i don't want nunu ks in us you know what i mean vagina's gotta be getting all these kills baby i'm talking all of them yo there's a gallery behind you be freaking careful be real freaking careful okay okay okay we win this snag of a dragon boy snag him and tag him i love it i love it i love it ah more gold for us looking good i was gonna say we could try to pivot to six fortune and sell the maokai or whatnot but i think we stick with the elder we're getting a lot of them so this is good and we actually have to make the decision do we want to go elder wood or what boom baby or mage mage is the other choice six mage is big money if we win this one i'm gonna start playing for the win streak aka put nunu in or put ari in i honestly kind of wanted to lose a little bit there for the fortune bonus but i mean if we're just going to win every match because bygar is beyond broken then by all means let's do that as well yoink dude keep the spell power coming it's starting to stack big time i love it we actually can put in a holy spatula wow wow wow wow wow we actually can put in oh my god dude those spatulas got joined people are trying to know my pf sword did every spatula gone for elderwood bonus our bf gone for his taco but i'll take it to your five champion all right honestly i thought we were screwed but turns out not to be too bad let's keep on feeding azir i'm sorry you got to go we got another team comp in mind dude how many challenges and powers can we create all right we'll see what we get from raptors before we make our final decision and let's see remember if we want to win six mage might be the move oh no more elder wood might be the move oh my goodness i don't want to get rid of fortune just yet i don't think it's worth it holy we could put in some nasty fortune right there but we're saying goodbye i don't care too much about the re we'll pass on that one let's see here if we're not going mage then we gotta rethink how we do things right now i think it's just gonna be annie honestly i really think six elder woods gonna be the move for us we could honestly sell maokai and try to go for another chozano right now whoa um well i was i was not expecting that at all like not even a little bit interesting very interesting maybe we sell maokai keep in the tom and we just rock three elder wood with a lot of mage we can't just not use a one percent lilia that is some luck right there all right tft takes skill that was luck mix the two together and you get a crazy crazy video hello lulu hello vygar let's do it bye bye to you hello to you and what else did we say we were gonna sell uh echo all right bud sorry sorry you gotta go you gotta go what else are we selling after this our chosen's back in the mix one lulu and we're in the clear wow we have some wild stuff right now i'll tell you that much dust champion i think that's gonna be uh probably thresh decap possibly go baby go wowser okay um that's a lot that's a lot do we say goodbye to fortune i honestly love it in there so much but it would be wise to say goodbye it would be very wise to say goodbye sorry fortune you gots to go you gots to go thresh oh what i'm so confused what just happened oh we have two extra vigars hello we have two extra vigors do we go insane on the items or what we could slap on a death cap as well we just got a mage fire what oh my goodness do we bust out nine mage right now we have everything we actually have everything to do it who are we missing we need a freaking spatula screw you oh my goodness you sorry guys false alarm false alarm false alarm let's get this lulu level up we actually have too much gold for own good this is memetastic let's see jinx don't care where is the lalu [Music] sorry tf no one cares about you all right i like the nami i actually like the nami and let's see we have the elder wood bonus i don't care too much about maokai dude this guy is gonna stack up like crazy i i think we honestly send it on the decap he's dealing way too much damage way too much damage we got extra spell power coming in hot folks extra spell power and coming in hot there's the lulu and it's time to level up do we actually just put in fortune because we can oh this is ridiculous we'll save the gargoyle for something down the road last things we need oh my goodness getting to nine mage is actually so freaking hard we have our two mages right here i kind of want to put in nami in the back behind viagar too i think that would be nasty dude this damage is a lot i just crit for 10 000 52 dk holy it's going up up and up to i can't get over that that is way too funny what do we need what do we need ah there's no mage cap dude we could put in our second fygar if we get that little guy do we do it or oh dude this is our last chalice of power maybe this is what's making us so strong please yes yes yes yes yes three chalices of powers plus this that's unheard of oh my goodness we're selling you thank you all right we don't need damage i'm sorry wow this is actually hilarious what we have this team comp's wild what what else do we want to do we are looking pretty right about now maybe we can swap over to uh sedge hecarim perhaps perhaps sorry tom cush not today my dude not today i like keep it in the jinx because i want bygar to deal all the damage i want to put in someone useless maybe we just put in another fire guard to be honest dude look at this guy his spell power is still going we need the lowest damage possible in that is honestly all we care about maybe keeping level one jinx is the move i don't know nunu's munching people like crazy so let's think about this for a second okay let's think about this tom cush will pass if we actually wanted to nerf our team i think this plus the hecarim is our best bet it seems troll but it's actually not bad this is money this is good good stuff oh i actually really like the dusk too from this guy level nine put in the thresh call it a day thoughts rock some dusk in the mix this is actually memetastic that would give us 20 spell power too i love it i love it i love it i love it let's try to do it what's another good dust champ we could do oh maybe morgana is the move that would give us mystic i would love that i would love love love that let's send it let's full freaking send it dude it doesn't matter what our team comp is we're good to go people we can say goodbye to this front line and that jinx after this round we're going up like crazy come on baby i still can't believe this this spell power is hilarious dude he just freaking one shot the dude oh we got a nico oh we can put in our other vigar that would be so stupid but still so funny at the same time let's see here let's do this and where's our morgana where is our morgana oh my goodness wow uh that is actually quite memetastic this is dusk riven we don't care about you we need the morgana let's keep the mages just in case do we dare do we dare nico up this dude it would be so funny actually sleepy time gargoyle you wow our comp is nasty do i get stacks for killing this zillion go baby go boom give me a crit give me a crit 72 000 83 000 damage [Laughter] that's actually hilarious let's tell this for more gold because we can we'll keep the mini tf works for me here's the dusk mystic major roosky wow actually just wow this team comes hilarious what do you guys think drop the nikko on vigar and we have a tier three vigar plus a tier two that would be so hilarious but uh i think we'll we'll pass for now see zillion doesn't actually deal damage this on lilia would be insane i'll tell you that much maybe we buff up nami whatever can protect veigar the most is exactly what we want dude this is ridiculous he literally just nukes everyone 786 wow wow wow wow this win streak is honestly memetastic let's see do we want anything else in our team comp i'm loving what we have right now i don't think you can get much better than this let's see here set no aatrox no ash will pass uh we're fine we're good to go it don't matter we could even keep hecarim level one or we could nicole and bop him level two i i just want to put another varyar so badly should we see if this works let's see if this fire guard gets a kill it gives it to vik if this firear if this works that's way too funny all right let's pay attention once this fire guard once this other veigar uses his ability let's see if this spell power goes up here comes point i i couldn't tell it was going too fast if you guys want to take a closer look and watch that bad boy you can but uh 816 spell power let's see what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we need oh my goodness blue buff we could buff up another bygar who the heck knows um i don't know what i want i don't know i don't know let's grab the spook you lay only if we get a blue buff dude we can make another mage that'd be sick let's see definitely not making it that round i'll tell you that we're not doing any troll shenanigans all right no trolling i mean unless unless do we do it dude oh my god guys i'm sorry it's in my blood it's in my blood i have to this vigor will carry so hard oh god i sold my dust dude i i honestly can win without it he kills everyone wait a minute okay um i uh okay you know what maybe maybe it's good we didn't sell everyone yeah that's that is that's my bad let's put in some more champs and uh you you saw nothing okay you saw nothing where's our dusk at our dust is getting pretty fat not gonna lie as long as we keep in six mage i think we're okay let's hope for the best on that one and i really want to keep an elder wood oh yeah yay or dusk nope elder one more important everyone over here just go die okay i think he went with this team comp all right we did a troll as hard as we could have but we we we did good okay we did good this buy guys gonna destroy the world i freaking love it guys play this champion i just cripped for 12 freaking thousand [Laughter] boom boom we can be a crit give me a crit looks i don't like you nuked and nuked some more guys that's a wrap maybe not okay well that's awkward okay i thought i thought that was the end of it okay you know what what do we got bramble i like it i like it i like it do we try once more maybe we can 3v5 no don't do it don't don't do a buns don't freaking do it but i actually do need i like this a lot whatever protects this vigar is very welcome into our team comp i'll tell you that much what do we got i like it we can make a pretty juicy tank here actually yeah where's that lilia at that's what i really want the end begins i'm rerolling for no reason we're just having fun at this point if you get this type of team cop this is the stuff you're able to do playing this champion let's see we can drop you and we can drop another mage we got in the mystic oh dude our old team comes back we're good we're good holy annie my goodness zillion hi how you doing zillion welcome back to the crew all right three dusk elder wood in there i passed a nami it's all good let's see vanguard bonus looking snazzy looking snazzy let's do tank zill i believe in you bud i believe in you dude now that is a video get by your level one and knock it out of the park folks i'm telling you that now 912 spell power make it 924 [Laughter] wow that's a freaking rap if i've ever seen one i love you guys all so much hopefully we'll see you tomorrow because we got a whole lot more videos coming your way peace peace everyone have a good one let's shoot for 5 000 likes on this video that's a lot but i believe we can achieve [Music] peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 429,504
Rating: 4.8209028 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, insane, power, veigar, lulu, level, one, lvl 1
Id: 9c36ZNVEzfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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