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I got the 128 foot draft on FIFA 23 which is the equipment of a 195 foot draft in Old features and it genuinely might be the best for a drop on YouTube like And subscribe the next four seconds and you get 10 years of good luck throw me a big formation hey 4359 is a huge for me so I genuinely can't refuse it you get so much Variety in this one near your high rated minions big Center mids and cdms hopefully a good Captain we had 94 push glasses my captain Oh and we get a huge Center forward to kick us up as my cat's in just a knife or Aid one hey gets me free guaranteed cam what more do I need as my captain I'm gonna go straight to left wing you know I can send a big card coming up we pick up 95 Ronaldinho oh yeah then same in your iPhone and my second iPhone didn't drop let's go for it you'd love to see it be in Brazilian as well I'm sure we can get some six strong links off him we've got a 94 and 95 can we finish your front three while we finish with 95 premium carry Simmons doesn't even have a dynamic we've gone so quickly that for funky wow is genuinely a thing of beauty got two centimetes and one CDM I don't even know what we need so we have to pick the league yet we started 96 wow if you're nice to trade I'm confusing now let's go boys we can get some Bundesliga German cards I'll be very happy my second Center mid but yet 97 Martin Yale next oh my God it was my higher three to God Jeff thank you they're from you all the hydrate cards in the game please give me a big CDM now we've only got one in the style weapon and we get 98 Virgil Van Dyke oh my goodness it don't get bigger than that CBM I think that's the High Street one in the game but why is the scene mean the Sheep shoot the variant look at that for Midfield boys I can't answer much more onto the back four now they're backwards anything like the first six picks we are getting a world record here Captain vlf back it's always a dream we've absolutely killed the captain of your way again everything I asked for it's like they can hear me what was the safer for Ken but Captain VR just in case we get Harvey in the League defender could be a dub gonna go Mark when you'll see him we're gonna throw him on the bench come on second send it back please be insane we get 94 for ran at the end my goodness I will take it this defensive part marketing yours and for ran it's absolutely out of this world can we finish about four well please like a Zohar 93 here Oh I thought that was going to be him but downloads to be fair he's gonna get great just fingers crossed we get a premier league keeper eleno a Kyle Walker or go ahead do I go Henderson or Soria oh I'm gonna go sorry I will on 95 rated we are nearly there 26 game is so close as well what enough to be needs we need to better keep 100 let's send it back who fits and like a better sentiment like a de bruyne I don't even know let's go to my backup keeper now fingers crossed they hooked me up we get so much to choose from quartz white 90 rated I might have to you know gonna get strongly into Captain VR you get so many Real Madrid cards I know we lose one camp for now but it's still higher rated only if it's his team of the Year let's go to the results baby we need a center-back the center mid my first Reserve I'm gonna take fast because you know call me crazy you get through past two now which needs a legal premise in the back and the same for Center mid and we don't use sneakers like that fingers crossed this one can help me up did you use Savio for the bench Portuguese will never be refused okay these reserves aren't great please icons in the middle send it back please okay I did not need that does it go back up to 95 at least okay it's back up to 95 so we are still on here my first bench play this could be anything we get a shot at 95 rated wow I mean I don't need him but for the bench it's absolutely outrageous and then del Piero is an improvement on the style 11 okay uh yes please we need to send him in now fingers crossed Primo La Liga we get Tony crows 90 read oh my goodness plus three now we just need to send it back and we're done oh my goodness I'm nervous don't give me a stinker cover chitch I'll take him I guess come on just Primo La Liga send it back but yet deadly lentily King oh my God that could be my cat who got the Kem this could be a 95. we've got the camera this could be 95 on my first draft of the day benj isn't even ordered please something big to finish it off no don't finish off like that we're so close it's down to 93 do not do this we got download to add it's straight back to 94 but I don't think we've got the fire power no a first attempt of the day now that was crazy insane 3D carpet to kicks off we got everything in there we got the Premier League we've got the Bundesliga and we got an illegal what more do I need that is one of the craziest end screens I've generally ever seen do not go anywhere boys I'm not leaving from the sea today until I get the 195 akayla 128 I swear to God I'm getting it today formation is make or break and hey 4312 I absolutely love this formation it takes a lot of boxes you need for a highway to drive to get your big centimeters two huge Strikers fingers crossed a good Captain getting 94 best off from in the bend this is very good that's good for the rating we're gonna do my cam and work my way up yet the belly and jump finish I'm gonna go Premier League on this one only one rating difference if you end up getting like 11 Gold ski and higher in the league of cards thank goodness orange outfits for land's gonna get him great cam fingers crossed one more big Striker we had 97 erling Harlan oh Jalen 900 IQ for me for going for the Prem roof no idea what it's Dynamics come back hey if you're not a simulated you don't need a dynamic that for fun free is one of the best I've ever foreign okay now we're getting everything I need if we get the point here we have genuinely smashed it write me in the world record but we get Nevis we get the boy and gamores but oh doctor I even need them I have to go rub nerves every bit of rating helps to help me get this one to eight foot draft suspense is anything like my first few picks we're gonna get World Records cop battle 96 is always stream here for Eaton good for this Jerusalem guy at the end I mean he's probably not gonna end up playing but for the bench is very good the goodest kid here guy he's gonna get in chemistry fingers crossed the highway of Prim one but yet Nesta and for ran okay this time I am gonna go proud taking Brown finishes all my Premier League players now fingers crossed I don't know like oh Hernandez 94 in Toko I can be we got a decision to make I don't even know what to do and that is how I read it but it doesn't get full chemistry whereas if I go Toko it can't be he gets premium care meaning we just need a Prem keeper and we're getting you right back for the sake of two reasons I need to get the chemistry boys fingers crosses can be Premier League we get Robert Sanchez okay we're on 94 rated our only one came away now this is unreal I'm going to my Reserve keeper now please yeah just give me something big fingers crossed a good keeper we get 97 Yan of that oh my goodness I've never had him before that's insanely irated he doesn't even fit but my goodness that I have to take it this is ridiculous okay we don't get a new keeper but if it's nice and red I can't complain too much we'll go for this car on the bench if they stiff me on the chemistry I swear to God we next get Jude Bellingham and Pacho oh my goodness boys this is unreal we have to go dude this could generally be 95 if we get rid of this western guy postgas is brilliant and my final Reserve fingers crossed okay Nicholas Pepper on the stinky bit that's not even bad better dude in there it goes 95 right it doesn't go 95 with Jude are you serious okay I bet with all black it easily goes 95 right okay it's 95 about time boy this is my final chance getting you attack of some fingers Crossing Be saint huge with Charleston don't mind that for the bench I need to know now if we get the right back I'm going straight to defensive picks we get the Kyle Walker he gets me plus three on the chem but I think we are probably gonna have to sack you off for eight if you get wait wait why do we not have full care of ultimate keeper okay we've got the full camera we want from the highest rated cards in the game don't finish that this year this could be a big icon if they love me fingers crossed you get Barry Bannon on that border please yeah give me an icon if they love me but like 93 oh my God nowhere to cook it let me get this ordered it's easily 94. it's not 94. come on we're surely with Jude okay it's 94 now we've only got a couple players to order we've got Pepe for Walker if only we had a center mids we might have had it there when do you see Yaya Harland on all black in one foot draft wow I'm proud of that we need to get a little bit higher to make it one nine five dark three formations are very op there's so many highways center backs in the draw optimization now including that losing SEO my captain hey 94 Johan Grove slotsy like a treat baby I don't know what league would draft into yet so fingers crossed a big Striker but yet 96 burner at the end okay that's not bad gonna take him to get a lot of German players a lot of Bundesliga ones like gorettska we finish a fight three you say beer wow that attack actually very op more midfielders left mid is it a German one oh Martinelli or nurburg I'm gonna go Lundberg here surprisingly boys because we've got a strike from the Bundesliga we can't take risks but Verna he healings to him I have to go Ruben Nevis I don't think Verona's gonna end up playing but he was the highest rated piano is very good we've got 92. I finished in Midfield with Beckham but hey this is not bad you know we've got premium chemistry across the Midfield defense starts with premium cam for ran oh I'm gonna go Nest to here surprisingly because I still don't know if I'm drafting to the Prem but yet 97 Shrine cycle what on Earth is this still this is out of this world keeper campus is fine one 28 km out of 33 million we only need five more cash Center back genuinely just Heroes we get an icon petite to start the bench boys I've never seen this many special cards I mean that's getting kunkoo does he added me chemistry we get plus one wow come on just German business that is perfect Becca that actually might be my camera let's go boys please tell me that's my cam out to 32 is it 94 it's 94k we're so close for the sake of one rating boys I need some improvement we don't lose come with him but hey it's money I've come now and it's not man kunku if we get a big bench a high rated French brengine oh my goodness I can't speak we can demarino this could be it only got four pixelmonia and we get here we get done belly 97 my goodness these bench is not let me get this ordered if it goes straight to 94 we could have a 95 does it go straight up it doesn't really does it go up next pick okay we're up to 94 and we've got a 91 to add but please tell me it goes oh boys oh boys we've had so many nice sevens in that draft and once again we're only one came away now this is agonizing animation good this time 431 so I could never refuse is I can't blame my wings but everywhere else can be good we had 97 schwein songs My Captain oh my god do my cam SWOT them work my way up we get 97 food shorts I've never had that car before my first Striker Isis stinker I mean swining you sometimes get League cards for my second strike it needs to be a lot bigger thank goodness before landing yeah three centimeters the first one I mean Gabby if he did answer the lead cost but I did want a bit big on my second one Cruise also we get 97 yoyo I was one happy with cruise we finished with I can't go for this modules can I he has so many better variants points he has to be prayer he gets a shot into Gavin for the Sequon rating could get a better Modric so netty's good we've got two 98 Defenders don't be asleep we got another stinker again boys I can't afford this many I'm gonna get one two eight why do Yankee do me dirty I hate getting stinkers especially in the slight level because they're so hard to replace left that's good we got Roberto Carlos is he any strong as he does and you know where's ball day he gets a couple he gets a perfect or go home and he has to be way more chemistry anyways keeper is huge to stay young right we're on 93 rated and the game she's nearly done third one out five three with two Come Away what do we need you Noah do it I thought both these humble Center back we get a perfect links to the race and everyone is done common reserves they need to be huge we need a big bench here my first Reserve we had 97 Jamal murcielo okay we're taking another 97 3 game Chemistry by putting him in no right I mean we put him in anyway that means the center back needs to be German from dormant or Bayern Munich we get 97 and belly Nexus he gave me all how does he not give me more Kim oh he gets more care himself by losing my Center back send it back please yeah I mean Dunphy's is sick for the bench I'll take the rating but if we don't get the cam what's the point Nesta that is surely my chemistry right 33 out of 33 and he goes live for as well no way I want to go Reese's Chelsea fan but I've got to go for if we've got a La Liga setup and you never know could come in handy first bench pair absolutely stinks it's my final chance to get a new attack of fingers crossed del Piero is brilliant if it's 95 Raider above I'm over below it's 97 June names where did that come from seem to see oh my goodness the pie sweetie that's my chemistry fight to our 33 close enough we've got so many high rated players to order this bench out with so I don't mind steam because I okay I obviously I don't want another stinker Jesus Christ and we finished freeze things in the world where's that this has to be 95 race it doesn't even go to 94 okay surely okay it does go 94 now we've got Dumfries to add dinner for if this is my final chance to see 95 okay we got the rating we just need one chemistry please tell me I can find it all right Johnson Parade home meaning we have to pay the pie and have to get one chemistry just one from the manager it needs to be Dutch Liga something like that I swear to God if we don't get it I'll cry fingers crossed do not do me dirty here yeah please I'm literally begging you oh Jesus okay but yet plus none with you plus none with you plus none I swear to God we didn't get the manager we didn't I can't believe this I've got it boys I've been sad for hours and thought I finally got it and we get a one two seven we just needed one Camp just one got the best draft information in the 4321 so I can't complain about that Coleman's good Johan quip is better 94 read free chemistry down nine but yet 99 messy oh my God first time in weeks I've seen that card Jesus Christ is the front free finish well not even upset you get so many Center fours in your bedroom reserves anyway we can replace that my first set of mids be at 97 yards sorry boys this genuinely could be it these three hero cards I'm real boys they allow you to take so many more risks because they offer so much camera rating anyway second centimeter oh my God 97 martial to be at least finished sank for Kim I mean camavinga could help me hybrid right that needs to be their 96 car for how pleasier I can't take the 88 one I'll go trendy still fits my Premier League theme my first center back we get 97 Oliver oh my god I've never had that car before Hummels one minute out oh do I have any four Batman attack I don't know oh it's got to be humble's ways I can't be taking anyone below 9280 the house and that's good captain of the on premium chemistry is a lot better than get great Kim to my aliba huge come to my camera finger and that had to finish side 11 puts me on 94 rated and we're only eight come away just need a center forward and send it back and we're in the money my first Reserve we get 99 Ronaldo and 97 Benz well what do I do here but let's say your two ratings in the chemistry office he gets me plus four is it 95 it's 95 rated oh my gosh we're nearly there just a big Ascent of mid and a center back for Ken please reserve number two on recover how wave cover howl is a plus six on my Trend struggling to all my lady cards oh and he links to the hair as well I swear to God I'm not crazy that does give me chemistry right oh thank God we got the camera we just need to send her back now oh I swear to God if we get everyone gonna send it back on Christ stop with the stinkers here please don't do me dirty if anyone two reserves left and graveska is beautiful this could be an icon if they love me fingers crossed we gotta send it back oh my God that's my we've got the chemistry I mean let's go and see racing nowhere oh my God rated and we've done it we just need rating and we've done it first bench player being 95 seed off lovely chubby keep that coming here 97 R9 Ronaldo what's happening right here not gonna take juice because we could get his Knight 7-1 in the next pit that is not 97 dude we've only got three picks remaining finger oh my God and 96 cars this is it surely this had to be it we have 590 what high straws please don't do me dirty uh cheeky don't know this ain't even that bad oh my God I'm shaking this has to go back up we've got 390 retail cards to add please oh my God is it instantly back up we got a one to a baby no baby finally done it let's go boy that's the craziest job I've ever built in my life we got a 95 Feet full cam with a common finger in there nah that shows how crazy the draft whether truly was imagine they're like a Modric sentiment that would have been a 963 as easily now I can't believe I finally done drop King baby do not chat to me the world record of a one to eat food drop I'm genuinely never ever gonna top that the craziest drops I feel in my life
Channel: xDuttinho
Views: 92,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 128 fut draft, fut draft, fifa 23, fifa 23 fut draft, 128 rated fut draft, 128 rated fut draft fifa 23, fifa, fut, draft, 23, fut draft fifa 23, 128, best fut draft, highest rated fut draft fifa 23, highest rated fut draft, drafttoglory, fut draft 23, fut 23, fut draft world record, best fut draft ever, 194 fut draft, 199 fut draft, 195 fut draft, 199 rated fut draft, fut drafts, 128 draft, 128 rated draft, w2s, wroetoshaw, danny aarons, futcrunch, chuffster, pazjor, sv2, ksi, xduttinho
Id: FC4ZngtawW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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