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like these guys good morning sunflower exciting this one check this man double-double sunflower what does it mean hey Mona are they working about all these sunflowers the so big'uns goggle they're making my my week my life every time I come up here to check them out there's a little beyond there Philippi I like surrounded by sunflowers right now [Applause] look at our watermelon oh yeah hello growling and we've got another one in there now Oh a melon you're so beautiful to me but that chick um these guys sneak up on you then all of a sudden they're too big to go in your zoo dollmaker keeps guys don't get your tunes in the medkit too it has been just over two months since I gave up coffee and there's some stuff I've got to tell you about that kay because it's not as straightforward as people make it out to be oh you get a headache so much more to say so I'm gonna reveal to you the truth about it and you might decide after this that you will never consider giving up coffee yeah oh you might think that's exactly what I mean today so here's my coffee story right I grew up in a household of coffee drinkers in a big way my parents probably have they probably sucked back like four or five coffees a day and have done my whole life so just the smell of coffee for me is about home and things like that but I always thought it was super gross until I became a student when I was about 19 and then you know I was living the kind of sleepless student life and took up instant coffee took it up hammered a few a day on the instance then I met my hubby Tim and he was quite a bit more into fancy coffee so together we started up in our coffee game and we probably bought our first proper little coffee machine when we were first married like when we were 24 and then we kept on getting more hardcore so by the time we were living in London we had industrial-sized espresso machine like huge and you know our life was coffee Tim actually ran like a coffee co-op getting green beans we were roasting them sending out parcels of coffee we loved coffee we would hang a whole weekend around visiting amazing coffee shops we even bought our solar setup quite a good seller set up so that it could fuel our coffee grinder because if you want yummy coffee the most important thing you can do right is grind your own beans so that you have freshly ground coffee and then this little seed was planted maybe like three months ago and it was when I did a video all about mental health stuff and I said how I've had a couple of really intense panic attacks in the last year over the last year like so intense these panic attacks I thought I was actually gonna die like that's how extremely I'm arrested all they were and a few people in the comments were like that's coffee does that to you coffee makes you anxious and then I had a real life conversation with my dear friend who was like I used to get caught panic attacks I gave up coffee and I haven't had a single one since and I like your average coffee lover when mmm that's interesting but I'll never know because I'm never gonna give up coffee because I was never ever gonna give up coffee you know how sometimes a seed is planted deep in your head right I think that had happened then my eyes started to twitch like out of control twitching over the course of a couple of weeks and I started to get like fizzing in my chest and I started to get hungry for deep prizms that sense of being in your life in a completely grounded and completely rooted way where everything around you is completely real your mind isn't drifting your heart isn't somewhere else but you're just deeply present and I began to feel like there are a couple of things in my life stopping me from like totally totally in the moment and one with social media that's a whole other video and to was possibly coffee and even that eye twitch was stopping me from being wholly present because I'd be like chatting to someone and I'd be like are they looking at my eye twitch you know when you feel like you're just like like I'd be wondering if they were thinking of some kind of perv you know like and then my neighbors gave up coffee and basically I did a YouTube video that night and just announced on my youtube video that I was giving up coffee and as soon as I shut down the video cameras like Lucy and I wanted to put the words back in my mouth like don't go and say that on YouTube but I'd said it so I said to myself right I'll do a little experiment I would just give it like two or three months to see how I feel so it's been two months and I'm gonna recap it all for you now okay here it is before I go on just quickly so I don't forget number one I've started a new tier on patreon and it's a $3 tier and if you sign up as a patreon so that's you pledging $3 a month you get access to my live streams and these are live streams that are only available for patrons the reason I do patreon is because actually it's really hard as their creator online to make money without selling your soul to Amazon or something and I really don't want to do that so I'm really stoked to have this patreon where I just get support from people that want to support my channel and my writing so if that's got your name on it do check it out I think you'll like it and secondly I'm I've touched already upon a bit of mental health stuff and when probably will come up again and I wanted to do just do a shout-out for my peeps at gentleman who have got an amazingly supportive forum where people especially him come and reach out to people other mums if they're feeling lonely if they're struggling with some mental health stuff they've even got an in-house psychologist so do check out the box below if you want to talk more about what's going on for you on to the journey of giving up copy the first week was quite traditional I had a really bad headache and my body ached so people say you get headache but they don't tell you that you actually ache in your bones your bones even I like give me coffee and somebody had told me that day three is the worst so I was all geared up to get through day three and actually day three was fine day one day two and day three were actually completely manageable of like this was going well day four day five day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 day 10 they were a different story I was really angry and really in pain and yeah every day of those days about 4 o'clock I'd just be like I'm gonna give it up I can't go another day it was so hard physically it was really hard second week now after the second week so two weeks in the physical pains actually began to leave until the beginning of week 3 I was actually okay physically I was like okay I've done this now I crushed it I've given up coffee we're all good except emotionally I crashed oh my goodness I crashed so hard the start of week 3 I was a sad sad mess here's a little excerpt from my journal oh yeah okay so Festival this is in the first week I was journaling you know and then I write April 19-20 and then I'm like WTF lul it's November I literally had put myself ahead six months grivnas okay so then I'm just like I'm so so sad and I'm so so confused and it's actually about something completely not sad or can and then a little bit later so much emotion just sobbed and sobbed in the bit and braving the wilderness by brené Brown all about communal effervescence it's like it wasn't even really that emotional guys no coffee for three weeks I used to think I'm so happy I'm too happy how can life be this easy and not tragic enough now I just think maybe I wasn't so happy I was just distracted so that's the thing no one tells you is the emotional role that coffee plays in our life and I'm sure it's real because I've been speaking pretty mum stuff about this with lots of people over the last couple of months and just the other day I noticed a sign outside a cafe and I was like a picture of it a mug of coffee and it said coffee your morning hug in a cup and I was like yes that's exactly what it is when you get your morning cup of coffee it's as if somebody is giving you a hug like a beautiful delicious hug and I was chatting about this of my friend who's like a sort of um a natural and naturopath so like she works with people to get really well in a holistic way and she said that one of the things she often would recommend to people would be to give up coffee because coffee actually limits your body's ability to stay on top of itself and to thrive because it puts all of its energy into survival mode because of what caffeine does chemically to your body to rush you into survival rather than the rival it should be thrive away it's not a word though instead of thriving and so she normally says give up coffee you know as a kind of fundamental first step but this woman which she was sitting with her and she was like when I drink my coffee I feel loved I feel so deeply loved and my friend was like okay you you stick with your coffee that is a good thing to feel loved really strongly at that point in your day and when I heard that so I was like I hope that really really resonates with me that coffee has this a role that is actually really nurturing it's not just a about what it does to us physically by pepping asked up so yeah I felt really sad for a couple of months and I've put a lot of thought and feeling into this and um I have this sort of sense and it could be completely wrong that coffee and a few other habits in my life were there to kind of keep me void to keep me above the deep feelings of life I just was able to just sort of rise above it bubbling on the waves like love no everything's fine they feel a bit sad oh just but you you've caused me it was not a chemical pepper but an emotional pepper as well and now that I don't have it I'm really going there like deeply going into my emotions and sinking deep down and it's really hard and feels really full of grief but it also feels like a really beautiful and natural part of the human experience so I'm trying really hard to actually embrace the sadness and I just wonder if I spent quite a lot of my life not really in touch with the dark side of myself because I was just being pepped up all the time and I don't know how true that is right because I think about Shakespeare now Shakespeare he loved substances he loved coffee he left weed he loved opium and that guy was pretty in touch with the whole plethora of human emotion don't you reckon or maybe he just wrote really well about it I don't know or maybe he didn't do it every day and that's basically where I've come to okay so on New Year's Day ahead of coffee I've had one coffee and it was quite cold I just we'd been playing really hard I woke up and I was like I'm gonna have a coffee I had a coffee and won and it was fun I felt great and then I didn't have one again and I think that's basically where I want to get to you with all substances maybe maybe not opium but you know no substances man I'm just joking it's a joke well caffeine is a substance but that's where I want to get to I want to be able to dabble in if I won it so I haven't quite I absolutely haven't replaced the emotional role at coffee played in my life I do not have this little morning ritual where I just feel totally marish and I dabbled for a while in all these you know golden lattes i blog blogged a little bit about that um and tried it lots of different things smoothies la la la digital and I still have a little coffee shake hole in my morning I should probably talk about the benefits the highway okay so negative headaches body aches sadness deep grief 'el tragic sadness your life will become a tragedy okay but on the benefits there's only one benefit I mean one bit of it but it's quite a big one okay so I have spent my entire adult life energetically going wake up feel like death have a coffee feel amazing I'm amazing I'm soaring on clouds of wonder like all morning and most of the day at you until about 3:00 and then all of a sudden the clouds of wonder have gone and I'm like you know I've crashed on the ground and a heap of blood and guts and then for like four hours I'm just like this I've got no energy and I'm just like wandering around and I'm basically thinking about dinner from about 4:00 p.m. I'm just like what am I gonna make for dinner I need to make dinner okay I'm gonna start making dinner now because I'm just looking for a source of energy so then I'll eat dinner I'll make dinner we'll all eat dinner at like 6:00 or 7:00 and then that gives me a little bit of energy to get through to bedtime and that has been that's been most of my adult life has been you know high high higher than Apple and since giving up coffee I think it was within three weeks my energy levels were completely spun on my head so whoa cap a cup of tea a cup of tea still and then it was just like the same energy the whole day at any point of this of the day my energy levels would just be exactly the same there was no crashing there is no crashing there's no like looking around for a source of energy it's just the same I'm just me the same at nine o'clock as I am at three o'clock as I am at seven o'clock yeah so I think that's a really huge big thing it feels really nice to have the same energy all day but also it tells me that coffee was playing this crazy role in my body's makeup and I've read a little bit about it and it's to do with the stress put on our adrenal glands I believe and I've read a little bit about coffee basically injects you with the stress hormone so your whole body gets primed for fight-or-flight so you go into like survival mode you're like nobody's I do things like that and then it runs out and any like huh don't decide me like that basically and that really resonated for me and also when your body's in that survival mode it's not doing all the other things like helping you be really well and healthy overall I was getting a really major tooth infection like every few months I've get a tooth infection it's really what I say I'm glad I'm talking about this in front of thousands of people but since giving up coffee I haven't had it at all like it tries to come I can feel it trying to come and then it doesn't come so it's sort of as if my immune system is really doing better than it has done for years and years and years so that is wicked so I would say that there are definite benefits to giving up coffee I'm really glad I did it I'm really glad because I love a challenge - I love that I have been in the depths I love that I've just spent it's crying because actually crying and feeling sad it's really really good for you I think to a certain extent it sounds like I'm about to start drinking coffee again doesn't it I'm not but I'm you know I still miss it that's the honest tree I've been coffee free for two months and I still really miss it like a flippin gosh damn hug and a mug yeah so that's the truth about giving up coffee I'd love to hear from you have you given up coffee do you think you will how was it for you do you love coffee don't tell me how much you love coffee I know about that love me and coffee had a romance we had a romance that lasted like 17 years a 17 year one romance that's a beautiful thing and I'm grateful for it but now we're consciously uncoupling so don't forget about my new patron tears so that's the $3 tea gives you access to twice monthly live streams where you can ask me anything and I would love to see you over on page and it's super fun super cool creative place so click the link below to come on over and remember to check out channel mum if you are feeling lonely and you want to connect with some other mums all around the world lots of love stay radical thank you for watching I love that you watch and you comment it's so so cool and just feeling like we have this lovely community so thank you for watching thank you for subscribing do share with your friends if you love the videos and stay ready Cole I already said that but let's just say it again okay stay radical
Channel: Lulastic Hippyshake
Views: 34,800
Rating: 4.7812214 out of 5
Keywords: coffee, caffiene, caffeine, I gave up coffee, give up coffee, lulastic, channel mum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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