I GAVE a FREE YARD MAKEOVER to a random Home Owner who passed a few years ago
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Channel: MrCris
Views: 32,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yard, overgrown yard, viral, stihl, toro, echo, honda mower, helping, helping others, lawncare, grass, mowing, texas mowing, edging, asmr, transformation, city violation, violation, mrcris, mrcrismowing, oddly satisfying, free clean up, helping people, city violation mow, free mowing, fyp, asmr video, mowing tall grass, oddly satisfying video, lawn care transformation, helping elders, free lawn makeover, trimmers, city violation cut, overgrown grass, free mow, wrightmower, wright, standerB
Id: 5BgPEt0bE-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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