I Found Something Gut Wrenching Magnet Fishing In A Polluted River!!

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what's going on here uh yeah I have something you just can't tell what what is going on today guys today we are gonna be doing some more magnificient and if you guys remember from my last video I actually ran into the police and this is what he had to say side we had a chick that actually [Music] lately stabbed to do so basically if you guys couldn't hear him that well he pretty much said that this bridge right here guys about a week ago there was a lady that stabbed a guy and she threw the knife in here so he basically said if I can find this knife to give them a call so that is our game plan for today guys I brought the 2600 pound double sided magnet and we are gonna go ahead and see if we can find that knife alright guys so this is the exact spot that that police officer told me that the lady threw the weapon in the river so we're gonna go ahead and take our twenty six hundred pound double-sided magnet and we're gonna see if we can find it Oh first fine we actually got something on there you guys what is this what do we got here fine number one it's not the knife but we got something what is that what is that in there I thought I was just like gonna be like a see-through tube but I have no idea it's got something in there can't really tell what the heck that is I don't know what that is you guys that's kind of funky well that's different we'll take it oh there is something on there haha look at guys a little bitty look yeah sometimes it's the small things that matter it's been like ten throws I haven't found anything so I'll take it guys oh there's something on it what is that what the heck is that it's like copper oh that's like a little bell what the heck is that awful I think I've seen something like this before but I don't know what that's off of it's definitely like a bell guys it's like some kind of fishing Bell it doesn't really rattle anymore it's probably got all junk and mud in there huh pretty cool that feels like there's something on there guys that feels heavier oh yes what is this oh it's like the jackpot here we go oh look at it look at a grizzly outdoors take the pledge grizzly little chew can top there and then what the heck is this I don't know what this is another tube this one we can see right through guys huh everything's got so many clams on it look at all this jeez this has been down there forever wonder what the heck that is it's not a knife we're looking for it all anything on there what is that purple something what is that the cap to something what is that Nantucket nectars you ever heard of that what does it say on there the island of Nantucket has three zip codes probably I would believe it I have never heard of such a thing [Music] that feels like something on there guys that feels a little heavier what is this is this doesn't look like nothing too interesting almost looks like a bike handlebars at first but I think it's just a piece of rebar guys all right [Music] oh look at that there's a fishing lure I didn't think there's anything on there I love finding fishing lures look at that that one's usable score Oh what is that a little fishing a fishing lure blade oh yeah no hook on it or nothing but you're probably still cleaning it up and use it Oh what is that a little sinker ha ha do all kinds of like little like fishing lures and like little sinkers and stuff not the knife we're looking for but we will take it you know I always get this question why do I not bring my bucket with me well most of the time I usually just like make a pile kind of like right behind where I'm fishing and then when I'm done I'll take the bucket and just come through and go all the way along my trail and just kind of pick everything up I probably get that question like 10 or more times in every single video there's like something right there I like just had something on it still feels heavy I still got something oh yeah there's something on there but there was something else down there that there's something bigger down there what is this here it's like a little a little stick piece guys it's got a couple threads on each end there I don't know she's a stick piece alright guys this is kind of driving me nuts I have been magnificient here for like four hours I have hit this entire walkway down here and I cannot find this knife that this cop is talking about so the correct way to do it would probably be to get a bunch of people out here with a bunch of magnets and just be just tossing a toss and and tossing that's probably the only way you're gonna find this knife so I'm gonna pack it up at this spot guys we are gonna head to another spot and I will see you guys when we get there we are at a spot that I have never been to before this is a super old channel here and this building here behind us is actually what I believe is a printing services company now I'm pretty sure this building has not been in use for years guys this is like a super old building hopefully we can find some pretty cool stuff today this is a slippery slope here I think I'm gonna fall in never - be careful Oh what is this what the heck is this I just click hooked onto something as I was bringing it in like right here what is this Oh what is that oh it just looks like a bunch of rebar down here below me what the heck oh yeah for sure just a bunch a rebar down there jeez ah feels like there's something big right there heck yeah I am like right on that what is that I gotta like get down there I don't even think I can get any closer though fine charge it any closer to that sucker I want to go for a swim I do not want to get my feet wet that is all I know Oh what is this how am I even standing right here what is going on yeah I think I'm like I'm something heck yeah I'm on something what is that oh my goodness that's huge oh yeah it's right here yep here we go come here what is this oh look it is what the heck is this oh my goodness - dude this thing is so heavy look it's got little cutouts on each end I think it looks like something I would like make on my CNC mill back when I ran a C&C dude look at that thing it's crazy it's got a slit all the way down the middle of it dude this thing is no joke like 20 pounds or more I'm not even kidding oh come back down feel like I can throw it a lot better now from down here Oh what is this I'm moving something what is going on here uh yeah I have something I just can't tell what oh yeah here it is what is this is this whoa I thought it was just a regular piece of rebar at first but what is on the end of that guy's like what is this what is that do that's so cool look at that what the heck is going on here you guys ever seen something like that wow that is like the strangest thing I have ever seen whatever it's on it sound like a piece of rebar just I have no idea that is wild dude oh my goodness I don't know if you guys can see this but I hate when this happens these little furry buried thingies whatever you call these don't even know if those are called yeah who is this I got something on there that is this zoo it's dumping up some black junk hopefully don't think that's oil or anything but what is this guy's just a Subaru ski we'll take it all right guys we are gonna move down this channel here a little bit and see if we can find a new spot alright guys this spot is absolutely not what I thought it was gonna be I hid this entire channel here of this entire abandoned Factory and we only found three things that's just crazy to me alright guys that is gonna wrap up our video here today so I'm gonna go ahead and pack everything up today guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and I will catch you guys on the next one you
Channel: undefined
Views: 430,653
Rating: 4.4915018 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, magnets, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing gun, fishing magnet, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing usa, gut wrenching, gut wrenching magnet fishing, polluted river, river fishing, i found something gut wrenching, gut wrenching finds, polluted water, polluted ocean, polluted river clean up, polluted rivers in america, polluted river fishing, polluted river magnet fishing, magnet fishing videos
Id: 9AM92pMHHms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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