I FOUND SOME VICIOUS INFO... | Danganronpa: TriggerHappyHavoc | #12

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that's the key question but in fact the answer is quite simple in other words [Music] just some more danganronpa we are what we left off thank y'all for hanging with me the last episode although that was a bit rough but let's talk to the homie see what's going on I'm excited and I mean where's let's keep going um this is the evidence that proves it was genocide jack really in the library don't make me repeat myself self explanatory I've been waiting to see what's in here bro if I remember on the other side of this door is the archive right hurry up and go inside damn I'm scared she's gonna do it to me in there oh here let's go it all makes sense when you're inside okay okay I see a bunch of books okay whoa there's somebody missing files and so much dust so in other breathing here I would say there's enough value in this place to end and/or the dust whatever what's wrong with you men just make sure I can see everything recording nice let's get going so let's talk to [ __ ] and figure out where you are yeah Sudeep on if you pay attention to your surroundings you're sure to discover that value for yourself [Music] this right here there's a wooden box in this empty although judging by the smudges in the dust it looks like there was something inside I wonder what it was there was an extension cord plugged in there it proved very useful while I was in the library an extension cord huh okay what about your flight right here I see this huh it's a destiny Pixar studios lady are they genocide yuck oh yes the same one I saw [ __ ] using in the library before what do you have a problem with that lamp it was here before then I moved it over there it's too dark over there so I thought I'd put it to good use my coins and shut the go I got a shoe at the customer if I can't help but custo it's just me this stuff is stuff tight with files without really thinking about it I picked one up at random here you have a sharp eye indeed to select that file right that's the report on a presidential assassination the original is kept at the National Library it won't be classified it won't be declassify for over 30 years are you sure you want to look at it now there's no telling who's crosshairs you might wind up and repeating at it put it down put it down Mikado Big Mac but I'm making a sound I returned the file to the shelf I'm looking sir are you standing behind the file I need there's so many files stuffed onto the show what's the matter nuns those documents are dangerous dangerous they detail all the people who control the world from behind the scenes dangerous truths for a commoner Illuminati files you mean like members of the diet or something no I mean the ones with real power the secret council controlling everything from the shadows if you're ready to be disappeared for it take a look there are some very interesting people in there you're just kidding right Am I I'll just let it go for now absolutely can you move there's a ton of thick files stucked on to the bookshelf if you're thinking of looking to any of them let me give you a little warning those things are filled with graphic disturbing photos from all kinds of crime scenes it's the kind of thing any moment person would even want to look at carefully you mean all those files our investigation reports related to different cold cases those are internal documents were police eyes only they're not the kind of thing it's been done yet but so are you finally beginning to understand the true splendor of this library yeah it's full of things I shouldn't be looking at the entire reason I was interested in this library is because of this film right here interesting - classified government documents police records things no ordinary person would ever see isn't it magnificent this can't be for real such ignorant that's your guy's problem anything that doesn't fit into your preconceived reality you label it a lie it's not that it's just it's not like I totally refuse to believe it but there's just so much how could anyone that put this all together hmm I suppose it goes to show just how much power hope speak truly wheels or perhaps the mastermind may have wanted to provide us with enough entertainment to keep us from getting bored excuse me I passing gas through my mouth um it's no use I can't keep up with all this it's just too unreal what's wrong still can't believe it what about you how can you believe it so easily things like these are usually impossible one what do you mean usually usual normal ordinary simple those things don't exist anywhere in the real world if you don't understand what they actually represent you don't understand the nature of anything you don't pull your punches do you and the PSP version he would have been way more cyber just now besides what you consider usual is based on your common sense right but what makes you think your own common sense applies to me at all the documents gathered here are genuine I have reviewed them multiple times so there is no doubt with the head Oh Don you're saying you've read all these documents and more than once look at his eyes I'm pretty sure he's seeing everything he's seen ee ee ee senile opera look at him but all this has to be like top secret confidential stuff right so why I'll tell you why you stupid simple-minded my family has a reading room just like this at our own home ours is bigger of course and not as dusty Kuya is from an Illuminati family all members of the tegami family have access to any variety of government related documents that includes foreign powers as well as domestic how is that possible bro so in other words I already told you there's a Illuminati that controls the rule from the shadows my family is a member of that council and I have within me the bloodline that will allow me to one day bend the world to my will but to become such a ruler I must know all levels of this world backwards and forwards so whenever I have time I like to review whatever documents and materials that interests me which is why I can proclaim without a doubt that the material the materials gathered here are the real thing this is beyond believing or not believing Kuya is actually starting to scare me oh sorry clue is actually starting to scare me more than the actual mastermind yeah because he knows what the actual mastermind is Rob lien and would always interest me the most were the cold-case police investigation reports but reading dude those reports has always been a hobby of mine ever since I was little it's excellent mental exercise I've solved more than a few of those cases just by reviewing the reports and among all those reports one of my most recent favorites genocide Zach as he talked could you grab the specific file from the shelves right this is the complete case file every single report surrounding the genocide jak cases has been compiled in here hmm because there are so many allow me to quickly summarize the main points to begin there are two notable characteristics in every genocide jak murder the first every crime scene the word bloodless is written in the victims own blood in the second is that when the victims are murdered their bodies are suspended in a certain way bloodlust is written in blood and the victims body is suspended it's exactly the same as what happened at you hero he's here Savior surprised the best part is yet to come for the second characteristic where the victims are suspended the only ones who knew about that particular fact were members of the police and other higher-ups by all accounts nobody in the media ever found out huh in other words no one on the news no one online nobody knew about that aspect of each crime only key officials and the killer himself knew about this act of mounting the victim hmm now if you recall sure Harold's corpse her body was most certainly mounted in this fashion so how could the killer have known about suspending the victim unless it was really him that's right that's the key question but in fact the answer is quite simple in other words in other words that right there is the evidence that genocide jack has hidden himself among the rest of us then genocide Jack really is such a brutal fiendish killer really is walking around among us interesting things are really starting to get interesting aren't they I never imagined a killer with such a reputation would ever become part of our little game maybe it's you maybe it's you don't forget don't forget toko told me about your little the little agreement now don't you think it would be good for you to take a look at what I've already seen you might just manage to ferret out a clue or too much pig nur if you get down on your knees and beg I might even show you myself pause um tell me bro don't just sit there don't just sit there talk to the dog I'll beg you whatever um who you bought that genocide Jack case file could you let me see it's fine well you didn't bake but I guess it's okay this time feel free to look at it in here but you can't take it with you Mikado shook literally who you handed me the file and I flipped through it with tense nervous fingers suddenly my hand stopped I had reached the page where photos from the scene of each crime had all been collected the name of genocide Jack's victims ran on several pages scissors bro Ken Harada 32 and [ __ ] here ooh Tetsu cute honda 17 shochiku 23 Kanna is Sai 14 Takashi Ishida 30 komasan oh good there was no end to it sorry uh no disrespect to my aged subscribers namaho rehekiyo but one thing became perfectly clear as I read all of the killer's countless victims were killed and suspended in exactly the same way and at the scene of every murder the word bloodless was left on the victims own blood hmm now take a look at the next page and you'll find another interesting tidbit the next page you shook again immediately shook again profiling results all of the crimes took place either on weekdays at night or during holidays either day or night the most common time for the killings takes place to take place was on holidays in the afternoon based on these facts it could we suggested that the suspect may be a student evidence suggests that the suspect lingered at the scene but when they did leave they were in a panic because an eyewitness has never come forward it's unlikely there was an external reason for this this confused behavior suggests that the suspect may potentially suffer from dissociative identity disorder so in other words a split personality that's toko all day she was all shook the entire the entire place - taco has been should but then when she sees that the genocide jack killing she comes back looking like kid booze talking perfectly we already know genocide jack is we saw the okay so if we solved it already that means we saw early on when we first saw the crime scene and we solved this one when we first saw it didn't take long that's all I'm saying a split personality like the kind of thing you see on TV another thing about the Lian thing is that there was a twist in how Sayaka was involved let's see if there's a twist in how a hero is involved that's all I'm curious about some part of another totally unbelievably story but this one is way more unbelievable than anything else up until now or maybe it really is and I don't know I feel like my mind has gone numb I thought I see you can take it with you let us yeah okay all right we should get going soon huh where are we going anywhere but here we finished our business here have a seat oh wait Kuya interesting turn of events bra as usual who u-turn and left without another word I heard you out of the library to catch up hmm well this is where we part ways I asked some things I need to take care of before we before the class trial just all of a sudden like that I don't have time to come on enough of your annoying misapprehensions did you really think we'd be together the whole time take responsibility for yourself and do something useful move the investigation forward on your own goodbye well good-bye and just like that he was gone just as quickly as he'd asked me to join him he cut me off in the end I felt like I was just some plaything getting tossed around pause at the same time I don't cover some really important clues thanks to him genocide check he's the one that killed your hero and that murder scene is one of us butthole is it I have to find that out no matter what it takes us to do that there's somewhere I have to go investigate one more time I have to go back to the crime scene the girls locker room I should check the boys locker room too and the others might have come up with some info I might find useful while I'm at it I need to find out everything I can free time oh okay I guess not all right so let's see here this is the restroom the locker rooms would be not at the pool they'd be back down stables let's see what I find along the way I'm queer I'm pretty convinced on who I think that it is I'm willing to make a huge guess on who it is actually but I need I need facts in order to prove my case let's see who we talk to the first baby boy baby girls my boy talk I'm talking yep maybe we should have confessed our embarrassing secrets after all I'm so sorry to hear oh so because I wasn't strong enough yo brother stop taking everything so personally you're gonna drive yourself crazy doing that anybody in here okay we got we got oh gee Cushman oh hey Mikoto what's up I've been up to anything myself that's for sure definitely haven't looked inside the mailbox so you know about this what you're saying there's no point you're reading it over the homie you're filming it holy cracked me up Jane Jane here for me eyes discovered evidence referring to charge it is he up to corporate I feel as if another stat increase for me never left to X P evidence what did you find but I'm sure of it I guarantee did what I found was to the killer's breath from his lungs are you sure about that dude oh yeah damn shuttle so she's witnessed something worthwhile June really what does she see now it would seem she refused to tell me it's like when a girl parties to boy she likes right okay so where's the lesson mm-hmm you're not thinking that hard maybe that's what that little horn the top of his head is a thought trying to get out in into action for him huh she was terrible but at the same time you're not there what's it gonna be okay well mo first let me let me see what's inside so I'm allowed to go in here because okay right because of the murder go she always has some thoughtful hey Kyoko have you made any progress on your investigation generally speaking however but I have to get going I have something unrelated to take care of something besides the investigation what is it well nothing you need to worry about just concentrate on the murder but so then before I go let me give you one piece of advice you should examine chihiro's body one more time their relief also her handbook is missing you might want to determine its whereabouts goodbye that's it I'll be praying for your success Kyoko is a real one if I could fall in love with her I'm taking the option with that Kyoko turning left the girls locker room I guess I'll take another look at the body bin and she hero's handbook is missing that's definitely worth worrying about it I thought that said the N word okay they're not really in the same place come on doesn't mean anything wrong yeah dude we had a real complex about being real hey okay we already talked to him and we already talked to her too but she moved spots I might talk to her again Kyoko said I should examine the body one more time I know she said thoroughly but I do have my limits well I better give it a shot anyway I see she hero's hands are bound with what looks like some kind of rope the rope was used to prop her up and kind of a crucifix position huh this rope has a plug the extension cord Wow Wow wait so then this isn't a rope at all the more I think about it the more that's not the only thing that concerns me Chihiro fatal injury was a blow to the head which means someone struck her in the head in order to kill her that's right there's the issue of her being suspended and the fatal blow first I didn't see any reason to think too much about either of them but seen that after looking through the genocide jack file something's not quite right what does this all mean well the one thing most likely to tie all these mysteries together is the true nature of the Rope that was used as a Spencer hero and to figure that up it's a certain place I need to revisit and look over again plus it might help to look at the genocide you really have to go back and think about what that rope could be you're doing the Mosman dam to target such a health of this beating is unforgiveable order wretched peace to do such a thing I cannot forgive this okay okay but we still need to figure out what now [Music] okay come on come on come on there's still more I need to check maybe mom don't know something about the hand like I can ask him they'll know it's still the same thing maybe it's a dumbbell now [Music] gonna be the picture right what it's the Blessed thing poster the blood is the most noteworthy part but the big breasted swimsuit model is pretty noticeable to the girls locker room doesn't seem like the kind of place you'd find something like this [Music] what do they mean by that I'm trying to figure out for myself because that's that's true I thought that the entire time but let's go check the boys locker room if I see a poster of a buff dude did they switch nameplates again is that what they're getting at look a boy band a boy band what the hell huh this car sir it's a popular boy band called tornado somehow it doesn't quite seem to fit bit yeah there's a yes and the girls locker yeah but if they were why what what reason would anyone have maybe I should talk to someone who knows a little more about the locker rooms hmm who goes to the locker room my know does right I think there might be more to find okay okay let me keep looking stain is that a doodle stain there's a strange stain on the carpet what is it boys locker room carpet has been headed to UM did somebody take a [ __ ] what I was trying to hit a squat they need to ease up on the weight if you know what I mean stop or don't come to the gym full-on coffee and pancakes that's a terrible combination for the gym pancakes coffee and ego that is that is that is doodle pants formula right there okay mondo it was you in the men's locker room bro yeah you're useless you just stand here okay okay I'm sorry let me talk to you then here we go perfect you spent a lot of time exercising in the group please don't be a suspect please don't be a suspect cuz you seem very concerned about here oh but why you spend a lot of time exercise in the girls locker room right secure horse I've used it nearly every day since it opened up sometimes Hina Hina and I use it together okay let me ask you something do you think the boys poster and the girls poster and the locker rooms could have been switched I'm sorry sorry I can't really say I've never really paid attention to the posters I see however but there is something that's been bothering me about the locker room you see I like to drink a little protein copy every time I finished exercising if she tells me she was in the other room and took a [ __ ] on the floor I'm gonna be disgusted know where I got this I don't know where I got that from we have protein coffee in the warehouse it's not the highest quality but I don't have a lot of other options I mix the protein powder with coffee and down a glass of it after exercising anyway the other day I split them on the carpet in the girls locker room and it left the stain a stain I don't see any stain on the carpet works exactly I noticed it earlier than the stain has disappeared I can only assume someone came along and cleaned it up but still isn't it unusually clean as if there was never a stain here to begin with disappearing stain as if who okay I got it whoever killed you here oh right did it and the other in the other locker and then switch the poster thinking it was gonna be okay but missed the carpet so they left the carpet in the other room but is it but she said she spilt it in the women's locker room so she took the carpet and the poster is switched did to try and frame a man it's it's toko Wow it's toko both of these came from the men's locker room but how does she beat this whole body and bring it into the girls locker room - she needed help she wouldn't needed help hmm okay I think we need to go to the warehouse now all right Co Co let the warehouse this is this is getting kind of interesting okay the warehouse bra feel like Inspector Gadget out here or maybe I'm scooby-doo how do you how my glasses no more I did that on purpose I tried to play it off like I didn't so that's what you doing here Celeste what are you doing here this warehouse is amazing it has absolutely everything one might need to live a full life from food to close to towels there's the endless supply to choose from I see that but have you found anything related to the case most unfortunate I knew you were going to ask me that I thought talking about the warehouse itself might misdirect you but I see it was pointless then you did find something or are you my mom then you did find something very well I will tell you and only you - really last night I saw her here Chihiro was in the warehouse what really hate this was right before nighttime hmm what are you doing out this late hold up what oh um I was just are you planning to go exercise perhaps what how did you know because I can see a blue track jacket sticking out of that duffel bag you're carrying oh you're right thanks well I'd better get going I'm kind of in a hurry a blue jacket she stuffed a jacket into her bag in a hurry it was almost like she was trying to hide it and just like that she was gone yes I mean I assumed she was merely stocking up to go exercise in the morning but it would appear she is the nighttime rule and headed directly to the girls locker room if she hadn't broken our rule none of this ever would have happened you get what you deserve I suppose damn so apparently she went to the girls locker room late at night in order to exercise without anyone knowing but the strange thing is there was no trace of the jacket or duffel bag Celeste said she was she saw a hero carrying which would mean the killer would have gotten rid of it somehow Celeste account has been added who wears the blue track jacket though not talked to Hina yet she'd only other one that that go to the gym sure she'll have something to say come on it's getting better hyena house taco doing hmm same as before she won't come home and she keeps mumbling something about genocide check I just left her there you you left her my head was all swimmy and I was getting pretty hungry you're looking pretty suspicious right now yeah don't worry I'm gonna head back as soon as I'm done eating Coco is not exactly pleasant but I'm still worried about her speaking of which what are you eating a doughnut of course of course there's two things I'm sure God created outer space okay that's up for debate and doughnuts really mm-hmm I bet you Hiro would have liked to eat more doughnuts maybe that was her one big work read oh I should have tried to spend more time with her come to think of it who did she spend time well yeah she was a little bit strange didn't really hang out with other girls much it was like like she was trying to keep her distance from us actually Sakura said something similar she said that even though you and her invited you here to exercise we did she always refused me huh totally yeah that's true it wasn't just us either it was why she stayed away from all the girls was she just shy I don't know she talked to all the boys she talked to the boys all the time isn't it kind of weird to be shy around your own sex but totally fine with the opposite sex ah oh wait Mamie maybe she was used to guys spoiling her but law says you can't judge a book by it's cover right you think so I never really saw as that kind of girl me neither I'm starting to think that she used that okay follow me here y'all Chihiro went to the warehouse got a full ass boy costume to pretend to be Leon used it to get into the boys locker room to train oh no oh no oh no if who I think is involved is involved imma be pissed if you only be taka mando hipoomi or pothead man these are the only two that seemed to know their way around weights taka and mondo mondo kept saying she kept saying she wanted to be stronger men and taka said I wish I was stronger mondo I'm looking at you like did you just go over to here Oh mondo mondo please say it ain't so yeah [Music] yeah we got to find a hero's handbook it's not the same lamp [Music] if someone take it out of the archive but the only one who would do something like that I can't think of anyone but Kuya okay so he took the genocide shag file sorry I skipped that job like that so I'm getting tired of waiting shall we just plunge right in it's the moment you've all been waiting for the class trial you'll remember where to meet roughly go through the rip begin the class trial or it's about to begin the red door is right through here who is involved because Hina kind of strange to me so everyone ready to what mm-hmm am i blind or see someone yo Kyoko Oh Coco's not here huh you said my genocide jack and Tuco is you really don't remember come on I'm just kidding how could I forget that little nut job she's a crucial part of this class trial this time what are you gonna do okay I'll go away any drug around you're kicking and screaming just for a minute ease just like that he said a few minutes later he reappeared dragging toko behind him I [Music] didn't want to but he forced me I can't believe you dragged a girl so now everyone's here right okay then possible on to the elevator and let's get this show on the road I'll see you guys let's go so shall we get going it's time to find out who killed Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro Fujisaki she was so gentle so calm and me nobody had any problems with her someone made the choice to kill a girl like that can't trust anybody breath and that murderer is one of us someone's standing right here mondo I gotta talk to you first why are you standing hey come on in toko me what's got her so worked up yeah hmm you ready we're doing this hmm well then I will uncover the villain who performs such heinous acts on a weaker individual hmm I don't know why the killer you do what they did so nothing I'm sure it'll work itself Oh justice always prevails shall we go damn Oh very sad I admit for being greedy she was quite remarkable of course just the idea of Gd makes me cringe yeah okay okay what was that I didn't hear you got you understood understood you said you're the killer I understood I I knew it from the beginning though there was something odd about tacos behavior I do not think my shock is enough to explain it yes it's called split personality I guess I wasn't much help at all on this one hey you got something to do with this before anybody does I gave you plenty to work with show us how far your logic can take you just like that it's time it's true without one last deep breath I walked toward the elevator on shaky legs Beach step forward like you feel my heart's starting to race faster and faster as soon as everyone was on the elevator began to descend I couldn't get a handle of my emotions couldn't stop speculating still box sank with heavy clunky sounds deeper and deeper into the ground and as we went deeper the uneasiness and my heart grew bigger and bigger the elevator was unaffected however and continued to descend without hesitation until finally it came to a sudden stop damn what do you think I'll redecorate it isn't it so fresh isn't it so exciting don't waste their time with stupid question let's get this over with fine your assigned seats until the curtain open up once again a Delhi judgment a Delhi deception deadly betrayal I did the riddle a deadly defense a deadly faced and dengue boo-boo a deadly smell a deadly plunger and deadly deadly plumbing a deadly clash I yep all right guys you missed that moment again when we return to Don Gani robot we will see who actually kills you hero I gave you all my predictions I gave you my assumptions y'all can talk about it please make it spoiler free in the comment section I'm begging y'all look if you dis far into the series you either already seen it just want to see my reaction or you're new to this if you've already seen it don't spoil it for nobody else bro that is not the easy gang way to do dis [ __ ] not them other youtubers who just [ __ ] around and do stupid [ __ ] bro have some respect right have some respect have some respect I love y'all man and if you enjoyed this playthrough please leave a thumbs up on that on this video sham will put in that thumbs video I mean that thumbs up button pause that's not it disgusting if you are newly subscribe for more videos it's heating up I'm loving this series and this is only the second class trial and this how many more people left I got to get through this on double uploads I know I keep saying that I read somebody in the comments yesterday it was like I can't believe release he's gonna play double uploads somebody commented don't believe a word he says he's promised daily uploads so many times now I make these videos because they're fun right if I say I'm gonna do something now I'm trying my damndest so consider this the first in the series of the double uploads just so I can prove that [ __ ] wrong I wish I could block your comments honestly don't worry even where he says like oh [ __ ] you all right well let me chill and I do it though you probably eat probably a huge fan of the series just wants to see it just like everybody else right that being said me I love each and every one of you even you don't believe a word he says don't believe a word you say and I get you were smiling eachother and I will see you in the next video pshaw
Channel: iBerleezy
Views: 144,813
Rating: 4.981729 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa, TriggerHappyHavoc, dangan trail, iberleezy
Id: WYWpLz7xMng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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