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happy day I'm good and the time has finally come we have waited nine months for this Sally face episode - it's finally out it's midnight right now it just came out I've had the beta for quite some time but we weren't allowed to post it until today so I'm just playing today and if you didn't watch Sally based part 1 please go and do that I'll put it here or here or I'll link it below or something just go watch it first so this all makes sense this is an incredible story I am a blue haired guy named Sally with a prosthetic face something horrible happened to me I'm in this building it appears to be haunted and I teamed up with a guy named Larry and we put one of the residents of this horrible place in prison Charlie even though this happened nine months ago I still remember it so vividly sorry hey good good I don't think you're a murderer Sal well that's good but look at me I'm sitting here I'm looking badass as hell I'm wearing my prosthetic mask and look at why they let me wear the mask in jail it couldn't be you know dangerous here we go okay this is where episode two actually starts this is content that we have never seen before let's go so Sally where are ya huh oh just before my face got ripped off Oh glory days happy days we're gonna walk through scare the birds well I mean know is always a scary kid okay oh come on don't wander so far sweetie I want to see the doggy mom can't you listen personally I want to see the doggy mom can't you hear him what did she wait until your father gets here okay he should be here any minute now but I really want to see it please can I go Peppa Donny whoa oh all right Sal just give me a second to get my purse then we can go together oh wait over there by the tree okay these trees are creepy these trees have got shingles okay I'm going the right way I just really miss you dog okay I'm kid I just want to go pet some cute Duggars the trees are getting a lot more dense as I walk through - top dog just ominously staring at me behind the bushes hello Oh what happened do it did the dog rip my face off is that what happened here that'll do it I guess I mean dogs they can make it they do that mommy mommy please Oh what is this what is going on with her a massacre ah enter okay yeah let's let's just enter the back at the bloody ambulance sure hi thank you so much for coming to help out with the toilet oh no problem mrs. Sanderson I'll have it unclogged in no time wonderful Herman normally would have taken care of it himself but unfortunately his fingers have turned into banana peels if you know what I'm saying I actually don't know what you're saying and the street corner is just so dangerous I understand I really don't but that's fine thank you so much Larry the bathroom is just over there Larry I'm not Larry why they're ponies up here hello lady okay she doesn't want me to go into the kitchen last time I went into a kitchen in this creepy ass apartment I saw some things that I can't unsee so let's hope that doesn't happen where's the toilet oh I'm oh and my role playing is heritage and my role bangers Prairie lot okay we're in the store am i hallucinating did Larry am i climbing up your attic let's just just look around a little bit bye okay you there please help what's wrong the water it stopped why would you need water so thirsty okay that makes sense don't worry I know how to fix this please my mouth is so dry okay I can do that you've got horse teeth human hair wings I don't even know how to make sense of you you do have knobby knees just like my boyfriend must have like I didn't I like a good knobby knees every once in a while see car driver climbing up so you can go up again alright um let's go see what's on the right first oh boy why am I in the sewers I'm going to take me some time to make sense of all the suits which yeah sure why not I don't know what that did or I can climb up two different ways okay so we're going to try the right side first maybe there's a ladder on each side that I can climb come on let's see a ladder oh this one goes oh okay there's no switch alright okay that's just stupendous we're glass exterior gotcha bitch okay we're going to go down and see if that first switch that I tried to pull but it turned red will actually work this time let's do some business let's get our little horse male friend a drink you yes it worked okay so now it is time to visit the horse hopefully the water is now a flowin and hopefully the horse isn't deadly once he has quenched his thirst oh there we go hey guys I can't even talk to you but you sure do make a nice bridge so I'm just going to use you as a bridge there's a clogged toilet okay we're going to go a little bit further and see okay nope we're going on so we're going to unclog that toilet there's a lot of in there it's got to get done I'm so creeped out hello oh I'm unclogged it okay that's good keeping the plunger out there like I'm maybe we should wash it look at what no I was there yeah she was so late she took donkey yeah but like that's no reason to kill oh my get out here and we are going to follow the footsteps the hallway is looking trippy half awful dark in here hey Charlie okay this better not be a memory of how bad of a person I'm sorry so come closer I have something to show you oh okay as long as it's not your pony dick or something I know you touched my pony he's got a zipper on his face I thought we were friends Oh ah maybe I should roll around in the snow and not have dreams like this anymore episode 2 the wretched could things get any more wretched I guess we're about to find out Larry man you still having those nightmares I haven't had in this bad since right after my mom died I really think it's this building there's something off about it dude I know you're insistent about it but I really don't think this place is haunted I've been here for most of my life and I haven't seen any ghosts yeah that must be proof Larry just just you your anecdotes I saw some ghosts but what well we've known each other for a while now I have to show you something what come on what is it oh my goodness I know if I can handle any more surprises right now what I did not remember this being here really when you initially opened a their security cameras out here so we should be careful Larry I don't know why I'm just letting this Larry guy dictate what I do with my life because he doesn't really seem to be like a good influence whoa how come you never told me about this where I go what I need to be alone it's my Fortress of Solitude huh Oh tree house I mean that's kind of wholesome kind of cute childish awesome I'm coming with you boy all right let's climb you better not trap me up here and stab me I feel like you murder people Larry but maybe I saw her friends wow this is so cool I always wanted a tree house when I was younger yeah my dad built this for me before he disappeared wait what what do you mean disappeared one day he was here and everything was okay and the next day she was just gone no no no nothing and all of his things were still here his clothes his tools his wallet his driver's license everything he just disappeared dan I'm so sorry Larry I know how hard that is do your parents not get along no my parents want each other they hardly even fought or anything it isn't what it sounds like my dad didn't leave us even if that's what my mom chooses to believe I know he wouldn't ever leave us like that he loved us I believe you so what do you think happened look you know I'm not generally superstitious and I know you and Chuck where the apartments are haunted but well I think it's something else Oh like what I haven't told many people about this but I know I can trust you Sal I know you won't judge me of course not show me what it is maybe this is why I like Larry so much because we had this little bonding time here while we were still 15 what is it well the day before he disappeared I did something I'm not too proud of my parents got some fireworks and they told me so many times to wait for them not to play with them on my own but I just could resist you a little for you all back and one of them ended up in mrs. Gibson's open window it killed her Petrov Oh oh man that's rough yeah so I ran to check on mrs. Gibson and she was screaming at me like crazy as if I needed another reason to piss off that old bag I felt horrible though a poor bunny anyway as I was coming down in the elevator that's when I saw the demon the demon he reached out and touched me I got the super cold chill down my whole body I was scared shitless dude I thought I was losing my mind he was gone as quick as he came just as a doors open he cursed me because of what I did he cursed me everything in my life was after that my dad disappeared my mom stopped talking for a while and I had to spend two weeks in juvie for accidentally killing that rabbit my bike got stolen I missed so much school had to take summer classes it's been one bad thing after the next so you think this curse took your dad away maybe the curse got that woman killed while he was plunging the toilet I don't know I know how it sounds but I know it's true it's all my fault dad rabbit Anderson everything whoa hold on man even if there is some kind of curse on you you can't blame yourself for every bad thing that happens it's not all your fault what did this demon look like it was like nothing I've ever seen before it was like a moving shadow all black and misty but had the form of a man and the eyes were the worst part these deep red eyes that pierced right through yet oh what I've seen it - I've seen your demon no way when I swear I've seen it in the building just like you described I bet it's linked to the other ghosts too I mean I know you don't believe in ghosts but seriously I saw it too we both saw it in different places it has to be true I don't know dude what if we break this curse of yours how could we do that maybe there are some clues around that can help we can try to find out more about the ghost see if we can get to the bottom of this sure why not I've got nothing to lose my life's already maybe maybe there's a clue in the treehouse what's this picture Oh back when they were a happy family huh that's strange what is that I found this weird gear boy cartridge in the Lost and Found box a while ago I think it reacts the supernatural activity well that was one of the last pictures we took together not long before he disappeared I also should mention here that a lot of people don't know the secret behind the gear boy and how to even get it the creator of the game helped me get it in the first place so I will link that video in the description it's a separate video from the first one and let's keep going my mom didn't want any of my dad's things in the house so I brought everything out here for when he comes back on the fad it's gotta be something more what's in this captain nothing useful in there all right chess okay neutral eye a bunch of nature and outdoorsy magazines seems like Larry's dad is the opposite of my dad the magazines are all old from six years ago or more doesn't look like anything too useful though let's see what else is in here my dad seems like a broken man he has kind of a drinking problem I do remember that vividly from the last playthrough what's here a worn leather jacket there are a couple of old concert tickets in the pocket I guess that's where Larry gets his taste in music his death metal seems like a nice way to bond I don't think I've even watched a concert on TV with my dad let alone go to one live okay what about hmm this is last thing well some kind of weird small box in here looks like it's sealed shut retake that oh yeah my gear boy went off what is that what's in the box I have no idea man they belonged to my dad it's some kind of puzzle box never could figure out how to open it though I'm gonna crack this open it looks like there's a piece missing oh yeah you're right I never noticed that before let's smash it open you mind if I hold onto this now go ahead okay thank you cool just let me know if you get it open yeah okay of course goal is to follow Larry we got piece missing in this puzzle box though alright I thought I could go upward but I guess I guess this is a good two-story treehouse getting pretty cold we should head back inside now ready when you are all right let's go well I was interesting I mean I feel like I have a very close connection with Larry despite him being a little bit fishy and suspicious because of what happened here I feel like a lot of bad things have happened in my life and I can relate to Larry in that respect why do you look so sad buddy let's go in science get warm with headbang I'm going to look around and see what else I can find out all right sounds good I sort about to stay here and take care of my mom she's super sick what happened Lisa yeah I noticed that well let me know if there's anything you need thanks oh you're welcome love you Oh nice painting geez what's wrong with you did you ever take that new sanity fall song yeah then you want to hear okay Oh Oh here we are again let's go okay I'm done all right that's really good thanks for showing me hopefully you won't notice that I'm just going to quietly head bang my way out of here I should have some Megan if she knows anything about this demon hope she'll come out today nice his room please sir what's wrong with you I'm so sorry I got him to turn on music it's probably really bad being sick in here with gas metals blaring over there yo hey Lisa I'm feeling any better today Oh hiya Sal I think today might be the worst of it once I'm over this hump I'll be right as rain she's so positive like a spread the fact that everything in this place is very strange and abnormal she's always just so cheerful which is good because there's so much work to be done I'm just itching to get back to it make it easy for now and get some rest oh don't you worry about me Sal I've been resting plenty and Larry's been so helpful too I'll be just fine all right sorry but sorry again about the music your eyes are all black underneath it's making me nervous can I get you anything don't trouble yourself any Sal marry is taking good care of me all right I sure don't trouble your shat okay fine I'm going to quickly check the kitchen Hey look at Weaver picking it together now we are rich height but tight baby huh it's just like the chest in the tree house there's nothing of note inside this one anything going on in the bathroom all the bathrooms of this building look exactly the same anything going on in the kitchen nothing going under kitchen okay I'm just always bracing myself with this game hi paint boy yeah you get Chuck what are you at 2:00 how shall we face I'm waiting for the snack guy to fill the machine can't start my saturday was Houston Channel I hear ya I like to start off the weekend with video games and cartoons I guess you like chocolate did you see the new Rickles modish boy episode Rico's modish wife that's like Rocko's Modern Life yeah that was great I love that show it's like made for kids but there's so many sex jokes and weird and you endows in it glorious we too alright I'm gonna check the laundry real quick really we keep leaving their clothes in here there's only one washer dryer for this entire building come on guys we don't have been suite laundry you can't do that so irresponsible why are there so many cameras here now I don't know if I noticed these last time and it doesn't look like anything I can use here oh there's it's gotta be some clues I need to get to the boss house Addison what's up Donny key right how may I help you so what's the thing you cameras didn't you and your father receive the invitation to the monthly meeting everything gets discussed there um oh yeah I guess we just kind of forgot about it or it sounded so boring we didn't want to go that's not a problem at all though I do suggest you join in on the meetings in the future if you're able to that is you see it helps keep everyone informed and up-to-date anyhow to answer your question I've had a new security system put in for everyone's safety with all the recent events the tenants were getting a bit nervous my hope is that with this new state-of-the-art security system in place everyone can feel more comfortable in their living arrangements that make sense thanks for catching me up on that my closer and you don't certainty anymore you got any seen any ghosts what oh heavens to Betsy please don't tell me my building is haunted last thing I need her now are some promiscuous phantoms frightening my tenants promiscuous really I'm having a hard enough time keeping everyone happy while Lisa sick and Lisa she holds this place together but no no it is okay mr. Edison everything is okay I was I'm working on a paper for school yeah that's all well I nearly had a heart attack there I simply cannot handle any more stressors at the moment you do it a great job try not to be too hard on yourself okay your to guidance ugh well I just got someone thrown in jail so I would expect goodbye good day no not right now okay so we can only leave when we are supposed to leave which is great because I like to have a more streamlined experience when I desperately want to figure out what's going on all right well it is itself from upstairs is there something you want I just wanted to talk to you to me oh all right come on and then the doors open I owe your old I didn't rattle hello there Sally what brings a young girl like your stuff to see this old woman hi mrs. Rosenberg I wanted to ask you a few things if that's okay ask away child I may not have much left but time is all I've got now yes time is all I have and even that will soon slip away from me but depressing okay this is Rosenberg or maybe I've never really had a grasp on it at all such a strange concept isn't it time sitting here all alone come on Kendra okay the mind can drift a great deal wondering what's beyond the veil getting too deep into these thoughts in the world makes less and less sense I'm lonely yes time is an enigma oh listen to me rambling on I'm sorry dear Sally you have something to ask yeah um I want to be lived here to start long indeed though it's hard to say exactly my old mind can barely hold onto memories of yesterday anymore let alone the distance past I'm afraid my days are nearing an end soon I'm a return to dust and my consciousness will emerge with the greatest it is nothing a boy that's impossible for our little brains throughout their heads around and trust me when I say I've tried yes a powerful dreaded empty nothingness I'm gonna die someday and so are you what was your question today mrs. Rosenberg I'm sorry I asked though I was asking how long you've lived here that's all I want to know not how long you have left on this planet before you die you know I do remember when the Addison's moved here from overseas to construct this building okay so I'll take it in time okay can you stop talking actually this land belonged to my family first but I decided to sell to the Addison since I was the only one remaining as I am now still I thought the company would be nice to have again someone to share the anguish of life with life is pain I was young and desperate for a new beginning what a foolish girl I was that's depressing okay see you regret selling the land huh a life says all his mind is filled with regrets my dear though it all eventually becomes meaningless I mean she looks so nice that I don't know what's going on here so about the Edison's whatever happened to the rest of the family like do they live around town like what's going on they're gone oh now I get the short answer gone time takes us all Sally poor little Terence is the last of his family oh I suppose he's not so little now but that's how I see him as a young boy with a twinkle in his eye and a head filled with dreams now look at him he never leaves that godforsaken room yeah white jesse stay locked away in there he went a little kooky after his family passed if you ask me the boy was so wound up he was afraid be some shadow parents worshiped his father and gave up on his dream of opening a tea house in order to run his father's apartment slowly but surely he began confining himself in the safety of his room until one day he stopped coming out altogether yes despite the chair for persona he puts forth from behind that door of his parents Addison is about as timid as they come if you guys didn't know Terrence is the guy with the peephole who gives out the Addison's teeth I didn't think that he'd be so shy and he was just talking about like meetings that everyone's having but she's going on about how like messed up he is damaged by a life of misfortunes but aren't we all my dear yes I suppose we are oh one more thing and please try to keep it short this time have you ever seen ghosts in the building I need to know this I'm doing research go why in heaven's would you worry about such a thing as ghosts Sally you're such a sweet young girl you remind me of myself from another time do all rose a favor enjoy your life while it lasts don't be consumed by the allure of guests and its many secrets I know yes yes it's quite tempting and very easy to get pulled in why you could say we're all ghosts really just waiting to pass from this place to the next such a thin membrane that separates existence and non-existence yes we're more albino with our frail bones and delicate casings any small misstep could send us reeling into eternity in the blink of an eye bye bitch no okay should I talk to her again no not a question oh it's the longest one no no bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye you don't have a kitchen all you're blocking it of course right well I was mistake mrs. Gibson she sounds old - I think this is Gibson would kill me if I Bob at her again oh she's the one who screamed at me last time okay we're gonna go to the second floor he was going on up there come on boy second floor weird it around here without Lisa the people that lived here moved out after what happened with Charlie I'm not surprised okay Charlie's old place okay and this is Charlie's old place feel kind of bad it's all empty now is there anything going on in the kitchen no okay I just keep racing myself nothing's going on hit anything going on the bathroom man that smell is still lingering I'm definitely not going in there Charlie - took a wonderful donkey every once in a while Todd's place I really want to bother him right now he's usually tutoring on the weekends all right well that's all sounds like maybe he's weirdo but the weird noises will open up this time hello hello I mean okay I'll take that as a no I don't know what's going on in there like maybe we should put a security camera in there wish I could ask mr. Addison what's going on in there Chuck's place chuck is downstairs and his parents work on the weekends of course Chuck is trying to get some candy out of that machine we're home we're making our way up oh oh oh yeah sup brother uh what happened to your pants no I gotta stay on topic have you seen any ghosts around yeah for sure the ghosts of my past keep me awake at night all the time I barely get any sleep around here Oh what about like a spirit of someone else that used to live here or something yeah you've gotta lay off the drugs man trust me you'll have a better laugh for it don't make the same mistakes I did okay what happened your pants oh well they're in the war still the wash oh it's with your pants in the Sarah was supposed to go get a Mac are we just talking not Channel what Sarah was supposed to go get a Mac but we just got talking not you know lost racket dad all right well I'm sorry about your pants see ya all right bye actually I like that guy 301 okay it seems like they're pretty busy the college students okay close that's wholesome that's fun maybe I'll get to party with him later if they don't mind my mask I am like 15 you know maybe maybe the one I Ghazni 403 okay okay 404 I don't think anyone lives here maybe they left after what happened next door I would - I don't blame the wife camera ripped off here I don't like that one bit all right this is my place a oh yeah yeah oh you're watching TV by yourself you're so cute what you watching buddy yeah come on you're just so cute I love you anything going on in the kitchen nope all right that's fine anything wrong in the TWiT off okay someone's out clean this up that's a lot of crap you're watching TV and poop enough I think some apple on the toilet dad hey hi dad can't talk right now Sal got to make this deadline for work you haven't seen me in a while dad all right fine I get it I'm scared to tell but I'm going to the fifth floor because you know what I'm bored and I want to see what's going on Oh cute okay all right can't even blocked all right this floor is currently being renovated for your safety please get the hell out no we're staying 504 over I should call Larry up here so we can meet Megan they don't have to believe that Addison Apartments are haunted Larry you there I'm here huh dog I'm here what's up can you come to 504 sure my mom took her medicine so she'll be passed out for a while anyway I'll be right up all right Larry Larry Doby er bring me my little friend so what is it you wanted to show me come on the bathroom she come on I mean that that probably sounds creepy she's in the bathroom I personally wouldn't go but Larry's got big balls so oh the handprints on the door oh damn these fifth floor rooms have seen better days Shh what just wait a minute Megan are you here hello don't embarrass me I want you to meet my friend Larry Marin Megan don't do me like this I don't think there's anyone here dude she might be afraid she can be pretty shy though I haven't been able to get her to come out in a while now I hope she's okay so you come up to this moldy bathroom to talk to a dead girl how often you come up here I've been able to talk to her a few times but like I said she hasn't been around lately I'm not crazy Larry hey I predicted hours I'm going to prove this to you hey I never said you were crazy man where does this is I believe you okay you're my best bud and if this helps at all with finding my dad then I'm all for it oh I really thought we'd be able to talk to her today I just had this feeling dude you know who you should go talk with Todd he's probably just smartest kid I know and he's also into the supernatural stuff like you are I bet he could help somehow Todd really huh I never expected he would believe in that stuff he always seems so normal rational yeah I guess so okay well I'll go talk to him and see what I can find out all right I'm going to head back downstairs to make sure my mom's all right let me know if you find anything will do Megan Megan you better not pop out now that Larry's gone you if you do I just work on my gas as anxious as I am to talk to Todd right now I'm going to have to end here it is 120 in the morning I want to be able to take my time with this game and also get it out as soon as possible for you guys hope you guys enjoyed this gameplay please show poor will lose some support because what an incredible game he created creative Wow English don't forget to show me some support by giving this video a thumbs up follow me on twitter at gluey Cassie and I'll see you guys on the next one by
Channel: Gloom
Views: 3,465,356
Rating: 4.8995757 out of 5
Keywords: sally face, sally face episode 2, sally face 2, sally face game, sally face part 2, sally face chapter 2, sally face gameplay, point and click, sally face preview, gameplay, game, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2016, sally face gloom, walkthrough, sally face 2 эпизод
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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