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ah what a beautiful place guys look at this no little brother inside anywhere I'm just here and nature there's trees I could just like plunge and break trees of peace finally I mean I don't know how my little brother did that previous video where he made a secret fort night house literally in the middle of nowhere it just made no dadgum flippin sense and it really really confused me but anyways Oh flowers ah wait those aren't flowers that's brass ah these flowers smell so good guys if you think these flowers smell good you need to leave a like down below on the video right now okay wait a second guys I see a sign over here let's go check it out what the heck a sign and it says this way okay guys normally I would say I'm not into following strange signs because that's dangerous okay stranger dangers a real thing but this time I will just go ahead and follow the signs and see what this leads you what are you doing a little how did you get here how did you okay wait wait wait a second at the end of our last video you said that there was something else you were cooking up this was all part of my plan to lure you into my next secret are you kidding me I've already found your secret fortnight house and now you've got another secret for me do I really have to follow you yes you do okay just lead the way well I couldn't have gotten a regular little brother who didn't make secret things on minecraft worlds and I don't even know how you keep getting onto my minecraft worlds by the way but it's kind of bugging me I mean I don't know should I be ready for this I don't even know what it is we're doing oh my what is this bro what what is this oh my gosh brand new Oh rainbow dropper memory why did you make the secret rainbow Drake what was the point of this why why are you always making secret stuff map made by TV and our Josh okay guys do me a solid favor right now if you think that Joshua made this map leave a like down below and comment Josh smells and you know what if you say Josh didn't make this map comment down below Josh smells good but I think Joshua you smell bad cuz there was a liar you are liar no I am you ready brother let me read these signs okay each dropper is built up from a randomly selected floors the outcome of this generation varies some games will be easier than the others due to this in the somewhat likely event of an impossible dropper an option to generate new levels exists mid game warning this will force all players back wait so you're telling me that your dropper oh okay all right now you're being inappropriate you're being inappropriate okay what dude so you're telling me that your dropper is a randomized wait five minutes we have five minutes whoa whoa dude I just got the level two what the fudge bro oh okay bro you're not even through the first level yet are you sure you made this drum okay okay oh my god Bernie died one why do you keep logging on and making secret maps Josh you have your own friends in your own box you pleb take some of that okay let's be mature let's be mature oh okay okay every go guys can't get one like to charge me up down below in the comments oh I can make this drop a rapid cabin okay why did you have to make a dropper is so difficult Josh huh why yeah you're saying that and you haven't even made it yet and you made the trouble okay okay the owner you know you know the sang the owner never fails yeah I don't know is that a thing guys I'm pretty sure that is not a legitimate saying yeah Josh huh you like your little secret dropper so apparently Josh because you randomly generated these levels that sometimes they can be impossible was that intentional yes what why why would you want us to have to possibly do an impossible level who bro this might be one of the impossible levels I'm not like trying to complain or anything like that but I've already failed a lot of times you know what I'm saying brother yeah white bro bro why did you mate why did you lie never tested these I just your okay so you just decided to make a possibly impossible why why dude we're gonna be stuck here like five ever seven ever she'd ever I hope you know that you I am a handsome man cake that's what I am baby they call me peed on what because I never risk every day I eat chicken breast it's high in protein it's low in fat but it's not very keto but it's so kind of askew no cuz it's got some protein yeah oh wait we only have five minutes wait what the fudge wait why don't really have five minutes that's some hot garbage wait wait why do we have only five minutes it's not way am i ready on the low weight mine the phone Emma Emma excuse me it ladies and gentlemen I think I'm already on the final dropper meanwhile my little brother is a plumbing along right now [Music] yeah but guess what blood stirrer guess who's on the level okay the final level am I gonna fit Josh look at your fails promise look at your fails by Deuter Oh Merry Christmas uh no wait did I just beat your mat before you wait are you kidding just you got to be kidding me you gotta be kidding me no dude you're only wait wait wait hold on let me TP to you real quick let me TPD whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bud stir oh I don't know I'm coming in I'm coming out of deep being you know I keep taping you while you're mid drop hold on don't drop don't drop okay can you stop dropping stop dropping freely don't drop let me TP to you come on okay there we go there we go beautiful just a you know I can do Josh I'm gonna reset the level okay wait what happened I reset the levels that I have no idea what happened did I just reset you and roll you okay this one is a little bit difficult I gotta say though the rainbow textures are absolutely beautiful I do rate them Joshua out of ten at least a seventeen and a half okay I know that's not probably the best way to do a rating system but I find that is a bet no this one's really hard Josh wait Josh you do realize you're about to lose you realize you're about to lose your way out fifty seconds left to complete it brother Oh dude it's really kind of tripping me because it's all rainbows so I keep thinking I see water when in reality it's just the colors of the blocks I've turned to blue I'm doing a pretty good job though I want to say I'm holding my ground I'm holding my ground right now and I'm trying to do what every man should do which is drop in his little brother secret okay this is quite a difficult secret dropper Joshua what you have to say about yourself about creating such a monstrous map Oh tested this beforehand yeah yeah you probably should have tested this beforehand but I guess you decided to be fun to use me and you as testers I feel like that's not too smart like why did you have to use a Joshua of three seconds hey wait where did you go where are you [Music] wait but where are you I'm not the dropper wait what it's game over oh yeah oh you're right here okay let's see can you do it this time Josh come on let's see who's gonna win whoa this Oh what bro it just generated it in front of my face it this is a whole different one by the way oh yeah I know that buds they're all level one Club now I'm on level two fit Joshua in my shoes oh oh level three baby let's go baby they call me fire oh oh cuz my merch is so hot hot as much in the game Preston Styles calm we're having some cyber monday stairs right now before up they call me your score Brahmin I'm finished just in like under five fails I'm like literally beast mode chicken nuggets inside of a blender right now level five already dude I am a monster and I cannot be stopped I will not be stopped my name is Preston arigatou Domo Roboto yes hello yeah I got that back yeah I really heard a lot from you Josh I feel like you're uh are you riding flipping clothes I think one might say guys that my little brother is possibly riding oh he thinks he's on level four doesn't he he fakes his own layer before now that okay well you might get to level four but let me tell you something Josh the finale of this level is a very difficult one you're gonna be put to the absolute test of stress in fact so much stress I don't even know this one is possible I think we might have ran into another one of these in pop oh maybe not maybe not hold on maybe brother mmm okay maybe this one's impossible why did you have to make such a complicated math okay like last time you put spike traps on the wall and your secret fort night little brother house I don't even know why you keep making these and you keep making up so dad your samples mmm okay little brother oh I'm taking you down to Chinatown so are you okay that's it whoa whoa yeah take that bud stir all right little bud sir it sounds like something a pleb would say okay let's have a little bit of a peace treaty right now cuz both of us want to complete this dropper sometime this year if you okay wow this is favorite quite difficult I feel like I'm eating my words here ladies and gentlemen my award mobiles are being eaten okay you can't drop straight in the center because there's a centerpiece there but I blends in with all the other pieces so it's really really really really hard to see freaking amen oh I think I felt I fit dude I think I found do it I'll think I found you wait hold on mate Oh think of a new way Oh mate whoa mate I was so close brother oh brother Oh bro sir Oh bro sir I just ate a gopher oh I got close bro I think I found it [Applause] as a field we get to go around the left side dude I was so close like so close doesn't count okay so close is pretty good but so close isn't you know it's not there man it's not there your clothes Oh Joshua you got you have one minute left one minute remaining 40% off the entire Preston style store this deal is only available on Cyber Monday also free domestic shipping on all first-class orders and priority packages and free international shipping on orders $100 or more promo Preston out let me just go out front some of these beautiful Preston style sunglasses get them impressive sales calm oh my gosh sorry just dab it on my haters right now it's right now I think the only hater guys is my little brother because he just can't seem to be hot enough or skillful enough to beat his own rainbow truffle I'm so bad okay little brother you gonna eat that takes takes a lot of time you know so Josh you have 20 I repeat there are 20 seconds left for my little brother who finishes dropper if he doesn't finish in time bad things are gonna happen oh this is my last ride oh my gosh little brother I can't dive I'll leave you right now come over here to me I'm gonna get Chris wait wait no no no no no wait well hold on hold on hold on Josh Josh what is this sign what is this sign wait you told me you made the map who receipt eggs who was a Texas you don't make this bid you lie to me no no that's not supposed to be there uh-oh what is he hiding the evidence are you HOT bro guys I am it's okay I am really really suspicious of my little brother I no no no no no no no no no this is totally not right Josh wait what the what the heck how do I get his cage what did you what did you talk to me hahahaha okay I might've beaten me this time brother but just wait until you see what I have in store wait no no no you're gonna do another secret against me are you Kim No Oh guys guys I need your help right now do not allow this little brother of mine to abuse me any longer I need some hash tag stop Preston abuse down below in the comments please save me see you next time brother what I just got banned from I just got banned from my own minecraft server this is follow the green grass road okay I'm following it I'm following it you're late how do you get lost on your own secret world thing did you build all this by the way since when did you have such a big green thumb building all these cute flowers and stuff you know lately I've been really getting into garden
Channel: Preston
Views: 8,472,695
Rating: 4.9019465 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, little brother, secret, secret minecraft, minecraft secret, prestonplayz, preston
Id: tIOS0867dNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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