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what's up guys this video is gonna be a little bit different than my other videos and that is because I found something truly amazing something that should only exist in science fiction first let me start off by explaining where I got this thing rewind the clocks back to the fishing blog remember who caught the biggest fish of the day okay so Phil who's not even competing this competition just caught the biggest fish at 62 inches yes that was Phil and Phil recently just went on a trip to Shanghai China where he was visiting factories that produce technology in one of the laboratories the back of the factory he was looking around he found this thing a prototype of such something that shouldn't actually exist in the real world but it does he brought this thing back to the United States to show me and I was absolutely blown away and now I need to show you inside this box is a piece of technology and that should only exist in the movies but I have it in real life right here and I need to show you I know it doesn't look like much but this thing is extremely powerful and needs to be handled with extreme care let me show you what this thing can do inside the box is a few things most important of which is this this is the piece of technology that was talking about guys this thing is so incredibly powerful and the coolest part of it is it literally looks like I'm holding a Star Wars lightsaber of some kind and the best part is when you turn this thing on it looks like one - it's unbelievable but before I can power this thing up guys I need to take all the safety precaution that I can so I need to put on the safety goggles and these things are kind of hard to see out of they block a lot of light where's you got your safety goggles on - yep got my safety goggles on nothing we have our safety goggles on let's open this thing up put the batteries in fire it up so you guys can see what this thing looks like and so you guys can see what this thing can do it's absolutely crazy alright the batteries are in there putting the cap back on alright this thing is live let's turn this thing on you guys are gonna be blown away with all these reporters need to be very careful so don't try this at home guys okay let's test it out ready we're gonna do the first fire up to us you ready mm-hmm three two one whoa this thing is so bright can you see it come up with the beam Liz yeah that's crazy that that's like you see you can see me like behind it yeah so guys this is an actual laser beam that's shooting out and what's like don't touch it it's super powerful the laser beam looks really awesome and cool so you kind of want to touch it but you really can't touch it all because it's so powerful that it will burn you and to show this I have a pen this is just a standard plastic bic pen I'm gonna touch the beam with this pen here we go whoa it's smoking it started it's starting to burn the pen oh look at that it's literally burning the pen it's like a smoke cloud coming right off it hmm okay guys oh and look at that it melted the pen the pens all melted it is like burning a hole inside the pen that's what would happen if you touch the Dean with your finger it would just start to burn your finger crazy now let me show you what happens when you shine this on the piece of wood one thing that's different about this and a Star Wars lightsaber is that a Star Wars lightsaber is about you know this long this one just keeps shining on and on for a lot longer so check this out you ready oh wow it looks so great you can see how powerful it is I'm shiny on the floor I can shine it up on the wall and it's just so bright it's just crazy so that's what the beam looks like when you shine it through the air now let me show you what happens when you shine this beam all the different objects so we got a couple balloons here you ready lens three two one isn't that so fast it's so palpable it just goes right through it yeah it just literally goes right through them it's crazy for comparison this is your standard burning laser pointer check this out this is what it looks like it's just strong enough for you to barely kind of see the beam and see the dot on the wall you know looks pretty cool now this is the Star Wars lightsaber check it out the beam is way thicker way more powerful and it's overall so much brighter here's the burning laser pointer you can just barely see that beam here's the block of wood here is a super powerful burning laser pointer let's see what happens let's get a little bit closer you can see it doesn't really do much and this is the Star Wars lightsaber ready boom you can see immediately it starts to smoke the wood is it gonna catch on fire I think it's possible that it might catch the wood on fire but you can see it's literally etching it away making so much smoke as it hits it's too bright I can barely see it become literally drawing a line like an octopus just like squiggles but look at little I'm literally drawing in the wood with burn marks it's so whoa it smells like marshmallows as well as I can't fire guns burning the wood [Music] can you guess it I'm smelling love um not quite no close there you go yeah [Music] like that woman I just text your name it doesn't like it's actually just etched and burnt in there duct tape is some of the strongest duct tape in the world let's see if the Star Wars lightsaber can cut through this I don't think so Carter duct tape is super strong yeah doc tape is really strong you try to rip a piece there you go I'm strong now it's just one piece let's see the Star Wars lightsaber can cut through this thing okay Liz goggles on let's do it ready yeah whoa it's smoking with oh well that's crazy is it cutting is it oh I think it is it's nothing it whoa that kind of pretty fast it literally melted the tape I think that's what happened look at the edge it's so burnin hot that it just melted at all yeah that's crazy I definitely don't wanna put your finger in this beam we got all the water balloons lined up and we are ready to test the lightsaber on to all those little baby water balloons water blows are even harder to pop than regular balloons let's see if the laser can pop all of these water balloons ready yeah right through when the laser popped the balloon there was like so blue it looked like they're full of like blue water but they're filled with regular water and this is just so bright and I made the water glow oh we should try putting you in the pool guys dead do you think it'll heat up the pool and turn into a hot tub it might be one whoa look at it in the water it was all the way down there look at that can you see it really well yeah you can actually see it super well try to go like all the way in that corner whoa look at the light show Oh light saber show you can see the surface sparkling to where it hits the water it's like evaporating it that's so cool careful don't hit me with it we should try piece of chocolate Oh yummy I love chocolate now it's my turn to play with this magic light thingamabob Carter's talking about wait what you want to play with this yeah it's a magic noise I don't know if you can handle this amount of responsibility the single so powerful that if you shine at the wrong direction it could be really disastrous put your goggles on come on don't let's be careful I hold the power and with great power comes great chocolate chocolate yeah you're gonna do lightsaber versus chocolate mm-hmm I'm gonna do the dark chocolate wait Liz aren't you gonna open the chocolate yeah I'm gonna open it with the laser you are uh-huh if it works me too what suits you close well actually I don't know maybe you were okay to try to do a line and tie ready yep news yep well did it cut it open I think so oh my I can't wait you get to go on hit the cólera yeah let me do that give it to the weight of cuts [Music] more [Music] did it go through this thick parts you know no I think it did okay let's see you test it mmm it smells like s'mores how did it come off we didn't get the edges I guess let's see what you got okay let's see if I could get it perfectly on that line already set so oh it's so bright it's burning it's smoking the chocolate okay do we get it wait it's pretty deep cut actually whoa look at that it's like all melted it smells like burnt oh yeah just burnt if you look really closely it's like black this is burn did it melt it in half almost yeah that's crazy yeah there's enough with your chocolate then you try cutting this thing up I'm the master Jedi with this thing okay goggles on ready the Google is on oh it's burning the wood look there's so much like smoke look at that just slicing it it's just slicing and slicing and it's in half you just cut it right in half that's so crazy what do you guys think about this laser thingamabob er comment down below it's not a thingy revolver it's like a real-life Star Wars lightsaber lives it's a magic light and if you're playing with this and you came home with like lunch in a paper bag like this and I was shining it let's see what happens if I like touched it with the Star Wars goes on first okay go Carter it's really starting to smoke and it's going through to the other caught on fire okay so that's what happens uh getting smoke in here that's what happens if you shine this on a paper bag that was like three feet away and it can catch this thing on fire baby beam weird lightsaber the Stormers lightsaber is over 50 times more powerful so it takes 50 of these to equal one of these here we go baby beam and lightsaber boom it's so like overpowered ready I might explode then there'll be 51 times stronger what do you guys think of this real-life Star Wars lightsaber comment down below and let me know what else we can do with this thing that's so crazy cool and if you guys liked this video leave a comment and smash that like button if you want to see more videos just like this one roll the outro card whoa I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog stay tuned for the next one cuz it's gonna be even more lift get your Carter merchant now if Carter Sherrod calm and represent the most epic channel on YouTube I'll see you guys on the next vlog don't miss it
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 4,792,861
Rating: 4.7568603 out of 5
Id: B5XtLGQo79E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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