I Found 4 Genius Woodworking Tools That Are On Another Level!

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I'm in North America's largest Woodworking Show and I've got some game-changing woodworking tools you can't miss you got to see these tools let's go we're here with kiwi Visions with Mr Gary he's going to show us the Morgan Square never seen one of these hey Matt the Morgan Square is designed for framing and as you know framing relies on 16 inches on Center for all the studs so you have to remember to deduct the three quarters of an inch to keep your studs on Center what we've done tape measure hooks on real quick and easy to the Morgan Square simply pull your layout out to the 16 on Center this is one and a half inches so you mark both sides and every time your stud's going to be right on this on the 16 on Center it's pretty cool and that tape measure locks in there on that end yes sir with the regular belt clip that comes with almost every tape measure it'll fit almost any tape measure so your favorite tape measure is likely to work with the Morgan Square we do have them in plastic and aluminum there's a couple of features I'd like to show you on the aluminum ones as you can see here it is all one solid piece of aluminum there's no welds or anything like that to crack and break and and that kind of thing all the lettering is laser etched so this tool is going to be super durable it's going to last for a long long time the plastic ones you can get either on Amazon woodcraft.com or on our website themorgansquare.com all the aluminum ones are available on the Morgan square.com eight inch goes for 39.99 we have the 12 inch version which goes for 49.99 and we have a 16 by 24 inch version that goes for 64.99 and we have a variety of colors also we have blue we have natural aluminum we have a black one we have orange we have green and we even have pink awesome thank you appreciate that thank you I'm here with Ralph here with the micro Jake good to see you Matt thank you you're going to show us some new products you got absolutely one of the products we have is the fit finder this is a finalist for the Innovation Awards here at the show it's been out for about a year and the fit finder is designed to find the halfway point of any piece of stock up to three inches thick and actually we can do it more than that we've got some video on that but up to three inches so by loosening the two knobs on the back when you move P2 up and down that's where you measure your stock note that P3 right here is moving by half the amount so I could take a piece of stock drop P2 on top lock the two knobs and this point here is indicating half of that so at the table saw I can bring the blade up until it touches the bottom of this and I can cut a half lap or here at the router table I can bring a bit up to it we can touch off I can lay it sideways instead of bandsaw for a resaw cut anywhere I want to transfer the measurement physically I don't know how thick this stock is I don't need to know I found the halfway point already now this led us directly to the lock miter bit here the lock miter bit the joint is a very popular joint it's very useful for long columns posts wrapping a column in a basement newel posts all that sort of thing scribes on cabinets but this bit has a reputation a bad reputation for being very difficult to set up as you well know and there's a reason for that the lock miter bit has to be exactly set set to the exact midpoint of your stock but the midpoint of the bit is this basically the center between the tongue and groove and there's no good way to measure it on here until now exactly when we had the carbide car cut through the final size we also milled in this platform which we call our Center finding platform that is the exact halfway point of the bit so we're going to figure out the halfway point of our stock here now you can see that this is not the correct setup for the bit so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring use the fit finder I'm going to bring the router bit up until it touches the bottom of that P2 P3 leg and I like to bring it up until it touches it's just barely touching there and just then lower the bit just a tiny amount now I'm done and you can see that it's a perfect fit nice now that the bit is Set Don't Mess with the height the next thing is to set the fence and that's pretty easy if this is my router table fence and this is my part I want the top of the part the face of the fence and this part of the 45 on the bit to all meet at the same point so I'm going to take a steel rule put it on top of my stock against the face of my fence and then I'm going to adjust the fence until it's just touching at that point that's the right setting for the fence now when I go to make my cut I'm going to start cutting on we always start on the horizontal it's just what we do right so when I get done cutting this first piece this is the first piece I've cut no other matching piece yet this should be a perfectly sharp knife edge if there's a flat there the fence is too far forward and we need to move it back a little bit we're not cutting deep enough if I when I start cutting I see the bit starting to remove the corner of the material the fence is too far back I need to bring It Forward all I have to do is adjust the fence because we know this is right so don't mess with it so maximum of one or two test cuts and we're done I can do it pretty much every single time right off the bat and this little piece over here our lamp the tapered column in the middle is done with the lock miters and that the the opening makes it easier to put your electrics through yeah that's cool so if you were doing a uh like a six foot tall floor lamp you can do it with the lock miter bit the whole thing's Hollow so you can run your wiring through awesome thank you very much thanks Matt I enjoyed it [Music] this Mr Tim was next wave he has a shark artist 1000 Pro yes it is a really Advanced router fence system so what this is is a system that's designed to go into virtually any router table that's out in the market so it comes with the lift system the fence and everything here the miter is the only attachment that is on it otherwise it's all included together what it is is to be able to take the router system and make it from what it was a kind of a scary tool to one that's very easy to set up and instead of thinking can I do that somewhere else you say I actually can do this on the router table so you have the ability to control everything down to a thousandth of an inch I can specifically enter information into it or I can literally nudge it along if you need to so that's moving both a bit high as well as the fence distance yes and it works with any standard router that can that would go into a router table you have the ability to save uh 24 different positions so if you have a custom setup you can of course do that but where it really starts to shine is with the apps so you can now do things on the router table that would be normally you'd have to do somewhere else like a dado cutting all I have to do is everything is visual representation so I put in a dado size I do an offset if it's a rabbit or a dado and then I just say go run the the Wizard and it says I'm going to move it moves it into position if I was doing the cut out here it would literally move each one either I can use a foot pedal or I can touch it here in order to be able to run the programs so with the data you it all gives visual represent all the systems work like this you can enter in exactly what you want it to be you can see about an offset on it and then how high you want it to go into it and then you say go ahead and run this and then it will set itself up for that so if I was running a dado I would run it through I could either press the OK or I could use the foot pedal underneath in order to do it it moves over half a bit at a time and then you get the exact dado you want without having to change a bit or doing anything like that makes it a lot easier without a tear down going to a table saw anything like that much faster much faster you decided you want to do a drawer or something you can easily do a box joint or fluting or half blinds or a domino or a floating Tenon tongue and groove Loch miter which is also a very difficult to be able to do can be just put the bit in give it some basic information and it's all set up for you but we can run a quick box joint so you can get the idea so this will show you the female in the mailbox that it will when we're running it but we'll put in we got a little under a quarter inch bit where width of the material is four inches we're not going to put in any glue clearance we'll make it super tight and I will go in a little at over a half an inch into it and I say go ahead and run the female joint and it says okay I'm going to move everything and set it up for you and each step all I have to do is tell it to cycle or I can touch it up here for each cycling you could if you wanted to know you can do custom setups as well but this is the standard app so I just did the female side with this setup all I have to do is hit the mail side and say re-run it and it would move it into position for the other side and so that's the that's literally after all the apps work that way about as simple as doing that and they're designed to do it in this case it's a super tight on joint hit on there we had a bit of damage in there on that one that's how tight it typically does to get in there now what all comes with the was this you said the lift and then this the table itself you uh have to purchase so this goes in you have the total fence the controller this the touch plate is all part of it the only accessory here is the miter fence if you need that so this is 16.99 and the fence is 299 so two thousand dollars for a complete unit right awesome thank you Mr Tim thank you [Music] hey Dan hey doing Dan's with Oneida air systems going to talk to us about small shop dust collection for small shops what would you suggest for somebody that's in a very small shop we have a wide variety of different types of dust collection systems we have 110 volt and 220 volt systems uh mini gorilla would be a 110 volt customer we have it available on our website and it's a 110 volt or 220 volt it's made for one single tool at a time so if you're running a table saw if you're running a jointer or a planer and you want to hop from tool to Tool without running duct work keep your costs down that's going to be a perfect solution it's going to handle any four inch diameter Port any five inch diameter Port wanted time as you go along it's kind of limited to that size but that would be a perfect for a Homewood worker who's looking to just start out with good American-made dust collection with great HEPA filtration uh that would be where I would start them you have another next level up from that yes absolutely I'm glad you asked that would be our supercell system so this will probably be our most popular unit for your home woodworker it's a 220 volt system and it's a high pressure unit and what that gets you is going to be able to do a small all one inch diameter you know handheld orbital sander or maybe a router table at two and a half inches as well as your larger four and five inch diameter ports so this system is one at a time and you're gonna be able to do anything in your shop it basically replaces any wet dry vacuum that might have it's got the HEPA grade filter in it and it's going to be able to take care of any tool one at a time as long as it's not a dual ported system sometimes you get the you know dual ports on the band saw sometimes right we say just block off that bottom Port because it's pretty useless anyway you hook it right up to that table port and you're good to go it's going to clean it and that's the biggest thing for Homewood workers try and collect at the source yeah that's the way to get the Dust Away out of your face out of the air and it's collected right away that's probably the most important thing too one thing I've read about Oneida is your dust collection or the way you're pulling air is different from other dust collectors right yes that's exactly right so what it is is that high pressure and it's basically speed velocity versus volume cubic feet per minute right and there's a direct correlation in order to get the actual static pressure needed for the smaller size ports your wet dry vac sizes two and a half and smaller right you're going to need a lot of air speed a lot of velocity that's what that provides you so it's got a whole bunch it's got three separate Motors you've got a turbo version that has four in it yeah and that's just gonna suck the air super quickly which allows them to collect from that smaller size diameter but it also has enough volume to where it's going to handle your larger Ford five inch diameter cords and it's still going to clear it right out without a problem so that's what sets us apart especially with this product for the Homewood worker you've got all the wide variety Fork sizes it's going to handle every single one one at a time as long as you're just doing one at a time one inch to five inch in diameter nice so what do you have a solution for somebody that wants to set up a whole shot dust collection what's that oh our v3000 is for the customer who wants to duck their whole shop they got a basement shop shed shop or a larger garage shop and they want to connect blast Gates and be able to potentially use more than one at a time with whole hard ducting throughout the shop this system is going to be able to do the same exact thing that that supercell can do except for you can do two or three at a time if you wanted to where that one's just one at a time yeah so that's kind of the big difference with these v3000 systems the smart version is going to get you those smaller ports the regular v3000 is just going to do four inch and larger up to three at a time gotcha Miss Daniel I really appreciate this time absolutely man thank you for stopping by appreciate it you got to check out the most exciting table saw I've seen in years with saw stop killing technology right there or some of the craziest tools I've ever seen before right there
Channel: 731 Woodworks
Views: 257,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 731 woodworks, woodworking tools, woodworking tools 2023, new woodworking tools 2023, awfs fair, crown molding jig, innovative woodworking tools, next wave shark router fence, next wave rs1000, Morgan square, microjig fit finder, microjig lock miter bit, oneida dust collectors, oneida dust collection systems, small shop dust collection, dust collection for small woodworking shops, best dust collector for woodworking, made in the usa tools
Id: 1FW2nfZHug4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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