I forced 100 Minecraft players to fight in Hardcore mode until everyone was dead

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okay all I need to do is this and there we go we have just let 100 people onto my brand-new hard core server so here's everybody spawning in I've made a really really small map it's like five hundred blocks by five rooms blocks so if somebody dies they can't respawn and I'm basically just gonna keep watching until there's only one person left Kiran says don't attack each or that kill everyone but your about Kiran all right these guys are all being way too friendly at spawn so let's change that last first alive wins prize Oh Kiran was slid the guy that said dog hits each other that is so sad oh god no long-term damage is covered up people with this wooden sword so obviously oh there they go so they are not out the competition they can't respawn Cooper tree it's got a wooden sword they're a little gang they've got matching outfits they got for this person oh they kill it all of the poor people in the board spawn oh my god this is absolutely brutal so I am not intervening in this at all I'm just leaving it up to whatever happens right there they go they've got them and it's almost game over right these three are now alive boots they're stuck in the ball spawns protected so these three are now stuck so I'm gonna just let everyone know in the chart they went on a killing spree but they're now stuck in the spawn hall so unless anybody somehow manages to help them out they can't really progress oh my god another guys jumped in why would he think that was a good idea there he goes at least apparently worthy for some reason she's been past a wooden sword you could see all of the people over on the right they have already died and we are only a few moments in the thing is these guys are looking strong now but people are gonna get full iron people are gonna get diamond swords and then they're gonna come for these guys that there's nothing they could do about it okay guy called donkeys just killed someone so let's TP to donkey and see what he's doing all he's gone after another guy he's got an iron sword as well he's about to get that whoa bit he's going let's see if cup of tea still in there but what's he managed to get out the hall how did they do that there are no rules so they can like block glitch and stuff if they want I'm very curious how they managed to go out to be honest they said they just blocked bleached out their play Jamie's gone mining for diamonds or care fair enough straw birth who's the streamer whose mum we won v1 and blood he went stag a and that's pretty cool he's just doing a little bit of mine this is unreal I love this how many people are still alive there's ninety two players in the game but some of those aspected it's quite a lot of the most vectors actually let's TP to Cooper tree and they managed to block glitch out yet know what let's still trying it he was so cookie when you when you dived into that little hole and you were spawn killing all those innocent little players this is a very small map and people are gonna have iron armor and diamond swords very very soon what's happening here so Ali has found a player that is down below and I think she's just working out what she's gonna do with them they might be friends potentially but I don't think so they've blocked off the hall of no bailing out oh no long-term damage as well it should block glitch Oh pebbles the only one that hasn't managed to block glitch gone you could do it pebble look at all the people spectate them as well I'm running out pebble there's really not actually that many people left it's only been about nine minutes since we started oh this is so sad look cup of tea is trying to convince Allie to leave and then Alice in that your death will not be in vain pebble where Weiss look so damaged buck in the hall it's just but damn I think he fell bucking this guy is just standing in a hall I think they might be stuck without a pickaxe I don't know how they've managed that pebble justice gift you did it bevel G alright you guys are now very behind so you really need to get crackin guy called bob says he's nearly at full armor you know us flying armor okay this guy's want a watch let's see who else we could find anyone else that's like doing really well okay these guys are a bedrock so I'm guessing they're maybe looking for diamonds but they don't even have any iron armor at the minutes they need to be really careful this person's down in a mine shaft but once again they don't have any armor is our friends Sabbath still alive Sabbath is alive he's got yourself a little furnace oh look at the squads they're all back together they've got themselves storm swords now but that's not enough guys people are flying our pedal to it Bibble wasn't real stuck in their little hole for like what the Christ happening a big muscle big muscle jaws flying trees on fire bloody hell big bottle jaw well I'm on hang on big muscle draw he's in a bit of trouble with some mobs the arsonist might be about to get what's coming to him I would love to interfere right now but remember I said I wasn't we are literally just watching exactly what happens we can type stuff in chat but I can't place blocks I can't give anyone stuff people are dying another person just be blown up to a creep but look at the tub in you it is now less than two bars thick there are more spectators in game than there are alive players we are down to the final 50 people died hold it pebble died okay now that there's less than 50 players alive it's time to start shrinking the world so currently in the world is 500 by 500 let's shrink it down to 250 everyone needs to get within 250 blocks from zero zero or they will just instantly suffocate into a wall so now that I've said that let's TP two people Jimmy's cloths they're fine what is Aly doing they're creating a grave for Pebble where Cooper teeth died as well cup of tea what happened okay so this is zero zero it's where the forest fire is that's very very symbolic jaimegirl just found eight diamonds apparently what an incredible performance there is about 30 players left already so this was very very quick okay this guy's right near zero zero shifting are there any players nearby him there is there's this guy building a little fortress and he's in flying I don't think you could take him it what's your plan okay building yourself a protective little bunker he's literally created a little hall for himself and blocked it in or and there is another person down below as well what's happening here who's this most clueless is also in flying and they are below this other guy it is all happening now alright there's a player here and there's another guy just over there that you can see I'm gonna start shrinking the world border now so currently it's on 500 so if we make it 450 that shrinks it down nobody died we're gonna make it 400 couple of people have just sort of cared into a wall two people were in the danger zone there I warned them alright I'm gonna make it 350 no one suffocated at that time but it's gonna be a really small map now what's happening Tony are these guys in the Lions sonic blu-100 he seems to have left that little put chicken fella whoa this guy said full diamond and he's got a diamond sword as well Jesus Christ Sonic seems to be having some issues I think he was building a sky fortress but it looks like he's fell off it some people are claiming that this guy used X ray he reckons he didn't we'll probably never know all right our hot dog feather is still just holding ship he's got nothing clueless is down below him still this guy's got quite a bit of iron gear as well to be fair look at that this person looks a bunch but you look great hurry okay let's just stick on this full diamond guy for a little while and we'll just watch him hunt people down whoa Jesus why why would you do that there's another guy with some dharma dharma of thunder and lightnings just on its back well they're both really close to each other but I'm not sure they've seen each other yet listen to the wall my god so this is completely not me this weather's just happened randomly cuz I'm not interfering at all oh my god oh no this poor persons making a farm they have no I Wolfe's bed no this is so sad Roberts with Wolf's beds getting away I think he's got like one hit left in him unless he's region let's find out no there he goes back well managed to escape lat this is really fun I'll probably do a part two so if I do something similar I'll probably make it sort of spectators are kicked from the game rather than they're able to keep watching it just make it a little bit easier to keep track but this was the first time I've ever done this home it's Sabbath still life still no armor that's five seven alley is now the sole survivor of the spawn whole fiasco but all they've got is iron shoes that looks to me is this a sky base is there someone actually in this yes there is not a chicken and so lord they have built of lovely looking sky birds let's make it 250 now right no one died to that so 0 0 is right where the sky base is and you can see that the border is literally just here toward is a very small map now look at the chaos the big muscle draw calls with this forest fire Jesus Christ who's this down in oh it's a new person we've not seen this yet it's off smile are they gonna take on the lands in their sky base on the somebody right below the sky bases well happy pixel I don't know if happy pixel Moors how close they are to another player and then there is another player just around this corner it's Sonic blue and they're hiding in a hall Oh ops nails gone up to the sky this they're gonna take them on oh they got knocked off they got knocked off they're giving it another try to having the high ground it's just such an advantage you see right there's like 20 players left at this point 23 players I think gone off style of styles tease of them oh my god they go on they got they did the shift of friendship as if they were trying to attack them they did a little happy shift with one another and now they're a team right Sonic Blue is down at the bottom of the sky base is this is a house he's got a little home so sonic blue right Sonic's just there and there is a guy down here Vic well it's the person with the time and chess player I don't know if they've seen each other yet yeah do you see them Vic was just there and Sonic's over here if somebody's corpse down here as well Oh everybody saw close it's N one can anyone take down and one with this full diamond and once we run pretty quick he might've City using it yeah yeah yeah yeah see that it's big well oh my god it's happening it is happening right now they go oh alright okay we're gonna shrink the border by another fifty block so it's now 100 out in each direction there are 17 people left in this now there are corpses dotted about the place all over n1 is deliberating how are they gonna take on the sky base oh the temptation I'm resisting to just click them off the edge all right we're gonna TP literally everyone that's still alive just to see what they're up to Sao Paulo is down here with fly and Bop is building himself a little protective tower but he does have a diamond chestplate sure it's just shifting in a hall dangerously close to the world border Jaime is still ranking up they've just found themselves some diamonds as well nice that's seen as dr. Cristobal since we've last seen also Jaime's just here a most clueless it's very close over here I don't know if they know each others there something just exploded over there what was it it's Apollo Apollo's down in a ravine I think they've just killed a creeper everyone's very close to each other now I like the different strategies that you see more in a moment for resources they're very close to the world border they want to be careful and one is farming I think they're trying to get food obviously presumably most of the animals are dead now when they can't actually get any more my old pal Sabbath is still very much alive and he's encroaching on the sky tower oh hang on are these guys gonna fight are they friendly why is everyone being friendly oh my god it's kick it off in the sky tower what modern chick had just died sonic blue has taken the sky tower and soul or who was in the sky tower I think they're attempting to get back up - it looks like they're trying to get it back from underneath Sonic's trying to work out where it is he stood and then there's a guy shifting down here oh my god it's gonna kick off its kick it off no barb in his little Tower go on Bob who's gonna get it they're both pretty even with their armor as I Laura Norway and the guy just built his thingy back up he's gonna go through him from the back or is he deciding he's best to just leave it just too much I don't know who to watch Bob is still in there and xylose now ruling away that was really close I think they were both basically exactly equal who's this it's N one with his little farm look how badass he looks today with his close to the sky tower but I feel like he doesn't really know what to do sonic Blue has left the tower which is an interesting strategy I'm guessing solos going to attempt to take back over it again no solos actually leaving the tower as well I think he knows there's a player in here he's gonna go for him he's gold for a ball but blocked it back up he's trying to get in he's trying to get in he's Hitler he sent him toward that bus best stuff to be fair so loss rudder died was coming from door where and taking the kill buff is they'll desperately mining back down at silos digging for a bit look at them go he's good for it they're in it's game over Bob oh that was literally it was 10 people left the final 10 the tower is abandoned Apollo is being chased by n1 right now they're gone for it you nearly got it with the lava he's trying it but it's not quite working God got he got it with the lava oh my god if anyone is taking down Norway they're both taking an opportunity to kind of heal a little bit look at the right now always go for it go for it go for it Apollo's a strong pvp air but n1 just has best off GG everyone's ILO's looking around and then below why Wow ok we need to make this a 50 by 50 maps so we're gonna shrink the world border right this second there we go so it is now very very very close n1 was very close to be suffocated there is little farm it's gone forever sonic blue is trying to befriend Mort down here oh my god Tyler is right on top of Boss clueless I don't think most clueless had any idea it looks like he's actually managed to get away though they were just very very close to one another and now Sonic's just over there as well they're all so close it's a 50 by 50 map and it is now the middle of nighttime as well so there's mobs everywhere we could see clueless we could see Sylar and we could see a sonic boom all around each other as I lost hunt him down look he's shifting in the tree or they called for it their gold for it but silos run away oh and we'll just kick it off for Bria who's he kick it off with he's gone after more he's got him he's got him he's got a guy there we go mod it's down GG well always happening over here there is lava for some reason most clueless is looking very cool up there I'm not gonna lie there are now only nine players of the top 100 remaining you can see all of their names right there wait I think it's kicking off with Sonic it is it is Sonic a known want a fighting right now obviously it's 1.14 combat so there really aren't there like time there hits and stuff I'm wondering if anyone's gonna try and clean them up Sonic's actually oh here we go one so I think Sonic's got to be done that was a lot of consecutive hits oh he died of fall damage right at the ends GG n 1 sonic lasted a long time I thought Sonic was a serious contender oh my god cut is actually moving around I mean they have no stuff and they're just stuck in a hole but it's fine the Xylo actually has quite a lot of diamond gear and the diamond sword so I could potentially be an even much oh look at them swimming away look at them swimming after each other I've never seen thy my craft before that looked so weird it was so weird see people swim after each other he's just trying to get somebody can't quite catch up or there we go they're turned on each other and I go on for it go on go on it could be any of them it could we beer of them n ones on the run I think silo my of it oh my god he could get sniped by a skeleton as a couple of scales over he's ruined it's game over GG took down the rough that was end one he just wants the full diamond but there are mobs protected oh my god the skeleton has on the full diamond he's gonna have to kill the skill if he wants it is he he's got the sword at everything oh my god there we go you can pick the stuff while providing these creepers don't blow it over that could potentially be about to happen some of the gear just got blown up he got the heart but he didn't manage to get the shoes the shoes got blown up okay let's see what everyone else is doing Jimmy's just kind of waiting for the storm to blow over but they do have decent gear obviously old me is just just doing their thing and then down here we've also got sure who's just shifting and mining as well alright Zilong I put on that full diamond this is expecting a fish so sabbith his mining up oh my god they're digging for him they're literally digging for Sabres he's left him he absolutely left him that was so close civic is attempting to dig up but they have no stop cat wants to be teleported question bug they said yes it all comes you know what cat no problem salty pee them exactly where they are I've brought the Bob there we go they are free I'm very excited to see how they get on I'm not gonna lies the first thing they saw was a full diamond guy in a pond oh my god Sabitha seen him cat dog cut oh this is so sad he's gone for it with the seeds he's running well he's actually managed to get some iron they drive by some iron boots from a corpse oh no they're gonna get stuck in the water oh there they go GG alright Sabbath dude very well there are five people left now okay choice now chasing after supper they go on for it yeah they're going for it they go for it silo's now jumping in as well they're gonna go for the clean off they're just interrupting this there we go Sabbath is down r.i.p chores gone for it go on shore Joe's about to be game over d we go on da so there are now three people apparently most clueless is leaving signs for me oh this tower is dedicated to Jack our Lord and Savior who performed the miracle of D stocked if occation on me today I'd like to found a new religion Jack isn't what hour is now a holy place of worship it has been claimed as lads Tower this is a beautiful moment dear me have built a little sky tower and then they've set the forest alight big bustle Joel would be honored it's a treetop owl they're going in this is it this is it there's about to be only two remain Oh oh my god Gor Jimmy Jimmy sluttish to actually get him on fire as I lost panicking he's getting back at the water look I love swimming they look so stupid it's unreal is Jamie still on the attack or as Jamie actually gone back to kind of retreat as well yeah they have yeah it might be time to start forcing people together I was like tower doing lad towers gold strong with clueless I'm saying the border is literally going to half so they need to come to 0-0 or they might end up dying oh my god we forced them to fight clueless as a board lad tower I won't trick the border right now cuz I don't want them to suffocate let's see what happens here Jamie's called for it all they avoided the lava clueless is running clueless realize we've made a terrible terrible mistake they're trying to place lava Oh Jamie's got the GG right it's literally just the two of them so we're not gonna bother shrinking the border because the final battle is about to occur oh my god I might be able to get to see them swim again I don't think Jamie knows the silos right there what Jamie is placed a boss and she is heading she is an interesting strategy they called for it they're turning onto each other the final battle oh my god this is it from one hundred to two ands i Lea has got it GG many players have died many IGN's have been missed pronounced with Xylo has been crowned the winner of the hardcore whatever this was challenge and now all they need to do is beat this with a just go nowhere ah let me try again there we go perfect oh my god the winner is moving in silos were to go away we should probably spawn some gusts just a couple lead or stop just gonna spawn some gusts on his head real quick I think just a couple of them you know just just like that there we go we don't want to like overdo it oh my god still alive silo you're incredible the winners dude bloody nothing at least the gusts are after a blow I'll respect it okay apparently swimmin Enderdragon will spawn an ender dragon so we'll give it a go oh yes yes that did in fact work he doesn't seem especially aggressive so we'll just kind of leave him to do his thing the withers aren't doing much so I guess we could spawn a few more maybe you know like three or four maybe like five or six actually you never know okay there we go oh my god yeah things are really hot dog another ender dragon maybe they'd be like five or six ender dragons Oh My Christ meanwhile Sylar is still alive as a friend attraction wait what happened where did silo go I think they might have been withered away I'm not quite sure how that happened I don't know if this will work but we'll let's put everyone back into survival yes it will yes it will all of the spectators have just been shoved back into survival mode Oh My Jesus Christ look at the wit of all its big muscle jewel the arsonists they're being attacked by a phantom okay I'm gonna say thank you so much watching regrets desire actually covered first thanks to all of the other hundred players that participated this was hilarious sorry if I'm shouting it's just very loud in my ears if you want me to do more videos like this then click that like button 10,000 likes and will do top comment make sure you subscribe as well because I'm gonna be uploading twice as much as I normally do on this channel and I'll see you next time bye is this guy's spec saying a fish
Channel: JackSucksAtStuff
Views: 1,292,696
Rating: 4.6710343 out of 5
Keywords: jacksucksatstuff, jack sucks at stuff, jacksucksatlife, jacksucksatstuff youtube channel, jacksucksatstuff youtube, minecraft, minecraft trolling, i forced 100 minecraft players, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore lets play, one life, i forced, 100 minecraft players
Id: JbPhSjszYT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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