I followed this limping mother cat and found her whole family in the bushes!!
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Channel: walter santi
Views: 4,491,954
Rating: 4.9606476 out of 5
Keywords: cats, cat, rescue cats, cat wants help, I followed this limping mother cat and found her family in the bushes, mother cat with kittens, cat wants food, cat demands food, cat is so hungry, cats meowing, cat meowing, cat meowing loudly for food, cat rescue, cat at vet, cat transformation, cat and kittens get home, meow, meow sound, cat asking for help, kitten rescue, homeless cat and kittens, walter santi, mom cat cleaning her kittens, kittens meowing, kittens, kitten
Id: 90qBQnA-i1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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Oml, that goofy kitten trying to eat the plastic bowl while its mom is eating just cracks me up!
I had a really bad day today, but seeing all of those kitties and such a happy ending made it so much better. Thank you. :β)
The orange guy never got anything to eat
Awwww!!!! Poor mama kitty and her wonky leg. I really wonder what happened for it to have fractured like that. I hope she is at least not in any pain now that it has healed. Has she found a home yet? Her babies are sooo precious cute!
SHUT UP!...Im not crying!....I swear....
Thanks Walter santi!!