I Followed Kobe Bryant's Daily Routine For A Week - Here's How It Went

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kobe bryant is one of the most influential people in the world beyond just a game of basketball an icon and a role model in the eyes of his fans his mindset also known as the mamba mentality really captures what it means to be obsessed and passionate when aspiring to be successful in any field of work to him this mindset is just common sense but to the rest of the world is something that we often agree with but struggle to put into action so for the next week i'm going to be stepping into the life of kobe bryant and really try to understand what it means to have the mamba mentality [Music] okay the schedule that i'll be following comes from his interview in shanghai where he mentions he wakes up at 3 a.m works from 4 to 6 rest again nine to eleven rest two to four rest again and then lastly seven to nine his mindset for this schedule is to just build as much separation from his comparators as possible so as you guys go on they just can't catch up essentially spending as much time as you physically and mentally are able to work i feel like this works so well for code because he truly loved the game of basketball so working this hard probably didn't always feel like work to him so to make sure i'm able to stitch the schedule on the center the schedule are my two passion which is basketball and filmmaking for sessions one and two i'mma focus on improving my skill as a basketball player and honing those skills down and for the last two sessions i'm gonna focus on improving my skill as a filmmaker after you tell it's gonna be hard for my first session i'm gonna do those skill work training first because i know it is going to get hot later in the day so see you at the courts i ended up not being as tired as i thought it'd be like for the first 30 minutes after waking up i was miserable but once i got in the car and had my music playing and i woke up pretty quickly it's a it's pretty dark outside kind of scared while working out i did a 300 make workout which sounds like a lot but it really starts off with a bunch of form shooting and then slowly just working your way to the three-point line so it gets done pretty quickly basketball has always been a space where i can unwind and have fun so when teams have made it not fun for me anymore it pushed me away from playing as much but just shooting at empty court by herself for a couple hours is never gonna get old and it was pretty fun all right just finished the workout it's pretty nice um not that tiring but i know i'm going to later because i know i got lots of due today i got the four work sessions pretty much so i'm gonna go home enjoy my little break and i'll catch up with you guys with the next session [Music] after my first workout session i really did not feel too bad but it was just a constant remembering of how much more work i do for the day which made me even more tired [Music] for the next session i was working on weight training and conditioning so i lifted for the first hour and a half and this day i worked on my chest and then for the last three minutes i just ran on the treadmill pretty much just finished the workout so i'm gonna go home probably now and take a nap it feels good having like a jumpstart of the day like some people are just literally just waking up right now and i've had two workouts in so that's cool see you guys after that peace sessions three and four were oriented towards working on my passion as a filmmaker so for my next session i'm gonna be using the opportunity to read i have such a love hate relationship with reading i love it because of what i'm able to learn from it and the lessons that i gain however i just think it's the most boring thing ever like i just can never do it and then falling asleep or getting distracted just after the first few pages i have this book that i bought in l.a and i like to flex on my instagram a little bit like ooh you know i'm smart i read but in reality i've had that book for like three months now and i'm only on chapter two so this was the perfect opportunity to change that when everything's done very boring but it's a good book uh i just don't like reading yeah i'm tired i'm gonna go home enjoy my rest and get ready for the next session and lastly session four i spent the time editing videos editing photos and just learning how to make better videos in general since i'm still brand new at this luckily for me for some reason i always just function bear at night so doing this last this helps me be as productive and creative as possible okay a trick that's worked for me when i wake up early is to sleep on the couch because i'm a little bit less comfortable and more susceptible to being woken up because i'm a very very very heavy sleeper so even if that doesn't work my mom comes out of a room be like tear your alarm off so either way i'm waking up so good night see you guys in the morning [Music] okay let's woke up a little early to give you guys a little update on how it's going um i ain't raised a little sleepy at the schedule because my last session ends at like nine ish so realistically i'm not falling asleep till like 10 or 11 plus if i wake up at 3am every day i'm probably not getting to like like about four or five hours of sleep so not a lot of sleeping schedule hasn't already hit me that hard yet but i'm sure it will and it did day two and day three were by far my worst days of the experiment the workouts were terrible i saw it decline my performance and mentally i just couldn't focus that reading hit me the most both times we're just about to stay awake let alone actually reading day three actually think i did fall asleep while i was reading i don't know if i wake up in the morning [Music] i actually woke up before my alarm rang so i think that's a good sign but we'll see once the workout starts the workout went well and for their main days a little uphill from there i think my body started to get used to the new sleep schedule when i was actually able to focus and make good use of all the time i was spending working by day six i wasn't even taking naps between session two and three the workouts were back to normal the reading was still very boring but not more than usual and my nighttime editing became much more productive by the end each day i felt like i got a week's worth of work done you're gonna wanna be my best friend [Music] baby [Music] okay it's nine o'clock i just finished my last session of the challenge very tired but that's expected um so yeah i'm gonna go enjoy my nice sleep on my bed for the first time in the week and i'll give you guys my thoughts in the morning ah i ended up still waking up pretty early say it's around 5 13 ish it's 5 13. so yeah my body got used to waking up at this time of day yeah this challenge was actually pretty fun to complete once i got used to the the little amount of sleep i was getting i was able to get the most work i've ever done in a week before and i got to chapter 11 on my book which is such an accomplishment i'm probably not going to continue this schedule no no i'm i'm for sure not going to continue doing the schedule mostly because i get so low sleep and i need sleep also this uh the schedule is very lonely i haven't had a chance hang on my friends all week so doing this for a lifetime would be uh pretty difficult i think kobe even mentioned how much his relationship suffered because of how laser focused he was on becoming the the best basketball player he could be so yeah the schedule might not be for me but did open my eyes on how to use your time efficiently and how much you can really get done in the day kobe had a belief that everybody has a choice to be great he put these words into action inspired millions and will continue to inspire even after his passing the most important thing is to try to inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do you're gonna wanna be my best friend [Music] baby [Music]
Channel: Aaron Clemons
Views: 425,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basketball, journey, kobe, Kobe Bryant, basketball tryouts, tryouts, videography, passion, follow your dreams, challenge the ordinary, Las Vegas, basketball tips, running, athlete, Michael Jordan, Aaron clemons, dribble, day in the life, kobe workout, kobe training routine, kobe bryant daily schedule, kobe bryant schedule, kobe bryant morning routine, kobe bryant daily life, kobe daily routine, kobe workout schedule, kobe bryant routine, kobe schedule, kobe bryant workout schedule
Id: MvI_5z1cdLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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