I Flew Emirates First Class for the 1st time 🇦🇪

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from a very early age in my life I've wanted  and dreamed of flying first class and today   is that day I have never been so excited I don't  know what to expect we're flying Emirates first   class which is got to be one of the best airlines  in the world from Bangkok to Dubai around 6 hours   I feel like a school boy a school boy lost in the  headlights of love I did get a special price for   this flight it's not how much you probably think  it costs but I'll explain to you why and how I   did that at the end and I'll tell you how much  I paid so I'm waiting for my taxi right now and   we're going to get there I am buzzing car yesd  Emirates thank you okay thank you not bad not   bad we got a nice Limousine Express and water as  well also guys I'll be giving you my full honest   Impressions and experience of this flight welcome  to Bangkok Airport I'm thinking hopefully I'll get   like a Express Lane I believe find out hello s  how are you yes how are you NE neong I'm fine   you're good I I no I'm joking yeah no nothing  I was going to make a joke about having a gun   but I definitely did not make that joke what's  this uh what's this uh face scanner for yeah a   face scan is a face scan what's it why why do you  why do you do the face cam oh for the immigation   for immigration security oh so I don't need my  passport yes oh wow look at that Hightech the 21st   century traveling without a passport although he  did take my passport so maybe they haven't started   doing that yet from to Dubai on number 371 on the  first class number E4 thank you Kathy thank you   bye-bye all right seats number one I am shocked  right we're walking to the first class Lounge   the Emirates first class Lounge Everyone by the  way yeah you I'm playing first class I'm I don't   want to brag about it but I'm just excited guys  just let me be excited um security was very quick   we're through we got 2 hours to wait I'm going to  probably try and have a little nap maybe I don't   know what it's going to be like maybe there'll be  a bed I doubt it this is Bangkok Airport at 1:00   a.m. it's super busy this is got to be I think  Bangkok Airport is the busiest airport in the   world I feel like don't fact check me on that one  cuz I'm probably wrong but yeah I love Bangkok had   a great time just met some friends made one video  it's a great City it's a great country a little   bit degenerate not going to lie could only stay  for a few days uh and now we're heading to Dubai   to meet my mother and we're going to be having  a great holiday and treating her because she's a   lovely lady they've got like a a co-working space  they've got like little pods here you can do some   work it's obviously quite quiet there's it's a  crazy airport we got pharmacies shops everywhere   do you free I'm not a big fan of dutyfree if  I'm honest I think it's a bit of a scam we've   got these robots cleaning the floor holy [ __ ]  they do not have this in any other airport I've   been to in my life oh and he stopped crazy we  got a naked a naked man a rest have man I just   want to briefly pause the video and talk about my  number one tip for travel and that is to get an   eim I've talked about it loads and I've been  using eims for roughly around a year and the   reason why is because you save so much time  and money it's so convenient I literally have   data I have internet as soon as I land in the  country I don't have to waste time buying the   local Sim which takes ages they try and scam you  I have internet straight away I can get a taxi   straight away it's so convenient and you save  money with the data roaming my eim of choice   is Maya mobile they nearly have every country in  the world and it takes around five minutes to set   up it's all online you have Regional plans or you  have multiple countries included in the price what   I love about this is how easy it is it's so easy  you can add new countries check your data top up   having data is so important because you need to  be safe especially when you're going to foreign   countries you got to let your parents know when  you've ared in the country you got to get an Uber   I cannot recommend this enough it's a lifesaver  and so if you want to find Maya mobile then go to   the link in the description or the pinned comment  and you'll find them at my.net this is what we're   dealing with as you can hear it's very quiet here  so I'm going to keep my voice down this is nice   we're going to check out the food to be fair it's  not as crazy as I was expecting but let's go and   check out so we've just got like alcoholic drinks  going to pass soft drinks also probably not going   to do that some tea S car coffee oh yes could I  have one coffee it's 1:00 a.m. and I'm having an   Americano this is cuz I need the energy to make  a good video for you guys so chicken sat okay   you know what I wasn't thinking about eating but  I feel like I should just for you guys chicken   biryani Massa M Curry that's my favorite Curry  all right fine I'll do it this is what we got bit   of uh chicken sé bit of salmon bit of pasta and a  bit of mamam Curry this is a feast and I feel like   a gloous pig right now but I'm going to enjoy it  anyway honestly uh if I'm being like really really   critical I'm a little bit underwhelmed by the  by the lounge it's just like a typical standard   Airline Lounge I thought I thought the Emirates  Lounge was going to be crazy but it's I'm being   very very like harsh like it's obviously amazing  compared to the normal just sitting sitting with   the peasants in the terminal I'm kidding I'm  joking it's great I'm I'm I'm being very harsh but but the food's good the food slaps so  car car thank you so much thank you so we   also got like priority boarding basically  just walk straight from the lounge onto   the flight whereas everyone else have just been  queuing so saving a lot of time feeling just so   privileged so grateful so lucky that I getting  to experience this I just oh it feels surreal   hello sir welcome thank you board that's  me all right please thank you sir Mr jard   Mr jagard nice to have you how are you I'm  good thank you nice to have you at the front yes thank you welcome on Bo thank you so much  my name is AFA with my colleague Angela we be   looking after you than perfect may I offer  from yes please that would be amazing I'll   thank really Don per you on to start  the fly oh [ __ ] oh my God this is   insane yeah that's that's fine I don't I'm  not really I don't really drink champagne so thank you where are you  from I'm from Egypt my name isum ke good thank you good good  good good all right uh SE for the   pajama what's that pajamas oh  medium medium yeah thank you shukran oh my God I don't even like  champagne but we're we're going to run   this up right now and uh I think there's  going to be more alcohol involved on this flight disgusting that's absolutely disgusting but I love it thank you enjoy thank you so welcome guys to first class we haven't  started yet I'll give you a tour when we've   started when we've left I'm going to shut the  door and give you guys a full tour but yeah   this is just unbelievable from the start  like the staff like coming around and like   speaking to me very personally and like really  giving me a lot of information so everything's   great so far they've also given me these like  pajamas so I'm actually going to I wouldn't   usually change but I'll I'll try out you know  we'll indulge so let's go and do it here we go   guys I'm all dressed up in my pajam gas feel  like a bit of a virgin wearing these clothes   but they're comfortable they not going to lie  I actually quite like it um so now we're going   to sleep like a baby hello hi would you get to  look at any magazines uh I'm good thank you I'm good I was just going to like get  a magazine but I just know I'm not   going to read it so yeah um this is  unbelievable I never thought I always   thought like oh first class like I'm sure  it's cool but when you actually experience it yes thank you very much perfect oh that is hot  it's bloody hot why I don't want I don't want a   hot towel I want a cold towel I'm joking what's  what's your name I'm son nice to meet you where   are you from I'm from Thailand oh s you on the  live not live just recording okay I don't mind be   you don't you don't want to no I don't mind oh you  don't mind okay I want to look beautiful when you   are very beautiful thank you so much anyway uh how  is everything so far terrible no I'm joking it's   great oh I kill myself terrible I'm so flight  person just introduce myself and I know it's   a night fly so I can give you menu in advance so  in case you want to rest during the fly so I can   okay perfect I put it for you there are you the  are you the boss around here no I have to them oh   oh I have to serve them you look like the boss no  when I have issue I have to serve them Oh Be Boss   okay thank you cop and cop C we all here for you  and we offering breakfast at any time you like   hot breakfast have we doing the fly and also movie  Snak okay perfect the bed facility on the side if   you like to sleep just let us know we make it for  you nicely and the mattress shower SP is available   here you can make a restoration and also The Louge  at the bank okay en any thank you so much nice to   meet you nice to meet you wow they're making such  an effort this is mad compared to economy they   don't even look at you in economy they treat you  like a bloody sheep in here they're like treating   you like a king they've made the bed we're on the  way we got 7 hours to go let me give you a tour   of the place first of all I'm going to close my  compartment here unfortunately the lighting is not   great but but we are now completely private we're  in our own compartment and they made the bed and   it's like literally so comfortable that the chair  was Al already comfortable but they've added a   mattress a pillow this is like literally like it's  like being in a capsule Hotel um let's give you   guys a tour or maybe I'll do the tour when it's  light I'll do the tour when it's when it's light   later I'm about to go to sleep right now I don't  know about you but it's like 3 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m.   so I'm going to get some sleep uh I just obviously  I had the coffee and some champagne so I'm feeling   some kind of way right now uh I was tempted  to get some more alcohol but there's so many   options there there's like [ __ ] all cocktails  wine and stuff but yeah no I'm just enjoying this all right guys as you can see we have some   caviar this is the first time I'm ever  trying caviar I think it's fish egg or   something we got these like little  mini pancakes got a bit of the cream cheese it's quite a lot of caviar as well oh it tastes good doesn't really  taste a much I get more flavor from   this than I do from this and here we go  guys we have breakfast it's basically a   nice little omelette with a bit of salmon  bit of uh potato let's try it out I'm not   actually crazy hungry but as you can  tell I've eaten a lot but I'm going to indulge mhm tastes good the presentation's good I  also finished all of the cavar so yeah this   has been an unbelievable experience I would  recommend everyone just do it once in their   life and I'm going to tell you how I was able  to do it for cheap very soon so guys I'm just   going to give you a quick tour of the the room  I guess it's a room obviously we got my door   here we got first of all we've got a notepad a  pen what we got there's a lot of turbulence on   this flight because uh we're in a bit of a a bit  of a storm actually it's like being on a roller   coaster but that's not really anyone's fault then  we got the headphones these are like really good   quality headphones we've got our own toiletry  kit and it's not just any toiletry kit this is   really hard to film right now we've also got like  Bulgari perfume that we get to keep we've got like   shower gel shaving cream toothpaste everything  I hope I get to take this home do I need to ask   if I'm allowed to take this I'm just going to  take it we also have my own supply of drinks   of snacks water I'm going to have some of this  now and then it you can just press this oh no   wrong button and it goes back down ladies and  gentlemen now I'm going to show you the PS the   resistance of this uh plane we have a shower on  board I've never had a shower on a flight before   we've also got a TV we got obviously the toilet  we've got amenities here sanitary kit bags hair   dryer somewhere maybe someone's hiding in there  towels and even like this After Shave it's like   really nice After Shave I'll do I'll have a  shower and then put it on I also need a big poo we're having a shower on a fly  holy [ __ ] and it's warm it's so warm oh my God this is once in a lifetime  experience and we have two types of After   Shave and this is like a really nice brand as well  Bulgari I think it's expensive oh it smells so   good we have arrived in Dubai hello and uh it's  raining it's raining in Dubai this apparently   like it rains like maybe once or twice a year  so it was so bumpy to be honest it was a very   turbulent flight either way but it was so bumpy  on the way in Hey guys you're probably wondering   how much I paid for this flight and I'm going to  tell you right now and I'm going to tell you how   I was able to get it so done cheap because a  a normal first class ticket on Emirates costs   roughly $114,000 which is absolutely ridiculous I  would never pay that much even if I had a million   even if I was a multimillionaire I would never pay  that much I would rather you know you could pay to   to fly private for that much so I paid $300 which  is absolutely crazy the way I was able to pay $300   is because of this American Express credit card  I'm not being paid to mention them I do have an   affiliate link down below I don't really care if  you use it or not but you will get benefits if   you do use it but basically um I spend money um  I use this for just everyday experiences hotels   normal flights get points from it and when you  convert those points into Emirates uh skywoods   points you basically get a hell of a lot of points  so I used roughly 80,000 Points Plus $300 and I   got the first class flight so yeah I'd recommend  American Express this is an I do pay uh yearly for   this so this is kind of expensive but I won't go  into the details maybe I'll link a video so you   can see all the benefits all the disadvantages um  you can just get you can get like a free version   of this like I won't get anything any any bonus so  just if you're thinking about just trying and get   the free version or if you want to get the like  really good benefits like I get um Airline lounges   as well for free um then go for it um that's  how I got it for $300 all in all it was a great   experience I would definitely not pay that much  I would you know rather you know business class   I think is like a happy medium although I still  wouldn't be paying for business class to honest   I'd only ever use it with points but definitely  something you should all do in your life and yeah   I don't like I I I get all the money I I pay for  this back so I pay I think it's like $600 a year   but I make the money back I believe so thank  you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 198,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uae, united arab emirates, emirates, dubai, dubai travel, dubai travel vlog, dubai vlog, firstclass, firstclass flight, firstclass vlog
Id: YpY4OYQ78c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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