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time has come it's another sketchbook tour everyone's favorite content on the internet i've got my coffee here i've got my plants grab yourself some coffee and plants come along through my sketchbook with me [Music] hello and welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well today i'm going to be touring sketchbook 18. sketchbook 18 if you remember a little while ago this sketchbook was sent to me by a company do i have the thing wait the other thing over here where's the thing do i i don't have a thing well this is embarrassing that's what kind of sketchbook it is i believe it's the link sketchbook stop and figured out how to pronounce that by time create new they sent it for me to review and i really liked it so i decided to continue using it that other sketchbook you saw they also sent me i'm not going to be using it now i'll give you a little sneak peek at the end of the video which one i'm using but all that is said let's just get into it because i know everyone's waiting for this sorry plants you gotta scooch a little bit i started this sketchbook august 13th 2020 and then i finished it the 20th of november so not too long ago it's the 23rd when i'm filming this and it'll be a little bit later when i post it but there we go these are some pokemon stickers i got in like that lunchbox thing with pokemon cards and then this is just a stock photo of a dog with sunglasses i think he's very snazzy he came into picture frame and i liked him so i stuck him in there here is my intro page i always like to make like a welcoming page some people don't like to do something like this and they usually just make the first page a little messy on purpose but for me i like to make a snazzy i don't normally feel pressure to fill sketchbooks it's more of just like my down time so i have a lot of fun with it these are my oc's for anybody new here i'm assuming there's a lot of new people watching this hi here's some of my characters aurora remy and jeremy a lot of what i draw are my original characters so i'll probably just point out when something's fan art because that'll make it easier i always like to list some goals in each of my sketchbooks so this is this well i guess i'll go over those at the end and which ones i covered and everything here is just a bunch of crafting paper i put it down because the marker bleeds through but i always like to draw on the page anyway so i'll usually like put acrylic paint down i'll put scrap paper or whatever and then this is a character mabel usu i think this is all no this is in posca pen i think this is i don't know what that is but this page i actually filled before starting the sketchbook because when i was sent this sketchbook i was still working in my previous sketchbook and i don't like working in multiple sketchbooks at once but i also didn't want them to wait super long for the review so this was done about a month earlier before i actually officially started the sketchbook and so i wrote down the date there just so i know when this page was made oh god the cursed cow i completely forgot about him for a while but he's the fast food mess is that my sister oh oh no this is not what i needed i mean in other news she got a haircut come here bud oh this is the fast food mascot for his job this one this right here is actually a very old drawing of like the logo and everything this was my jewel senior year of high school also if you've never seen my channel yes i'm 20 years old i sound like i'm 12. i know you don't got to comment i i know i promise you i am aware but i completely forgot about him so i decided to draw him because he's kind of horrific this isn't possible that's sawyer in his uniform sawyer chilling with cairo and mabel and him complaining that he hates his job just the usual and then here's robin she's a favorite of mine to draw one thing that i really wanted to practice in this sketchbook is having more like dynamic angles in my poses so like this pose in itself isn't really anything spectacular it's nothing like original or crazy but just this sort of perspective to it just makes it a lot more interesting to look at and i really like it it's not something i do with every sketch but it's something that i've definitely been playing around with a lot more over here is aseam and cass and hadia in my last sketchbook i drew her in this dress and i really liked it so i want to draw her again they're not dating just the usual here is a gouache page of aspen i don't know why she's always my go-to to paint with gouache but i feel like every single time i want to practice gouache she's the star of it she is my girl one of my many characters uh here i wanted to practice drawing different types of backgrounds and so i asked my sister what characters i should draw and what setting this that i should draw lux at fast food places but they have bandages over their face and so they can actually eat or drink and then she wanted me to draw delaney and low and walmart but then i messed up can i get this on camera i don't know if you can see love's face hello it looked real stupid and so i gave up here i was swatching my zebra mildliners because i had a bunch but i didn't really use them for sketchbook stuff so i figured i'll put them in my pencil case so i will use them i wrote because you know when you're testing a pen what else do you write and then here's alice my wife just a bunch of doodles of her nothing new he's ready i don't have anything spectacular to say about these sketches here's doki doki literature club stuff i actually streamed it on halloween with my sister and i'll i guess i'll link the playlist in the description box if you want to see it for anyone who's into doki doki if you don't know what it is per state of caution but i really liked that game and so i drew my fave sorry and then my second fave monica i tried drawing natsuki but i messed up her face and so i did that because i figured you know it's suiting some more doodles i kind of wish i finished this one of luca and rory i really like it they're not dating nothing new and then this started a trend in my sketchbooks of various of my characters stepping on us because you know it really just started because i wanted to practice like the more dynamic angles in the poses and so i just started this and then now it's just become a thing i made all of the pages match though so that's one there's a little bit of bleed through because on this page i tested out a bunch of markers these brown ones are from alcohol markers i found it five below and here's the drawing i made in that video and when i uncapped it it's splattered everywhere here's the tombow alcohol-based markers because i use the water-based markers a lot for my sketchbook and everything just to add like where like these sort of details and like just the snazzy i hit something the snazzy decorative bits that you'll see in my sketchbook i use tombow brush pens a lot for that and so i wanted to try the alcohol-based markers in that video you'll know that i made an illustration that i wasn't too happy with and so i had to read film the video this is the illustration i don't know i think the drawing itself is fine i just think the colors are very much everywhere and so these are i didn't know what to do with them so i stuck them in here and doodles yeah this was just the the drawing i just wanted to make again the it bled everywhere like what i had kept that splattered everywhere so you can kind of see little specks but it's fine and then this i believe i used mostly copics these are actually all stuff my sister made and they're just covering up a couple of doodles she made those when we were at a bagel shop because like the indoor seating opened up i'll talk about more of that later because i draw pages in there but she drew these on post-it notes and so i stuck them in here and then here's another character this is ria i actually made a video like sort of redesigning her i'll talk about that when those pages come but i had some blank spaces here so i i just doodled her because i really like her design i've become a lot less picky over the years of filling out my sketchbook pages like in order because i usually like to make my spreads look cohesive but sometimes i just don't feel like drawing the thing that would make them cohesive and so i've become a lot more lenient with letting myself bounce around the witch squad arietta micah jax and robin she's in the same universe as them too i'm going to be talking about their story and everything don't worry once i start my oc series up again i'll be talking about all their personalities and their story it'll be a fun time drawings of stevie she's a very old character of mine and i still have no purpose for her she's not a part of any story she's not in any universe she's just kind of there but i really like a lot of these sketches i really like this one because i like the foreshortening and the leg i have a hard time drawing poses like this where there's foreshortening but only slightly but i think this one actually can capture that very nicely it's the one and only time i've ever been able to do it effectively here i actually colored with oahu markers because i made a review video on those finally it was very highly requested a lot of people were commenting on that video because i was talking about how i didn't get the brushing of ones i mentioned it later on in the video when i should have mentioned it in the beginning of the video but they don't have the brush dib pack available for the 200 pack i'm not quite sure why i don't know if they're planning on making the 200 pack have brush nibs but all of the smaller packs have a brush nib alternative so the ones that i have are bullet dipping and chisel nib but even though i liked them and then you could see pen because i sketched on the back before coloring it but it's fine this is just a messy thumbnail page nothing fancy i believe here i was thumbnailing for this and then i was thumbnailing for a different video where i was talking about like my drawing process and then here i reached 90 000 subscribers thank you so much we are inching very close to 100 000 so if you like this video when you're done maybe consider checking out my other videos and maybe subscribing i don't know i mean it's whatever i thought i would have appreciated and then here's a drawing i found on pinterest i didn't really know what to draw so i just found that and i stuck it on here art is hard you know just the usual stuff here's some kind of uninspired sketches i guess not really any thought behind them just kind of sketching for the sake of sketching and there's nothing wrong with that sometimes you just need to mindlessly draw which is very much what a lot of these are except for this one this is the thumbnail for the drawing i ended up making in my alcohol-based tombow marker video thing and if you see these post-it notes that's just because i sketch in pen i prefer to sketch and pen over pencil i just like it a lot better but then of course unless you get erasable pens you can erase and so i use post-it notes to cover up my mistakes so if you see those that's what that is pasca pen for the bleed through rory and mabel same old same old here's some fan art this is sayaka i believe from madoka magica and then taiga from torodora magiko is an anime i've been into for a while many many years and so i wanted to finally make some fan art of it and then i watched toradora for the first time i really like this sketch and i'd like to turn it into a finished illustration i have some product review videos lined up for the new year so maybe i'll draw that in one of those i don't know and then a little tiger because you know this one i wanted to use watercolor for but i just didn't the more time that went by the less and love i became with this drawing i don't know i still like it i just don't like it as much as i once did here's that video where i was redesigning ria she's an old character that i would draw i don't remember if she had her name if she did want to have a name i forgot and i started to make her when i got a little bit better at character design so honestly i don't even think her old design is too bad but there are definitely some things that i could improve on so that's what i hopefully did so in that video i was just sketching out ideas for the most part her design has stayed pretty much the same from where it ended on that video aside from like a couple of tweaks here and there this spread i did after the video i don't know who commented it and i'm so sorry but somebody left a comment saying that i should give her broader shoulders and thicker thighs because that's a body type that a lot of swimmers have because that's where they build muscle and in that video i talked about giving her water-based powers because of the universe she's in and i thought that was a really great idea she definitely got thicker thighs don't know if you can really tell that i gave her thicker like broader shoulders because of her coat it is there but i don't know if that really comes across because of her fluffy collar and then if you've seen my video you know that i've lost some footage this was supposed to be the finished illustration i made in that video but i made the line art and then i took a break from recording and then i lost a bunch of footage so i just redrew something else oh yeah and then this drawing of robin i really really like it robin's always a fun one to draw this is the drawing i actually ended up making in that video honestly i'm not like i like both of the illustrations but i wouldn't say that i'm like super attached to any of them so i mean it's whatever i like them but you know they're just there i really like this sketch though it's one of my favorite drawings i've made of her this is a drawing from my redrawing old art video it's one of them and then another thumbnail page here i was thumbnailing for my ohu marker video yo thumbnailing for lux's video another character of mine if you're new here i have a playlist of talking about all my characters that are in stories that series ended in september but i am planning to make like an updated 2.0 version starting off with characters i've not talked about before so if you're interested in that i'll leave that in the icard if you want to hear about my characters my stories that'd be cool here's another picture of someone stepping on us featuring robin this time and then here's arietta a picture of me screaming into the void you know nothing new if you guys want me to make a video going through all the art supplies i use let me know because i get a lot of questions about like what art supplies i use for certain stuff for markers i use primarily copics but since i did get the oh markers i've been using those like in a mix with my copics i don't really use those exclusively and i use a couple different brands so let me know if a video like that is something you'd be interested in here's a spread of luca someone left a comment saying that i never draw him and he deserves more love and i agree so i drew a whole spread of him then here's tabby my anime cat girl the most villainous of all my characters you know because this is just the face that screams evil oh here was one i was drawing at the bagel shop with my sister and this guy he was sitting with his friend that's his shoulder right there but i'd like to go out and draw scenes and stuff you might recognize some of this if you've seen my other sketchbook tours because i've drawn that scenery before but he noticed that i was drawing and i was drawing him and he didn't know i was drawing him but i was like oh god i hope he doesn't notice me looking over like a weirdo and then he left to go to the bathroom and then his friend walked over to me and was like hey are you drawing and i was like oh god and then he was like are you drawing my friend and i'm like oh god it's fine he came out of the bathroom and he looked at it and he liked it and he said that it was a good likeness of him and he took a picture of it and it's great but i i felt my soul leave my body it was a it was a lot but it was cool he was really cool and he liked it so it's fine here i taped a piece i think it's cardstock but i genuinely have no idea it's just paper i've had for forever i knew i wanted to use marker on the next page so i preemptively taped a piece of paper here or glued a piece of paper i attached a piece of paper to this paper to draw on and i took alice my wife if you have never seen any of my videos before i'm in the process of making a webcomic it was supposed to be out in 2020 but it's not and i'm sorry but i have some really fun announcements coming in new year so stay tuned but she's one of the main characters and i'm in love with her so i drew her her name is alice burkett she's my wife and then here's the whole gang like i said in the beginning i like to make sort of an intro page and then i also like to make this sort of halfway marker page and then i like to make a closing page and i just think it's a nice way to help you keep track of where you are in the sketchbook because it's easy to feel like you're just drawing the sketchbook forever and you're not actually making progress and so i like to do like a big grand spread to like mark where the halfway point part point where the halfway page is and so here's all of the main characters for my upcoming webcomic he's the protagonist they're a fun little gang these two are drawings from my most recent redrawing old art video drawing of kiki from kiki's delivery service andy i don't think i drew a whole lot of them in this sketchbook which is very strange here i drew a sad broken robot dude because i was sad and andy nothing nothing new i really like this spread though even though i think it's more like on the simple end compared to a lot of my other spreads i really like it i know what it is about it it's neat this is another drawing from my redrawing old art video originally in that video it was just the line art because the drawing i was remaking was just line art but then after the video i really wanted to color it she's also in my comics she's not a main character she's more like a supporting character she's really fun more comic stuff i got the urge to make a outfit swap a outfit flop in outfit swap for alice and lux i meant to make this into like a finished digital thing but i never did then we got noi the baby here on this spread i was filming a video about using references and like the difference between that and like copying and tracing and how it's useful and stuff and i wanted to practice drawing muscles and so i drew rory and her muscles and then on this spread i painted the acrylic because of the marker bleed through and then i drew more rory because you know just regular stuff that's with posca pen oh no spice i made a video recently talking about my like target audience because it's not something i've really talked about online i i talked about that this was when i was drawing this paid brain when i was drawing the spread i knew that i wanted to make that video so i allowed myself to make some spicy art it's not even it's it's just it's a hint of spice it's the white people seasoning of not safe for work art but here's remy looking all spicy i kind of wish i didn't water color this because this paper can't handle watercolor super well but i mean it's fine this was from a separate sheet of paper that and i just stuck it in there this was a more recent video thing i wanted to do the 100 heads challenge i talk about it more in this video but i feel like it's really common in my art not only to have same faith syndrome but to draw people various races not looking their race and also kind of just a bullshitting facial structure and just making it up on the spot so i figured the 100 heads challenge would be a really good way for me to get better at that i'll leave that video also linked in the i card but it was a really fun challenge and i would definitely recommend it i really like a lot of the heads if you see like the color block thing in the background that means that that's the drawing that i like the most and then if you see like not filled in shapes those are also drawings that i like but not as much that kind of just goes for all of my sketchbook pages but i got something to keep in mind while you're looking at these in case you want to know which ones i like it was definitely a fun experience and honestly if i didn't do this challenge you probably wouldn't be seeing a sketchbook toy right now because i ended up filling seven spreads of my sketchbook while doing this oh my god the viewfinder is picking up some of these faces faces that's it's very distracting i ended up filling seven spreads in my sketchbook because i did this challenge and by the time i had finished this challenge i realized how close i was to actually finishing my sketchbook and so i just became really motivated and just sketched a lot in here i really wanted to go into 2021 with a fresh new sketchbook so that's good apparently this is a k-pop dude i'm not into k-pop he was just in the pinterest board but i remember a lot of people commented about him on that video so if you know who that is cool i don't this challenge was definitely exactly what i needed even though i haven't really sat down and applied what i learned to my art style specifically i have been sort of subconsciously doing that but i also have a sketch blog planned for the week after you're seeing this where i'll sit down and actually like draw a face both in my style and try and consciously apply what i learned here to my style so stay tuned for that if you're interested it is interested in that don't know what also hard for me to say this is the second to last spread i believe sort of like in the middle got to a bunch of these like clay sculpture faces and then ended with a lot of photographs it was a fun time there we go there's all the heads here's alice this was actually like once i finished with the 100 heads challenge i actually had a hard time adjusting back into my art style so i don't really like a whole lot of these drawings i was still like i was so used to drawing like more realistic faces for like five days or something so when you do that for almost five days straight it's hard to get back to your illustrative style but it's fine it's fine sketches of maple this is actually like you know when you go to like home depot or something there's like those paint swatches that's what this is because of the marker bleed through and then some lined paper here's mabel and then this is actually a character that i designed forever ago on my channel it was at least a year ago i'm pretty sure longer though so maybe like a year and a half i made a video talking about my character design process and i'm planning on making an updated version because that was pretty old but in that video i designed her and i don't know why i haven't drawn her in my sketchbooks she's actually like a webcomic character and for my comic i try and keep a lot of things in the download but i don't know why i felt like i couldn't draw her because she was already shown on my channel she does have a name i haven't said that name in the video but i mentioned it once on instagram years ago so if you remember her name shout out to you comment down below i don't have any it's not really if you win you get bragging rights here i was thumbnailing for my edward albrecht video for my alphabetical order series and then here is sayaka from dagenranpa the game that everyone likes i don't have time to play a lot of video games myself and so if you ever hear me saying that i like a video game it's probably because i watched somebody else play it most likely game grumps the only game i really play myself is pokemon i love that franchise but i'm just so busy i don't have time to play games a lot myself and so i usually watch a lot of game grumps in the background while i'm working and they gave sayaka to tell me accent i thought that was really funny and it may or may not be one of the reasons why i really like her as a character my favorites in that game are sayaka and leon and if you know the game you know that that was a horrible choice on my part but it was a fun time here's the last stepping on us picture i haven't actually posted this to instagram so i should probably do that before i post this video i wasn't expecting everybody to be in love with lux but here we are and some doodles of lux nothing fancy spicy oh my god this was actually after i posted the video of my like target demographic is this too much ass for youtube i don't know we'll fit we'll find i'll oh i guess we're gonna find out a lot of people were super supportive on that video and of course the people who did leave out of my requests they're not here for me to say thank you to them but just thanks for everyone who is super supportive on that video it's something that i was stressed out about for a really long time so it's good to post it and get it off my chest you know if you don't know what i'm talking about i guess i'll leave it in the i card oh this hold on wait wait wait wait wait so this outfit of robin's right i always thought that it vaguely looked like a playboy bunny and i don't know if anyone else got that vibes but that's the vibes that i got and i finally drew it i drew it it needed to happen at some point so there we go there's there's that the second to last page i drew fairy tale because i realized i have not drawn any other fairy tale pictures in this sketchbook and if you know me fairytale's my favorite anime and that's blasphemous so i drew some sketches here's mabel i was actually thumbnailing for the first page in my new sketchbook which i'll show you in a bit and then here's some doodles of my cats my mom likes to redo she's really into crafting stuff and she likes to redo old furniture the thing that she loves the most she likes to make really fancy kind of two extra extravagant pet beds and she turned this old like uh tape like this bedside table into a kitty bunk bed for our cats and here they are just being in love with it that's leo that's lilly he's angry because she's on the top bunk and they are literally like human children they fight over the top thung it's hilarious then the goals i wanted to develop ariana's universe which i did i wanted to practice perspective and poses which i did for background variety i did not do i like barely drew any backgrounds i think i drew like maybe a total of two or three backgrounds i wanted to take my time with my sketches which i did do my sketchbook that i did before this i challenged myself to finish it in a month so all of those sketches were really rushed i guess in order for me to meet that deadline so it was really nice to be able to i just should ask for me to sit down and take that time to like enjoy sketching i guess and then characters interacting with like objects in the world around them which i did not do if i don't finish goals in a sketchbook whatever i didn't finish i transferred over to the goals list in my next sketchbook and yeah here's the end it's the same characters on the front whatever i always like to start my sketchbooks and end my sketchbooks with the same characters so whoever i draw on the front page i like to draw on the back just like a full circle moment type of thing here are some of the doodles i did on scrap sheets of paper i was on the phone on hold for like an hour more pokemon stickers fun fun that's that's the sketchbook there we go that's the end that's my sketchbook 18. time to do something chaotic with it why are the fatties where's the fatties fatties where are they the chaotic part of my sketchbook tours and i need him to lay on it lay on it crush it with your fat furry body leo there you go consider my sketchbook destroyed thank you leo oh you are so chunky and now that's my next sketchbook like i said the company that sent me that other one sent me two sketchbooks i typically like to work on something a little bit more closer to this size so i'm taking a break from those ones i am going to fill it probably after this one i don't normally cover my sketchbook covers and stickers but the reason i did that i could get this open there's two covers so i'm going to be decorating this one and i finally found it used for all these stickers and then also on the back first page ah there we go is this focused i can't even tell but there's arietta there you go hope you enjoyed i gotta get this one what do you think you're doing man okay well there's my sketchbook hope you liked it zola hey thank you this took me let's see august uh september october it took me like three four months to finish this give or take and i think this one i should finish about the same time if not faster because it is smaller so hope you're excited for that and if you liked this video give it a thumbs up if you like the art in here consider subscribing because i post a new video every single wednesday and if you are new here hello my name is oliver can you please subscribe because we are very close to 100 000 subscribers i don't know if we'll hit that by the end of 2020 but it would be awesome if we could if anything we could start 2021 with 100 000 subscribers please be a bro be a sister or a non-binary sibling subscribe i'd really appreciate it and if you liked the art in this video you can also follow me on social media those will be on screen now in this little corner and in the description box below and recommend following me on instagram because that is where i am most active that's where i post my art etc etc and you could also check out some of my other videos if you want to keep watching me for some reason those will be on screen now and linked in the i card for you to check out thanks so so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 67,557
Rating: 4.981956 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, drawing, sketch, sketchbook, sketchbook tour, illustration, traditional art, oc, original character, character design, anime, manga, fairy tail, madoka magica, toradora, olivers antics
Id: AjdW9OC54n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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