I Finally Learnt how to trade! - Starcraft 2 - Getting Good - Bronze League 1v1 Terran vs Protoss

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hello everyone and welcome back to void space Alpha my name is olle and today we're jumping into some more 1v1 ranked on Starcraft reeling still reeling from our loss against a Teran player who I was going to say rushed but it wasn't a rush CU we lost at like8 minutes so that definitely doesn't count as a rush but he dropped a load of Siege tanks and Marines in our main and we were not prepared for it at all so uh again if you have any strategies or feedback or help for that comment down below um but we're going to focus on this game now and try just our normal strategies um because you know at least I've won some games with our normal strategies um so yeah there is that I haven't played this map before actually um this is a new one for me um and again I didn't even see what the enemy player was running with so I don't know if it's Teran or protos or or whatevers but yeah we're going to try and keep SCV production and we're going to try to actually do some research that is our learning point so far from the majority of the feedback that we've had soon as the barracks goes down and the next SCV is out we are going to get our Refinery up and because I'm terrified of a rush we're going to go second Supply Depot down there go going to keep producing everything down and I might just get a marine out prior to this going down second Barracks another SCV out queued up and then as soon as this is done actually we're going to take this guy out a little Scout he's definitely not going to make it home but he's going out on a scout got our um reactor down a little bit slow there second um Refinery because we don't have enough vesan gas for our Factory you require more V gas enough gas there we go we've got our Factory going down we've got that coming out okay it's protos it's protos so we know that we're going to want Marines en okay we've done our scouting go Ahad and then as soon as this is done uh we're going to get the tech lab on here he is going zealots so I'm thinking Siege tanks I don't know if that's the correct thing to doe getting the expansion down you have not enough minerals let's just continue to oversaturate our base supp which we don't have supply for you construct additional Supply Depot jeez okay we've Supply blocked ourselves or managed to enough minici Supply okay you've not enough Supply ass let's get that going to a orbital that's going now that's going now you need to go on there you need to go on there you scared me armed and ready on Command Center successfully upgraded you must construct additional Supply Depot okay you've insufficient Supply Depot yeah I know we've got insufficient Supply Depot it's kind of the problem at the moment okay let's push out let's continue to build at home he could be going air he could be doing anything for all I know my scouting has achieved absolutely nothing but at least we did some okay there we go we did inflict some casualties let's micro these in see if we can actually make use of our siege tank we want to drop that pylon here we go whatever that was it's not going to happen now let's focus down these stalkers let's keep our economy going cuz there's no guarantee that this push is going to work more stalkers warping in he's going down here there we go second wave tips up those are down they're depowered I know that much yeah we kind of got him blocked in that's okay we can we can take this we can take this we can just focus these down there we go okay did we get the combat Shields going we did not let's continue to harass his economy he's going for a Pyon there definitely we want to take down these gateways so we can summon less in see if we can supply block him okay he has going Uber defense has supp mineral exed perhaps I don't want scvs going over there you cannot build there your research hased are alone you supply dep okay we're running out of Supply oh that upe you okay let's at least take that down it's gone for immortals let's focus that down let's focus these down okay let's get in there there we go okay we actually won against the protos and I feel like we used our units correctly which was a nice feeling I'm really sorry if there was pause breaks in there where I really wasn't saying much um it's just because I was concentrating so hard I'm not fantastic at talking and concentrating at the same time let's get units up um so yeah obviously start the game with worker parity that's completely normal um let's knock the speed up a bit what I'm expecting to see from the protos is a pylon wasn't expecting to see a pylon wall that doesn't seem normal um so yeah we're literally doing exactly the same thing right here I would have expected him to put his pile on a more Central because then he can build more units he's going for a Gateway I guess he's kind of making a funnel that's normal for protos players yeah and he's going for the early um reactor SL ass simulator as well so we're kind of on parity with that ours is up exactly at the same time as his actually which is super interesting to see Gateway is still not up Barrack is up now so we're slightly ahead on that did not capitalize on those few seconds that we were ahead because we're not producing anything we're waiting to have the gas to get our reactor down he's immediately into his expansion right and I feel like one thing I actually did well was scouting all the scouting told me was that he was going toss um if I was really paying attention I'd have seen that this was a cybernetics core and he was going into an expansion um early on he brings in a zealot which blocks us and takes out an SCV that's fine 22 to 24 par on workers in favor of the protos we get the Tech Lab down on there in the factory I feel like we were quite smooth on this actually um and we're just building Marines at the moment it's five Marines to one Zealot if I'd have known that I'd have pushed you know he was building nothing but you know he's starting to warp in his stalkers now he's got two assimilators here but no workers on them he's got two assimilators up the top as well so maybe he's trying to fully saturate this first prior to getting assimilators on the gas maybe he doesn't need the gas right now we're going for our second which is like a 3 minutes 50ish um and we've got 10 Marines and two stalk uh sorry 10 Marines to two stalkers and one zeelot um way ahead on workers the uh protos player so his economy is way stronger than ours just 37 39 I'm assuming that's because he is just constantly producing them um which is fine and this is where we bump into him on on the road we didn't actually see the beginnings of this engagement so let's just drop the speed down to the standard speed but he's bringing down his two stalkers here and we are just using our tanks to just nip them through this one nips down down here we take that one as well uh really inefficient trade there he knows that we're going to be pushing on this Lane with talk about it in Lanes um and pushing to his base so yeah this is where I see the base I'm assuming these are Photon cannons so yeah I think I was right to focus them down I mean anything he's dropping as a sort of Base defense I'm going to be like okay let's get rid of it Shield battery I mean he's trying to transition hard Photon Cannon down and I just think there's too much going up here let's just get rid of the pylon that's powering it all and yeah now we're at uh 29 workers two Siege tanks 11 Marines he's got 43 workers and a shield battery is down he brings out his two Observer probes over the top of our tank that's okay and he warps in five stalkers right but what he's not planning on is the fact that I'm going to hold and push my advantage and bring up more units I realize I'm short on units here so I continue to just keep pushing and pushing and pushing while more reinforcements is coming down one thing I think I was really good at is build building up the reinforcements uh one thing I was bad at was remembering to do the upgrades we're 6 minutes 12 in I'm in his natural expansion and I still haven't done combat Shields um a lot of people ask me why I favor combat Shields over stim packs and it's a very simple answer to that I'm terrible at micro and I forget to use the stim packs I see that tank going down so I figure I'll just defend this tank as best I can he still teleports in and the tank still goes down but he loses almost his entire Army in the process um so yeah that stalker goes down these guys are attacking this space I get confused with my um key presses and I end up setting the rally points for my command centers up here which is fine cuz I just end up expanding up here and I fig you know I got this guy on such a back foot blocked into his natural uh sorry into his uh his base that um having resource production and then unit production up here is not going to be necessarily bad thing we're taking down his pylons cuz we're trying to force a supply block and then we're taking down I don't even know if this is a thing but I feel like if you take down the warp gates that takes down the amount of things that people can warp in and I think he sees that and starts warping things in if that's how that works I'm not you know I'm not totally of with protos bit of wasted time here where I'm just hitting this uh this Nexus with some Marines decide to take it down eventually realized that I forgot to hotkey my factory onto hotkey 3 so I've not been producing tanks as stream as seamlessly as I anticipated and realized that uh we've got some scvs tipping up up here so yeah this guy ends up building a command center and then the next one ends up building some Supply Depot CU we have Supply blocked ourselves at 70 which is fine because their supply limit is only 32 sorry uh 62 and he's at 36 I stupidly place this here I actually think this is a good idea so I can keep knocking his Supply limit down even more but uh forget to scan again and end up losing this tank because uh because of stupidness really just because of really bad micro um it's okay though cuz there's another tank always to replace that tank and I can drop down this tank here and start hitting his other units he's got another stalker coming in and we do some damage to before it's even built so there's a half Health stalker there Immortals are starting to pump out now so that is kind of that and I'm thinking okay well if I can't Supply block him on the pylons we'll take out the Nexus that Nexus drops him 45 out of 47 and here is the final engagement he realizes he's fully blocked in he can't blink into my tanks and that is to all intents and purposes GG our total work account at the end was 37 and to his 29 um I mean that base if I could just go back to when the game is actually being played you know 20 workers working on a capacity of eight ridiculously inefficient up here um so yeah we were um we were way ahead tons of unspent resources by the end because I was just focusing on microing this game I know I knew that we outnumbered them militarily and we had to have outnumbered them uh kind of finan ially as well so in terms of resource production financially that is so anyways um I feel like a good game in the sense of well a we won but also I feel like I remember to do a little bit of research but crucially I kept my SCV production high and I didn't um trade units poorly or as poorly as historically I do so um with that being said yeah I think that's that's a solid win on both counts for us in terms of actually getting a win and actually doing good trades and working on a couple of our key skills um don't get me wrong there were times where I absolutely could have got an engineering Bay down I was thinking about that early game and dropping a turret on my bases um but that just didn't seem to be uh necessary so so yeah look I hope you all feel like I am legitimately acting on your feedback because I do read and comment and reply to everything that you guys say to me it blows my mind that um that I haven't had a single comment yet that's like get good Noob or or you just suck or whatever like I've just told people openly and honestly that I'm trying to get better at this game and every piece of feedback I have had has been constructive well thought out I mean some people have left like actual essays on here like you know I've had to I've had to read them and it's been insightful stuff it's been great so if you're one of those people thank you so much if you are watching this video and you have gotten this far do me a favor and hit the like button comment just say something down below like subscribe share do all that great stuff we're at 796 subscribers at the moment and I'd love to see that number go even higher I can't begin to tell you how in the last week this has exploded for me um in terms of of collaborating with and communicating with people um from all over the world that enjoy this game so I'm really enjoying that um if you want to have a game there's a Discord Link in my um video description down below I'd be more than happy to have a game with you when I've ever I've got a a spare 5 10 minutes um you'll be at a massive advantage you can see all my common mistakes and exploit them so yeah no appreciate it everyone thank you so much for watching there'll be a popup on the screen now that shows you other videos of mine that you might want to watch and that button in the middle says subscribe just click it does me a huge favor thanks everyone bye for now
Channel: VoidSpace Alpha
Views: 785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft II, protoss, terran, stalker, tank, marines, tech, command, orbital, how to, trade, trades, SCV, bronze, 1v1, 1 v 1
Id: Ronex7zuTmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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